Longevity starts with Liver Gu recipe

Chapter 5: Gu refining in progress

The steps for refining the voodoo are very simple. You only need to collect all the spiritual insects needed on the voodoo recipe, then put them in the voodoo cup and starve them for a period of time, forcing them to devour each other. Over time, the voodoo can be turned into a voodoo.

If there are some insect species that don't like to fight, other methods are needed to stimulate the ferocity in their bodies, but these methods are beyond his understanding for the time being.

It takes time for spiritual insects to devour each other. Some need to wait for seven to forty-nine days, and some need to wait for ninety-nine to eighty-one days. Some powerful Gu species even have to wait for three years. There is no fixed number.

It doesn’t matter that it takes a long time to refine the voodoo. The difficulty is that there is a failure rate in refining the voodoo. Some voodoo recipes have a success rate of one in ten, and some have a success rate of one in a thousand. Those with a bad face may have to refine it for ten thousand times. Can't become a gu every time.

Once the Gu refining fails, all materials will be lost, and all the resources invested will be in vain.

Long Xuan had no idea what the success rate of this Gu recipe was. He just prepared ten materials and purchased ten Gu cups for refining the vood, intending to refine the vood at the same time.

Many Gu cultivators practice Gu in this way, casting a wide net to catch big fish and saving time.

It doesn't matter even if the refining is heavy, you can take out the extra Gu worms and sell them, not only will you not lose money but you will make a fortune.

It is worth mentioning that Gu insects are cannibalistic, so each Gu cultivator can only raise one Gu insect of the same kind. If you refine too many, you can only trade them out as soon as possible.

However, Long Xuan soon realized that his preparation seemed unnecessary, and he discovered another function of the golden finger.

When refining the voodoo, you can also see the progress on the voodoo cup. Once the progress reaches 100%, it will be the day when the voodoo is completed.

So here comes the question, if the spirit insect in a Gu cup is destined not to become a Gu, will the progress still be displayed?

Will the Gu cup that can show the progress will definitely become a Gu, and will the Gu cup that does not show the progress be doomed to fail in refining the Gu?

Then can he open the Gu cup that shows no progress immediately, and then find a favorable time, place, and people to refine the Gu again until the Gu cup can see the progress.

Long Xuan's scalp was about to explode.

In other words, his success rate in refining Gu may be 100%. There is no need to gamble on the damn success rate like other Gu cultivators, and there is no need to worry about wasting materials.

He felt that he could challenge the heaven-defying Gu recipe with a success rate of one in ten thousand.

Long Xuan's breathing became rapid. The effect of this golden finger was a bit unbelievable.

Time passed by seventy-seven forty-nine days, and finally there was movement in Long Xuan's ten Gu Cups.

Just as he expected, once the number appears on the Gu cup, the success rate must be 100%, and the moment the number becomes 100%, it will be the day when the Gu becomes successful.

It was precisely because of the digital reminder that Long Xuan waited early today and witnessed with his own eyes the scene of the Gu insect breaking out of the cup.

Long Xuan opened his eyes wide, unable to suppress his excitement.

The ten Gu cups changed almost at the same time, and ten red Xiaoqiang climbed out of the Gu cups one after another.

Sure enough, all ten Gu cups turned into Gu, no materials were wasted, and the success rate was 100%.

This is completely unimaginable to others.

Long Xuan ran over excitedly, took out the Gu jar and put it on his body, then divided it into ten and packed them.

He has not forgotten the taboo of Gu insects, cannibalism.

To prevent them from devouring each other, they must be separated as soon as possible.

After doing all this, Long Xuan had time to get it closer and study it carefully.

He had already named the new Gu species that debuted in this world Little Qiang Gu.

Long Xuan pricked his finger with a needle, dropped a drop of blood on Xiao Qiang Gu's head, and simply completed the blood contract ceremony.

From the moment he established soul contact with it, although Long Xuan was unable to communicate with it through language, he quickly learned its abilities through the power of his soul.

What happened was just as he expected. The Gu worm made from a hundred cockroaches had the same ability as Xiaoqiang's immortality.

Of course, it is not absolutely immortal, because the research and development funds are too small and the most common materials are used. The power that can kill Xiaoqiang is still too much, but it can be summarized as the conventional strike ability of the same level is immortal.

I am afraid that truly immortality requires the use of top-grade spiritual insects and cockroaches to refine the Gu.

The little powerful Gu made from low-grade cockroaches has too many ways to kill, and it is far from being immortal. It is more impressive to say that it is more resistant to beatings.

The ability to withstand beatings may not be a big deal in the eyes of the rich, but in the world of casual cultivators, this is definitely a pretty good ability.

Long Xuan was already very content. He had never thought of using a bunch of the cheapest materials to create a real immortal body. It was absolutely impossible.

He placed the little strong Gu in the center of his palm with satisfaction, and liked this debut novel very much.

