The northern part of Yan State.

The sky above Canglan City.

A stream of light flew from a distance, stagnated slightly in the sky, and then quickly fell into Canglan City like a baby swallow jumping into the forest.

At the same time, Shen Fu, who was waiting in the city lord's mansion, seemed to be aware of it and quickly looked towards the courtyard with caution.

However, he saw a monk in green clothes with an ordinary face, but no trace of the divine soul on his body, looking at him with a smile.

Shenfu suddenly turned from surprise to joy:


"Haha, junior brother."

The person who came was none other than Wang Ba.

Bu Chan, who heard the noise, also walked out quickly.

But before she could speak, a milky yellow shadow had already flown out and landed on Wang Ba's shoulder.

She is dressed in creamy yellow feathers, has a bunch of dull hair on her head, and has a round blush on each cheek. She looks very cute.

It was the second-level high-grade spiritual bird that Wang Ba had given Bu Chan to raise, a parrot that looked like a black phoenix.

At this moment, he stretched his neck and flapped his mouthpiece.


Then he raised his butt, shook his long tail feathers back, and "pop", a puddle of bird droppings fell on Wang Yan's shoulder.

"Bo Li!"

Bu Chan couldn't help but glare at the little yellow bird standing on Wang Ba's shoulder.

Since the little yellow bird's cry is "pop, pop," Bu Chan simply gave it this name.

The little yellow bird Boli noticed the hostess's anger. He tilted his head and glanced at Wang Ba, and pecked Wang Ba's ear. Then he immediately fluttered his wings and flew back to Bu Chan's shoulder without hesitation.

He tilted his head and rubbed the side of Bu Chan's face, as if acting coquettishly:


When Wang Ba saw this, he didn't take it seriously.

Not long after Boli was full moon, he was hand-fed by Bu Chan, so naturally he became more affectionate to Bu Chan.

Of course, I am also quite close to him.

Except for him and Bu Chan, even Shen Fu didn't dare to approach it at will. If he stretched out his hand, he would be pecked by the little yellow bird without hesitation.

Although this little yellow bird looks small and cute, it is actually a second-level high-grade chicken. It is faster than the phantom chicken of the same level. Wang Yan can't even see the little yellow bird clearly.

With one peck, his hand was probably pecked off.

The protector attribute can be filled directly.

This is also an important reason why Wang Ba is relieved to leave Bu Chan. With the little yellow bird around, ordinary monks in the middle stage of foundation building may not be able to escape.

He cast a clothes-purifying technique to remove the bird droppings on his shoulders, and then Wang Yan said:

"Let's leave now."

"So urgent?"

Bu Chan and Shen Fu were both shocked.

"When I left the sect, I had a fight with Zhu Ziji. I was worried about attracting attention. I left in a hurry. I didn't have time to cover up many traces. I'm afraid the people in the Tianmen Sect already know about it."

Wang Ba said solemnly.

Hearing this, Shen Fu and Bu Chan couldn't help but look at each other.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Bu Chan couldn't help but stepped forward and held Wang Ba's hand, her eyes filled with worry.

Unlike Wang Yan, she was stationed at the station every day and had already heard about some of the foundation-building monks in Tianmen Sect.

He was well aware of Zhu Ziji's powerful position in the religion.

"Haha, it's okay, let's leave first."

Wang Hao shook his head slightly.

Shen Fu couldn't help but said:

"Senior brother, is Zhu Ziji following?"

"Him? Don't worry, it's probably impossible for him to follow you."

Wang Ba smiled and said nothing more.

However, Bu Chan and Shen Fu were both surprised when they noticed the meaning behind the words.

The application was okay. I had witnessed Wang Yan defeat Zheng Yuanhua before, so I already knew Wang Yan’s strength.

However, although Bu Chan had heard about it, he still didn't know how powerful Zheng Yuanhua was.

Now, according to senior brother's wishes, Zhu Ziji, who had dominated the Tianmen Sect for many years, was actually beheaded by him!

This news was a huge shock to Bu Chan.

But in an instant, Bu Chan hugged Wang Ba like a girl in surprise, completely ignoring Shen Fu beside him.

Shen Fu suddenly looked uncomfortable.

After the two separated, Shen Fu hesitated for a while, then seemed to finally make up his mind, and suddenly said:

"Senior brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave with you."

Wang Hao and Bu Chan couldn't help being stunned when they heard this.

Wang Hao's face immediately darkened: "What's going on?"

Having made up his mind, he no longer hesitated to submit and said calmly:

"I came back this time, firstly because I am worried about you, senior brothers, and secondly because I was recruited by the Tianmen Sect."

