Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 138 This punch was returned for my senior sister.

"Okay, just admit it."

Zhao Ya nodded. In fact, he had already guessed that it was senior sister Meng Shiwen who was injured by this woman as strong as an ox.

The reason why I ask is just to make it easier to do it later.

Unexpectedly, Yu Guizhi started laughing at this time.

Her laughter was very strange.

His voice was obviously rough, but he pinched his throat to look coquettish.

It gives me goosebumps.

Zhao Ya couldn't help but frown.

what is it today?

How come these two guys I met are so funny?

Finally, Yu Guizhi stopped laughing and asked with interest: "What? From what you say, do you still want to stand up for your senior sister?"

While speaking, Yu Guizhi looked at Zhao Ya with a bit of greed in her eyes.

You must know that Zhao Ya has a good appearance, and his temperament is even more outstanding after completing the skin resurfacing. Even just standing there, he gives people a heroic aura.

Yu Guizhi had never seen such an outstanding young man before, so his eyes widened unconsciously.

Zhao Ya smiled slightly.

"You are only half right. Today I not only have to stand up for my senior sister, but I also have to beat all the disciples of your Chenfeng Martial Arts School. And you are the first!"

As he spoke, Zhao Ya jumped into the field, stopped and stood up, and said calmly: "Come on, let me see what other powerful moves your Chenfeng Martial Arts School has."

This open invitation to fight immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

"What? He wants to challenge all the disciples of Chenfeng Martial Arts School alone?" Someone was horrified.

"That's too arrogant. Even if he didn't take any shortcuts in his success in skin resurfacing, after all, he just broke through not long ago. If he openly provokes all the disciples of Chenfeng Martial Arts School, isn't he asking for his own misfortune?" Someone shook his head and sighed.

"You are so young and energetic. I guess Chenfeng Martial Arts School is waiting for his words. After all, he was the one who provoked me first. In this way, even if Yuan Chenfeng's disciples destroy him, Lu Dingtai can't say anything." There was someone else. Analyze calmly.

In the camp of Renyong Martial Arts Hall, the master of the hall, Shang Tiefeng, saw this scene and couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Jingnian, do you think Zhao Ya can win?"

Nie Jingnian said without hesitation: "Master, he will definitely win."

"Oh? Are you so confident in him?" Shang Tiefeng asked curiously.

He naturally knew that his apprentice had a good relationship with Zhao Ya, so he asked.

“It’s not confidence, it’s just the fact.”

In Nie Jingnian's opinion, let alone the disciples of Chenfeng Martial Arts School, even if he were added to the list, they probably wouldn't be able to defeat Zhao Ya.

After all, his methods were endless, and Nie Jingnian still didn't know how he poisoned the woman that day.

Even if poison cannot be used in the martial arts arena, Zhao Ya is already invincible with his extremely fast Qinggong movement.

Therefore, Nie Jinnian had no doubt that Zhao Ya could win. He even silently calculated how long it would take for Zhao Ya to defeat all those in Chenfeng Martial Arts School.

Everyone in Dingtai Martial Arts Hall became even more energetic after hearing Zhao Ya's domineering declaration of challenge.

"Uncle Master, awesome!" Gu Mingdong shouted.

Shen Dao hesitated a little and asked in a low voice: "Master, is it really okay for my junior brother to do this?"

Lu Dingtai said calmly: "What can happen? I am here to take charge, and Yuan Chenfeng will never dare to do anything. As for his disciples, hum!"

Lu Dingtai snorted coldly, his meaning was obvious.

Shen Dao stopped talking and just made preparations silently.

If something happens on the field and the junior brother is in danger of being defeated, then he will have to come to the rescue even if he is trying to save face.

At the same time, after hearing Zhao Ya's almost provocative declaration, Chenfeng Martial Arts School exploded.

The expressions of these disciples suddenly changed and they all looked at Zhao Ya angrily.

After all, this is equivalent to slapping them in the face in public.

"Master, let me go up and beat him!"

"I go!"

Several disciples expressed their opinions one after another.

Yu Guizhi said nothing, because she knew very well who would play next.


Yuan Chenfeng looked sternly and said, "Guizhi, go on the field and remember to be gentle."

After hearing this, Yu Guizhi understood.

Because this sentence is obviously the opposite, it is to make yourself cripple him.

Thinking of this, Yu Guizhi felt a little regretful.

Such a handsome young man, who had just been promoted to the Fourth Realm, it was such a pity to lose him like this.

But since the master had spoken, she naturally would not disobey the order, nodded, and then walked towards the field.

Yuan Chenfeng watched quietly, his heart filled with murderous intent.

