After deducting the elixirs he consumed, Xu Mu's harvest in the past two months was only six bottles of chalcedony elixirs and twenty-five bottles of Qi Gathering elixirs.

The reason why there are so few is because he spends a lot of time improving his cultivation and practicing spells.

There's no way around it, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Six bottles of the Chalcedony Pill were sold to the Song Family Pharmacy, and the materials for ten Chalcedony Pills and four medium-grade spiritual stones were obtained.

At the same time, he also got two important news from Su Qing. One was that Fangshi was preparing to expand, and the shanty town where he was located was likely to be included in it. The other was that the patrol team was preparing to expand, and the number of people might increase significantly.

Twenty-five bottles of Qi Gathering Pills were sold to Shopkeeper Tu, and he received thirty Qi Gathering Pill materials and 420 low-grade spiritual stones.

Not only has the price of elixirs not increased recently, it has also fallen back, so the price is a little lower than he expected.

However, with four middle-grade spiritual stones and four hundred and twenty low-grade spiritual stones, his income still hit a new high.

With the spirit stone in hand, the first thing Xu Mu did was to go to the bookstore and buy the jade slip of the third-level fire-bending technique for three middle-grade spirit stones.

Finally, he rushed to the magic weapon shop to buy a magic sword.

Unexpectedly, after looking around, I was not very satisfied.

It’s not that the price is too expensive!

Second-level attack weapons, especially relatively simple ones such as flying swords, generally have no more than three middle-grade spiritual stones.

The third level only cost six pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones. With his current worth, he could afford it with gritted teeth.

The key is that the formations engraved on these magic swords are not what he wants.

Among them, the floating formation, traction formation, Xumi formation, and spiritual formation are all necessary formations for normal magic swords, but they are completely useless to Xu Mu.

Because he does not need to use the mind control magic sword to attack the enemy from a distance.

Instead, prepare to hold it directly in your hand, inject spiritual energy, and kill people at close range.

A second-level offensive sword can only be engraved with twelve formations at most, and these alone account for half of them that he does not need.

What is necessary for others is a waste for him.

"Can you order utensils here?"

"Of course! But we can only order second-level magic weapons for the time being. If you want to order third-level magic weapons, you need to make an appointment in advance. As for fourth-level magic weapons, we won't accept them for the time being!"

"What's the price?"

"It depends on what kind of magic weapon you are making, fellow Taoist? Are there any formations that need to be engraved, and are there any special requirements?"

"What I ordered is a magic sword..."

Xu Mu briefly described his requirements.

The clerk who was in charge of receiving him looked surprised and thought he had heard wrongly.

"Guest, you mean that ten of the formations are engraved with sharp gold formations to increase attack, and two are engraved with solidification formations to increase the toughness of the sword body?"

"That's right!"


Is this fellow Taoist going to kill someone directly with his hand?

The clerk looked him up and down and found that he seemed to be a bit tougher than ordinary practitioners.

"Guest, your request is a little special. I need to tell the shopkeeper!"


Xu Mu nodded.

Then the clerk walked into the back hall and soon called a tall old man with a long beard.

After final discussion, the other party agreed to help him make this magical sword, and could increase the sharp gold formation to fourteen.

Because a normal magic sword needs to coordinate various formations, in order to avoid conflicts, the number of formations needs to be strictly controlled. However, the magic sword required by Xu Mu is relatively single, and the difficulty of inscribing the formations is greatly reduced, so two more formations can be added.

However, because it was custom-made and his requirements were quite special, the price was quite a bit more expensive, requiring five mid-grade spiritual stones.

And you need to pay two mid-grade spiritual stones as a deposit first.

"When can I come and pick up the sword?"

"One month at the latest!"


Xu Mu paid the deposit, got the voucher from the other party, and left.

This store is one of the largest magic weapon stores in the entire city, so there is no need to worry about its reputation.

Later, he spent 20 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones in Zhenbao Pavilion and bought two hairpins, which he planned to give to Lan Shijin and her daughter as a thank you for taking care of their daughter during this time.

Then I went to the market to replenish rice and meat, and bought a lot of candies, candied fruits, white flour, meat, eggs, vegetables, candles, window grilles and other random things.

These are the things Ye Yingying said she needed for the festival.

At the same time, I also cut several feet of fine silk to take back and make new clothes for my wife and daughter.

Speaking of clothes, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

I always said that I would buy cassocks for my wife when I had money, but after putting it off for so long, there was still no sign of her.

In fact, a cheap robe costs only thirty or forty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones...

never mind!

Better next time!

Before leaving, he unexpectedly met Jia An in the market.

The other party is buying spiritual rice.

It's not the ordinary spiritual rice that costs five kilograms of low-grade spiritual stones, but ten low-grade spiritual stones and one kilogram of mysterious rice.

Even Xu Mu was reluctant to eat this kind of rice.

"I didn't expect that this couple is usually frugal, but they are quite generous during the holidays!"

He was already ready to leave, but after thinking about it, he simply bought a pound himself and went back to give his wife a taste.

After returning home and putting away his things, Xu Mu took the hairpin and walked towards Lan Shijin's house.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are so polite!"

