Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 63 The Calm Before the Storm

It was late at night.

A cart, escorted by nearly a hundred patrol inspectors, slowly drove out of the patrol station.

Chu Mu remembered that it was this cart that pulled the old man's body from the mountain village to the dungeon.

And now, it was this cart that pulled the old man's body, which had been shattered and then sewn into shape, out of the dungeon.

Next, his body will be hung on the archway at the north exit of the town.

Exposing the body to the public... to... lure the snake out of its hole.

It must be said that the seemingly unremarkable coroner had very good skills.

The body, which had been dissected and dissected into pieces, was sewn up by his needlework and then put on the shroud, and there was not much difference.

It was just that the hideous traces of needlework and sewing came into view vaguely, which gave people an indescribable sense of horror.

"Hang it up."

At the exit of the town, following Wu Shuo's arrangement, this corpse, which looked extremely scary, was also hung under the tall archway.

In the night sky, the fire flickered, and a hideous corpse was hanging in the air, swaying with the wind. Fortunately, the inspector on the scene was a personal experience, otherwise, if it was someone who didn't know, he would probably be scared to death.

"Brother Mu, is there really a ghost?"

Until now, Xu Yuan obviously hasn't recovered from the news of the resentful soul, and stumbled to Chu Mu and asked.

"Don't think about it!"

Chu Mu took out the book of body forging from his arms and stuffed it into Xu Yuan's hand: "Think about it yourself if you have nothing to do, and ask me if you don't understand."

Xu Yuan was stunned, and after seeing the three words of body forging, he refused:

"Brother Mu, this won't work, this is the sergeant..."

"I told the sergeant, don't worry."

Chu Mu waved his hand, looked around vigilantly, and obviously didn't want to say anything more.

As for whether Xu Yuan could understand it, Chu Mu was not worried. Before his father died, his family environment was far more worrying than his family.

Xu Yuan was once forced by his father to study in a private school for several years, so literacy was a piece of cake.

Seeing Chu Mu's vigilant look around, Xu Yuan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything more. He tightly grasped the book of body-building skills, and his eyebrows seemed to be more determined.

Chu Mu's attention at this moment was obviously not on Xu Yuan at all, but on the surrounding environment.

If the resentful soul hadn't appeared, he would naturally not be so careful, but now, a higher level of mystery has been unveiled in front of him.

His crude swordsmanship, the qi and blood he had just practiced, and the seemingly extraordinary self-protection ability in front of ordinary people, seemed to be somewhat insignificant in front of the higher level of mystery.

And now, strictly speaking, he is also one of the participants in the corpse exposure...

In a confrontation beyond his ability, if he is not careful, he will be cannon fodder.

Everything, Chu Mu had no choice but to be vigilant.

But inexplicably, Chu Mu was looking forward to the young man coming for revenge.

Even though he knew that even if this expectation was fulfilled, it would not mean much to him.

But people's hearts... always have some luck.

Expectation... luck, worry... even fear...

Time... slowly passed under Chu Mu's complex mentality.

The night deepened, until the night faded away, the cocks crowed at dawn, and the body was still hanging high, swaying in the wind, without any abnormality.

After the incident in Fengyue Tower, the focus of Nanshan Town and even Qinghe County was obviously shifted with Li Jinghong's will.

Under this archway, there were nearly a hundred patrol guards guarding light and dark. In the early morning, under the mobilization of Li Jinghong, nearly two hundred patrols of the county patrol camp also rushed to Nanshan Town overnight.

Then, nearly a hundred patrols were mobilized from the mine to the north of the town to replace Chu Mu and his party who had been suffering all night.

Chu Mu barely returned home until the sun rose.

After a night of tense nerves, Chu Mu was undoubtedly exhausted.

But compared to fatigue, the sense of urgency brought by the worry in his heart was obviously far greater than the physical and mental fatigue.

As soon as he returned home, Chu Mu carefully checked the rooms in his house, and without delay, he boiled the medicinal materials to assist in the cultivation of qi and blood. As for the negative effects of excessive use of medicinal materials...

In this situation, the mysterious and extraordinary impact, the negative effects of the drug poison, are undoubtedly insignificant to Chu Mu.

The medicinal liquid surged with the fire. After Chu Mu added firewood, he simply prepared some food and ate it, and then returned to the yard.

After practicing a few rounds of swordsmanship and slightly moving his stiff body, Chu Mu devoted all his energy to the cultivation of qi and blood.

With the posture of the pile exercise, he calmed his mind and spirit, and the perception of qi and blood instantly flooded into his mind. With a slight movement of his mind, the qi and blood began to flow.

Compared with the auxiliary cultivation of medicine, there is obviously a huge gap between the simple refining of one's own Qi.

The wisps of Qi transformed by food are really insignificant compared to the medicinal power of the medicine liquid that is pouring in like a tide.

But there is no doubt that compared with refining the surging medicinal power, the Qi transformed by the body's instinct is undoubtedly much simpler to absorb and contain under the same origin, and there are no restrictions and negative effects.

Time passed bit by bit, and about a quarter of an hour later, Chu Mu stopped practicing Qi and blood.

Of course, it was not that Chu Mu was unwilling to practice anymore, but that he could not.

After all, the Qi refined by Qi and blood cultivation is produced by the food eaten.

Its quantity is extremely limited, and the cultivation of Qi and blood is not simply to strengthen Qi and blood. Its fundamental purpose is to strengthen the internal organs, accumulate essence, and accumulate spirit.

Therefore, every time Qi and blood is cultivated, Qi and blood are consumed.

However, this consumption does not disappear out of thin air, but is transformed into the foundation of the body through strengthening the internal organs, accumulating essence and spirit, and is also an indispensable part of the process of the human body gradually becoming inhuman.

But it is obvious that to cultivate Qi and blood, it is necessary to ensure sufficient food and the assistance of corresponding medicinal materials and external forces.

Otherwise, every time Qi and blood is cultivated, it is probably not to strengthen the internal organs and foundation, but to damage the internal organs and foundation, and to take the way to death!

"A little proficiency..."

Looking at the increase in proficiency reflected on the light screen panel, Chu Mu couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

You know, he is a beginner!

When learning anything, beginners must make the most obvious progress.

As the progress deepens, it is inevitable that the learning progress slows down or even stagnates.

According to this progress, if you practice on your own without the help of medicine, it might be a lifetime of hard work!

And according to the growth cycle of the human body, it is inevitable to slowly age after reaching middle age.

The practice of Qi and blood itself focuses on strengthening the body. Once the body begins to age, the spirit and energy will weaken. It is obvious that the progress of practice will be seriously hindered. It is normal for it to regress instead of progress when you are older.

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