The place where Wang Ba and Zhao Feng are staying now is not far from Huifeng Valley, but even closer to Baiyunping.

After thinking for a moment, he left a teleportation array disk here and asked Zhao Feng to take care of it.

Then he went to Baiyunping Yong'an City alone.

The address Li Ji left for Wang Ba was the former Yong'an City.

Speeding all the way.

From a distance, he saw a carriage hovering over Yong'an City, and he was suddenly shocked.

"Li Ji's uncle is also here?"

What surprised him even more was that not only the carriage, but Yong'an City seemed to be quite lively.

Wang Ba couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

The casual cultivators have all gone to Yanqiaoguan in the northeast. Where did the cultivators come from here?

After thinking about it, he still landed outside Yong'an City, and immediately sent another transmission note.

Not long after, a figure flew out of Yong'an City.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Shen!"

From a distance, I heard Li Ji's hearty voice.

Seeing Li Ji's figure, Wang Yan couldn't help but have a smile on his face:

"Fellow Daoist Li, you are well."

The two of them started talking freely as soon as they met, and they had endless things to say.

However, Wang Ba did not forget the purpose of coming here and said quickly:

"Fellow Daoist Li, Shen came here to ask fellow Taoist to help me refine a set of second-level spiritual kitchen magic weapons..."

"Haha, when you told me in the transmission note, I had already prepared the embryo. Now I'm just waiting for you to take a look. Come on, let's go to the city to talk."

Li Ji said enthusiastically.

After hearing this, Wang Ba couldn't help but think of the carriage over Yong'an City, and suddenly said curiously:

"Fellow Daoist Li, I would like to ask, aren't you in Dachu? Why did you come here suddenly... Well, if it's inconvenient, Daoist friend, it's worth it that I didn't say anything."

"There's nothing I can't say."

Li Ji glanced at the carriage: "But it's a long story."

He calmed down his thoughts and explained:

"Isn't this because of the Incense Road? Wei and Xu are gone now. If Qiao cannot hold on anymore, the Yan State will be in danger, and the Wan Shen Kingdom will be able to penetrate directly into the hinterland of Chu."

"As the guard of the Yan Kingdom, King Gao is now inviting Yuanying True Monarchs from all over the world to help the Qiao Kingdom and defend the enemy from the country's gates. Uncle Master naturally wants to share the worries of King Gao, so she comes here with Taoist soldiers and prepares to summon The sect of the Yan State collected supplies and went to guard Yan Qiao Pass."

"King Gao? Guarding the Yan Kingdom?"

Wang Hao was stunned when he heard this.

This title was somewhat unfamiliar to him.

Li Ji suddenly remembered, with an apologetic smile on his face:

"I have forgotten that I have never told fellow Taoists that my uncle is one of King Gao's concubines."

"I see."

Wang Hao laughed.

In fact, I still don't know who this King Gao is.

However, he felt that the two had nothing to do with each other, so he did not ask any more questions at the moment.

Soon, he walked into the city under the leadership of Li Ji.

All the original houses have been bulldozed, leaving a vacant lot.

In the open space, a yellow-robed female cultivator wearing battle armor stood among a group of monks wearing standard battle armor.

She has a gentle appearance and a curvy figure.

Standing among the crowd, he feels like he stands out from the crowd.

She was clearly a female, but her aura overwhelmed everyone present.

Wang Ba just glanced at it and felt a chill in his heart.

The other person's body gave him an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

Much like the Zhang Daobai he had seen before...

He couldn't help but ask Li Jidao in a low voice:

"Your uncle...could he be the Nascent Soul Lord?"

When Li Ji heard this, his eyebrows suddenly raised and he said with a smile on his face:

"Yes, Uncle Master has already reached the stage of perfecting the golden elixir before. Not long ago, with the help of King Gao, he has now successfully entered the Yuanying Avenue..."

She seemed to notice that someone was talking about her.

The female cultivator in armor and yellow robe among the crowd in the distance couldn't help but glance at Wang Ba's body.

