
After flying out of Fangshi, Xu Mu no longer held back, slapped the storage bag on his waist, and shot out the Thunder Sword wrapped with thunder. With a roar, it turned into a huge thunder light, tearing the air, and heading towards the escaping giant. The bird shot away with electricity.


The Thunder Sword caught up with the giant bird in the blink of an eye, easily penetrated the green light that protected the body, and passed through its body in an instant.


The giant bird let out a scream, and its huge body staggered towards the ground.

Xu Mu made a sword trick with his hand, called back the Thunder Sword, stepped on the void, caught up with him in a few steps, grabbed the wings of the giant bird, and lifted it into the air.

"It's quite heavy! You should be able to eat it for a long time!"

After releasing the ink crow to swallow the giant bird's essence and dividing its flesh and blood, Xu Mu glanced back at Baihefang City, stopped stopping, spread his wings, and shot in the direction of the crack in space.


Just after flying for a moment, there was a sudden reaction in the storage bag on his waist. Xu Mu stopped in the air and took out a jade talisman for communication.

Injecting spiritual power into it, Chi Feiyan's voice immediately came from the jade talisman.

"Xu Lang! Save me!"

"Will he come?"

Chi Feiyan used the concealment talisman to hide his aura and hid at the roots of the rotting tree. He clenched his fingers and muttered softly in his heart.

Streams of divine thoughts were released from the air and swept over her body, more than a dozen of them.

"She should be nearby. Search every inch and never let her escape!"

"Elder Qu, don't worry! A formation has been set up nearby, and she won't be able to escape in the sky or on the ground!"

"It's better to be careful! If we let her escape this time, it will be difficult to catch her next time!"

"If she didn't have too many high-level talismans on her body, I would be able to suppress her with my backhand in a short period of Qi training!"

The unabashed conversation in the air made Chi Feiyan's heart quickly sink to the bottom.

Based on her understanding of Xu Mu, she might turn around and leave after seeing the current battle.

"I was too careless! I actually believed what those bastards said!"

Chi Feiyan regretted it deeply.

She didn't expect that the few casual cultivators who had a lucky break through buying her pills would actually join forces with the Liyang Sect to deceive her. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have been captured on the spot.

In addition to not expecting the other party to deceive her, she was also too eager to sell the elixir. As soon as she heard that the other party wanted to buy in large quantities, she lost her mind.

But no matter how much I regret now, it won't help.

He took out a sixth-level explosive talisman from his storage bag and held it tightly in his hand. Hesitation and struggle flashed in Chi Feiyan's eyes.

She doesn't want to die!

But if she doesn't die, everyone will be exposed. Not only will Xu Mu be in trouble, but the Chi family will also face disaster.

How can there be a complete egg under the nest? The Liyang Sect will not care whether you are wronged or not.

"Xu Lang, did you think that this day would come? Otherwise, how could you prepare such a talisman!"

Pain flashed in Chi Feiyan's eyes.

This kind of talisman has a slow attack speed but huge power. It is most suitable for killing the enemy together. Of course, it is also more suitable for suicide, as even the soul will be blown apart.

Just when she was hesitating, the communication talisman reacted, and she immediately grabbed it, injecting spiritual power anxiously.

"Wait! I'll be there soon!"

Chi Feiyan covered his mouth, his eyes turned red, and tears fell down.

He really wanted to save me!

"Found her! Here!"

Before Chi Feiyan could be happy for a long time, a voice suddenly sounded above her head. She was so shocked that she didn't dare to hesitate at all. She took a picture of the flying talisman on her body, and her body turned into a rainbow light and fled into the distance!

"Sure enough, I was deceived! Haha!"

The person who shouted just now laughed proudly, and Chi Fei was so angry that he almost vomited blood.


A transparent light curtain suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, blocking her escape.

"It's a formation!!"

She threw out the only Explosive Flame Talisman, and with a bang, the formation light curtain shook violently, but it soon returned to calm.

