Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 159 The six fu organs are unlocked and the qi machine is locked

In an instant, Zhao Ya felt that all the bones in his body were rattling. The bones that were already as strong as jade evolved again and became as strong and flexible as steel.

The gaps between the ribs were completely filled, forming a plate-like bone shield that protected the soft internal organs in the chest.

At the same time, Zhao Ya also felt that his head was extremely full and his thinking was extremely clear.

Some small details that are usually ignored are now revealed.

Not only that, with the successful unlocking of his kidneys, Zhao Ya suddenly felt a strong urge to urinate.

When he came to the latrine to drain the water, the urine he excreted was extremely fishy, ​​but after he finished urinating, Zhao Ya felt indescribably relaxed all over his body.

Could it be that the kidneys, like the liver, have hidden talents?

Thinking of the organ function of kidneys to detoxify, Zhao Ya suddenly felt a little hopeful.

You must know that the most difficult thing about advancing from the fourth realm to the fifth realm is how to expel toxins from the blood, organs and bone marrow.

The poison mentioned here is a collective term for innate fetal poison and acquired turbid and evil qi. It can be said that it penetrates deep into the whole body and is extremely difficult to eliminate.

Blood is a little easier to say, after all, every warrior can adjust his luck and blood, and he can drain the poison out of the blood bit by bit by relying on water milling skills.

But when it comes to the internal organs, it starts to become more difficult. After all, the toxins contaminated by these organs have penetrated deep into the skin, so you can imagine how difficult it is to get rid of them.

But this is relatively easy compared to removing the poison from the bone marrow.

Bone marrow is the source of human blood, and it is surrounded by layers of bones, making it extremely difficult to access.

Lu Dingtai had emptied his blood and internal organs of poison, but he ended up being stuck at the last hurdle of bone marrow poison, unable to make any progress for many years.

However, Zhao Ya has an innate advantage over other warriors, that is, he can skip the step of detoxifying the internal organs.

After all, Zhao Ya possesses the golden finger of viscera strengthening, and all the toxins have been eliminated long ago.

Now that he has the hidden detoxification talent of his kidneys, I believe it won't be long before Zhao Ya's blood will be emptied of the congenital fetal toxins and acquired turbid and evil qi.

At that time, Zhao Ya could cross the two realms in one step, directly enter the five realms in half a step, and reach the same height as Lu Dingtai.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and felt much more at ease.

As long as he can reach the Half-Step Five Realm and combine it with his current actual combat ability, Zhao Ya will not be afraid at all even if people from Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall and others join him, let alone Yuan Chenfeng.

All they need to worry about is Wei Hongbin and his other subordinates, the Yan cavalry.

Although the discipline of these cavalry is corrupt, they are well-trained and can be regarded as an elite force.

If they really launched a massive attack, even Zhao Ya would not dare to take advantage of them lightly and could only avoid them temporarily.

But Wei Hongbin did not do this. Instead, he remained silent.

At the beginning, Zhao Ya was a little confused and didn't understand what kind of medicine Wei Hongbin was selling in his gourd.

But after Sun Yingkui's recruitment today, Zhao Ya understood.

Wei Hongbin's strategy is actually very simple.

In his opinion, he has a large number of troops, and the time and advantage are all on his side. Although the warrior forces in the city are very dissatisfied with the situation, they are destined to be nothing more than a loose sand without a leader.

As long as you calm down, stand still, and at the same time use secret ways to win over each martial arts hall in the city to carry out differentiated attacks, then it won't take long for the martial arts forces to fall apart or even split on their own.

After all, people's hearts are always unpredictable. It's easy to predict when encountering an unsolvable crisis. Once there are multiple choices, people's hearts will definitely be scattered, and then it will be difficult to lead the team.

I have to say that Wei Hongbin's move was very clever and correct.

If it is allowed to develop, it is very likely that all of this will really happen. By then, Wei Hongbin will be able to conquer the entire county without a single blow.

