Back home, Xu Mu began to sort out the things found on the two brothers.

Eighty-three low-grade spiritual stones!

A secret book of cultivation!

More than ten bottles of elixirs!

Two broken defensive weapons!

Nearly a hundred talismans of various types!

A black hammer-shaped magic weapon!

A gray-white rope magic weapon!

Two sets of willow leaf flying knives!

"Nah! He is indeed a ruthless person who makes a living by robbing. He is so rich!"

If you calculate these things casually, they are worth more than a thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

In comparison, he is as poor as a beggar.

Fortunately, he is also an alchemist who is famous for his wealth.

"Fortunately, these two people were careful in the beginning and didn't attack when I first arrived!"

Otherwise, with his strength at the time, he would have no power to fight back.

It's just that he didn't think about it himself. With the poor appearance he had when he first came here, the other party would only take action against him if he was so idle.

If he wasn't an alchemist, he might have an alchemy furnace, and his daughter could refine infant blood pills, the Li brothers might not think highly of him.

After all, rabbits don’t eat grass near their nests!

If you offend everyone around you, they will not be easy to get along with.

The main reason is that the people in the shantytowns are too poor and they can't make much money no matter how much they kill. Their targets are mainly people in the cities.

But no matter what, Xu Mu became rich overnight this time.

"Why don't I switch to robbery in the future? With my strength, I can pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!"

There is no way, the money comes too fast and too easy!

This time, it's not even a warm-up.

But Xu Mu soon woke up.

He has a system, why should he take such a risk?

The Li brothers had been careful enough, and they would have overturned again.

Who can guarantee that he will not have an accident!

"I have a wife and children, and I can earn quite a lot from alchemy, so forget it!"

He can already refine chalcedony pills, and he will only make more and more money in the future, and he can develop sustainably, so there is no need to narrow the road.

Putting aside his naive thoughts, he began to carefully study the harvest in his hands.

Needless to say about the spirit stone, just put it away!

The secret book is called [Blood Spirit Technique], which is an evil cultivation technique. Judging from the introduction, it is much more advanced than Xu Mu's [Fire Spirit Technique].

[Blood Spirit Technique] records many evil secret techniques, which are guided by blood and are astonishingly powerful. Unfortunately, the Li brothers were killed by wild bombings before they could even use any of them.

If he didn't die in the first wave of attacks, it was really possible... well, he died in the second wave of attacks.

In addition to evil secret techniques, it also records several methods for refining elixirs, including the Infant Blood Pill.

"Using pre-month-old babies as the main ingredients, combined with cold heart fruit, snake-twisted vine, five willow roots, and Yin fern roots..., it can regulate qi and blood, improve physical fitness, and increase longevity!"

"The refining method is so simple, but it has an effect comparable to that of a third-level elixir. No wonder the market keeps banning it! Maybe this elixir recipe was passed down from the hands of these two brothers!"

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there are other people practicing the same technique in the city.

There is nothing strange about this!

Ninety percent of the cultivators in Baishifang City are casual cultivators. They have no sectarian views at all. As long as you give them money, they can sell you any secret technique.

Flames burst out of Xu Mu's hand and instantly burned it to ashes.

He doesn't want to become a weirdo like the two of them!

Moreover, the properties of the Spiritual Flame Technique and the Blood Spirit Technique are very different, so revising them is equivalent to re-cultivating them, which is completely outweighing the gains and losses.

Then he picked up bottles of elixirs and inspected them.

There are more than a dozen bottles of elixirs, including several varieties, such as Bigu Pill, Qi Gathering Pill, Detoxification Pill, Hemostasis Pill, Healing Pill, Qi-Building Pill, and Rotten Bone Pill.

"These two people are indeed related to Sun Daocheng!"

Although Rotten Bone Pill is not precious, there are definitely not many people who know it, and it happens to be in this alley, so it is not difficult to guess the relationship between the two.

In addition, the Li brothers have a method for refining the Infant Blood Pill, and it becomes even more difficult to guess.

Maybe the three of them have collaborated more than once before.

In addition to these ordinary elixirs, there are also two bottles of dark red elixirs, which are the blood essence elixirs recorded in the Blood Spirit Art. They are essential elixirs for practicing the Blood Spirit Art. They can be replenished in the body in time when problems arise during practice. Consumption of blood.