Wang Yan was quickly recognized.

However, she didn't mean to say hello to Wang Yan, so she directly withdrew her gaze.

In her eyes, Wang Yan was just a casual cultivator with some skills.

The talent may be there, but the level is too low.

Wang Yan felt something immediately.

He quickly shut up and asked no more questions.

Wang Yan is very self-aware.

He didn't think that because he had done business with this Nascent Soul Lord before, people would look at him differently.

If it weren't for Li Ji's relationship, he probably wouldn't have talked to him in the first place.

So Wang Ba lowered his head and entered a temporary refining room with Li Ji.

Then he discovered that Li Ji had already built the embryo of the magic weapon as he said, and he just had to wait for Wang Ba to confirm it.

Wang Ba thought carefully and made some adjustments to the embryo based on Jia Shiqi's physical characteristics.

Although Li Ji was surprised, he didn't ask any more questions and just helped Wang Yan refine it.

With the experience from the last time, and the embryo of the magic weapon has been prepared long ago, it saves a lot of time.

It only took half a day's work to successfully refine a set of second-level spiritual kitchen magic weapons.

Although Li Ji tried his best to refuse, Wang Yan still gave five pieces of spiritual chicken essence as material money and reward.

He also gave Li Ji the essence of the spiritual chicken that had not been completed before.

"Huh? This time the spirit chicken essence seems to be much better than last time..."

Li Ji tasted it and couldn't help but be surprised.

Wang Ba smiled and didn't explain much.

Normal second-level spiritual chicken essences are made from second-level high-grade spiritual chickens.

But what was given to Li Ji was made of the second-order top-quality spiritual chicken.

Naturally there will be a big difference in the effect.

It's just that he doesn't have many second-level top-quality spiritual chickens, only two to three hundred, and he doesn't want to sell them to outsiders.

It was because Wang Ba was very grateful to Li Ji that he took out a few copies.

Li Ji also knew what he was selling, and he wanted to give Wang Hao Lingshi no matter what, but Wang Hao naturally refused.

Seeing Wang Bao leaving in a hurry, Li Ji looked helpless:

"Alas, I said I wanted to return a favor, but in the end I owed even more."

"I still have to think of a way to pay it back, otherwise I won't feel at ease!"

Have a safe journey back.

After returning to his place of stay, Wang Hao handed the newly refined second-level spiritual kitchen weapon to Jia Shiqi.

At the same time, he also gave Jia Shiqi a second-level spiritual fire.

Although Jia Shiqi can also be refined with magic, it is difficult to use magic like spiritual fire.

Sure enough, after putting on the spiritual kitchen weapon and the second-level spiritual fire specially made for Jia Shiqi, Jia Shiqi quickly refined the soul chicken essence with a purity of almost 80%.

And the efficiency is very high. According to Wang Hao's estimation, even at the current speed, Jia Shiqi can refine seven or eight servings a day.

Although it is still not as good as Wang Hao, but once you become proficient, you will be able to reach a speed similar to Wang Hao.

On the other side, Jia Fifteen was once again immersed among the chickens, working in the chicken coop.

His originally strong physique was visibly losing weight again.

"It seems that I still need to make up for A-15."

Wang Ba thought for a while, and when he returned, he prepared a prescription for Jia Shiwu to nourish his body based on the elixir he had on hand.

By the way, I also fed Jia Shiqi some in advance.

Prevent the two chickens from being busy.

"By the way, in addition to spirit chickens, there are also a lot of spirit turtles. You can also take out a batch and refine them into spirit turtle essence."

Wang Ba thought for a while.

However, compared to the spirit chicken essence, the spirit turtle essence does not have the breakthrough effect it contains, but it is quite beneficial to the soul.

"Let's wait until there are not enough spiritual chickens here."

Wang Hao secretly thought.

Soon the business started.

Ten days later.

