"With this third-level spirit beast circle, I can finally promote Jia Fifteen and the others to the third level!"

In the house given to Tang Dynasty by King Gao.

In the wing room, Wang Hao looked at the several treasures in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

But it wasn't just these eight spirit beast circles that mattered to him.

Wang Ba's eyes moved slightly and landed on an ancient book next to the spirit beast circle.

The material used in this ancient book is extremely special. It looks like jade but not jade, and looks like brocade but not brocade. Although it is difficult to conceal the vicissitudes of life on it, the handwriting on it is clearly visible.

On the cover of the ancient book, there are a few big characters.

"Xuanlong Dao Bingjian".

This is an ancient book on how to refine Taoist weapons.

What it describes is the various requirements and methods required to refine a kind of weapon called "Xuanlong Dao Weapon".

Taoist soldiers are said to be quite popular among ancient monks.

At that time, there were many spiritual beings in heaven and earth, and there were countless kinds of spiritual beasts.

Some monks classify these spiritual creatures or spiritual beasts according to their ethnic groups, control them with secret methods, and train them into the most precious treasures for attack and defense, so as to protect themselves.

At its peak, almost every monk had one.

Nowadays, with the decline of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, not to mention spiritual objects, there are also very few spiritual beasts.

Those who form a group are either food-loving spirit beasts, or have poor fighting ability.

In this way, Tao soldiers also became lonely.

Except for a small number of monks, only major forces can directly use human cultivators as Taoist soldiers to regain some of the afterglow of the past.

Wang Ba has been practicing so far, and when he was in the Tianmen Sect, he saw a Jindan master raising white-bone Taoist soldiers.

Furthermore, it is Princess Gao who is currently guarding Yanqiaoguan, Li Ji's uncle, who raises Taoist soldiers.

It's a pity that he has never observed it up close, so he doesn't know much about its power.

However, according to what is said in "Xuanlong Dao Bingjian", it is really amazing.

A second-level Taoist soldier can defeat a third-level real person. A third-level Taoist soldier can defeat a fourth-level real king. A fourth-level Taoist soldier... No, this Xuanlong Taoist weapon can only be refined to the third level at most.

But for Wang Ba now, it is enough.

"Xuanlong Taoist soldiers need dragon descendants as Taoist materials. Those of the same level and different grades must start with at least a hundred!"

"The greater the number, the stronger the power, but the requirements for the operator's soul are also high."

"Descendants of the dragon genus... everyone says that loaches are of the dragon species. I don't know if this psychic ghost loach counts."

"The quantity is far enough."

Over the years, he has not interfered much with the psychic ghost loaches. He only tried his best to provide food and let them reproduce on their own.

But even though he hadn't counted them carefully, there were at least three to four thousand second-level psychic ghost loaches.

Of course, most of them are second-level mid-level and second-level high-level ones. There may only be one or two hundred of the best psychic ghost loaches among them.

Wang Hao carefully flipped through the ancient book and found a method that could be used to test whether it was a dragon.

At that moment, he did not hesitate to take a second-level psychic ghost loach and give it a try.

It has to be said that the strength of the psychic ghost loach on land is indeed far inferior to that of the phantom chicken. Wang Yan directly used his magic power to hold it in his hands, and the psychic ghost loach was unable to resist.

"It's quite slippery...but it does have a slight trace of dragon blood."

Wang Ba looked at the ghost loach with some surprise.

It's so ugly, I didn't expect it to actually be related to dragons.

But then, when Wang Hao saw the specific refining materials, he couldn't help but frowned.

"It's easy to say that these spiritual materials are not rare, they are just ordinary second-level spiritual materials, but the essence and blood of these third-level dragon spiritual beasts..."

The essence and blood of third-level spirit beasts are easy to deal with, and Wu Yuan King is not afraid of spilling blood.

But where can he find the blood essence and blood of a third-level dragon spiritual beast?

Even if it is not needed much, just as a guide for Taoist soldiers to inspire the dragon bloodline, but now that the spiritual beast is extinct, there is almost no hope of finding it.

Wang Ba shook his head and could only regretfully put away the "Xuanlong Taoist Manual".

