Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 504 Going deep into the secret realm

Not long after Xu Mu flew past, he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from the front.

His heart trembled, and he immediately restrained his breath and hid behind a huge stone.

Soon, a huge monster appeared in his sight.

This demon was tall, several feet tall, and exuded a powerful aura, as if even the air was trembling.

It has a pair of huge wings, each feather is as sharp as a sword, shining coldly in the sun.

The demon's eyes were like two blazing flames, as if they could melt everything around them.

Xu Mu was secretly surprised. This demon's cultivation level was definitely not inferior to his, and was even stronger than him.

He carefully observed the demon, wanting to know its weaknesses.

But this demon seemed to be very alert, exuding a powerful pressure that shrouded everything around it.

Xu Mu knew he couldn't stay for long, so he immediately retreated and quietly left here.

Not long after Xu Mu left, the demon suddenly sensed something, let out a loud roar, and chased Xu Mu with a powerful aura.

Xu Mu felt the terrifying aura behind him and knew in his heart that he had been discovered by the demon, so he immediately activated his magic power and wanted to escape as soon as possible.

But the demon was extremely fast and soon caught up with him. He waved his huge wings violently, and a fierce wind roared towards Xu Mu.

Xu Mu did not dare to resist the strong wind and immediately activated his magic to resist.

At this time, the demon had already flown over his head, and its huge claws suddenly grabbed at him.

Xu Mu dodged the blow, and then immediately attacked the demon.

Although his cultivation level was not as good as that of this monster, his movement and spells were extremely powerful, and for a while he was inextricably linked to the fight with this monster.

However, the demon didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. Instead, it adopted a strategy of wandering around to exhaust Xu Mu's mana.

Xu Mu understood the demon's intention, so he immediately adopted a proactive attack strategy.

His figure skyrocketed, and a huge battle ax appeared in his hand, slashing at the demon.

The demon didn't seem to expect that Xu Mu would suddenly launch such a fierce attack, and was startled. However, it reacted extremely quickly. It let out a roar, clenched its fists with both hands, and slammed towards Xu Mu.

Xu Mu did not dare to confront him head-on, and immediately used his body skills to dodge, and at the same time launched another attack.

He has extremely rich combat experience. When fighting this demon, he advanced and retreated in a controlled manner, both offensively and defensively, without showing any flaws.

The demon was suppressed by his offensive and was unable to exert its full strength for a while.

In this fierce battle, Xu Mu also gradually figured out the details of the demon and discovered its flaws.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he swung the battle ax in his hand, slashing at the demon with a huge energy blade.

Although the demon avoided the vital point, it was hit on the body. Its huge wings shook violently, shattering the energy blade.

But at this time, Xu Mu had already stepped forward, and the battle ax in his hand was attacking the demon like a storm.

Although the demon tried its best to resist, he was still hit several times by Xu Mu, and blood spurted out.

It let out a shrill roar, as if it knew it could no longer resist Xu Mu's attack, so it immediately turned around and ran away.

How could Xu Mu let it escape easily and immediately launched a pursuit.

Not far away, disciples from other sects could not help but cheer when they saw this scene.

They saw Xu Mu's strength and courage, and they all admired him greatly.

Xu Mu chased after him and soon caught up with the demon.

He slashed down with the battle ax in his hand, directly cutting off the demon's head.

The moment Xu Mu chopped off the demon's head, there was a noise not far away.

He turned around and saw several disciples from other sects rushing towards him quickly.

One of them rushed directly towards him, the sword in his hand exuding a sharp light.

Xu Mu sneered in his heart. He had expected this to happen, so he took a step back calmly.

At this time, those disciples had already rushed in front of him, and one of them even attacked him directly.

Xu Mu sneered and swung out the battle ax in his hand, striking the disciple with a powerful energy blade.

The disciple didn't seem to expect Xu Mu to have such a skill. He didn't react and was hit directly by the energy blade.

He screamed, his body was hit by the energy blade, and he flew out.

Seeing this, the other disciples took a step back and looked at Xu Mu with some fear.

Xu Mu glanced at them coldly and said, "I killed this monster, who wants to snatch it away?"

Those disciples felt a little guilty because of his cold eyes, and they all took a few steps back.

One of them hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Why is this brother so stingy? Although you killed this monster, we also contributed, and everyone will share in the benefits."