She released the flying sword to attack again. She tried her best, but the formation light curtain only fluctuated slightly without any signs of breaking.

Chi Feiyan is really desperate now!

Now there is no point even if she commits suicide. The other party can extract her soul and question her.

Looking back, seven or eight foundation-building monks, with auras surging all over their bodies, had already caught up with them on their magic weapons, and soon surrounded her.

"Now let's see where you run!"

One of the white-robed foundation-building monks snorted coldly, squeezed the magic formula with his hand, and countless water arrows gathered in front of him and shot back towards Chi Feiyan.

Chi Feiyan hurriedly took a picture of the high-level amulet, and immediately put up an earthy yellow mask on his body, and the water arrows landed on it, causing ripples.

"Sixth level thick earth talisman! You are really rich! But let me see how many times you can last!"

The white-robed Ji Ji summoned the others to attack together.

Ice archery!

Earth Cone Technique!

Fire Dragon Technique!

Water bomb technique!

Thunder in the Palm!

Seven or eight foundation builders made secrets at the same time, and various magic lights emerged, annihilating Chi Feiyan in an instant.

Chi Feiyan's face turned pale with fright, and the protective light shield shook violently, like foam in the strong wind, which was about to break in the next moment.

"Don't beat her to death! I'll do it!"

A female cultivator in red robes with cinnabar on her eyebrows patted her storage bag expressionlessly, and several tiny red lights flew out and shot towards Chi Feiyan.

Puff puff puff puff!

The red light instantly broke through the crumbling protective mask, and then shot into Chi Feiyan's body with unabated force.


The red light was like a body, and the pain was bone-piercing. Chi Feiyan couldn't help but let out a scream. The spiritual power in his body instantly lost control, unable to maintain his body shape, and he fell straight from the air to the ground.

"Elder Qu's Red Evil Needle is really powerful! It's my turn next!"

Another purple-robed Foundation Builder patted the storage bag and released a black chain as thick as a thumb. It ejected like a long snake and quickly wrapped around Chi Feiyan, who was about to fall to the ground, and pulled him in front of everyone.

With Chi Feiyan being arrested, the four foundation-building monks responsible for presiding over the formation also flew over.

There are now twelve foundation builders on the field!

The red-robed female cultivator looked at Chi Feiyan in front of her and stretched out her hand with a cold expression.

"don't want!"

Chi Feiyan screamed in horror, but the red-robed woman ignored him at all. She reached over and took off the black mask from her face.

At this time, Chi Feiyan's hair was messy, there was no trace of blood on his delicate face, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at everyone.

"Do you know anyone?"

The female cultivator in red robe glanced at the mask in her hand, frowned and asked.

Among them was a casual cultivator who had just advanced to build a foundation. His eyes lit up and he hurriedly said, "I know her. She is the head of the Chi family!"

"Chi family? Which Chi family?" The red-robed female cultivator turned around and asked.

"It was the foundation-building family that originally moved from the Qinghe Sword Sect. Later, the family's foundation-building ancestor passed away and took refuge with another..."

Before the foundation-building cultivator finished speaking, the red-robed female cultivator opened her beautiful eyes and suddenly shouted loudly.



A thunder suddenly exploded around everyone, and everyone was caught off guard and sent flying away.


A dark golden thunder streaked through the void. The purple-robed monk who controlled the chain had his protective spirit shield shattered. A red line appeared between his eyebrows. His whole body was cut in two and he fell from the air.

A figure appeared out of thin air and caught Chi Feiyan who was about to fall.

The figure was holding a golden sword, with thunder and flames surrounding it. He wore a black mask on his face, which was mysterious and mysterious. Golden thunder light surged around him, and his aura was violent, just like the God of Thunder coming to the world.

His eyes as deep as the sea slowly swept across the crowd, and cold words came out of his mouth one word after another.

"You! You didn't have to die!"

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