After Lan Shijin put away the gifts, she led Xu Mu to the main room and poured two cups of tea.

"I would also like to thank Fellow Daoist Lan for taking care of my wife and daughter during this period!"

Xu Mu took a sip of tea and said

You wouldn’t know it if you didn’t drink it, but the other party’s tea-making skills are really extraordinary, even better than those in a teahouse.

"We are neighbors and we should help each other. Besides, I like them both very much, especially Xiao Ling'er!"

There was a smile on Lan Shijin's lips, very gentle, like a gentle drizzle, making people want to get close to her unconsciously.

Today, Lan Shijin did not wear the blue robe, but a loose white brocade robe. Her hair was simply tied up, and she exuded a lazy and comfortable atmosphere.

As for Leng Yuening, she did not show up.

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Mu explained his purpose.

"Do you want to set up a spirit gathering array at home?"

Lan Shijin stared at Xu Mu with a hint of surprise.

Through this period of contact, she knew that Xu Mu's income was not low, but the spirit gathering array was a costly thing, and even she was reluctant to set it up now.

"That's right! I wonder how many spiritual stones are needed?" Xu Mu asked.

"It doesn't take much spirit stones to set up the formation. The key is that once the formation is started, it cannot be stopped. It requires at least ten low-grade spirit stones to be consumed every day. Are you sure you want to set it up?"


Ten low-grade spiritual stones!

In other words, at least three hundred low-grade spiritual stones are needed a month!

To be honest, this consumption was a bit beyond his expectations.

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

It seems that in the future, the sales proportion of Chalcedony Pills will be increased and the refining of Qi Gathering Pills will be reduced.

This may involve certain risks, but Xu Mu feels that with his current strength, he should be able to handle it.

"You are such a good father!" Seeing Xu Mu agree, Lan Shijin sighed with a smile.


Xu Mu was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what it meant.

Lan Shijin seemed to notice his doubts and frowned: "Aren't you setting up the spirit gathering array to help Xiao Ling'er improve her qualifications? Children who grow up in an environment with strong spiritual energy generally have better talents!"


In fact, I mainly do it to improve my cultivation.

By the way, let my wife improve her cultivation!

As for my daughter...

"Ahem! Fellow Daoist Lan is so smart, you guessed it right away! If it weren't for my daughter, I wouldn't be willing to spend so many spiritual stones!"

The layout of the spirit-gathering method is not too complicated. It only took Lan Shijin two days to complete it. The materials before and after were added together, and it only cost more than fifty low-grade spirit stones. Compared with the defensive method he purchased, The array is even cheaper.

Of course, it was Lan Shijin who gave him a discount.

Otherwise, just hiring an array master would cost a lot of spiritual stones.

The entire spirit gathering array just covers the bedroom completely, and the area is not very large. If you really want to talk about it, it can only be regarded as a miniature spirit gathering array.

After the layout was completed, Xu Mu immediately experienced the effect.

The first is the environment.

Stepping into the Spirit Gathering Array from the outside world is like stepping into a clean room from a dirty environment.

Even if you don't meditate, every time you take a breath, your whole body will feel comfortable, as if your body and mind have been cleansed.

Without taking the Qi Gathering Pill, the cultivation speed can be more than doubled. After taking the Qi Gathering Pill, it can be doubled or nearly tripled.

Obviously, the more spiritual energy there is, the better the effect of using the Qi Gathering Pill will be.

Little Ling'er, who was already seven months old and could sit up, turn over and crawl, suddenly became sleepy as the spirit gathering array was turned on.

I learned from Lan Shijin that this is a normal phenomenon.

Babies are less adaptable than adults. Facing changes in the environment, they need a long period of adaptation. However, as they adapt to the environment, their talents will make great progress.

Anyway, Xiao Ling'er's talent in the future will definitely far exceed that of Xu Mu and Ye Yingying.

Moreover, Xu Mu has already planned to start feeding Xiao Ling'er chalcedony pills after she can eat normally, so as to lay the foundation for her from an early age.

The Chalcedony Pill also played a big role in his rapid progress during this period.

Moreover, the Chalcedony Pill is different from the Qi Gathering Pill. It can directly improve the practitioner's talent. It may not be noticeable once or twice. In the long run, the benefits are far greater than the Qi Gathering Pill.

The only bad thing is that as Xu Mu takes a large amount of Chalcedony Pill, the effect of Chalcedony Pill is also weakening.

In the future, he will either change to other elixirs, or he can only improve the quality of the chalcedony elixir.

However, if he wanted to refine a top-quality or top-quality chalcedony pill, he would need to consume a lot of luck, and he was still undecided for a while.

"We still need to increase the speed of obtaining luck points!"

He thought about marrying a wife and taking concubines, and then thought about Lan Shijin.

The other party is a widow, I don’t know...


It is better to wait until this year is over and see how the situation is. If it is stable, it would be more practical for Ye Yingying to prepare for her second child.

Time goes by, and it’s the annual Spring Festival.

Every house is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and it is very lively.

Lan Shijin suggested that the two families get together to celebrate the festival.

While eating, Xu Mu finally saw Leng Yuening's smile for the first time.

Don’t tell me, it’s quite beautiful!

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