Longevity starts with Liver Gu recipe

Chapter 90 The mind of the next best Gu worm

After finally selling the map, Long Tian stopped talking to Long Xuan and turned around to find the next buyer.

Long Xuan picked up the map and looked at it, and found that only the tomb passages and various tomb chambers were drawn on it, but the description of the dangers at each location was very vague, and it seemed that the owner who drew the map had only a partial understanding.

After he found the location of the medicine garden, he looked at the location of the sleeping hall.

The sleeping hall is where the empress' coffin is placed. There is no doubt that the most valuable treasure in the ancient tomb must be in the sleeping hall.

But this location is definitely the most dangerous location in the ancient tomb. Anyone who enters it is bound to escape death. The two Gu kings seemed to have died here. The most valuable treasure in the ancient tomb has not been taken away yet.

I don’t know if it is possible for me, a small Gu cultivator in the Soul Gathering Stage, to take away the tomb-suppressing treasure, something that even the Gu King cannot do.

But even if it could be done, it would probably be difficult to bring it out.

It is not difficult to judge from what Long Tian said. The things brought out from the ancient tomb must be handed over to the family. How could they all be owned by individuals? It would be nice to be given a very low share at most.

Even if he really had a way to get the tomb treasure, he would probably still have to use some means to hide it privately and show off his IQ to those high-ranking officials.

However, this matter will be discussed later. Whether he can take away the tomb treasure is still unknown. It is too early to think about these issues now.

But now that I have decided to go to the tomb with a group, I must be fully prepared.

For example, for the Dragon Silkworm Clothes, time was tight. It would be the day of burial in seven days. He did not have time to study the best silkworm clothes in the world, so he could only buy an ordinary Dragon Silkworm Clothes first.

He hurriedly looked at Long Ziyan, and then realized that when he was talking to Long Tian, ​​the conflict just now had ended.

Listening to the comments from people around, it seemed that Long Yan won the battle and then bought half of Long Ziyan's dragon silk.

Long Bao bought the remaining half with a livid face, but the remaining dragon silk was enough to make a suit for others, but for him it could only cover his belly button.

How could he be satisfied with this? He stared at Long Yan's departing back fiercely, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Then I had no shame in staying here anymore, so I could only leave in disgrace.

Is the deal closed? Long Xuan frowned slightly. Although Long Ziyan had no more dragon silk in his hands, he still decided to try his luck.

Maybe the dragon silk was really sold out, but she definitely wanted to wear the dragon silk clothing, so she still had at least one dragon silk clothing that she wore.

Faced with the cold aura, Long Xuan could only walk over and raise his hand to say hello: "Sister, I am Mr. Long's new disciple, my name is Long Xuan, and I also want to have one." A piece of dragon silkworm treasure clothing, I wonder if senior sister still has it in stock?"

Hearing this, Long Ziyan stopped leaving. Seeing that there was no surprise in her expression, she knew that she already knew that she had a cheap junior brother.

"You're a step too late, senior sister has no inventory on hand." Long Ziyan finally spoke, cherishing every word like gold.

Long Xuan had expected it, but he didn't show any disappointment. He asked tentatively: "I know, I want to ask senior sister if she also has one that she can wear for herself. Don't get me wrong, I mean I haven't worn it yet. Yes, if there is one, I can buy it at a higher price."

Long Ziyan frowned slightly, but quickly relaxed it.

If it was for her own use, then she must have it on hand, it was just a matter of whether she wanted to give it to her.

The fact that Long Xuan was her junior brother was a great convenience, otherwise she would have left without even thinking about such a request.

"I have dragon silk on hand for my own use, but unlike the dragon silk I just sold, the dragon silk I just bought is a first-order dragon silk."

"And my dragon silkworm has undergone a transformation not long ago, and has transformed into a spirit Gu. It can produce second-level dragon silk, which is enough to block all attacks from the spirit gathering stage Gu cultivator."

"I don't have much second-level dragon silk, just enough for myself."

Long Ziyan showed a little tangled look.

"That's all! I see you are preparing to go to the tomb. The tomb is dangerous. You need the second-order dragon silk more than I do. Please give this second-order dragon silk to you."

After saying this, Long Ziyan took out a large roll of white silk from the storage bag. Long Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was ecstatic.

