Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 117 Clues, secret investigation

This may sound ridiculous.

After all, how could a flower-picking thief who could visit thousands of houses at night be a cripple with limited mobility?

But Zhao Ya didn't think this was so impossible.

In fact, the more physically deficient a person is, the more paranoid they tend to be mentally.

Inconvenience in legs and feet may make people practice Qing Gong hard and reach heights that are difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

At this time, Zhao Ya finally understood why no one had caught this jade butterfly for three years.

Because people may not have thought that this jade butterfly would be a disabled person.

"Did you find anything?" Miao Shaocheng asked with concern.

Zhao Ya stood up and pointed at the window.

"I only saw that the Jade Butterfly should have come in through this window. As for other clues, I haven't found them yet."

Zhao Ya did not mention that Jade Butterfly might be lame.

It's not that he wants to keep it secret, but it's better that as few people know about this kind of thing without proof, the better.

Miao Shaocheng and Xu De heard this and hurried to the window. After careful inspection, both of them looked a little ugly.

Because they also saw the cleverness of this method.

But the more this happens, the more difficult it becomes to catch this jade butterfly.

Before anyone from the government arrived, Zhao Ya checked the bodies of Aunt Xue and the others.

Then Shi Qingqing shed tears and put on Aunt Xue's clothes.

After all, for a woman, dying naked is too ugly.

After all this was done, the government officials finally arrived.

After recording the situation at the scene, some workers collected the bodies of Aunt Xue and the others and brought them back to the Yamen for processing.

It stands to reason that everyone, including Zhao Ya and others, should go to the Yamen to record a confession.

But the four of them, Shen Dao and Zhao Ya, were all apprentices of Lu Dingtai, and Shi Qingqing was the oiran of Zuihuafang.

Even the yamen must treat such an identity with caution.

So I just asked politely at the scene and let it go.

After asking, the catcher named Du Hu exchanged greetings with everyone before turning around and leaving.

At this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly stopped him.

"Du Captou, please stay."

Du Hu stopped and looked at Zhao Ya with some surprise.

After the inquiry just now, he already knew that this young and shameless boy was actually Lu Dingtai's new disciple.

And Lu Dingtai was a well-known top martial artist in the entire county. Even the county guard had to think highly of him, so he was very polite when facing Zhao Ya.

"What else can you do, Young Master Zhao?"

"Can I see the jade butterfly left behind again?"

After the officials arrived, Shen Dao handed over the jade butterfly, which was now in Du Hu's hands.

Du Hu didn't know what Zhao Ya wanted to do, but he didn't refuse. He reached out and took out the jade butterfly from his arms.

"Young hero, please look!"

After Zhao Ya took it, he looked at it carefully.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little confused when they saw him like this.

Du Hu guessed something and couldn't help but sigh.

"This young hero Zhao must be trying to trace the whereabouts of the thief using this jade butterfly. To be honest, we have already tried this method."

"But the jade used by Jade Butterfly is mediocre. It comes from nearby mountains and rivers. You can buy a large piece of it for one tael of silver on the market. The carving is average and has no obvious features, so it is difficult to trace it. great."

Zhao Ya didn't say anything. He looked over it several times and then handed it back to Du Hu.

"Did you find anything?" Miao Shaocheng asked.

Zhao Ya shook his head.

Miao Shaocheng looked disappointed.

Du Hu had already expected this and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

He had seen a lot of young people like Zhao Ya. He relied on himself to have a good master, and after learning a few skills, he felt that nothing in the world would be difficult for him.

If this jade butterfly is so easy to catch, why would the government spend such a high price to offer a reward?

Although he was secretly laughing in his heart, Du Hu didn't show it at all on the surface. Instead, he pretended to comfort him a few words and then left.

After he left, everyone also left Aunt Xue's house.

At this time, the surrounding neighbors were already alerted.

After all, such a police officer had just arrived, and it was difficult not to attract people's attention to such a big movement.

These neighbors stood on the street pointing at Aunt Xue's house and talking in low voices.

"I heard that the crime was committed by Jade Butterfly. The woman died miserably, with many cuts on her body!"

"Tsk, tsk, this Aunt Xue was only in her thirties. I heard she was quite rich, but she died like this. It's such a pity."

"I say she deserves it. This girl used to be the brothel girl in a brothel. She hangs out with shady men all day long. It's bound to happen sooner or later."