After thinking about it, he quickly made a plan, packed up some things, and then went to the next room and found Zhao Feng who was practicing with his eyes closed.

"Senior brother, please go out with me."

Zhao Feng never refused Wang Ba's request, and did not even ask Wang Ba what he wanted to do. He just followed Wang Ba and left from Yanqiao Pass.

Being cautious along the way, both of them expanded their consciousness to the limit to prevent anyone from following them.

Of course, the main thing is to prevent people from leaving the sect.

Zhao Feng then asked:

"Junior brother, what are we going to do this time?"

Wang Yan did not hide it either:

"To be honest, senior brother, the situation is getting chaotic now. I plan to upgrade some of the spiritual chickens in my hand to the third level, which can be regarded as a little more self-protection."

"It's a pity that Senior Tang left with King Gao before. Otherwise, it would have been safer for Ling Ji to be promoted if he was by his side."

Zhao Feng nodded when he heard this and did not ask any more questions. He just said:

"If there's anything you need me to do, just say it."

Although he is confident in his sword, he also knows his limits.

At this time, having an additional third-level combat power will be beneficial to everyone.

Wang Ba didn't mean to be polite, but there was really not much they could do to survive the tribulation.

It all depends on the luck of the spirit chickens themselves.

Soon, the two found a suitable place.

This place is not far or close to Yanqiao Pass. If a thunder disaster occurs, it will not disturb Princess Gao of Yan Qiao Pass.

And there were no other people around, it was just a wasteland.

Without any hesitation, Wang Ba released Jia Fifteen, Jia Sixteen and Jia Seventeen from the spirit beast bags.

Other phantom chickens are not old enough and their physical condition is not perfect.

Even if he tries to get promoted, he will only get one more carbon chicken under the thunder tribulation.

Jia Fifteen flew out of the spirit beast bag and immediately looked around in confusion.

"My Taoist companion... No, where are those hens!"

When Xuanji saw Jia Shiliu, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously jumped on Jia Shiliu's back.

However, Wang Hao slapped him and flew him away.

"go away!"

Wang Ba said impatiently, and at the same time, he fed part of the bloodline breakthrough material that he had made before into Jia Shiliu's mouth, and used part of it to convert it with magic power, and kneaded it into Jia Shiliu's body bones.

Jia Shiwu, who was driven away, couldn't help but cursed for a while. However, after seeing Wang Ba's actions, it was startled. Having experienced it twice, it immediately reacted:

"Blood promotion?!"

"This...it...is going to be promoted to the third level?!"

The gurgling stopped immediately, and he stared at Wang Yan's movements with wide eyes.

Although I hate this devil boy with all my heart, I have to say that this devil boy is pretty good at cultivating spiritual beasts...

On the side, Jia Shiqi, who had been respectful since coming out, looked at the God's movements curiously.

Seeing the elixir given by God being taken by a female cultivator who seemed to have some blood relationship with him, Jia Shiqi became more and more curious.

It looked down upon Jia Fifteen, who was jumping up and down.

"Such a suspicious person, God doesn't know why he keeps him here."

However, it soon noticed something strange.

The female cultivator who took the elixir suddenly showed her chicken head...huh?

Jia Shiqi shook his head quickly and realized that he had seen it wrong.

The aura on the other party's body seemed to be rising rapidly!

Although it was limited by its weak soul, it could not perceive much, but it could clearly detect that there was a faint third-level aura emanating from this female cultivator's body!

"Golden elixir?!"

"She's going to survive the tribulation?!"

Jia Shiqi suddenly woke up!

It quickly widened its eyes and looked at Jia Shiliu, not daring to ignore it for a moment.

God once said that as long as he behaves well, he will get the chance to be promoted to the golden elixir. Could it be said that this female cultivator has fulfilled God's request?

what about me?

Can I also...

And soon.

The scene he was looking forward to appeared.

Above the head of this female cultivator, a dark cloud quickly gathered...

A lightning strike struck down.

However, what made her a little surprised was that the female cultivator who was under the thunder tribulation, faced the thunder tribulation, only moved her two arms...