Yan Qing from Hui Feng Valley came as promised and said to Wang Ba with a smile:

"Haha, the spiritual chicken essence that Little Friend Shen gave me last time was really good. We took it to Yanqiaoguan to sell it, which attracted many monks to rush to buy it. Didn't you see that guy Zhuang Yi's face was almost completely black, haha! "

"Zhuang Yi? The one from Xuli Sect?"

Wang Hao frowned when he heard the name.

"That's right, haha, they opened a spiritual rice shop in Yanqiaoguan, and the rent was very high, so the spiritual rice they sold was also very expensive. As a result, when the essence of our spiritual chicken came out, no one bought his spiritual rice at all. "

Yanqing smiled broadly.

Wang Hao frowned slightly, but he didn't care too much. Anyway, it was Hui Feng Valley who was selling it, and it had little to do with him.

But he was quickly attracted by a detail:

"Yanqiao Pass is far away from here, right? Why is it so fast..."

"Isn't it because of the Incense Road? King Gao personally ordered that several of our major sects built teleportation arrays outside Yanqiao Pass."

Yanqing explained, and then his tone was full of emotion:

"Well, I don't know when Feng Linzhou will be peaceful. There is no place to live. Do you know about Dayan in the north? I heard that the monks from other continents can't enter from the Great Jin, and some of them turn to the Great Yan. Dayan has cut in, and Daqi also fought a war with the Kingdom of All Gods in the east a few days ago..."

Wang Ba couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this, but he didn't speak, but listened to Yanqing casually tell some news that he didn't know.

After chatting briefly for a while, the two quickly returned to the topic.

"Shen Xiaoyou, that, spiritual chicken essence..."

A shy smile appeared on Yanqing's face.

Wang Hao immediately understood what he meant, and immediately took out all the essence of the spiritual chicken that he had refined over the past few days.

"One hundred and seventy copies in total."

When Yan Qing heard this number, he was stunned: "This, so many?"

Wang Hao was slightly confused:

"Isn't it good to have too many?"

"No, the main reason is that I didn't expect there to be so many, so...hehe, I only brought a hundred high-grade spiritual stones this time."

Yanqing looked embarrassed.

Wang Ba suddenly understood.

Immediately he said generously:

"It doesn't matter. If you want to go back and forth to the Wind Valley, you won't be greedy for this little spiritual stone of mine. Just take it away first."

"This...good! Since my little friend can trust us to go back to Wind Valley, next time, next time we will definitely bring them all."

Yanqing quickly assured.

Wang Ba waved his hand, showing an expression of trust.

He is not afraid that Hui Feng Valley will not give him anything, unless Hui Feng Valley plans to make this deal.

But if Zhu Rong was not stupid, he would never do this.

Seeing that Wang Hao was so reasonable, Yan Qing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Wang Hao lived in a simple cave dug out of the mountain, he couldn't help but sincerely persuaded:

"Little friend Shen, why don't you go to Yanqiaoguan? There is another courtyard there when we return to Fenggu. Little friend Shen can live there. There is a third-level spiritual vein in it, which is enough for little friend Shen to practice."

"Moreover, many monks from the Xu Kingdom have come there recently. Many third-level treasures that were not common in the past are sold in the form of singing clubs. I heard that there were people selling third-level elixirs, spiritual beasts, etc. there before. There may be something that Little Friend Shen needs about the spirit beast circle or something."

Hearing this, Wang Hao's heart suddenly moved.

The third-level spirit beast circle...this is something he needs very much right now.

With the spirit beast circle, he can safely be promoted to A-15 and A-17.

By the way, Jia Shiliu has also been promoted. If they mate with each other, they may be able to give birth to a spiritual chicken that is born to be a third-level chicken.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still had no choice but to give up.

Right now, he was busy refining the spirit chicken, and he really didn't have time to leave.

Yan Qing just said this, and when Wang Hao didn't respond, he didn't urge him.

"Whenever Little You Shen goes, just tell me and you can go directly through our teleportation array."

Hearing this, Wang Yan still hesitated:

"If there is still such a singing performance, please let me know."

"Don't worry, little friend Shen!"