According to this world's classification of the quality of Gu, his little strong Gu should be classified as a low-grade Gu.

The quality of Gu insects in this world is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade, and top-grade.

The best Gu insect is the king of Gu, and what all Gu cultivators desire most.

The dream of all Gu cultivators is to refine a top-quality Gu worm in their lifetime, and every top-quality Gu worm has a fatal attraction to Gu cultivators.

However, it is extremely difficult to refine the best Gu insects, and there are very few owners.

Long Xuan was determined to create a top-quality Gu recipe, and refining top-quality Gu insects was also his dream.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to refine the best Gu worm for the first time. The quality of the Gu worm is determined by the main ingredients in the Gu recipe.

The so-called main material is the one spirit insect that will have the last laugh among all the spirit insects in the Gu recipe.

The main material must have the highest combat power among all the Gu materials, and must be saved until the end. Otherwise, if the main material dies, it means that the Gu refining has failed.

If the main material is a top-grade spiritual insect, then the refined Gu worm will be a top-grade Gu worm.

In the same way, the main material of Xiaoqiang Gu is low-grade material, so no matter how strange the ability is, it will still be classified as low-grade Gu.

But in Long Xuan's view, although Xiaoqiang Gu is the weakest of the lower-grade Gu insects, its ability to withstand beatings may be more practical than that of the mid-grade Gu insects.

However, only one of the same kind of Gu can be used. There was a slight accident in refining the Gu this time, resulting in nine more Gu being refined.

How to deal with the remaining nine little strong Gu became a problem, and we couldn't waste everything on feeding Brother Chicken.

After thinking about it, Long Xuan decided to sell the extra Gu worms like other casual cultivators.

There are not a few casual cultivators selling unique Gu bugs in the market, and it is not uncommon to create your own Gu prescriptions in this world.

Because the ingredients for low-grade Gu prescriptions may be in single digits, or even just two types of ingredients. Even if you blindly use the method of letting go, you may get a poison recipe.

Many casual cultivators who have no inheritance are Gu insects created by the Dafa of chance, so unique Gu prescriptions abound in this world, and everyone has the ability to create their own Gu prescriptions.

It's just that the unique Gu recipes of casual cultivators are often repeated and generally very weak because of the lack of materials.

However, a top-quality Gu recipe cannot be created by a normal person. Long Xuan can reveal his ability to create his own recipe, but he must not reveal his ability to create a top-quality recipe.

Therefore, it is not an eye-catching thing for him to go to the market to sell his own Gu insects, and he can do it with confidence and boldness.

Now he is too poor and urgently needs a huge amount of funds to buy the piece of black iron and the high-grade spiritual stone.

He could even set up a stall to sell his unique Gu insects for a long time like other casual cultivators.

The cost of making a small strong Gu is very cheap, but the selling price can be very high. What's even more outrageous is that there is no failure rate, it is a huge profit.

As for being bought and used against himself, he doesn't care at all. After all, it is a low-grade Gu. He actually has a better choice. The small strong Gu is just a transition for him and will be eliminated soon. It can be used by others as they wish. .

It's just that it's impossible for him to find the materials now, so he can only temporarily use small strong Gu instead.

The better choice he said was actually the famous tardigrade in his previous life.

In terms of immortality, the cockroach is completely the younger brother to the tardigrade.

Tardigrades can withstand ultra-high temperatures of 151°C and ultra-low temperatures of minus 272°C.

It cannot be killed by being placed in the deepest Mariana Trench, nor can it be killed by radiation from atomic bombs. Even when scientists send it into space, it cannot be killed. It can survive for thirty years even without food and water.

Tardigrades can withstand hypoxia and vacuum, high pressure and low pressure, can regenerate broken limbs, and can even repair DNA damage.

The vitality of the tardigrade is a miracle in the world. The earth has experienced five mass extinction events, exterminating most living things, but it is the only one that has not been exterminated.

However, the size of tardigrades is too small. Most tardigrades are only 3 to 5 microns. Small ones are difficult to observe with the naked eye. Their shape can only be clearly seen with the help of a microscope.

This world obviously does not have capabilities similar to a microscope, so if you want to refine water bear Gu, you must first refine Microscope Gu.

This requires him to create a kind of poison recipe of his own, and water bear poison cannot be completed in a short time.

When the microscopic Gu comes out, he will see more microscopic insects.

You must know that microorganisms have not yet been discovered by Gu cultivators in this world. There are huge types, but they have not been named and have never been caught. What a huge treasure house of resources this is.

The entire world of microscopic spiritual insects will belong to him alone.

In addition to being divided into two categories: internal voodoo and external voodoo, the voodoos in this world can be further subdivided as follows: natural system, enhanced system, animal system, plant system, pupil system, dark system, demonic system, special system, production system Tie……

He may create a new sect, the microbiological system, and he will become the founder of this sect.

Long Xuan is full of ambitions for the future.

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