Fortunately, her fur was very strong and blocked the lightning...

Uh... fur?

Jia Shiqi instinctively felt that something was not right.

But soon there seemed to be a strange force that wiped it away.

Its attention is also completely focused on overcoming the tribulation.

Soon, the second, third...

The female cultivator was completely blackened by the thunder tribulation, but in his delighted eyes, the female cultivator finally made it through smoothly.

"If she can get through it, I can definitely do it too!"

But soon, Jia Shiqi felt his eyes blurred and his consciousness came to a standstill.

Quickly put A15 and A17 into the spirit beast bag.

Wang Ba immediately placed a third-level spirit beast trap around Jia Shiliu's neck.

Only then did treatment begin.

He looked at Jia Shiliu who had lost all his feathers, but whose aura was rapidly growing stronger and gradually becoming stable.

Wang Ba's face showed a hint of relief.

He was right. The reason why the spirit chickens could not survive the thunder tribulation and advance to the third level was because their bodies did not get enough time to temper, and the thunder tribulation itself was too dangerous.

Not the kind of spiritual chicken whose body has reached the perfection of the current stage, it is difficult to survive.

Jia Shiliu was able to survive the tribulation smoothly, mainly because it had been promoted through bloodline breakthroughs before, and its physical foundation was very good. After that, Wang Yan often used spiritual materials to improve Jia Shiliu.

And Jia Shiliu himself is also quite up to date.

However, after taking care of Jia Shiliu's injuries, Wang Yan couldn't wait to pour the power of Yin Shen into Jia Shiliu's soul.

Carefully conduct an overall assessment of Jia Shiliu's soul.

"The total amount of souls is still very small, but the strength is obviously improved by one level compared to the second level of the best... However, there is still no response to my implantation with the power of the Yin God..."

Third-level spiritual beasts began to gradually develop spiritual intelligence.

They will also gradually acquire their own consciousness and judgment, just like humans, they can learn and master some knowledge, and the smart ones can even embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Wu Yuan King is a special case, it has already achieved this at the second level.

It's just that the situation of the phantom chicken and the spiritual chicken cultivated by Wang Yan seems to be a little different from that of ordinary spiritual beasts.

I don’t know if it is a physical defect or because rare chickens are broilers. These spiritual chickens can basically be said to have low intelligence.

Wang Yan originally thought that there might be changes when he reached the third level, but at least for now, this change is not obvious.

It may also be because the promotion time is too short.

Record the changes in Jia Shiliu one by one.

"I still can't tell whether Lingji's promotion will affect my control of Jia Fifteen and Jia Seventeen with the power of the Yin God. It seems that I can only take a chance."

Wang Hao pondered slightly, then called out King Wu Yuan and gave a few instructions.

King Wuyu nodded immediately.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Hao finally released Jia Shiwu.


Jia Shi5 jumped out of the spirit beast bag and looked around in confusion. There was no change!

He took it in and released it again. Is this devil kid out of his mind?

But it soon became startled.

He saw the demon kid striding over. He wanted to retreat, but suddenly he felt the irresistible power coming from the spirit beast circle around his neck.

The body froze instantly.

I could only watch helplessly as the devil kid picked it up by the neck and stuffed the elixir into its mouth.


Jia Fifteen coughed twice, feeling mixed with joy and anger.

"Is this for my promotion?"

"This devil kid, hum, don't think you can win my heart like this! I will remember all the disrespectful things you did to me! When I break through to the third level, I will definitely take your head and help me regain my life. Celebrating the pinnacle!”

But Wang Hao didn't know what Jia Shiwu was thinking.

However, he was not interested either. After feeding Jia Shiwu the elixir made from the bloodline breakthrough material, he retreated to the side and waited quietly for Jia Shiwu to absorb and digest it.

An hour and a half later.

In the sky above Jia Fifteen's head, a dark cloud began to gather rapidly as expected.

One way, two ways...

The spirit beast circle around Jia Shifeng's neck was quickly destroyed.

When Lei Jie watched it for the first time, he still found it thrilling. The more he watched it, the more Wang Hao gradually became more at ease.

