
Xu Mu did not notice the existence of the stone chamber under the sweep of his spiritual thoughts.

"Am I in the wrong place?"

Xu Mu flew to a high altitude and looked around. There was only such an isolated island within ten miles.

"It can't be wrong! When I left, I checked with Mr. Lu several times, and the nearby sea area is not a dangerous place. There is a complete sea map, and there is no similar place!"

Xu Mu landed on the island and looked around. He still had clear impressions of several scenery, and he couldn't be wrong about it.

But no matter how he looked with his spiritual mind, the island was completely empty. Except for stones and soil, there was no stone chamber at all.

"Could it be that the stone chamber will disappear like the space cracks?"

Xu Mu's face became more and more ugly. Unwilling to give in, he took a picture of the Earth Trap Talisman on his body and got into the island.

Soon, he appeared in the stone room.

"This this……"

While Xu Mu was happy, he was also quite shocked.

"When I left, I thought my perception was weak, so I couldn't find the stone chamber."

"I didn't expect that it could actually deceive the divine mind!"

He stretched out his hand and touched the cold stone wall. No matter how he looked at it, he could not tell that it would have such a magical function.

It turned out that Xu Mu wanted to cut it off and take a look, but he was afraid of destroying its function. If it affected the space crack, he would really cry to death here.

"No matter what, let's go back first! It won't be too late to study it when we have the chance!"

The first goal is to return to the original area.

"Originally, I thought that this stone room was made by Xiao Yi, but now it seems that he does not have the strength!"

"If it's not Xiao Yi, then who is it? Why did he give up here?"

The value of this space crack is self-evident.

Not to mention being able to resell supplies on both sides, just being able to easily cross a million miles away is enough to make Nascent Soul Qi's heart flutter.

The other party obviously wanted to cover up the existence of the spatial rift by creating the stone chamber and enjoy it alone, but now it has abandoned it. This is hard not to make people suspicious.

"Is there any hidden danger in this space crack that I don't know about?"

Xu Mu's heart was suddenly filled with a layer of gloom.

But he was really reluctant to give up the priceless space crack so easily.

You must know that if his reselling plan is successful, the profits obtained every time will be enough to make a Jindan Qi's heart beat, and if it continues to develop, the profits will only increase.


Don’t do it?

What are the dangers?

Confusing thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

At this time, above the sea.

Rays of escaping light pierced the sky and fell on the island. The escaping light spread out, revealing one by one the most beautiful women with unique temperament and beautiful people.

Junior Sister Bai, who wanted to recruit Xu Mu as a cauldron, was also among them, at the end of the team.

The leader was a girl with waist-long hair and white clothes. Her face looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, but her eyes were old, as if she had seen through the vicissitudes of the world.

The extremely powerful spiritual thoughts emanated from the girl's body and swept around, but found nothing.

The girl in white frowned slightly, and the many golden elixir cultivators following her all trembled in fear.

Only a woman with strange blue hair and watery eyes walked forward calmly.

"Master! We have been searching here for more than a year, and there is no trace of any spatial cracks. The apprentice thinks that the map is probably a fake!"

After the blue-haired woman finished speaking, she stood aside.

The female cultivators behind him all became concerned.

For more than a year, they were ordered to conduct constant searches in the nearby waters. It can be said that it was quite hard. If the white-haired girl was not too majestic, they would have given up long ago.

The white-haired girl closed her eyes and was silent for a moment before suddenly speaking:

"go back!"

After saying that, the white-haired girl looked back and transformed into a white rainbow, projecting towards the north. The female cultivators hurriedly followed.

Junior Sister Bai paused for a moment, thinking of the excellent cauldron material. She hesitated for a moment, fearing to offend her master, so she hurriedly turned into a escaping light and chased after her.

I don’t know how long it took, whether it was a day or half a day, but a faint light spot suddenly appeared in the originally empty stone chamber.

Xu Mu's mind was shaken, and he instantly retracted all his chaotic thoughts and stared at the light spot with all his concentration.

The light spot continues to expand, like a big invisible hand, rendering it open, revealing a forest scene with withered and yellow leaves.

The familiar scenery that came into view made Xu Mu's heart inevitably excited.

When the light spot expanded enough to pass through a person's passage, Xu Mu couldn't wait to get through.

There was the familiar smell of vegetation in the air, and the continuous roar of insects and beasts could be heard in his ears. At this moment, his hanging heart finally calmed down.

Although I had speculated for thousands of times that nothing would go wrong, before I really came back, my heart was still unavoidably in a state of turmoil.

He glanced back at the still-expanding spatial cracks, then looked left and right, and finally decided not to be too clever by arranging any concealment formation.

After destroying the cave he originally opened, Xu Mu looked around and made sure that nothing was missing before he rushed towards the direction of Liyang Sect.

At this time, almost three months had passed since he set out from Liyang City.

When he went there, Xu Mu spent more than half a month avoiding the monsters and lack of strength.

At this time, Xu Mu was eager to return home, and with his greatly increased strength, it only took him less than seven days to return to the area where Liyang Sect was located.

On the way, he also killed a fourth-level flying monster without eyes.

The outline of Cuilingfang City had already appeared in his sight.

Xu Mu fell to the ground, removed his invisibility spell, put on an ordinary robe, and rushed towards Cuilingfang City.

He wanted to stop by and ask if anything major had happened in the Liyang Sect in the past two months, especially the battle between the Tianhe Sect and the Tongyou Sect.