"Now that the three of us have successfully left the Tianmen Sect, without the constraints of the spirit-sending lottery, they probably won't be able to find us, so... I want to travel around the world and go out to have more adventures."

Wang Hao frowned slightly: "Does it have to be at this time?"

"Yes, Shen Fu, we finally got together and it's only been a year. It's not too late to wait until we get to a place and establish a foothold before leaving."

Bu Chan also advised.

Shen Fu rarely spoke.

But seeing the determination in Shen Fu's eyes, Wang Hao was silent for a while:

"How soon will you be back?"

Shen Fu shook his head slowly and said calmly: "I don't know, maybe soon, maybe a long time."

After hearing this familiar answer, Wang Hao's original joy of leaving the Tianmen Sect suddenly dissipated.

He said nothing and walked into the house alone.

Soon after, he walked out of the house and threw a storage bag and a spirit animal bag to Shen Fu.

When Shen Fu was about to refuse, Wang Yan said with a cold face:

"Take it!"

Shen Fu hesitated slightly, but still took it in his hand.

"Okay, let's go!"

After doing this, Wang Hao turned around and said coldly.

When Shen Fu saw this, he felt extremely uncomfortable, but he still respectfully bowed to Wang Ba seriously.

Then he took out a storage bag from his waist, hesitated for a moment, and handed it to Bu Chan's hand.

"Sister Chan, help me give this to my senior brother."

Bu Chan hesitated slightly, nodded, and whispered:

"Don't be angry, you know that senior brother has such a bad temper..."

"I know, I won't be angry."

Shen Fu smiled.

"Well, when you go out, you should take good care of yourself. Don't get too ahead of yourself when opportunities come up. Living is more important than anything else!"

Bu Chan also asked with no worries.

Some are nagging, and some are taking the trouble.

However, Shen Fu's heart felt extremely warm.

Now in this world, there are only senior fellow apprentices and Bu Chan left. Will they take such care of themselves?

"Boy Shen, don't you know the heart of a good person! Haven't I ever cared about you?"

A strange voice sounded at the altar where Shenfu was being held.

The tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"Shut up! If I hadn't saved you, how could I have left my senior brother and the others!"

Shen Fu couldn't help but said angrily in the mourning platform.

Hearing the words of application, the strange voice in the spiritual platform immediately hesitated:

"You, you do it for me?"

"Hey, boy Shen, are you really doing this for me?"


However, Shen Fu stopped answering.

He solemnly saluted Buchan again, and immediately without any hesitation, he stepped onto the flying magic weapon and disappeared into the northern horizon in the blink of an eye.

"Senior brother."

Bu Chan looked at Wang Ba's somewhat absent-minded look, and couldn't help but hugged his arm with both distress and helplessness.

"Since you are worried about your application and he is about to leave, why do you always put on such a bad look?"

"Who cares about him anymore!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

Wang Ba stared, and immediately controlled the flying magic weapon and flew towards the southeast with Bu Chan.

The tough-talking look made Yi Yi Chan couldn't help but laugh a little.

"At such an old age, he still acts like a child."

"Who looks like a child!"




"'s, it's driving, no, it's flying!"

You can ride the wind for eighty thousand miles and cross nine thousand continents in one night.

Looking back in the distance, the familiar scenes gradually turned into dust in front of my eyes.

For a moment, Bu Chan was crazy.

"Boy Shen, boy Shen..."

The strange voice kept buzzing in Shen Fu's ears. Shen Fu, who was flying, finally couldn't bear it anymore and said:

"Stop talking!"

"Oh, good, good!"

The strange voices suddenly became quiet.

After a while.

"Boss Shen, did you really leave just for me? I thought you finally had your wits about you and wanted to go out and make a living..."

"Shut up!"

Shen Fu shouted angrily.

The strange voice suddenly became quiet again.

"Boy Shen, where are you going? By the way, do you want to see what your senior brother gave you?"

Shen Fu suddenly paused, his face as dark as water:

"Old Demon Jiang, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will kick you out of the mourning platform immediately!"

The strange voice immediately stopped speaking.

Feeling the rare purity in his ears, Shen Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uh...Boy Shen, are you sure you don't want to see what your senior brother gave you? What if your senior brother has any instructions..."

The demonic voice whispered.

Hearing the strange voice sounded again, Shen Fu took a deep breath and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Between the eyebrows, there was a faint light.

"Fuck! You kid, are you serious!"

The strange voice suddenly exploded.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore! I won't say anything anymore!"