With eyes as sharp as his, it was natural to tell at a glance that Zhao Ya was full of energy, his skin was supple and fair, and he was by no means a junk person who had taken shortcuts.

And the more this happened, the stronger Yuan Chenfeng's desire to abolish Zhao Ya became.

Because the talent shown by Zhao Ya is really terrifying.

In just a few months, he has broken through from the peak of the three realms to the fourth realm. What if he can reach the same height as himself in a few years, or even go one step further, successfully change his blood, and enter the fifth realm?

If that's the case, then Chenfeng Martial Arts School of its own will no longer be able to hold its head high.

That's why he changed his mind and instead of letting Xia Cunyi go up and embarrass himself, he directly sent his most capable generals.

At this time, Yu Guizhi came to the field and smiled at Zhao Ya.

"Little guy, I didn't expect that you are young and courageous, and you dare to openly scream. Then don't blame your sister for not loving you later."

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the punches!"

Zhao Ya didn't bother to talk nonsense to this ugly and troublesome guy, so he punched him directly.

Yu Guizhi smiled coquettishly and ducked away.

"How come you do it without even saying hello? If you do this, my sister will be angry!"

Many people's faces turned blue when they heard this.

However, Zhao Ya was not moved at all. He unfolded the Great Vajra Fist in his hand and blasted the opponent like a Tai Sui coming to the world.

This time it worked.

After Yu Guizhi felt the pressure coming from her face, she was no longer in the mood to say teasing words.

She calmed down, waved her palms, and hit Zhao Ya on the same spot.

Yu Guizhi couldn't help but be secretly frightened by this confrontation.

To be honest, she didn't take Zhao Ya too seriously even before going on stage.

So what if I didn’t take any shortcuts?

No matter how powerful the four realms we just broke through can be, how powerful can they be?

Unexpectedly, after hitting one spot, Yu Guizhi felt the sophistication and strength of Zhao Ya's boxing.

To put it bluntly, this is not like a newbie who just made a breakthrough.

Yu Guizhi no longer dared to be careless, and used all his strength, his palms dancing like the wind, trying to suppress the opponent with this wind-like palm movement, and then tried to find a way to destroy Zhao Ya.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ya sneered, and the boxing techniques in his hands also changed accordingly.

If your palms are like the wind, then I will punch like a dragon.

Thanks to the blessing of the unlocked powerful heart, Zhao Ya's power is rich and long-lasting.

After playing dozens of moves, not only did he not show any signs of fatigue, but he became stronger and stronger as he fought.

Faintly, Zhao Ya pressed down half of Yu Guizhi's head.

This scene also shocked those watching.

The new four realms that had just broken through actually suppressed a four realm master who had broken through for three years.

Many people probably wouldn't believe it.

But it really happened.

At this time, Yu Guizhi felt even more aggrieved.

She had already given up the idea of ​​waiting for an opportunity to destroy Zhao Ya, and only thought about being able to defeat him in one and a half moves.

In this way, I can end it with dignity.

But now even this hope is becoming increasingly slim.

Just when she was panicking.


Zhao Ya stepped forward and punched Yu Guizhi straight in the face like a frightening dragon.

Yu Guizhi was shocked and raised his palms to block his face.


After a muffled sound, the fists and palms met firmly together.

Yu Guizhi swayed and took half a step back, obviously losing the upper hand in this pure strength confrontation.

Zhao Ya, on the other hand, was even more unyielding, and his fists rained down on the opponent.

Boom, boom, boom!

It was like a drum was beating in the field. Yu Guizhi could only parry, but had no power to fight back. Zhao Ya beat him all over the field.

Many people were stunned by this scene.

At this moment, I heard Zhao Ya suddenly say: "I am returning this punch to you on behalf of Senior Sister."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Ya withdrew his right hand, clenched his palm into a fist, and blasted it out suddenly.

This punch came to Yu Guizhi with the sound of howling wind.

Yu Guizhi felt that the punch was powerful, but at this time she had no way to retreat, so she could only force herself to mobilize all her energy and blood, and raised her palms to meet the punch.

Zhao Ya smiled coldly when he saw this, and the qi and blood that had been prepared in his liver suddenly burst out, his fist speed increased again, and his strength more than doubled.


After a loud noise, Yu Guizhi was thrown several feet away like a kite with its string broken.

After landing, her face turned pale. She looked at Zhao Ya and wanted to speak several times, but he opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior sister!" People from Chenfeng Martial Arts School quickly stepped forward to help Yu Guizhi.

Zhao Ya stopped and stood, looking at Yuan Chenfeng opposite, and said calmly.

"Who else is coming?"

No one spoke.

Not even Xia Cunyi dared to raise his head and look directly at Zhao Ya.