The two agreed on the next time to pick up the goods, and Yan Qing left in a hurry.

Wang Ba also returned to his previous busy state.

As he worked day and night to refine the spirit chicken essence, his speed had greatly improved.

Now it is possible to refine twelve copies in one day.

The speed of Jia Shiqi has also improved significantly, and it can now reach ten times a day.

As time went by, the second-level spiritual chicken essence in Wang Yan's storage ring gradually increased.

The former site of Zhenling Palace.

Today's Xuli Sect.

In a hall deep inside the sect.

Permeated with a strong medicinal fragrance.

Lin Boyue was wearing loose clothes and sitting cross-legged on the futon, his brows slightly furrowed and his eyes revealing his thoughts.

In front of him, Zhuang Yi was standing respectfully.

"Are you sure that what Huifeng Valley brought out was the spirit chicken essence produced by Shenfu?"

Lin Boyue finally spoke.

Upon hearing Lin Boyue's inquiry, Zhuang Yi quickly said:

"Yes, I'm very sure. There have been a lot of rumors on the market recently. Take a look, senior brother."

As he spoke, he took out a vial from his sleeve and offered it to Lin Boyue with both hands.

Lin Boyue took it over casually, uncorked the bottle, took a gentle sniff, and sure enough he smelled a familiar smell.

His brows suddenly furrowed deeper, and a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes:

"It's really... it's strange. Wasn't this Shenfu kidnapped by Yuan Wenzhi a long time ago? Could it be that Yuan Wenzhi cooperated with Huifeng Valley?"

"Zhu Rong shouldn't be that stupid, right?"

Zhuang Yi couldn't help but said: "Junior brother, although Zhu Rong is not stupid, he and Yan Qing are the only two people left in Jindan in the valley. They are weak and weak. In order to prevent being annexed by us, we have to take this step." It couldn’t be more normal.”

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yi couldn't help but said: "According to me, when we took Zhenling Palace, we might as well just take down Huifeng Valley and Danlongmen. Although they have Jindan cultivators to help them, , but if we really suppress it, those Jindan cultivators will probably not dare to confront us head-on, and we will be able to directly unify the Yan Kingdom, and that Yanqing will not have the guts to laugh at me anymore..."


Lin Boyue immediately scolded.

Zhuang Yi didn't dare to say anything, but his eyes were still full of dissatisfaction.

Seeing the emotion in Zhuang Yi's eyes, Lin Boyue sighed secretly.

I couldn't help but think back to Wang Tanglai, whom I had taught by words and deeds for many years.

If Wang Tang was still here, he probably wouldn't be so impulsive, right?

It is a pity that people cannot be resurrected after death, so Lin Boyue could only sigh helplessly and explained seriously:

"Junior brother, you should understand that as long as Da Chu is still alive, a unified Yan Kingdom will not be allowed to exist."

"High King Xiang Huang is the guard of the Yan Kingdom, but he has not entered the Yan Kingdom for decades. This is because there have always been disputes between the several clans in the Yan Kingdom, so he feels at ease even if he is not in the Yan Kingdom."

"We can take Zhenling Palace, and we can compete with the people from Huifeng Valley and Danlongmen, but we cannot destroy them. Even if they are destroyed, another force must replace them... I am now But I gradually understand why in the past, Zhenling Palace had a Nascent Soul Lord and such a rich spiritual mine, but it never destroyed our three sects."

"It's not that Zhang Daobai doesn't want to, it's that he can't."

Lin Boyue had a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

After Zhuang Yi listened to Lin Boyue's explanation, the dissatisfaction in his eyes dissipated a lot, but he was still a little unhappy in his heart:

"Senior brother, although we now occupy 70% to 80% of the spiritual mines in Zhenling Palace, there are not many weapon refiners in the sect. It is difficult to utilize all these resources at once. We still can only rely on spiritual rice. Earn spiritual stones, but now that the Zhenling Palace is gone, Huifeng Valley and Danlongmen no longer buy our spiritual rice on the grounds that they don’t have spiritual stones... In addition, with what Huifeng Valley is doing now, casual cultivators are no longer here. If people come to buy it, are we just wasting it and waiting to die?"