It turned out to be a stronger second-order dragon silk, and its defense could block all attacks in the spirit-gathering stage.

Then he could really walk sideways in the ancient tomb wearing the second-level Dragon Silkworm Clothes, and with the double protection of the Water Bear Gu, no one could even think of breaking his defense.

Long Xuan rubbed his hands excitedly. This senior sister was so generous to him, he loved her so much!

But when he was about to reach out and take the dragon silk, his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air and paused.

He suddenly thought that this was just dragon silk, a semi-finished product, not the finished dragon silk cloth.

He doesn't know how to knit clothes at all, and his clone has never learned any woman's needlework.

So he could only rub his hands, showing an embarrassed look, licking his big face and asked shamelessly: "I don't know needlework, can senior sister do it for me? I am willing to pay a high handicraft fee and will never let senior sister Help for nothing.”

As soon as these words came out, before Long Ziyan said anything, the people around him were completely shocked.

"What? He actually wants the most beautiful woman in the clan to knit a dress for him. Why is his face so big!"

"How brave! How dare you ask Sister Ziyan to make clothes for him? Why doesn't he die?"

"How brave he is, he actually wants Long Ziyan to knit him some clothes, but he can't even think of it!"

"Don't promise him..."

The crowd was in condemnation, with fire-breathing eyes.

Long Xuan is confused, asking the seller to process the materials is a very reasonable and normal request, right? He didn't expect the crowd's reaction to be so big, did he?

If this is considered rude, then the girl who makes a living by needlework is still alive? Seamstresses don't take orders for men's clothes?

It's okay for him to think so. After all, few men know how to do needlework, and the production of clothing basically depends on women.

But he ignored one issue. If the woman was ugly, then of course it would be okay for her to make men's clothes. No one would say anything. Even if she made a thousand pieces of men's clothes, no one would care.

However, that won't work if the woman is very beautiful. If a beautiful woman makes clothes for a man, she will be jealous of other men.

This is the case at this time.

If Long Ziyan was ugly, these animals wouldn't say a word whether they believed it or not. They would probably have gone away by now.

"Come in!"

After Long Ziyan glanced at Long Xuan, she turned and walked towards the door.

Long Xuan was overjoyed, knowing that it was done. He no longer paid attention to the howling animals behind him and walked toward the door.

After walking into a courtyard, a woman who looked exactly like Long Ziyan came over, holding a ruler, and approached his body to measure his size.

Long Xuan is an expert at playing with clones. He can easily tell that this is a clone of Long Ziyan. It seems that the clone is the one who wants to make clothes for himself, not Long Ziyan himself.

He began to look at the clone with curious eyes, showing an interested expression.

He is the most proficient in the art of clones, and of course he is curious about other people's clones. He really wants to know the difference between other people's clones and his own, and whose clone is stronger.

With his expert eyes, he quickly discovered many differences between this clone and his own.

First of all, the similarity is that this clone is also an external clone. It has an entity. Having an entity means that it has a certain fighting power, which is not even weaker than the original body.

The way to control the clone is very different from his own.

The way Long Ziyan controls his clones is by dividing his soul into two things, that is, controlling two people at the same time with one mind.

Both people are her, and no other consciousness will be born. The memory and thought are completely synchronized.

The biggest advantage of controlling the clone by such means is safety. Because the clone has no independent consciousness, it will never be possible to rebel. Long Ziyan will never face the risk of being replaced by the clone.

However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that it is too tiring to do two things at once, and if the two people are too far apart, the signal will definitely be poor, and it is impossible to synchronize the memory at a long distance.

In other words, this kind of clone must not be too far away from the main body, which is definitely a huge disadvantage.

At the same time, he practices for the main body and returns the cultivation results to the main body. This kind of heaven-defying function is definitely not something Long Ziyan's clone can possess.

Moreover, it is already difficult to do two things at once. It is impossible for her to do five things at once, so having one external clone is already the limit for her. It is very difficult to control more clones.

Comparing functions in all aspects, Long Xuan still feels that his clone is more advanced, no, it should be said to be a complete victory.

After Long Ziyan's clone measured him, he walked to a wooden machine to weave silk into silk.

The textile machines in this world are definitely different from those in the previous life. Long Xuan took a few glances and found that the various textile machines in the previous life were more advanced and worked much faster.