He watched quietly as Jia Fifteen withstood one thunder disaster after another, but it was much easier than Jia Sixteen.

Wang Yan was not surprised.

Jia Shiwu secretly learned the spirit beast cultivation method created by King Wu Yuan. Although it was rough, it was still far behind Jia Shiliu, and his physical strength was far inferior to that of Jia Shiliu. Can be compared.

Soon, after the ninth thunder calamity struck Jia Fifteen, the dark clouds gradually dissipated.


In the middle of the scorched ground, Jia Fifteen stood slowly.

Feeling that the body was injured by the thunder tribulation, but it also stimulated a lot of vitality, and the spiritual power was rapidly transforming in the body, Jia Shi's cock eyes were filled with ecstasy!

It was obviously seriously injured, but there was a powerful feeling in its heart that it had never felt before.

This feeling is even very close to the peak period when I was at the Five Classics Sect.

He quickly refined his throat and made a strange human voice:

"Wang...ba! I...can finally...no longer...be subject to you..."

The next second.


Wu Yuan King, who transformed into a demon ape, fell from the sky at some point and landed heavily on Jia Shiwu.

Immediately, he stretched out his fleshy palm and pinched its head and neck.

In order to be able to pinch accurately, it even narrowed part of its arms, and then...

Hit the ground with all your strength!


Bang bang bang!

Count in a row!

The ground shook violently!

Immediately, Wu Yuan King let go of his hand, and Jia Shiwu fell to the ground like a chicken, spinning around dizzy.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Feng couldn't bear to watch.

At this time, Wang Haocai landed next to Jia Shiwu, raised his hand and sacrificed a third-level spirit beast from the circle, and landed on Jia Shiwu's neck.

Then the power of the Yin God quickly poured in.

After a while.

Wang Ba's face finally showed a hint of relief.

"The power of the Yin God is still effective on it..."

He was previously worried that Jia Shifeng's spirit would gradually recover as his body advanced.

He doesn't have much confidence in whether he can control the golden elixir in its heyday.

However, after checking, he discovered that even if Jia Fifteen was promoted to the third level, the total amount of souls his body could hold was still far less than that of a human monk.

The level of the soul has not changed much.

This also means that Wang Yan can still control Jia Fifteen and Jia Seventeen as before.

"However... Shenhualu has been unable to keep up recently."

Wang Hao felt a little helpless.

Bu Chan is away, and there is no one to look after the Qian Shen Mu, so naturally there is no supply of Shen Hua Lu.

Fortunately, he still had a lot of Yin Shen power accumulated in the Lingtai Temple, and it would be enough within a few years.

"Brother, let's go back."

After briefly treating the wounds of Jia Fifteen who had lost consciousness, he then put Jia Fifteen back into the spirit beast bag, Wang Yan said to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng was a little confused: "Go back now? Isn't there another one?"

Wang Ba knew that Zhao Feng was talking about Jia Shiqi and shook his head:

"Its body can't keep up, and the success rate of overcoming the tribulation is very low now."

The time when Jia Shiqi was taken away was still very short, and he had not had time to cultivate Jia Shiqi, so Jia Shiqi was no different from the previous spiritual chickens that failed to overcome the tribulation.

Zhao Feng suddenly realized.

The two of them immediately returned to Yanqiaoguan.

With the departure of King Gao and others, and various news of the war situation coming from Qiao Kingdom.

Yanqiao Pass has also been affected, and the fourth-order formation outside the city pass has been set up.

There are also many more monks guarding the city gates.

Even the monks who went to the city gate from Yan State were subject to repeated interrogations.

Many monks who did not meet the conditions for entering the city had their requests to enter the city directly rejected.

Wang Ba and Zhao Feng were fine.

Due to the relationship with the Tang Dynasty, the monks guarding the city gate of Yanqiaoguan had already made a record of Wang Yan and the others. After checking the aura, they naturally did not dare to stop him and respectfully sent him back to the Tang Dynasty's house.

To Wang Ba's surprise, outside Tang Ji's house, he saw several Foundation-Building Perfection monks with solemn auras and wearing the standard robes of Prince Gao's Mansion.