It is also the main source of the strong bloody smell on the two brothers.

To refine this elixir, you can use animal blood, or you can use——

Human blood!

Xu Mu was not in the mood to try and was ready to find an opportunity to throw it away.

There were also a dozen bottles of common elixirs that might be needed in the future, so he put them away in a special storage bag.

Speaking of which, counting the two storage bags in his hand, he already has four storage bags.

“Don’t worry about purchasing supplies in large quantities from now on, there will be no place to put them!”

Then there are various talismans!

Unexpectedly, these dozens of talismans gave Xu Mu an unexpected surprise.

"Flying Escape Talisman!! These two are really money-giving boys!"

The Flying Escape Talisman is a third-level talisman. After blessing, it can give people the ability to fly at low altitudes. The speed is faster than ordinary flying swords. The only disadvantage is that it has a time limit.

But if it is used to escape, it is definitely a magical skill.

"Exactly two! One for Ying'er and I!"

Xu Mu happily accepted it.

As for the other talismans, they had various functions, so he kept them all, and they might be useful in the future.

Anyway, if he disposes of these things casually, he can use the spiritual stones for a short time, and there is no need to sell everything.

Then he picked up a few magic weapons.

Needless to say, there are two damaged defensive instruments. If they are not damaged, they can be kept. Now they can only throw them away in the store.

The hammer-shaped magic weapon is a low-grade attack weapon. After being refined, it can be enlarged and reduced. Its attack power is amazing, but its attack speed is a bit slow.

The rope magic weapon is a medium-grade magic weapon. After refining, it can be manipulated to entangle and restrain the enemy.

This kind of special magic weapon is relatively expensive!

This rope magic weapon should be the most valuable thing between the two of them.

Xu Mu planned to keep it for his own use, and named him "Bianxiansuo" by the way.

Binding Immortal is a bit unlikely, but it should be pretty good to deal with ordinary Qi-training monks.

The two sets of Willow Leaf Flying Knives are both low-grade magical weapons, but because they come in a complete set, the price should be much more expensive than ordinary low-grade magical weapons.

There are six in each set, all green, as if made of jade.

Depending on the user's level of cultivation, a varying number of flying knives can be controlled.

This should be used by the two brothers together. They release twelve flying knives at the same time to form a knife array. In addition, the two people are likely to have the same mind. When used together, the power is absolutely amazing.

Xu Mu kept one set to give to Ye Yingying for self-defense, and the other set to sell.

The flying knives he can condense with his firebending skills are more powerful than this, so there is really no need to stay around to eat ashes.

Faced with the magic weapon sent by Xu Mu, Ye Yingying was naturally overjoyed. This was the first time in her life that she had received such a precious gift, so she was uncharacteristically active at night.

Xu Mu was so old that he almost couldn't walk the next day!

This is simply bullying the elderly!

Fortunately, his concentration was still good and no one was killed in the end.

"It seems that I still can't let go of Thunder Swordsmanship!"

After all, the body is the capital of revolution. Without a good body, how can we educate young people in the future?

"It's just that after Ye Yingying gave birth to little Ling'er, the taste was a bit bland! It's a little regretful!"

After sorting out the harvest, Xu Mu spent the next few days refining elixirs, refining elixirs, refining elixirs, until all the materials were used up.

In the end, a total of 361 Qi Gathering Pills and 54 Chalcedony Pills were harvested. Ninety percent of the Qi Gathering Pills were top grade, and the remaining 10% were top grade.

As for the chalcedony pills, most of them were low-grade, with a small amount of medium-grade pills and none of the top-grade pills. Fortunately, the remaining five ingredients were all successfully refined.

Originally, it would be difficult for him to successfully refine chalcedony pills at his proficiency level, but due to his double breakthrough in cultivation and fire control, the refining efficiency has been greatly improved.

Even the efficiency of refining has been improved.

It used to take two days and one night, but now one day and one night is enough.

The Qi Gathering Pill can be refined twice a day.

Get out of the house.

There is a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth.

The first winter snow in Baishifang City has been falling for three days!

Xu Mu put on the cotton-padded clothes his wife had sewn for him, stepped on the crunching snow, and walked towards Fangshi.

I don't know if it's because of the coming of winter, but the battle between the Qinghe Sword Sect and the Soul Refining Sect has also shown signs of stopping, and the city has become less lively than before.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, have you refined the chalcedony pill?!"