It's a pity that the time traveler is not omnipotent. He really doesn't know how to make this thing. How could he be idle and study these useless things in his previous life, so there is no chance to show off after time travel.

"Dragon Silkworm Treasure Clothes cannot be made in a short time. If you don't understand anything now, just ask me."

Long Ziyan sat at the stone table, holding an ancient book in his hand and reading quietly.

Long Xuan casually glanced at the book and found that it was written in another type of writing, which he couldn't understand at all, so he looked away.

He showed hesitation, but still had the courage to ask: "I would like to ask for advice on how to refine dragon silkworm Gu. Of course, if it is not within the scope of the consultation, then just pretend that I didn't tell you."

He asked for the Dragon Silkworm Gu recipe after careful consideration. Although the Dragon Silkworm Gu recipe didn't look like it could be taught easily, the ancestor said that he was the focus of the family's training and could learn most of the secrets that were not taught unconditionally.

He didn't know if this range included Dragon Silkworm Gu prescription, but it didn't hurt to try it out. At most, he would be rejected.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Gu recipe flew in front of him. On the Gu recipe, the five characters "Dragon Silkworm Gu Recipe" were clearly written.

Long Xuan was confused, is it really possible? Things went so smoothly that he couldn't believe it. He could really learn all the Long family's inheritance without paying any price. Is this the Long family's preferential treatment for a genius?

"Dragon silk has always been in short supply in the Long family, and I'm not afraid of others taking over the business. However, the success rate of dragon silkworm Gu is one in three thousand, so I am the only one in the family who can refine dragon silkworm Gu."

"If you want to refine dragon silkworm Gu, you must be mentally prepared to fail thousands of times. At the same time, you must also pay attention to whether your wealth is enough and whether you can support the huge investment in the early stage. I don't know how to use resources for refining Gu. Any help you can get.”

"As for the second-level Dragon Silkworm Treasure Clothes, I will accept your contribution of one million for the internal price!"

Hearing this, Long Xuan took out the contribution order without hesitation, and with a sweep of his mind, he happily paid one million contributions. The contribution value in his contribution order shrank again.

After that, no one on either side said anything. Long Ziyan was obviously not the talkative character, and he still sat there reading quietly.

Long Xuan sat across from her and quietly studied the dragon silkworm Gu recipe without interrupting her.

Of course, he doesn't plan to refine any dragon silkworm Gu. He already has the dragon silkworm treasure clothes. Even if the dragon silkworm treasure clothes break someday, he can definitely ask his senior sister to make another one. There is no need to refine another dragon silkworm treasure. insanity.

What he wanted to do was to transcend. By learning from Dragon Silkworm Gu, he could develop the same type of Gu recipe that far surpassed Dragon Silkworm Gu.

Although the dragon silk spewed out by the dragon silkworm Gu is very good, it is far from the best in the world. Among all the silkworm Gu, the silk produced by the dragon silkworm Gu is not ranked high.

Therefore, Long Xuan is far from being favored. He wants to create his own. He wants to create the strongest silk in the world. Among all silkworm Gu, his silkworm Gu must be the best among silkworms...

There were not many materials on the Gu prescription, only about a thousand kinds, which were high-grade Gu prescriptions. Long Xuan finished reading them quickly.

Although there are not many words, it is difficult to understand. It is undoubtedly very difficult to understand the birth principle of dragon silkworm Gu from the Gu prescription and clarify the rules of the Gu prescription, and it will also consume a lot of his time.

After spending an unknown amount of time to thoroughly understand the poison recipe, he also had a vague idea.

What he wants is not a powerful silkworm Gu, but a unique silk. He wants to research the strongest silk in the world, so as to create the best silkworm clothing in the world to further improve his survivability.

However, Long Xuan's brain circuit is obviously different from that of normal people. He has seen silkworm clothes in this world. The clothes are normal clothes, but with hands and head exposed. Isn't this a cover-up?

Once there is a battle with the enemy, these positions that are not protected by silk are flaws and fatal weaknesses.

He was famously afraid of death, so the first thing that came to his mind was this question.

There are two flaws in the upper body, not to mention the lower body. Most people in this world only make silkworm clothes, not silk pants, because the lower body has no vital points and does not need to spend money on defense.

