A quarter of an hour was enough for everyone to make a choice.

Is it a humiliating death that would implicate the family.

Or obey the military order and fight for a better future?

It was not difficult to make a choice.

With an order, all the inspectors rushed into the dense forest like a tide, without exception.

The mountain road was narrow and the dense forest was quiet.

The inspectors who were still in formation outside the dense forest were also dispersed one after another under the influence of the terrain of the dense forest.

Under He Ping's shouting, the dispersed inspectors also gathered in their own organizations, and dispersed on both sides of the mountain road in teams, heading towards the direction of Qili Village on the mountain.

"There are no footprints?"

In the white snow, Chu Mu held the long knife tightly, looking at the white snow covering the forest, frowning.

The wave of arrows just now could not have appeared out of thin air, there must be someone moving.

The forest was covered with snow, and if there were people moving, there would definitely be traces left.

But the scene that came into view was that there were very few traces.

The further you go into the forest, the fewer traces you leave. Indistinctly, you can also see traces that have been covered up by humans, but as the distance advances, everything seems to have returned to the wind and snow.

The number of people who secretly attacked and killed far exceeds that of their own government troops, and they retreated calmly and covered their tracks.

The threat index of this group of people has skyrocketed in Chu Mu's mind.

"Follow me, don't walk around."

Chu Mu turned his head to look at Xu Yuan who was following him, and gave him an instruction, and then looked at the surrounding inspection teams.

There must be brave men under a heavy reward.

There are not a few people who want to find an opportunity to fight like Chu Mu.

There are not a few people who are like Li Gang who are focused on fighting for their future.

Everywhere you look, you can see teams holding sharp weapons and searching along the mountain path in the forest.

From the foot of the mountain to Qili Village, it is only seven miles in total.

Obviously, at this speed of advancement, it won't take long to reach Qili Village.

Once they reach Qili Village, things will undoubtedly be much simpler.

It has only been a few hours since the patrol inspector was killed.

Any normal person would know what the consequences would be if he killed an official.

Escape is the only option.

But how far can you escape in a few hours?

Not to mention, what can you eat in the deep mountains in this cold winter?

It will take more time to bring enough daily necessities.

"Be careful, if the rebels want to delay time, there will definitely be cold arrow attacks next."

Chu Mu stopped and looked at the patrol inspectors who followed him.

The team he was in was mostly newly recruited patrol inspectors, and the few remaining old hands were wiped out just now.

The team leader Li Gang was even more determined to make meritorious deeds, and now he didn't know where he rushed to.

Therefore, the rest of Chu Mu's team were patrol inspectors who had just joined the job like Chu Mu.

It can be said that they are all a bunch of drags, no wonder Li Gang disappeared.

After giving a warning, Chu Mu ignored everyone's response and turned his eyes to the dense forest.

The entire patrol team was advancing along the mountain road in a triangle, and the team he was in was at a corner of the edge of the triangle.

If it was true as he guessed, the traitor was stalling for time, then his position was still quite dangerous.

As if to confirm Chu Mu's guess, suddenly, just ten steps in front of Chu Mu, a patrol fell to the ground with a plop.

An arrowhead almost pierced through the entire head, and blood stained the snow, and the pool of blood was extremely dazzling.

"Enemy attack!"

A loud shout suddenly rang out, and the originally quiet dense forest was instantly messed up.

Chu Mu's pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, all emotions were instantly thrown behind his mind. Chu Mu subconsciously looked in the direction where the arrowhead came from.

I saw a figure jumping down from the treetops, and then running wildly in the dense forest. Under the cover of the trees, the figure disappeared in just a few breaths.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

This arrow cluster was like a command, and cold arrows suddenly attacked from all directions.

Inexplicably, an indescribable sense of crisis also suddenly enveloped Chu Mu's whole body.

In the corner of his eyes, a black dot seemed to be flying towards him.

Chu Mu subconsciously swung his knife, and the collision feeling was clearly transmitted to Chu Mu's heart along the blade.

The arrow cluster that was broken into two pieces fell on the snow, and the strange luster flashing on the arrow cluster was also clearly reflected in Chu Mu's pupils.

Chu Mu's back was cold, his throat seemed to be blocked by a foreign object, and his breathing seemed a little unsmooth.

Just now, he... almost died!

Xu Yuan ran forward quickly, crouching and looking at Chu Mu: "Brother Mu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, be careful!"

Chu Mu took a deep breath, and his eyes instantly locked on the fleeing man.

He was at most thirty steps away from him.

And in front of him, there were already a few brave inspectors rushing over.

Chu Mu did not hesitate, holding the long knife tightly, and followed closely behind the man.

A few dozen steps away, not too far.

After this wave of attacks, the rebels who had exposed their tracks obviously lost their biggest advantage.

There were inspectors with bows and crossbows fighting back, with arrows whistling, and there were also inspectors chasing the fleeing figure, wanting to chop off the head to fight for a better future.

After running for more than ten steps, Chu Mu suddenly stopped and shouted: "Be careful, there are still people in the tree!"

On the treetops, accompanied by the falling of snowflakes, a figure jumped down like a swimming dragon.

The hunting knife as long as an arm directly sank into the body of one of the inspectors, blood spurted out, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

The inspector widened his eyes, the light in his eyes dimmed visibly, and only the unspeakable fear was imprinted on his face.

The figure was still agile, and the hunting knife several feet long in his hand was as flexible as an arm.

In a few breaths, the inspectors who were chasing in the front fell into a pool of blood one after another.

It was not until then that Chu Mu could really see his true face.

He looked like a teenager, much younger than Xu Yuan.

He was wearing an animal skin coat, and his face still showed traces of immaturity. His eyes were clear, but with a hint of cruelty that did not match his age.

The boy stared at Chu Mu, but did not retreat. Instead, he rushed towards Chu Mu like an arrow from a bow.

Suddenly, the unspeakable sense of crisis once again enveloped Chu Mu's body.


The blades collided, and the piercing sound of gold exploded in the dense forest, like the sound of life urging, accompanied by the blood-stained hunting knife, like a violent storm, covering Chu Mu.

In just a few breaths, Chu Mu retreated more than ten steps, and the blade in his hand seemed to have a row of hideous gaps.


"Quick, don't let him run away!"

The shouting was close to his ears, and the violent sound of metal clashing like a violent storm also stopped abruptly.

When Chu Mu reacted, the figure of the young man, like a civet cat, shuttled quickly in the dense forest, and soon disappeared from his sight.


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