"I really don't want to talk anymore! Stop it!"

Sensing that the strange voice finally gave in, Shen Fu stopped his movements.

Even so, the monster's voice was obviously weaker.

"Are you going to save me or torture me?"

The strange voice said speechlessly.

But he immediately added: "I won't say it anymore, I really won't say it this time."

When Shen Fu saw this, he suddenly said:

"Where is the eye of the sea in the north of Fenglinzhou that you mentioned before?"

"Are you really ready to go?"

The monster's voice was filled with a hint of surprise and joy: "It seems like you are really ready to save me!"

"But that's all me teasing you! One hundred thousand years of black ice soul, without the ability of Nascent Soul, you can't even hope to get close."

Shen Fu's face suddenly darkened:

"Were you kidding me with what you said before?"

The strange voice said quickly:

"Ahem, it's not a joke. This hundred thousand year old black ice essence does have a miraculous effect on me, but I eat it one bite at a time. With your current ability, it's probably difficult to even go to Beihai, let alone find this treasure! "

"It's better, let's go to Dayan first and have a look. It's best to join the Demon Sect. After all, what can a casual cultivator do? All good things are in the hands of the Great Sect. As the saying goes, you can enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree. With your With talent, most demon sects who want to join Dayan will probably have a chance."

"When the time comes, let's figure it out slowly."

Shen Fu frowned and said, "But don't you still have one or two years to..."

"After going to the Demon Sect, are you afraid that you won't have the resources to recover for me?"

The strange voice said disapprovingly.

Shen Fu nodded after hearing this.

After a slight pause, he finally couldn't hold back and took out the storage bag and spirit beast bag given by Wang Hao.

When he took it out, Shen Fu could faintly feel that the remnant soul of Old Demon Jiang on the Lingtai seemed to be much more active.

"This old guy!"

Shenfu was also quite helpless about this.

Immediately he opened the spirit beast bag first.


"Except for one spirit turtle and one monkey, which are second-level mid-grade, the others are all second-order top-grade!"

The demonic voice said with some surprise.

Shen Fu looked into the spirit beast bag and saw a second-order middle-grade mountain-moving ape and a second-order middle-grade spiritual turtle, two second-order top-grade spiritual chickens, dozens of second-order top-grade spiritual loaches with strange looks...

These alone, if replaced by spiritual stones, would probably be worth 20,000 mid-grade spiritual stones.

"Good guy, your senior brother is really fat. At his level, he can get so much. I'm afraid his entire net worth is richer than the average golden elixir. How about we kill him and go to the Great Yan Dynasty to become a disciple? All the money for repairs has been settled!”

The strange voice couldn't help but say.

The application directly operates the mana.

"Hey - I'm joking! Don't take it seriously!"

The strange voice said quickly.

Only then did Shen Fu loosen his magic power, carefully put away the spirit beast bag, and opened the storage bag.

What comes into view is a pile of magic weapons, spiritual stones, jade slips, etc.

Miscellaneous, but mostly useful.

In addition, there was actually a piece of gold paper placed alone.


Shen Fu couldn't help but open the gold paper curiously.

On the gold paper, the experience of using a set of five elements combination spells was recorded.

The writing on the gold paper was intermittent, as if the person who wrote the words was also thinking while writing.

"Is it the move your senior brother used when he fought with Na Zheng Hehua last time?"

The strange voice couldn't help but said in surprise:

"This isn't something your senior brother did himself, is it?"

Shen Fu looked at the contents on the gold paper and nodded. He couldn't help but look shocked at the same time:

"Senior brother said that this is what he has thought about for a long time. It is also a summary of his insights into the Five Elements in the process of cultivating spiritual beasts. In addition, powerful spells often require a large amount of rare and rare spiritual materials. Senior brother has nowhere to find them. We can only use these ordinary spells and the method of the five elements to construct a set of combined spells."

After hearing the words of application, Yaoyi's voice was silent for a while, and finally sighed:

"Your senior brother is an unparalleled genius!"

"This time I can teach you how to keep the bottom of the box."

Shen Fu deeply agrees.

However, the strange voice struck immediately and said:

"It's a pity that even if I teach you this set of combined spells, you won't be able to learn it."


Shen Fu was a little unconvinced when he heard this.

The main reason is that the power of this set of five elements combination spells used by his senior brother is still fresh in his memory.

If you can master this set of spells like your senior brother, you will probably be able to control anyone under the golden elixir.

"Don't be dissatisfied with what I say. You are not the type to follow the Five Elements."