Su Qing was pleasantly surprised when she saw the chalcedony pill that Xu Mu took out. Even though she was wearing thick cotton clothes, her beautiful body was still highlighted.

"I was lucky enough to make two bottles! But the quality is a bit poor, they are all inferior!" Xu Mu said modestly.

As for the refined chalcedony elixir, I naturally kept it for myself and my wife to eat, and it could also hide my clumsiness.

After taking a large amount of middle-grade chalcedony pills, Ye Yingying has broken through the second level of Qi training, and is much better than Xu Muke at the beginning.

But after all, she took countless pills and it took her more than half a year to break through to the second level of Qi training. This talent is hard to describe.

"Even if it's low-grade, that's great. Congratulations!"

Su Qing was very happy.

Because the better Xu Mu is at alchemy, the better the elixirs she sells, and the higher her commission will naturally be.

"I just made a breakthrough in my cultivation and gained some insights. It may not be possible next time!"

Generally, when a monk has just made a breakthrough, there will be a period of inspiration, and all aspects will improve relatively quickly.

Of course, even if inspiration breaks out again, there is nothing you can do compared to the system.

He said this just because he didn't want to stand out too much.

"That's it! How come my fellow Taoist has become so much younger!"

Su Qing didn't take it seriously.

If you can succeed once, you can succeed twice. As long as it is stable, it will be a steady stream of income.

Chalcedony Pill is a second-level elixir!

In the future, the commission earned from Xu Mu alone will be enough for her to be popular.

This relationship must be maintained!

This time, Xu Mu didn't need to ask, so she told Xu Mu in detail the news she knew during this period.

When Xu Mu came out of the Song Family Pharmacy, he already had fifteen more medicinal materials for refining the Chalcedony Pill and twenty more medicinal materials for refining the Qi Gathering Pill.

The price of chalcedony pills has also increased a lot recently. Just three bottles of low-grade chalcedony pills were sold for 350 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones. The profit was huge, and Xu Mu couldn't wait to refine chalcedony pills every day.

Of course, just think about this kind of thing. If he really sells chalcedony pills in large quantities, with his current strength, he is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

As for the Qi Gathering Pill, Xu Mu did not sell it at the Song Family Pharmacy.

He planned to take it to Shopkeeper Tu of the Snow Lotus Drug Store to sell it.

Not only because he missed his old relationship, but also because the price of 70% at Song's Pharmacy was too high. If he sold it at Snow Lotus Pharmacy, he was sure to get the price to 90%, and he didn't have to worry about being bound by a contract.

Although he didn't test his limits when he went to Baihe Forest last time, he was able to easily deal with the Li brothers. Xu Mu felt that with his own strength, he should have no problem dealing with a few ordinary Qi-training mid-stages.

With such strength, there shouldn't be any problem selling Qi Gathering Pills in large quantities. If someone catches his eye, he might be able to make some extra money.

On the way to the Snow Lotus Pharmacy, I found a shop that sold magical weapons and sold two damaged defensive magical weapons, a hammer-shaped offensive magical weapon, and a set of willow leaf flying knife magical weapons.

In the end, I got two low-grade defensive magic weapons.

One is a bracelet made of blue marrow cold jade, which can not only release body-protecting spiritual light in times of crisis, but also slowly improve the practitioner's physical condition when worn for a long time.

This bracelet can be called a fine product among low-grade defensive instruments, and its price is almost as high as that of mid-grade defensive instruments.

The other piece is a breast shield made of purple fine copper.

Naturally, I give the bracelet to my wife, and I naturally keep the breast shield for myself.

Originally he wanted to buy a robe, but considering that wearing a robe while living in a shanty town would seem a bit ostentatious, he finally thought about it and decided to buy a defensive weapon.

"By the way, with my current situation, can I move back to Fangshi?"

Just when he was considering whether to move back, the Snow Lotus Pharmacy was already in front of him.

At this moment, a beautiful woman with a dignified appearance, wearing a snake bun and a green robe, walked out of the medicine shop with a slight frown on her eyebrows.

The two happened to meet head-on!

When she saw Xu Mu, the beautiful woman in green could not help but show surprise on her pretty face.

"Eh? Fellow Daoist Xu! It's been such a long time!"

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