"Are they looking for us?"

Wang Ba and Zhao Feng looked at each other.

Zhao Feng took the initiative to stand up and said politely.

Among these people, the leader said respectfully to the two of them:

"Exactly, Zhao Zhenren, Shen Zhenxiu, and Princess Gao have invited us."

"Haha, you two have been in the city for many days. I have been busy with secular affairs, but I have never been able to meet you two. I feel really uneasy. Fortunately, I finally got the chance today."

Yanqiaoguan, King Gao's palace, welcoming hall.

The courtyard door is wide open.

Enough for the monks outside to see inside.

Princess Gao, dressed in casual clothes, was sitting at the top of the lobby, looking at Wang Ba and Zhao Feng below with a smile.

When she saw Wang Ba, Princess Gao Li Xiangyun couldn't help but sigh.

"The little casual cultivator who was deliberately embarrassed by the Yan Kingdom sect in the past did not expect to have such a big cultivator behind him."

"Who would have thought..."

Thinking of King Gao's special instructions to her before leaving, and his fear of the monk named Tang.

In Li Xiangyun's heart, a complex emotion could not be suppressed.

Both Zhao Feng and Wang Hao quickly bowed and saluted.

"Princess Gao has broken the two of us!"

Both of them knew very well that Princess Gao was so polite to them entirely because of her Tang status.

Otherwise, there is no need for a True Lord Nascent Soul to be so humble.

So I don't dare to be presumptuous at all.

Li Ji, who was on the side, was both surprised and happy to see that Wang Yan could receive such courtesy from his uncle.

Pulling Wang Ba along, he couldn't help but start talking freely.

When Li Xiangyun saw this scene, he didn't stop it.

She specially called Li Ji here in order to use the relationship between Li Ji and Wang Ba to bring the two parties closer.

The situation was just as she expected. With Li Ji in the middle, the host and guest were instantly happy.

When the conversation got exciting, Li Xiangyun also showed his true temperament and said with a smile:

"Master Shen has a close relationship with Li Ji. I am his uncle. Please give me credit, so how about I call you Nephew Shen Xian?"

"That's right. If the princess doesn't mind, I would also like to call you uncle, just like fellow Taoist Li Ji."

Wang Hao didn't feel stage fright after hearing this, and he quickly smiled and said.

Hearing Wang Ba's approach, Li Xiangyun nodded with satisfaction, and then asked with a smile:

"Is Nephew Shen Xian getting married now? There are several unmarried daughters from aristocratic families in Prince Gao's palace. They all have foundation-building skills and are quite talented. They can be good matches."

Wang Hao was stunned when he heard this.

After practicing for so many years, this was the first time he was asked about his marriage.

However, he did not hesitate and declined without hesitation: "Thank you, uncle, for caring about me. It's just that this junior already has a Taoist partner, and he is devoted to Taoism, so he has no intention of getting married."

"That's it..."

Li Xiangyun's face suddenly showed a hint of regret.

It is a consistent method for Da Chu to marry girls from aristocratic families to monks with talents and backgrounds. She also took a fancy to Wang Ba's background, and after the conversation with Fangcai, she could tell that Wang Ba's character was down-to-earth and sincere. If the marriage can be successful, it can also attract a talent for Prince Gao's palace, so he opened his mouth.

But since Wang Ba refused, she would not rush to give it away.

After all, in her heart, if it were not for the monk surnamed Tang, she would not waste any time on Wang Ba.

After this little episode, the original harmonious atmosphere gradually lost its flavor.

Li Xiangyun glanced at the Taoist soldiers outside the lobby, and his heart suddenly moved.

A gentle smile appeared on his face and he said to Wang Yan:

"Nephew Shen Xian is good at refining spirit chicken essence. Can you sell another batch for my Taoist soldiers to use?"

When Wang Ba heard this, he quickly said: "If my uncle wants it, I will naturally give it to you!"

"Haha, I have to collect the spirit stones this time."

Li Xiangyun smiled and took the initiative to mention what happened before.

Wang Bao waved his hands repeatedly with a wry smile on his face: "Uncle Master, this is slapping this junior in the face."

