"Fellow Taoist, how do you sell this second-level fire-bending jade slip?"

In the shop, Xu Mu pointed to a piece of red jade the size of a baby's palm and said.

"A medium-grade spiritual stone! This is the best magic jade slip sold in our store!" the clerk introduced with a smile.


Xu Mu was speechless.

One middle-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to one hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

But often one hundred low-grade spiritual stones cannot be exchanged for one medium-grade spiritual stone.

Look at the book in his hand that records almost all the spells during the Qi training period. There are detailed annotations in it, and it only costs 20 yuan for low-quality books.

Xu Mu just wanted to say one thing, how damn expensive!

But there are advantages to being expensive.

Using jade slips to learn spells not only eliminates the need for memorization, but also allows you to gain part of the inscription's cultivation insights.

Xu Mu touched his pocket, hesitated and said, "Can it be cheaper?"

"Fellow Taoist, we don't bargain in our store!" the clerk said with a smile.

"Can I use low-grade spiritual stones instead?"

"Of course you can, but it will cost you one hundred and ten low-grade spiritual stones!"



After changing hands, you gave me another ten yuan increase!

In the end, Xu Mu persuaded him, and including the spell secrets, the clerk gave him five yuan of low-grade spiritual stones at a discount.

After returning home, Xu Mu immediately entered the utility room eagerly and calmly put the jade slip between his eyebrows.

With the influx of his own spiritual power, the jade slip crackled and instantly broke into pieces.

An invisible spiritual power merged into his mind as the jade slip was broken.

All kinds of knowledge and insights about second-level firebending were forcibly engraved into his mind.

It is somewhat similar to the system's memory transfer, but it is rougher than the system, and the content is relatively vague and scattered.

After Xu Mu received it completely, he immediately opened the system to check.

[Introduction to the second level of firebending; 187/200]!

It directly increased his proficiency by nearly two hundred points.

But Xu Mu can feel that this is still not the limit, because many of the insights inside are scattered and need to reach that level before they can be fully integrated.

Therefore, this jade slip not only omits a lot of introductory exercises, but can also increase his cultivation speed from time to time in future cultivation.

"A hundred spiritual stones are worth every penny!"

Xu Mu was very happy.

And the following practice also allowed him to experience what it feels like to fly again.

In just three days, he reached [Proficiency; 399/400].

At this time, Xu Mu also realized that although the jade slips were magical, they should not be so exaggerated.

The reason for his rapid progress, in addition to the magic jade slip itself, the bigger reason should be that the level of the first-level firebending skill is high enough.

What followed was not what he expected. In just one day, he broke through the bottleneck and reached the level of mastery.

Just when he wanted to continue practicing, the system automatically popped up a dialog box.

[Find skills that can be fused, do you want to fuse them? 】

On the system panel, the first-order extraordinary fire-bending technique and the second-order proficient-level fire-bending technique emitted light at the same time.

"It can actually be fused!"

Xu Mu was overjoyed.

He barely hesitated before agreeing.

The two icons on the system interface immediately merged together.

At the same time, a lot of miscellaneous information appeared in Xu Mu's mind, which merged with each other and evolved into a brand new spell.

[Please name the new spell! 】

"Second level firebending!"

Xu Mu did not make any messy names and still used the original spell names.

At this time, the firebending technique became——

[Second level firebending master; 1024/6400]

Although the level was lowered from extraordinary to master, Xu Mu not only did not feel that the firebending skill had become weaker, but actually felt that it had become much stronger.

Especially in terms of temperature control, when he released it, even the Black Iron Sword showed signs of melting.

At the same time, the ability to compress flames has also been further strengthened.

"I never thought I could play like this!"

This time the spell fusion really opened up his mind.

He spent a hundred low-grade spiritual stones in exchange for thousands of points of luck improvement.

It's a pity that he has no money now, otherwise he really wants to buy some more fire magic jade slips.

"No, since firebending can be fused, why can't fireball?"

He looked at the fireball spell on the system panel.

[Proficient in Fireball; 367/400]!

This is his highest level fire spell besides fire control.

"Is it because the level is too low?"

The second-level firebending skill is also a fusion prompt that only appears after reaching the proficiency level.

According to the proficiency calculation, the fireball technique can only be considered on the same level as the second-level firebending technique when it reaches perfection.