Even if someone is wealthy enough to make a pair of pants, the soles of their feet will be exposed. This is another flaw that can easily be exploited by opponents.

The first thing he thought of was whether he could seal the two openings at the bottom of the silk pants, but this seemed like something, and he always felt like something was wrong.

Who in this world would come up with such a weird question? Isn’t it normal for clothes to expose your hands and head? Who doesn’t wear clothes like this? I'm afraid only Long Xuan, a weirdo, can think about things like this.

His brain circuit has always been very different from ordinary people, and the first question that comes to mind is how to seal the silkworm clothes.

He directly rejected the gloves and socks, because the bugs would burrow in through the gaps, so it was better to join them directly.

The only thing that bothered him was how to protect his head.

It's definitely not possible to completely seal it. It won't be able to breathe, it will block your vision, and it will also affect your hearing.

If you keep your mouth shut, your eyes won't be protected. Wouldn't that be another flaw?

This gave Long Xuan a headache. How else could he use silk to protect his eyes? It is really a worldwide problem to get 100% coverage of the body surface.

But in the end, this problem did not stump him. He racked his brains and finally came up with the idea of ​​breaking the conventional form of silk. On a whim, the silk spun out by silkworms was no longer in a material form, but in an energy form. so what?

That's right, Long Xuan is going to deviate from the norm again and break the rules of this world.

Can silk in the form of energy exist in this world? Clothes woven from energy-form silk are invisible to the naked eye and can even be integrated into the body surface. Referring to the soul armor in the novel, it is obviously a non-material form but can have super high defense capabilities.

If silkworm clothing in the form of energy really exists in this world, then the eyeballs can definitely be defended against.

Once the soul armor is integrated into the body surface, then the ears, nostrils, and eyes may no longer be a flaw. By then, he will be able to achieve all-round protection without blind spots, leaving no door open.

Moreover, the normal silkworm clothing in this world basically defends against physical attacks, but his energy silkworm clothing is deviant.

It can not only defend against physical attacks, but also defend against soul attacks, mental attacks, sonic attacks, curse attacks, high temperature attacks...

Long Xuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his heart became more and more excited. He felt that this method seemed feasible.

Once this method can be realized, it will be an unprecedented initiative, and it will set a historical precedent again.

This will definitely be a great invention that shocks the world, shocks the world, and will leave a strong mark in the history books.

Long Xuan took a deep breath.

But if we really want to realize this idea, I'm afraid we need a propositional liver gu prescription.

Once the ability of Gu Fang is limited, the difficulty of creation will rise straight up. It will take a long time to get this kind of Gu Fang liver out. He will not be able to succeed for at least two years. Long Xuanyin Yingan pain.

Not long after he came up with this idea, Long Ziyan's tailor-made dragon silk clothes were finally completed.

Long Xuan took the dragon silk robe, thanked him, and left immediately.

Seven days passed by in a flash, and all the Gu cultivators of the Soul Gathering stage who were preparing to participate in the tomb robbing operation gathered at a place called the school field in the family. It was a large open space with floor tiles covering the ground.

At this time, there were about a hundred people gathered here, but half of them were at the peak of gathering spirits and were eager to break through.

Gu cultivators in the Soul Gathering Stage are worthless in the Long family. These one hundred people are only a fraction of the Gu cultivators in the Long family. They are already considered a very small number of people. They are much less than those who went to the previous tomb robberies.

After all, after several tomb robberies, almost everything that can be taken from the tomb has been taken away. The few items are basically accompanied by huge risks, otherwise they would have been taken away long ago.

Even if you are lucky enough to find a treasure, 70% of it must be handed over to the family. In addition, the dangers in the tomb are widely known, so even fewer people are willing to go.

However, whether to participate in this tomb robbing operation is completely voluntary, and the family will not force anyone to do so.

Long Xuan was stuck in time. Although tomb robbing was never a 100% safe thing, he definitely had to use his body to participate.

Because the golden finger of the main body can find the formation base and break the formation, and can see the hidden mechanisms, with the help of the golden finger, it is enough to avoid 90% of the dangers in the tomb.

The clone does not have golden fingers to avoid various formation mechanisms, and it is very likely to be damaged in the ancient tomb, so Long Xuan does not trust the clone to do this kind of thing.