When Lin Boyue heard this, he was silent for a while.

Who would have thought that after finally defeating the powerful enemy in their hearts, the Xuli Sect did not experience the surge in strength they had imagined, but instead fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

The main source of income of the Xuli Sect is the sale of spiritual rice, spiritual wine, elixir, etc. to various sects.

And with the destruction of the Zhenling Palace, and the subsequent separation of the three major sects, the Xuli Sect's spiritual rice trade naturally died.

It's not like he hasn't thought about this before.

The original plan was to kidnap the weapon refiners of Zhenling Palace when they attacked Zhenling Palace, so as to completely inherit the foundation of Zhenling Palace.

However, they did not expect that Zhang Daobai's appearance directly inspired the resistance of the Zhenling Palace monks, resulting in the three major sects being unable to hold back on the Zhenling Palace monks. When the war was over, they discovered that the famous practitioners of Zhenling Palace were... The weapon master has been almost killed.

Relying on those half-baked young weapon refiners, it would be difficult to bring out the full potential of Zhenling Palace in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the many rare resources left in the Zhenling Palace that could still support them now, the people of the Xuli Sect might have begun to lose heart.

But even so, many people in the sect were quite critical.

I felt that I shouldn't have taken action against Zhenling Palace so early. Not only did the sect suffer heavy losses, many young disciples died, and the sect's income also plummeted.

As the sect leader, Lin Boyue was under great pressure.

However, after a moment of silence, Lin Boyue's eyes slowly showed a stern look:

"Of course we can't wait to die!"

"The situation in Huifeng Valley is not much better than ours. Now that he can rely on the spirit chicken essence to make a prosperous life, we can naturally do the same!"

Zhuang Yi couldn't help but question:

"But we don't have a spiritual chicken, nor do we have a spiritual chef who can refine the essence of a spiritual chicken!"

"We don't have it. We don't have it in the Return to the Wind Valley. The application is probably in their hands, otherwise they wouldn't be able to come up with so much at once."

Lin Boyue's eyes flashed: "Who is in charge of Huifeng Valley over Yanqiaoguan now?"

"It's Yanqing."

Zhuang Yi said immediately.

As soon as he mentioned the other party's name, his eyes were full of annoyance, and he couldn't help but think of the unpleasantness at Yanqiao Pass.

"Yanqing...has he been in Yanqiao Pass recently? Has he never been out?"

Lin Boyue suddenly asked.


Zhuang Yi couldn't help but frown and thought carefully: "I didn't see him yesterday."

"Is the spirit chicken essence still on sale?"

"It has been selling, but it seems that not many were sold yesterday...Senior Brother, are you saying that Yan Qing may have returned to Huifeng Valley to get the spirit chicken essence?"

Zhuang Yi reacted immediately.

Lin Boyue squinted his eyes, nodded slightly, and thought:

"We don't need to speculate here. We must grasp this application. You can arrange more manpower outside the Return Wind Valley teleportation array. Next time Yan Qing comes back from Return Wind Valley, we will stop him. Outside Yan Qiao Pass, catch him directly."

"Capture Yanqing?"

Zhuang Yi's eyes suddenly widened.

"That's right. Let's catch Yan Qing and change the application uniform with Zhu Rong."

"I don't believe that Zhu Rong will not change. He seems to be a bold and generous person, but in fact he loves to calculate. It is impossible for him to not be able to calculate this debt."

"Without Yan Qing, Huifeng Valley only has one golden elixir, but he won't last long!"

Lin Boyue's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

After Zhuang Yi was shocked, he was overjoyed.

"Okay! Don't worry, senior brother, I will definitely arrange it!"

Lin Boyue nodded:

"Well, I will go too when the time comes."

When Zhuang Yi heard this, he was even more surprised:

"With senior brother here, Yan Qing has no choice but to escape!"