"Yes, we don't want to be your enemy. We are all disciples of the same sect, so we should unite and help each other." Another person also said.

Xu Mu sneered in his heart. It seemed that these disciples wanted to be polite before fighting.

Xu Mu sneered, naturally he would not tolerate these disciples coming to snatch his credit.

With a flash of his body, he was in front of the disciple who spoke first, and he swung the battle ax in his hand.

Although that disciple was also in the middle stage of Qi refining, he could not compare to Xu Mu, a disciple at the peak of Qi refining. He was knocked away with just one blow.

When the other disciples saw this, they immediately took a step back, but Xu Mu had already caught up with him and launched another attack with the battle ax in his hand.

Although these disciples are also talented disciples from other sects, there is still a big gap between them and Xu Mu.

Xu Mu's body and magic skills were extremely powerful, and he was able to suppress them all in one moment.

Not far away, disciples from other sects could not help but cheer when they saw this scene.

They saw Xu Mu's strength and courage, and they all admired him greatly.

Xu Mu didn't want to waste time here. After quickly defeating these disciples, he immediately ran towards the demon's body.

Xu Mu ran to the demon's body and began to search for cultivation techniques from the demon.

He knew that this demon was very powerful and must have some pretty good skills.

Sure enough, he soon found a skill scroll on the demon's body, which said "Blood Shadow Dragon Transformation Skill".

Xu Mu was overjoyed. He had already heard the name of this technique and knew that it was an extremely powerful body-training method.

He immediately put the skill scroll into his storage bag and continued to search for the demon.

However, there were no other skill scrolls on this demon, which made Xu Mu a little disappointed.

He understood in his heart that although this demon was powerful, it was no match for a true immortal realm expert, and it was unlikely that he had many valuable skills.

But he also knew that the demon's skills were enough for him to practice for a while.

He quickly left the scene and returned to where the Qingyun Sect disciples were.

Xu Mu returned to where the Qingyun Sect disciples were, still a little excited in his heart.

He had just killed the demon, and not only had he obtained a lot of demon flesh and bones, but he had also obtained a good body-refining technique from it.

He knew that this demon was just a small player in the secret realm of the abyss, and the real treasure was still deeper.

He decided to continue exploring in depth to find more treasures and opportunities.

When other Qingyun Sect disciples saw Xu Mu returning safely, they also stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

Xu Mu briefly explained his experience, and then began to show off his trophies in front of everyone.

The other disciples were also a little jealous when they saw the flesh, blood and bones of these monsters.

But they also knew that these trophies were obtained by Xu Mu's adventure in killing monsters, so they were naturally not qualified to compete with him.

Xu Mu handed the demon flesh and bones to Qing Yunzi and asked him to take them back to the sect and study them carefully.

Qingyunzi nodded to him, expressing that he was very satisfied with his action of killing the demon.

Other disciples also congratulated Xu Mu, and then continued to explore the secret realm of the abyss.

Xu Mu was also ready to continue exploring in depth, but then he discovered a problem.

That is, other sect disciples are also constantly exploring in depth. If they find any treasures or opportunities, wouldn't I have to compete with them?

He knew in his heart that if he wanted to gain something in this secret realm of the abyss, he must take the initiative and cannot wait passively.

So he decided to take the initiative and explore as deeply as possible, not to fall behind other sects.

He flashed and quickly moved deeper.

Not far away, disciples from other sects were also exploring in depth, but they did not seem to notice Xu Mu's actions.

Xu Mu sneered secretly in his heart. He knew that he could only gain an advantage in this competition by taking the initiative.

He quickly traveled through many ruins and sites, looking for any possible treasures and opportunities.

However, this secret realm of the abyss seems to have been explored many times, and many treasures and opportunities have been taken away.

This made Xu Mu a little disappointed, but he did not give up.

He knew that this secret realm of the abyss was a small interface. Although it had been explored many times, there were still large unknown areas waiting for him to explore.

Continuing to explore the secret realm of the abyss, Xu Mu felt that the spiritual energy and law power here were getting stronger and stronger, as if he was in a fairyland.

He took a deep breath and felt the mana in his body constantly surging, as if he could break through to a higher level of cultivation at any time.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed an unusual aura, which seemed to be emanating from the treasure.

His heart moved, and he immediately flew forward.

