"Alchemist Xu, can you take out the alchemy furnace and let me have a look?" Su Qing said.


Xu Mu took out the alchemy furnace from his storage bag and handed it to the other party.

Su Qing took it in his hand and looked at it, with joy in his eyes.

Originally, if the level of the alchemy furnace was too high, she might have to consider it. The alchemy furnace in front of me is only a low-grade one, and is most suitable for novices.

She immediately wanted to buy it.

"To be honest, I have a younger brother who is learning alchemy recently. I have always wanted to buy an alchemy furnace for him, but I don't know how many spiritual stones this furnace of Master Xu will cost?"

"I spent one hundred and ten low-grade spiritual stones when I bought it, but as Su Daoyou just said, prices have risen sharply recently!"


Su Qing was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile on his face.

Good guy, you shot yourself in the foot.

"Alchemist Xu, the prices on the market have indeed risen sharply recently, but the alchemy furnace can only be used by alchemists, so the price increase is not too big!" Su Qing said with a wry smile.

"I'm not too sure about this, why don't you give me a price, fellow Taoist Su?"

Xu Mu looked calm.

When he said this, Su Qing was a little embarrassed.

She was reluctant to give him too much, but she was afraid of offending Xu Mu if he gave too little, so he wouldn't come to her next time he sold elixirs.

Finally, he hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "What do fellow Taoists think of one hundred and thirty spiritual stones? Although this price is not the highest, it is definitely not low. If you are worried, you can go out and ask around!"

"Then just follow the price mentioned by Fellow Daoist Su!"

Xu Mu thought for a moment and then agreed.

The price offered by the other party was definitely not the highest, but it was definitely much higher than what he sold in the store.

Sales of alchemy furnaces are hard to find. His second-hand alchemy furnace, which he had used for a long time, could be sold so quickly and for 130 spiritual stones, which was far beyond his expectations.

"Thank you, Master Xu. When I invite a friend to come over and have a look, we can make a deal!"

Seeing Xu Mu agree, Su Qing was also very happy.

But after all, it was a sale of more than a hundred spiritual stones, so Su Qing was still very careful.

"no problem!"

Xu Mu nodded in agreement.

After Su Qing checked the alchemy furnace with a familiar alchemist and made sure it was OK, he took out one hundred and thirty spiritual stones and gave them to Xu Mu.

After walking out of the drug store, Xu Mu felt very comfortable.

I finally understand why so many people like to make war fortune.

Xu Mu did not go to the market immediately to buy monster meat and spiritual rice. Instead, he continued walking to the center of Fang City and stopped at a shop called Zhenbao Pavilion.

He was going to buy a set of magic tools for setting up arrays and put them at home.

This way, he can feel more at ease when he comes out, instead of being always on tenterhooks like now.

When I walked in and asked about the price, my eyebrows were squeezed together.

"Eighty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones? Why has it increased so much? I remember that the highest price ever sold was only fifty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones!"

"Fellow Taoist, our Zhenbao Pavilion has been open for so many years and we have always been honest. Now the price on the market is this. If you don't buy it now, it may be even higher in the future!" The clerk laughed. said.

Xu Mu thought of Su Qing's words and couldn't help but feel sore in his teeth.

It’s really karma!

Finally I gritted my teeth and bought it!

The reason why the formation magic weapon is cheaper than the magic weapon is that it has a limit on the number of times it can be used, and it will be scrapped directly after reaching a certain number of times.

When used at the same time, spiritual stones will be consumed.

Most practitioners are reluctant to part with it and cannot afford to use it.

If it weren't for his wife's safety, he would prefer to buy a few high-end amulets.

Of course, you also need to buy amulets!

I bought three high-level amulets for ten low-grade spiritual stones.

One for myself, one for my wife, and one for my daughter.

Just when he was about to leave after shopping, he couldn't help but stop when he saw all kinds of rare and exotic fruits on the shelves nearby.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and spent twenty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones to buy a pound of fire dates!