Lin Boyue could not help but frown slightly and said:

"Junior brother, don't put the cart before the horse! Our application for submission is just a temporary measure to overcome the current difficulties. Forging iron requires one's own strength. We must find the seedlings of weapon refiners as soon as possible among the monks in Zhenling Palace. Only in this way can Xu Li Zong truly get rid of the current predicament."

Zhuang Yi suddenly looked ashamed when he heard this:

"Yes, Zhuang Yi understands."

Ten days later again.

Yanqing came again.

When he saw Wang Ba, his face glowed red and he couldn't help but said:

"Little Friend Shen, no, Friend Daoist Shen, your spirit chicken essence is such a treasure! Our business is the best in the entire Yanqiao Pass now!"

Wang Hao was a little curious when he heard this. After all, there were only more than a hundred copies of the soul chicken essence, so how good could the business be.

And Yan Qing did not hide it, and said proudly:

"The price of the spirit chicken essence, we take it from you, fellow Taoist, and sell it at the original price. However, you can only purchase it if you have purchased a certain number of spirit stones from other items in our store. Or you have to spend dozens more You can also buy a medium-grade spiritual stone, but most people still choose the first type, after all, the disposable magic weapons in our store are also very affordable and can be used."

"To be honest with you fellow Taoist, how much do you think our store has made in the past month with these spiritual chicken essences?"

Before Wang Ba could speak.

Yan Qing couldn't help but said proudly:

"After taking into account the cost and all expenses, we can earn a full one hundred high-grade spiritual stones!"

In fact, it's more than three hundred yuan.

However, Yanqing was afraid that Wang Yan would be jealous, so he gave in.

Wang Ba heard this: "Uh... there are indeed a lot!"

Then he took out the results of these ten days.

210 servings of spiritual chicken essence.


Seeing so much spiritual chicken essence, Yanqing suddenly fell silent.

Wang Yan couldn't help but feel a little confused:

"What's wrong?"

Yan Qing couldn't help but feel a hint of embarrassment on his face: "This... the high-grade spiritual stone I brought is missing by dozens of yuan."

He took out 260 high-grade spiritual stones and said helplessly:

"I originally planned to repay the 70 spiritual stones I owed to fellow Taoists. An additional 170 yuan should be enough. I also brought an extra 20 yuan..."

However, what he didn't expect was that Wang Yan took out 210 copies at once.

Although the difference is only 20 yuan, it is really embarrassing to say that I have earned a lot of spiritual stones, but the difference is 20 yuan.

He would also like to bring more, but the store still needs to leave some money for turnover, and it is impossible for him to take everything away.

Wang Yan can also understand that doing business requires capital after all, and there will always be difficulties when it comes to turnover.

"It doesn't matter, just replenish it for me next time."

Wang Yan said generously.

Yan Qing's face was suddenly ashamed, but he suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly showed joy:

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Shen, there is a singing club here in Yanqiaoguan in the past two days. It is said that several third-level treasures belong to a beast-controlling sect in Xu State, and it is said that King Gao will also visit Yanqiao in person in the past two days. Qiaoguan, do you want to go and have a look too?"


Upon hearing the news, Wang Yan was immediately moved.

Everything else was okay. If there was a spirit beast circle for sale, for him, it would be something not to be missed.

Thinking of this, he immediately nodded in agreement.

However, before following Yan Qing to leave, he hesitated for a moment, put away the spiritual chickens, and said something to Zhao Feng at the same time.

Zhao Fengdang stopped practicing and followed Wang Ba.

In this way, Wang Hao felt much more at ease.

Soon, the three of them landed in the Return Wind Valley and stepped onto the teleportation array.

And at the same time.

Outside Yanqiao Pass.

The Return Wind Valley teleportation array is not far away.

Lin Boyue, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes.

There was a sharp light in his eyes:

"I've finally waited for you...Yanqing!"

The two chapters are combined into one, including the afternoon chapter, and all the previous debts have been paid off!

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