"Huh? Why are there so few people?"

Just entering the outer area of ​​Fang City, Xu Mu noticed something unusual.

Autumn has just entered, and it is still the peak period for hunting monsters. However, the monks in Fang City are even rarer than when the last winter came, and all of them are frowning and full of pain.

"Isn't this place also affected by the war?"

Xu Mu, who was feeling uneasy, hurriedly grabbed a passerby and stuffed a spiritual stone over him.

"I dare to ask my friends, has something big happened recently? Why are you all so gloomy?"


The passerby who had taken the spirit stone looked surprised when he heard Xu Mu's inquiry.

"My fellow Taoist, how long have you been in seclusion? You don't even know about ghost cultivators!"

"Ghost cultivator? What ghost cultivator? Fellow Taoist, can you tell me more details!"

Xu Mu's heart skipped a beat, and his uneasy feeling became even stronger.

The passerby saw that Xu Mu's expression didn't look like he was faking, so he explained, "You know about the battle between Tianhe Sect and Tongyou Sect, right?"


Xu Mu nodded.

I thought to myself that there might have been another oolong incident.

"Just over a month ago, Patriarch Tianhe led many golden elixir masters and finally forced Tongyou Sect into a desperate situation. In order to avoid being destroyed by the sect, the Yuan Ying ancestor of Tongyou Sect made peace and agreed to cede half of the territory. The mountain will be closed for a hundred years and you won’t be able to leave!”

"It's just that Patriarch Tianhe doesn't agree and must kill him!"

Speaking of this, the passerby's tone contained a trace of complaint.

"Later, the ancestor Tongyou didn't know that there was something wrong with that tendon, so he gave up the opportunity of reincarnation and turned everyone in the sect into ghost cultivators! Including himself!"

"Although the ghost cultivators are not much stronger than ordinary cultivators, their means of escaping and hiding are beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators!"

"In the face of the Tongyou Sect monks who had transformed into ghost cultivators, the encirclement led by Tianhe Patriarch collapsed. Now the Tongyou Sect's ghost cultivators have spread to all the areas under the jurisdiction of the Tianhe Sect, and they come out to carry out assassinations every night. In less than a month , thousands of monks from various major sects have died, and even us casual cultivators have been unlucky, who can be in a good mood under such circumstances!"

Xu Mu was shocked.

He never expected that such a major change would occur in just two or three months.

If it was too much to say that the Soul Refining Sect's blood purge of the He Sword Sect was excessive, then Patriarch He's slaughter of the Demon Dao Jindan Sect with the strength of the Nascent Soul stage that day was tantamount to tearing people apart and turning the table over.

And Tongyou Sect's current behavior is tantamount to peeing in the pot.

Xu Mu also knew something about ghost cultivation.

There are indeed many benefits to becoming a ghost cultivator, such as hiding and escaping as passers-by say.

Ghost cultivation has another name, called soul cultivation, which means only cultivating the soul but not the body.

Luo Lai, who lost his body at the beginning, can also transform into a ghost cultivator if he has the ghost cultivation technique.

Because ghost cultivators have no entity, they can change and distort at will, and can do many things that ordinary cultivators cannot do, such as walking through walls, escaping from the ground, and hiding among vegetation, mountains and rocks.

Because he has no physical body and is no longer bound by wind resistance, gravity, etc., he can fly faster.

It can be said that it has truly been achieved, coming and going without a trace.

At the same time, without the physical body, there is no life limit. As long as the soul is immortal, it will survive forever.

Ghost cultivators do not need to take pills, nor do they have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. They can directly swallow other people's souls to complete the advancement, which is somewhat similar to Xu Mu's beast soul.

With so many benefits, ghost cultivation is almost invisible in the world of immortal cultivation.

The reason is that its shortcomings are greater.

First, because ghost cultivators have too much yin energy, they will be greatly suppressed by sunlight during the day, and weak ones will turn into blue smoke on the spot.

Second, ghost cultivators can indeed advance easily by devouring souls, but at the same time, they have to face the impact of consciousness in the opponent's soul. If too many souls are devoured, inner demons will form.

The number of inner demons faced by ghost cultivators is hundreds of times that of ordinary cultivators.

Very few ghost cultivators can survive for hundreds of years under the influence of inner demons. The so-called endless lifespan is just a joke.

Those ghost cultivators whose minds were taken away by their inner demons have become evil cultivators that everyone in the cultivation world wants to beat up.

That's not the worst part. The real reason why thousands of monks would rather die than to follow the ghost path is because after cultivating the ghost path, there is no turning back. They will either become irrational evil worshippers, or their souls will disappear.

Ghost cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are even more unlucky. Not only do they have to face the above problems, they also have to face a thunder disaster that occurs once every three hundred years.

Normal Nascent Soul cultivators are faced with numerous difficulties when fighting against thunder tribulations, but Nascent Soul ghost cultivators would almost risk death.

Tongyou Sect's actions are completely red-eyed. They would rather die than drag Tianhe Sect into the water.

"Oops! Nothing will happen to Yingying and the others, right?"

Xu Mu's heart was suddenly filled with worry.

No longer in the mood to inquire carefully, Xu Mu released the flying boat and immediately rushed towards Liyang City as quickly as possible.

Looking at Feizhou going away and looking at the spirit stone in his hand, passers-by were so shocked that they were speechless for a long time.

"Fuck! Could that person just now be a great monk in the foundation building stage?!!!"

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