At this time, he no longer had any thoughts of revenge, but was grateful that his master did not let him go up.

Otherwise, you will be the one vomiting blood now.

Yuan Chenfeng's face was ashen, and his hands hidden behind his back couldn't stop trembling.

If it weren't for Dingtai Martial Arts School and in front of so many people, he would have really wanted to kill this extremely arrogant guy personally.

But now he doesn't dare to do that.

Because he knew that as long as he dared to end, Lu Dingtai would never let him go.

So he could only take a deep look at Zhao Ya and Lu Dingtai in the distance, nodded and said: "Okay, what a newly born young hero, our Chenfeng Martial Arts School has recorded this account."

"let's go!"

After saying that, Yuan Chenfeng turned around and left.

The master was gone, and naturally his disciples did not dare to say anything.

Two people picked up Yu Guizhi and left in a hurry with Yuan Chenfeng.

After they left, Zhao Ya turned around and hugged his master Lu Dingtai.

"Fortunately, I live up to my fate!"

Lu Dingtai laughed.

"Okay! Well done, you are worthy of being my apprentice. This battle was really exciting."

At the same time, everyone present also started talking.

"Hiss, I didn't expect that Zhao Ya was not only promoted to the fourth realm, but also so strong that even Yu Guizhi was no match for him." Someone exclaimed.

"The key is that this boy is not yet twenty years old this year, and his future is limitless!" someone lamented.

"It seems that the rise of Dingtai Martial Arts School is really unstoppable!" Some people were envious.

Shang Tiefeng, the owner of Renyong Martial Arts Gym, was also filled with emotion at this time.

"Jingnian, it seems you are right. Of course, Zhao Ya should not be underestimated."

Nie Jinnian smiled, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

He thought that if Zhao Ya wanted to defeat Yu Guizhi, he would definitely use some tricks.

In the end, Zhao Ya didn't expect any of his methods to be useless. He defeated the opponent with just one punch and one kick.

At the same time, young people from Dingtai Martial Arts School and other martial arts schools had gathered around Zhao Ya.

Seeing this, Shang Tiefeng couldn't help but said: "Jingnian, you can come over too, you young people should get closer and closer!"

Meng Shiwen stood in the distance, looking at Zhao Ya surrounded by the crowd, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the boy who couldn't even defeat himself at the beginning has now reached a height that he cannot reach.

At this time, Zhao Ya seemed to notice something. He raised his head and looked towards her. Seeing Meng Shiwen looking at him, he couldn't help but smile and nodded to her.

Meng Shiwen was stunned for a moment, and then a warmth emerged in her heart.

No matter what, the battle just now was considered as his junior brother venting his anger on his behalf.

So she was also very grateful to Zhao Ya.

Shen Dao, three brothers, Miao Shaocheng and Xu De, also stood watching from a distance.

Shen Dao couldn't help but sigh: "Junior Brother Zhao is really a dragon and a phoenix among men. After this battle, the entire county must know his name."

"Actually, many people have known my junior brother's name before, but this time he is really famous." Xu De said.

Miao Shaocheng looked very frustrated, "Well, I only have one idea now, that is, when can I break through the pass and reach the fourth realm?"

"After all, my junior brothers are so good. As a senior brother, I can't stretch my hips too much."

Xu De also sighed, "Don't think so much, people and geniuses can't be compared."

"No, I have to have a good drink with my junior brother. I can't beat him in terms of martial arts, but in terms of drinking ability, he might not be as good as me." Miao Shaocheng analyzed very calmly.

So that night, Miao Shaocheng was so drunk that he was carried back to the room by Zhao Ya, who didn't even blush.

From then on, Miao Shaocheng never mentioned drinking with Zhao Ya again.

That night.

After returning home, Zhao Ya took off his clothes that were full of dust and alcohol, put on clean and fresh clothes, went to the room dedicated to experiments, and placed the deerskin pouch on the table.

It contains all the things found from the owner of the Paradise Church.

The reason why Zhao Ya came back so late was because he went down to the bottom of the valley to look for the body of the masked man.

This delayed for a long time.

Fortunately, hard work pays off.

The masked man didn't encounter any adventures like what was written in the novel.

Instead, he fell directly to the bottom of the valley and his head was smashed.

After finding the body of the masked man, Zhao Ya searched the body and took off the mask to take a look.

It was found that although the face was damaged, the appearance could still be vaguely distinguished.

This is actually a fat man with a fat head and big ears, with an ordinary appearance and full of pimples.

If it were not in this world, but in a modern city, he would be just like a fat man.

Zhao Ya suppressed these thoughts, took out the contents of the deerskin bag one by one, and began to take stock of the harvest.

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