"Why don't you give it a try! Anyway, we are only a little bit close to breaking through!"

Xu Mu spent a day quickly cultivating the fireball to [Mastery; 399/400]!

Because I didn't want to waste time, I just added a little luck value and upgraded the fireball technique to [Perfect; 0/800].

And with the breakthrough of the fireball technique, the system prompts appeared again.

[Do you want to fuse the skills that can be fused if you find them? 】

The perfect fireball technique and the newly fused firebending technique lit up at the same time.

Xu Mu didn't hesitate and clicked to confirm again.

I experienced another wonderful fusion of information in my mind.

[Please name the new spell? 】

"Second level firebending!"

After a flash, the proficiency changes again.

[Second level firebending master; 1502/6400].

Obviously, the fusion of fireball technique is not enough to improve the level of firebending technique, but it has gained nearly 500 proficiency points out of thin air, which is equivalent to the luck value accumulated in fifty days.

The power of firebending has also increased, rising again.

This time Xu Mu was completely taken aback.

Originally, he wanted to improve his thunder sword skills first, but now he completely forgot about it. He dug out all the fire spells and started learning them one by one.

As soon as he had mastered the Fire Breathing Technique to a familiar level, Ye Yingying's knock on the door came from outside.

Tell him that Lan Shijin came to visit with her daughter.

The mother and daughter moved here yesterday, packed up the house, and immediately came to visit them.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, are you too polite?"

Looking at the pile of gifts in the room, Xu Mu felt a little embarrassed.

In the room, Lan Shijin was still wearing a blue robe, with a dignified and elegant temperament.

Behind her is a beautiful woman wearing a blue robe, as cold as frost.

The beauty in blue always exudes an aura that prevents strangers from entering.

This is Lan Shijin's daughter, Leng Yuening.

After being neighbors for more than ten years, this is the second time Xu Mu has seen each other.

"They are all small gadgets, just for Ling'er to use! You're welcome!" Lan Shijin said with a smile.

After saying that, she couldn't wait to take the child in Ye Yingying's arms, with a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you very much!"

The other party had already said so, and he was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Miss Leng, please sit down!"

Lan Shijin held the child and refused to let go, so Xu Mu could only ask Leng Yuening to sit down first.


Leng Yuening responded lightly, then sat down on the chair, her fair-as-jade chin tilted slightly, her eyes always straying away from Xu Mu's body.

The whole person seemed a bit cold and arrogant.

Lan Shijinxiu raised her head slightly, looked at Xu Mu and said, "Don't be offended, fellow Daoist Xu, Yue Ning has always been like this, and she didn't mean to embarrass anyone!"


It’s not intentional, it’s intentional, right?

Since you know there is a problem, why don't you, a mother, ignore it?

With such a arrogant look, aren't you afraid of being beaten when you go out?

Xu Mu was a little confused.

However, he doesn't know the situation in the other party's family, so there is no need to be smart, just have less contact with him in the future.

He kept saying, “I don’t mind!” do not mind!

Xu Mu went to the kitchen to get a clean tea set and poured tea for the two of them to drink.

There were just two people, one was busy teasing the child, and the other was looking up at his slender gooseneck, like a marble sculpture, with no intention of drinking tea at all.

In the room, Lan Shijin and Ye Yingying were chattering, Xiao Ling'er was so amused that she couldn't stop giggling, and Leng Yuening and Xu Mu were sitting on the edge like logs.

Perhaps seeing Xu Mu's embarrassment, Ye Yingying said, "Mr. sir, why don't you go and do your own business? I'll just stay with Sister Lan and Miss Yue Ning!"


Xu Mu still wanted to be polite.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, just go ahead and do your work, no need to be polite to me!" Lan Shijin said softly.

"Well, then! I'm in the next room. Fellow Daoist Lan can call me anytime if you need anything!"


Lan Shijin nodded and continued to tease Xiao Ling'er. Xu Mu bowed his hands towards the two of them and turned around to enter the utility room next door.

"Nah! It's so embarrassing!"

Xu Mu smiled bitterly.

Then he took out the spell book and continued to practice fire spells.

Not long after practicing, I heard bursts of laughter like silver bells coming from the next room.

Not Ye Yingying, nor like Lan Shijin.

Could it be Leng Yuening?


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