Comments of regret, shock, and schadenfreude were mixed together, making Shi Qingqing, who was already grieving, even more sad.

When Shen Dao saw this, he sent her back first.

Zhao Ya, Miao Shaocheng and Xu De slowly walked towards Feixianju.

"Damn it, I don't believe that this Jade Butterfly is really that powerful. No one can catch him!" Miao Shaocheng muttered, obviously a little angry.

Xu Deze sighed and said: "The key point is that no one has seen this jade butterfly, or everyone who has seen him is dead. There is not even the slightest clue. How can we find it?"

"Then let him get away with it like this?" Miao Shaocheng was furious.

Xu De did not argue with him anymore, just sighed slightly, and then stopped talking.

Soon the three of them returned to Feixianju.

It was already late at night, and Feixianju was about to close.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper knew the identities of Zhao Ya and others, so he didn't dare to rush them and just kept waiting.

After seeing them come back, Meng Shiwen couldn't help but ask: "How was it?"

Miao Shaocheng recounted the incident angrily.

Meng Shiwen didn't say anything after hearing this, but Zui'er beside her became a little confused.

A murderous demon who specializes in killing women sounds scary.

Zhao Ya saw her fear, so he gently held her hand on the way back.

"Don't be afraid, it won't take long for me to catch this guy out." Zhao Ya said softly.

"Yeah!" Zui'er nodded vigorously without any doubt.

In her mind, Brother Xiaoya is omnipotent.

So she believed whatever Zhao Ya said.

After returning home, Zui'er fell asleep, but Zhao Ya did not sleep. Instead, he sat in the courtyard and considered the clues he had discovered.

One thing that is certain now is that this Jade Butterfly is most likely a disabled person with limited legs and feet.

This suddenly narrowed the scope a lot.

But this alone is not enough.

After all, the county has a large population, and there are also many people with handicap. It is not easy to find the hidden devil among so many people.

But Zhao Ya was not discouraged at all.

Because he also discovered an extremely important clue, but he still needed to investigate it secretly.

The next day, Zhao Ya came to the exotic animal meat trading market located in the east of the county city.

There are large shops with lavish fronts on the street, as well as small vendors setting up stalls.

The meat of exotic animals sold is even more diverse, and there are all kinds.

They range from tigers and leopards in the mountains to grasshoppers in the grass.

The reason why many novices who don't know the ropes are deceived is because they often think that tiger and leopard meat must be very effective, but they only find out after buying it that they have been deceived.

In fact, there is only one criterion for measuring whether the meat of exotic animals is good or bad, and that is whether it contains much Qi and blood and whether there are any impurities.

And these are only related to the meat fields.

If you can find high-quality meat fields, the exotic grasshoppers you cultivate can also be sold at high prices.

And if it's meat field garbage, even elephant meat is in vain.

Of course, this does not mean that the meat of tigers, leopards, black bears and other beasts is not good, but it is because if beasts of this level mutate, their strength will be extremely terrifying.

Zhao Ya heard that deep in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain in Wanshou County, there were powerful beasts equivalent to or even above the fifth realm.

How many people can defeat such powerful beasts and dig out their meat fields?

Especially the more powerful the beast, the lower the chance of obtaining a meat field.

You worked so hard to kill a powerful beast, but if you get nothing, wouldn't you have to die?

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the meat of exotic animals such as earthworms, snakes, and fish and turtles are so popular.

This is because not only is their meat farm relatively difficult to obtain, but the cost of breeding them is even more astonishingly low compared to tigers and leopards and other predators.

In fact, a lot of the tiger, leopard, and black bear meat sold in the market is not even an exotic beast at all. It is made by crushing low-level dried earthworm meat and pouring it into the meat.

Zhao Ya had stayed in the Song family for so long, so he naturally knew the ins and outs here, so he didn't listen to the temptations of the street vendors and went straight into a shop called Tianlan Dried Meat.

This is what Xu De recommended to him before, saying that the quality of the meat here is good and there is no fraud.

As soon as Zhao Ya came in, he attracted the attention of the waitress in the store.

After all, with the increase in strength, Zhao Ya's temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sometimes just a simple movement can give people a strong sense of oppression.

This all proves that he is a warrior with amazing strength.

Coupled with his flawless facial features, he naturally attracted much attention.