If it were him, he would definitely be reluctant to eat it.

Although these rare fruits are expensive, the spiritual power they contain may not be as good as ordinary spiritual rice.

But he thought it was okay to give his wife a try and replenish her health.

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Xu Mu went to the market and exchanged most of the remaining spiritual stones for spiritual rice and animal meat.

Affected by the current situation, the prices of spiritual rice and monster meat have increased significantly.

Xu Mu sighed again.

The world is tough!

He is obviously a cultivator, but he still has to calculate daily necessities.


After buying the necessities, he walked around the market and found an ordinary black iron sword at a small stall.

Of course, it is not all made of black iron, but only a small amount of black iron is mixed in. There is no formation engraved on it. It should be a work used by a certain weapon refiner for practice.

It might be awkward for fighting other cultivators, but it's quite suitable for just practicing swordsmanship.

After buying the Black Iron Sword, he stopped staying, blessed himself with the Light Body Technique, and rushed home.

Entering the alley where the door of his home was, a very uncomfortable feeling arose in his heart.

He turned around suddenly and saw the Li brothers opening a crack in the door and staring at him.

Are these two perverts still not giving up?

Do I look easy to bully?

Xu Mu glanced at the other party coldly, ignored him, walked to the door of his house and knocked on the door.

Bang bang!

"Ms. sir!"

Ye Yingying opened the door from the inside, her fair and lovely face full of joy.


Xu Mu smoothed the black hair on her temples before stepping in.

When closing the door, he looked back at the Li brothers' residence.

The door has been closed!

We still have to find a way to deal with these two freaks!

Xu Mu did not allow any potential danger to threaten his wife and children.

After locking the door and holding Ye Yingying's hand back to the room, Xu Mu took out a wooden box. After opening it, there were jujubes the size of quail eggs and red as fire.

"Look what I bought you!"

"Fire date!!"

Ye Yingying was pleasantly surprised, surprised and in disbelief.

She only remembered that her father bought it once when she was a child and gave her two pills. More than ten years later, she almost forgot what it tasted like.

"Ms. sir, where did you get such a valuable thing?"

Although their lives have become much better recently, the spiritual fruit of jujube is really too luxurious, and she doesn't believe that her husband is willing to buy it.

The main reason is that I am afraid of being poor!

"Of course I bought it from Hua Lingshi. I recently started refining Qi Gathering Pills and earned a lot of Lingshi. I just wanted to buy some for you to try! I remember you said before that you like eating fire dates the most!"

"I, I was just saying casually! Otherwise, you should go back! This is too expensive!"

Ye Yingying carefully picked up one and looked at it again and again, but she was reluctant to eat it.


Xu Mu pinched her pink cheeks.


Ye Yingying swallowed, then put the cherry into the small mouth, slowly and gently, chewed it repeatedly, then spit out the date core and swallowed the pulp.

"Ms. sir, this date is so sweet!"

Ye Yingying licked her lips and looked at the remaining jujubes, her almond-shaped eyes unwilling to move even a little bit.

"Stop looking! Eat whatever you want!"

Xu Mu scratched her little nose and said with a smile.

This wife is so cute!

"Is that okay? How about we eat it tomorrow?"

"It doesn't matter! Just eat it! Buy it after you finish eating!"

"Well, then! I'll eat one more, just one! My husband, you eat too!"


The two of them each ate one, and Ye Yingying put away the dates and said she would save them for tomorrow. Xu Mu didn't say anything more.

The atmosphere was up, and the couple were about to kiss each other, when Xiao Ling'er next to them started crying.

"Why is this little devil so good at choosing time!"

Xu Mu smiled bitterly.

He has been enduring it for several months.

Leaving his wife to coax the children, Xu Mu went to the utility room and took out the Bigu Pill, preparing to improve his thunder sword skills first.

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