Li Xiangyun heard this and glanced at Wang Yan deliberately:

"What are you talking about? Doesn't it cost nothing to refine these spiritual chicken essences? Just tell me the number... If you don't tell me, I will give you two hundred yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones..."

"I can't do it! I can't do it!"

Wang Hao said quickly.

This situation is indeed difficult to deal with. It is not good to collect the spirit stones. After all, you are now staying on someone else's territory and have a relationship with them.

If he didn't accept it, he would feel a loss if he gave away so much for nothing.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea, and an expression of hesitation appeared on his face.

Li Xiangyun indeed noticed this small detail and immediately said boldly:

"Did something happen to my good nephew? Although speaking, as long as it is about matters within Yanqiao Pass, my words are still of some use."

However, Wang Hao repeatedly pushed back, but nothing happened.

Li Xiangyun couldn't be a fool to guard Yanqiao Pass in place of King Gao. He immediately understood what Wang Yan meant.

He immediately pretended to be unhappy and said:

"Could it be that my good nephew looks down on my uncle?"


Wang Ba seemed to be helpless, and then he said:

"Junior's recent practice requires three drops of the blood essence of a third-level dragon spiritual beast. I have searched all over the Yan Kingdom, but there is no harvest."

"The essence and blood of a third-level dragon spiritual beast?"

Li Xiangyun was slightly startled, and couldn't help but stare at Wang Ba, who had an innocent face.

"This boy is as open as a lion!"

Third-level spirit beasts have self-awareness. If they want to obtain the spirit beast's essence and blood, they must either kill it by force or find a way to let the spirit beast give it to themselves.

It's definitely impossible to kill a spirit beast for a few drops of blood essence, so you can only coax the spirit beast to give it yourself.

Spiritual beasts are sometimes very satisfying, but sometimes they are also very difficult to deal with.

"That's all, let's just consider it as an end to what happened last time."

Li Xiangyun shook his head secretly, feeling secretly sad in his heart.

Prince Gao's family has a great business, but not much is allocated to each person.

She, the princess, had successfully broken through to Nascent Soul not long ago, so she had a lot more spiritual stones to use in the mansion.

However, since she also raised Tao soldiers, the expenses were extremely high.

But a smile still appeared on his face: "When my nephew found me, he found the right person!"

"Li Ji, go to the backyard and ask for a few drops of blood essence from the hybrid horse."

Divine Sense quickly reached an agreement with the Za Chi Ma in the backyard and agreed to several of Za Chi Ma's unreasonable demands.

When Li Ji heard this, he immediately ran to the backyard happily.

Seeing this, Li Xiangyun couldn't help biting his silver teeth secretly.

Is this bastard closer to her or to Shen Fu?

Li Ji soon came back with a white porcelain vase and gave it to Wang Yan with a smile.

He said proudly:

"Fellow Daoist Shen, there are six drops in this. It should be enough, right?"

Li Xiangyun almost lost his breath and carried it on his back.

This bastard!

I love you so much for nothing!

Li Ji didn't realize it, but was very happy.

Now, I can finally return some favor!

Wang Ba felt a little embarrassed to take so much at once, and quickly looked at Li Xiangyun:

"Uncle Master, is this too much?"

Li Xiangyun's teeth were broken, but he still had to show a cruel smile on his face.

"It's okay, hehe, it's okay, you can take it!"

Wang Hao immediately put away the white porcelain bottle with embarrassment, and immediately took out the spirit chicken essence that he had not had time to return to Fenggu recently.

"There are two hundred copies here. If Uncle Master is not enough, wait a few days and I will send them to Uncle Master."

"Enough is enough."

When Li Xiangyun saw Wang Hao take out so much in one go, he looked at Wang Hao in surprise.

These spiritual chicken essences are now extremely popular in Yanqiao Pass.

The main reason is that the prices of all kinds of materials are soaring nowadays, but the price of this spiritual chicken essence is very stable.

So even she heard about it.

He took out two hundred copies in one breath. If converted into spiritual stones, there would be two hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

And although she agreed to Za Chi Ma's unreasonable request, she didn't need so much.