The demonic voice got the chance and mocked unscrupulously:

"Do you think this set of spells is so easy to learn?"

"Let's not talk about anything else. If I'm not mistaken, your senior brother's spiritual roots only have three types: water, wood, and earth. But did you see that when he fought against Zheng Hehua before, gold and fire were his weaknesses? But the exquisiteness of its execution is far better than your best explosive technique."

"Not to mention, the prerequisite for this combination of spells to reach the power unleashed by your senior brother is to master at least fifteen five-element spells, and each of these fifteen five-element spells must be mastered with great proficiency and can be cast instantly! "

"Based on this alone, not to mention you who have just entered the foundation building realm, even those who have been stuck in the foundation building realm for a lifetime, I am afraid that not many can learn it!"

Hearing this, Shen Fu was still a little unwilling to say: "But senior brother is said to have only entered the foundation building not long ago, how can he perform it?"

"Haha, that's why I said your senior brother is an unparalleled genius!"

The demonic voice praised it greatly: "The idea of ​​using the five elements to interact with each other to form a combined spell is not very novel. It has been proposed by monks in the past generations."

“But only a handful of them can finally land!”

"The reason is simple, it's too difficult!"

"It's not difficult to release one five-element spell, and it's not difficult to release five spells. You can release fifteen spells in one breath, and they can be connected from beginning to end, mutually reinforcing, and endless. Let's not talk about whether the power is enough to cast. Even if it is enough, if you want to Controlling so many spells requires so much control over mana, it’s simply unbelievable.”

"But your senior brother did it!"

"There is no trickery here, it is purely based on personal talent and ability."

"Do you think you can compare with your senior brother?"

When he heard the strange voice, he didn't say anything this time.

Because just thinking about it made him feel suffocated.

A trace of extreme regret suddenly arose in my heart.

"Okay, don't worry."

The demonic voice enlightened: "Everyone has his or her own destiny. You can't force it. His honey is your arsenic. You have your own way to go, so why envy the scenery on other people's roads."

Shen Fu was startled, with a doubtful look on his face: "You weren't kidnapped, were you? Why do you speak so politely!"

"Bullshit! When I didn't set foot on the spiritual path, I was the number one scholar in the country. I can't get this thing easily!"

The demonic voice boasted.

After some jokes, Shen Fu's mood improved a lot.

"It's just a pity. Your Dongsheng station's Ming Yuanshen... that's a good thing!"

A strange voice suddenly said.

Shen Fu had heard his senior brother talk about it before, and nodded: "It is said that the Yuanshen alone has the strength of the late Yuanying stage. Unfortunately, I don't know why, and I can't show my true strength. Instead, I have been suppressed by the Tianmen Sect. .”

"What do you know!"

The demonic voice heard the words and sneered: "This is a divine beast. Even if only the soul is left, its massive spiritual power cannot be suppressed by a mere monk in the Nascent Soul stage. It's just because someone used it on It’s just a plug in the eyes.”

"Block your eyes?"

"I've told you this, but you don't understand. Anyway, as long as you know, this thing contains the secret of transforming into gods. If it is obtained by a monk who has perfected the Nascent Soul Realm, it is very likely that it can help the monks break into the realm of transforming into gods. , that’s why I said, this is good stuff!”

"But, some people want it, and some people just throw it away, otherwise they wouldn't use it to block their eyes."

"What does it mean to block your eyes?"

Shen Fu couldn't help but ask.

"You don't understand even if I tell you."

Yaoyi's voice said lazily, "After that, no matter how much Shen Fu asked, he just didn't speak."

"I hate people like you who are selling your skin the most!"

Shen Fu cursed angrily.

However, the strange voice is completely like a dead pig. It is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so it will not speak.

Shen Fu had no choice but to put away his storage bag and fly north.

Southwest of Fenglinzhou, swamp area.

A faint mist of water vapor and poisonous miasma filled the sky above the swamp, and there was a touch of deathly paleness.

The twenty-four-armed statue sits cross-legged in the black swamp. The twenty-four arms are opened one after another, like lotus flowers. On the face of the statue, it seems to be smiling but not smiling, and looking like crying but not crying.

Like a demon or a god, it is strange and full of mystery.

At this time, the beings above the statue seemed to be aware of Lu Yuansheng's arrival.

"Yuan Sheng, are you here?"

"The leader."

"Well, come up."

Ning Daohuan's voice was distant and empty, like the whisper of a god.

Lu Yuansheng's fingers in his sleeves gently pressed the spirit beast bag, and then he took a deep breath to suppress the slightest uneasiness in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face.


"The disciple is here."

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