And without the help of golden fingers, it is possible for the avatar to miss an inconspicuous treasure.

You can't leave everything to the clone. His main body must occasionally go out to stretch his muscles. Otherwise, the main body stays at home and is 100% safe. But the main body keeps shrinking and never participates in any battles. In the future, How could he have a fighting spirit?

Born in sorrow and died in happiness!

This concept is also what forced Long Xuan to go out and rob the tomb himself.

After he walked into the Long School, he saw the unusually eye-catching Long Bao in the crowd. His huge body stood out among the crowd. Naturally, Long Yan, who had a dispute with him that day, was also among them.

But at this time, he had already put on the Dragon Silkworm Treasure Clothes, with a confident expression. Obviously, this Dragon Silkworm Treasure Clothes gave him a great sense of security and made him confident in this trip.

Long Xuan moved his gaze elsewhere. After seeing a certain figure, he stopped looking, showing a look of surprise.

He unexpectedly saw an acquaintance again, and this acquaintance was his cheap senior sister Long Ziyan. She seemed to be deliberately concealing her identity, standing there wearing a veil, but her temperament was too special, and he still glanced at her. make out.

Long Ziyan is a Gu cultivator in the marrow cleansing stage, so isn't he unable to participate in this mission? No, that was the aura of the Spirit-Gathering Peak, that was her clone, and she actually planned to send her clone to participate in this mission.

But this kind of operation is definitely not allowed. No wonder she wears a mask to hide her identity.

Long Xuan was shocked. He knew that Long Ziyan only had a second-level Dragon Silkworm Treasure Clothes, and now she had given it to him. Wouldn't it be more dangerous for her to participate in this mission?

It is really the hardest thing to accept the kindness of a beauty. He remembered this kindness and hoped that nothing unexpected would happen to Long Ziyan in the tomb.

Just when Long Xuan was lost in thought, a big hand patted his shoulder heavily, which really shocked him.

"Why are you here, looking for death!" Long Qilin's big face came over and glared at him.

Long Xuan patted his heart that was beating fast, looked at him angrily and said: "You won't come from the front? Don't worry, we have formed a team before, you know my character, do you think if I don't have full Is it risky to be sure?”

Long Qilin was stunned, thinking that Long Xuan would kill spiritual beasts without having to touch up several palms with caution, and he was deeply impressed by his level of caution.

"I am reassured by your character, but many dangers occur suddenly. If God wants to take you in, it will be useless no matter how careful you are."

"Since you want to go, I won't advise you. Remember to follow your senior sister closely. Her true state is the marrow cleansing stage, and her combat power can kill anyone in the tomb instantly. With her by your side, you are enough. No worries.”

"Since you've gone all the way, please do me a little favor. There is middle-grade spiritual soil in the Empress' Medicine Garden. If you can help me dig some, please help me."

"Currently Tufuzi has two transformation routes. I think the route of eating spiritual soil is better."

"Of course, if it's very dangerous, forget it. Everything is about safety. I won't force it."

Hearing this, Long Xuan looked at him blankly. Why did he doubt that these words were what Long Qilin wanted to say to him? The previous words were all foreshadowing.

Otherwise, what would he, a Gu cultivator in the marrow cleansing stage, do here with nothing to do? His level is not enough to participate in this mission.

"Okay! If it's just a little effort, I'll bring you some spiritual soil, but I won't guarantee it, and don't expect too much from me."

"It's natural, so be careful. Remember, the time you rob tombs is at night. The seven major clans united to act together. You only have half a day. As soon as it gets dark, you have to leave. If you walk slowly, it will be difficult to get out. .”

"The formation of that ancient tomb is special. It can exert infinite power with the help of the energy of the sun. During the day, the danger level of the ancient tomb is more than thirty times higher than at night."

"Once the sun rises, those who have not yet had time to get out of the tomb will basically have a narrow escape from death. This is the experience gained from the blood of the previous five tomb robberies."

Long Xuan nodded, completely remembering Long Qilin's words in his heart.

No matter what would happen in the tomb during the day, he didn't have the curiosity to know, nor did he want to know, so he just had to obey and exit in time.

Since Long Qilin was a Gu cultivator in the marrow cleansing stage and could not participate in this mission, he could not stay here longer. After reminding Long Xuan a few more details about the ancient tomb, he finally left.

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