"Young hero, do you want to buy some dried meat from exotic animals?" A tall woman walked up quickly and greeted her warmly.

Zhao Ya nodded.

"Then let me introduce to you. Our store has dozens of high, low and low-end varieties of exotic animal jerky. I..."

"How to sell dried black eel with golden spots?" Zhao Ya asked directly without listening to her nagging.

"Uh..." The woman was caught off guard by Zhao Ya.

"Dried golden-spotted black eel is considered a high-end dried meat here. It usually sells for five or two or three gold coins..."

"Fifty taels. If it works, I'll take thirty taels. If it doesn't work, I'll go to another place." Zhao Ya interrupted the woman again.

The woman's heart collapsed.

How can you buy something like this? You have to look at it first and then bargain slowly.

Why does this young man seem to be in a war and refuses to say even a single unnecessary word?

"Uh... I have to go inside and apply to the shopkeeper for this price. Why don't you wait here?"


Zhao Ya sat on the chair designed for guests to rest, picked up the fruit on the table and ate it as if no one else was watching.

He was sure that the price should be acceptable to the other party. After all, the public price of dried black eel with golden spots was five taels of gold.

For this kind of shop, buying thirty taels at a time is considered a big customer, so naturally there is a discount.

as expected.

The woman came back soon.

"Young hero, our shopkeeper has agreed. You want to do it now..."

Zhao Ya took out the gold ticket that he had exchanged in advance and put it on the table.

"Click and if there's no problem, give me the jerky."

After counting the number and packing thirty taels of dry golden-spotted black eel, Zhao Ya picked it up and turned around to leave.

From entering the door to making the purchase and leaving, the whole process only took less than ten minutes, which was extremely clean and tidy.

It wasn't until Zhao Ya left that the woman remembered that she didn't ask Zhao Ya for his name and address.

In a store of Tianlan's size, customers who purchase more than 10 taels of dried meat at a time will be recorded in order to establish a relationship and develop into regular customers.

Not to mention the remorseful woman, Zhao Ya took one of the dried meats and ate one after returning home.

The last Jade Snake Dried Jade Snake had been eaten three days ago, and it would take another two days to receive the King Kong Dali Pill, so Zhao Ya had been inactive for several days.

Now with this golden-spotted black eel in his stomach, Zhao Ya felt that his stomach and intestines were getting excited.

After grinding and absorbing it, Zhao Ya felt that his whole body was full of energy and blood.

In terms of the richness of Qi and blood, it is only slightly inferior to the Jade Brocade Snake Gan.

However, because of the characteristics of Qi and blood, it is very suitable for practicing the Diamond Fist.

After practicing the exercises, Zhao Ya was satisfied to see that he had improved in all the martial arts he had mastered.

In particular, my own skin has begun to glow with a faint glow. Although I am still far from the completion of dermabrasion, I can at least see the dawn.

Zhao Ya put away the remaining dried meat, packed all the medicine, lime bags and other practical items. He also put the meteorite knife on his waist, then put on a large piece of clothing and took it with him. A common bamboo hat on the street, covering myself tightly.

After making all preparations, Zhao Ya said hello to Zui'er and then went out.

Zhao Ya did not go to other places, but specifically chose places adjacent to brothels and brothels to wander around.

For example, the area near Zuihuafang is better and can be considered a wealthy area, but some underground kilns are simply built in the most dilapidated slum areas.

A visit only costs about fifty daizi, which is equivalent to less than a penny.

But even among these fifty rich people, there are still many people who can't afford it.

Because the people living here are all men who make a living by working hard, or small traders who do small business, the money they earn every day can only be said to be a hand-to-mouth existence, and there is no spare money for consumption.

Most people rarely set foot here, but Zhao Ya seems to be very familiar with it.

Because when he was in Dancing Elephant City, he lived in a slum similar to this.

The difference is that the security in the slums here may be slightly better than that in Wuxiang City. After all, the government here still has some control.

Zhao Ya walked slowly.

There were many people dressed like him on the street, so he didn't attract much attention.

Some wandering orioles who couldn't even get into a local kiln and could only rely on the streets to attract customers did not miss any opportunity.

"Uncle, are you kidding? Thirty men, plus ten more can give you a bowl of noodles." A woman who was nearly forty years old and even the skin on her body was sagging shouted to Zhao Ya.

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