After this calculation, not only did she not lose money, she even made a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Li Xiangyun felt a lot better, and even felt a little embarrassed.

The Nascent Soul Lord takes advantage of a foundation-building monk, which doesn't sound good anywhere.

Immediately, Wang Ba and Zhao Feng were quickly rewarded with many cultivation resources.

The prices of these things have soared in the market, but they are all in stock in Prince Gao's Mansion and are in normal supply.

After some refusal, the two finally reluctantly accepted and left.

A few days later.

Yanqing, who returned to the Wind Valley, approached Wang Yan and couldn't wait to say after meeting him:

"Fellow Taoist, do you still have the spirit chicken essence?"

Wang Hao frowned slightly: "Isn't it not the agreed date yet?"

Yan Qing said helplessly:

"There's no way! It's selling like crazy!"

"Everything in Yanqiao Pass has become more expensive now, and everyone is rushing to buy it... no matter how expensive it is!"

"A second-level Tianleizi can be sold for a hundred yuan!"

Wang Ba couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

How come prices rise so fast?

"It's not because the area of ​​Qiao State close to Wei State was raided and captured by people from the Kingdom of All Gods a few days ago."

Yanqing sighed:

"This incident caused panic among many people, and prices naturally soared."

Wang Yan couldn't help but his face condensed: "Is there any True Monarch Nascent Soul who has fallen on the front line?"

"That's not true... how could True Lord Nascent Soul die so easily?"

Yanqing shook his head.

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still waiting for Tang Ji to come back, but he didn't want to suddenly hear the news of Tang Ji's death.

Wang Yan didn't think much, and immediately took out more than a hundred spiritual chicken essences.

Yanqing was not ambiguous and immediately gave Wang Yan 500 high-grade spiritual stones.

"This is……"

Wang Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

"The owner of the valley said that the situation now is different from the past. Prices have increased, but fellow Taoists can still insist on supplying goods to us. We cannot let fellow Taoists feel cold. Some of these five hundred pieces of high-grade spiritual stones are from previous goods. We After selling at a high price, part of the profit shared with fellow Taoists will be based on the current market price."

Yan Qing said sincerely.

When Wang Ba heard this, he couldn't help but look at Zhu Rong, the master of Huifeng Valley, with admiration.

He knew very well that Zhu Rong's purpose was to ensure his continued supply by tying the interests of both parties together, but to do something so beautiful, it also required enough courage.

He accepted the five hundred spiritual stones without any hesitation.

He now needs these spiritual stones to purchase spiritual materials that can nourish his innate spiritual roots and strengthen his innate air and blood, so he will naturally not refuse.

When Yan Qing saw Wang Ba accept it, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

In the current situation, no matter which shop Master Shen goes to, he can get a profit share of no less than this price. Naturally, they must try their best to keep Wang Yan.

He left in a hurry.

Wang Ba looked at Yan Qing's leaving figure and pondered for a while.

He immediately returned to the house.

In the open space now, Wang Ba has dug out a pool, and the pool is surrounded by formation flags.

It seemed that he was aware of Wang Ba's arrival.

Under the calm water, countless black shadows suddenly began to swim quickly.

Wang Bao counted his fingers and finally nodded:

"about there."

Immediately, he took out a white porcelain bottle from the storage ring.

It was the mixed chima essence and blood he got from Princess Gao.

A thought came to my mind.

Three drops of blood, exuding a solemn aura and as crystal clear as blood jade, quickly flew out of the white porcelain bottle.

The black shadow under the water seemed to be aware of the breath, and its swimming speed suddenly became faster!

There were even more black shadows that couldn't help but jump out from the water.

The whole body is dark and deep, like a ghost. It is the psychic ghost loach that Wang Hao has raised for many years.


Wang Hao let out a low drink and his finger prints changed.

The psychic ghost loach jumped out of the water and was instantly pushed under the water.

At this time, three drops of mixed chima blood finally fell into the pool.

In an instant, there was a bloody riot in the pool!

Two-in-one, no more tonight. I may have to take a break in the past two days. I will tell you guys in advance.

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