Not far away, a huge cave appeared in his sight. A faint light shone deep in the cave, as if calling him.

Xu Mu's heart moved and he immediately entered the cave.

The cave was deep and dark, but Xu Mu's eyes seemed to be able to see through the darkness and clearly see the scene inside the cave.

He soon discovered a remarkable treasure, which was a stone with a faint light and some ancient runes carved on it.

Xu Mu immediately felt a powerful aura emanating from the stone and rushing straight into his mind.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately put the stone into his storage bag.

He knew that this stone must be a valuable treasure that could improve his cultivation and magic power.

He continued to explore deeper into the cave.

Just as Xu Mu continued to explore deeper into the cave, he suddenly felt a strange aura.

He immediately became vigilant, calmed down, and looked in the direction from which the aura was coming.

From the depths of the cave, a black shadow gradually emerged. It was a huge evil thing, exuding a powerful dark aura.

Xu Mu's heart trembled. He knew that this evil thing was definitely not an ordinary evil spirit. It should be controlled by a more powerful evil cultivator or demonic cultivator.

He immediately calmed down and prepared to deal with the attack of this evil thing.

The evil thing seemed to have sensed Xu Mu's presence. It roared and then swooped towards Xu Mu.

Its body was extremely large, like a dark shadow, shrouding the entire cave.

Xu Mu dodged and avoided the evil thing's attack, and then quickly launched a counterattack.

The battle ax in his hand suddenly struck out, and a powerful energy blade struck at the evil object.

The evil thing didn't seem to be afraid, its body suddenly shook, and a powerful dark aura emitted from it, shattering the energy blade.

Xu Mu was surprised, this evil thing was much more powerful than he imagined.

He did not dare to neglect at all and continued to attack. His figure instantly appeared next to the evil thing, and the battle ax in his hand struck out again.

The evil thing seemed to be irritated, and it roared, and its huge claws suddenly swatted at Xu Mu.

Xu Mu dodged and managed to avoid the blow, but he was shocked enough to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He knew that this evil thing was extremely powerful, but he also had extremely rich combat experience and did not reveal many flaws.

He quickly took out a talisman from his storage bag, inspired powerful magic power, and blasted it towards the evil object.

The evil object was hit by this spell, and its body was directly penetrated, but it made a strange roar from its mouth.

Xu Mu's heart trembled. He knew that the evil thing was not dead yet, so he immediately prepared to attack again.

But at this moment, the evil thing suddenly exploded, and a powerful dark aura instantly filled the entire cave.

Xu Mu was shocked. He knew that the evil thing had self-destructed, so he took such extreme measures to protect himself.

He immediately calmed down and prepared to deal with the attack of this dark aura.

But the dark aura did not attack him, but spread out in all directions, shrouding the entire cave.

Xu Mu felt a strong sense of oppression coming towards him, as if it was going to crush him.

He knew in his heart that this dark aura was aimed at his soul and consciousness, and wanted to completely obliterate him.

He tried hard to resist the erosion of this dark atmosphere, but his soul and consciousness had been suppressed to the point of being unable to move.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the dim light stone could improve his cultivation and magic power, so he immediately took it out.

As soon as the dim light stone appeared, it immediately emitted a powerful light and dispersed all the dark atmosphere around it.

Xu Mu felt that his soul and consciousness had regained freedom, and he was amazed by the magical effect of this dim light stone.

He knew that this stone must be some kind of treasure that could protect his soul and consciousness, and might even improve his cultivation and magic power.

He decided to study the stone and see what magic it had.

He quickly left the cave and returned to where the Qingyun Sect disciples were.

When other disciples saw him returning safe and sound, they all stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

Xu Mu briefly explained his experience, and then began to study the dim light stone.

Other disciples also gathered around curiously, wanting to see what was so special about this magical stone.

Xu Mu held the stone in his hand and carefully observed its texture and texture, trying to find out its origin and efficacy.

But unfortunately, he found no clues and couldn't even identify the material of the stone.

He decided that after returning to the sect, he would give the stone to the elders or masters of the sect to study it and see if they could identify its origin and efficacy.

In the subsequent exploration, Xu Mu encountered many other opportunities and treasures, but none of them were as magical and important as this dim light stone.

He decided to continue exploring the secret realm of the abyss in depth, looking for more treasures and opportunities.

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