There is only one way to break this situation, and that is to have someone with enough prestige and strength to step forward.

Only in this way can the warriors in the city become one.

But Zhao Ya doesn't think he has the qualifications to be the leader.

Because he was too young, although he shined brightly in this beast wave, his foundation was too shallow to convince the public.

As for Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming, although they have enough foundation and similar strength, they lack prestige and skill.

Shang Tiefeng was indecisive. It was okay to lead a martial arts school, but if he was really asked to command the warriors of the entire county, there would definitely be a big mess.

Although Jin Zhenming acted decisively, he had been too low-key before, so his reputation was too low to suppress people's hearts.

There is only one most suitable person, and that is Zhao Ya's master, Lu Dingtai.

After all, whether it is personal charm or strength, Lu Dingtai is the undisputed number one among the warriors in the entire county.

Unfortunately, Lu Dingtai was seriously injured in this beast wave and is still unconscious.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but sigh. He suppressed these thoughts first, and then opened the human outline diagram.

Seeing the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney, the fog in these five positions has disappeared and is occupied by a warm brilliance.

At the same time, Zhao Ya also felt that these major organs complemented each other, and the five major talents were connected to each other, increasing their power.

In fact, according to normal conditions, the five internal organs should refer to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, but the outline of the human body is slightly different.

Its five internal organs became the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney, and the lungs became one of the six internal organs.

This should be related to the stomach that was unlocked at the beginning. After all, when Zhao Ya first started practicing, what he needed most was a strong digestive ability, so some changes occurred in the outline of the human body.

At this moment, a little brilliance suddenly appeared in the lungs, and then a line of prompts appeared.

[Lung unlocking is on, current unlocking progress: 0%]

Sure enough, it was the lungs.

Zhao Ya had already expected this, because most of the six organs were related to digestion.

For example, the gallbladder controls the spleen and stomach, the small intestine absorbs food, the large intestine transforms waste, and the bladder excretes urine.

Only the triple burner and the lungs are not among them.

After several years of exploration, Zhao Ya has roughly figured out some of the key points for unlocking this human outline map.

Its unlocking is not in the order of the internal organs, but is related to the functions that are urgently needed for current practice.

For example, the first organ unlocked by Zhao Ya is the stomach.

At that time, Zhao Ya had just started, and his Qi and blood were weak. If he wanted to quickly increase his strength, he could only take a lot of supplements, which required a strong stomach.

So this is the first organ to be unlocked.

Then the heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys basically follow this order.

Now Zhao Ya's digestion and absorption ability is strong enough, at least at this level, so the human body contour map does not continue to unlock the large intestine and small intestine, but turns to unlock the lungs.

In any case, after unlocking the kidney, Zhao Ya has vaguely seen the dawn of the Five Realms.

If this news spreads, a large number of people will probably doubt their lives.

Because it had only been a long time since Zhao Ya had been promoted to the Fourth Realm. If he were another warrior, his strength had not yet been completely stabilized at this time. As a result, Zhao Ya was already moving towards the next stage.

Not only that, Zhao Ya felt that with his current strength, not to mention single-handedly challenging the five realms, he could at least escape unscathed.

This gave Zhao Ya great confidence.

You must know that even in the capital of Great Yan, the five realms are rare.

Zhao Ya gathered his thoughts, packed his things, and decided to end this hard training.

After all, except for the Great Monument Slammer and the Great Vajra Fist, which need to be tempered so that they can break through to the ultimate realm as soon as possible, the rest cannot be achieved overnight.

After walking out of the room, Zhao Ya stretched out for a long time, his joints crackling all over his body, and he felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable.

It was already nightfall at this time, and most people would have finished their meals at this time and were getting ready to go to bed.

Zhao Ya looked up at the sky and saw that the galaxy was brilliant and the stars were like diamonds. It was very beautiful.

But he had no intention of watching the night view. After glancing in a certain direction in the distance intentionally or unintentionally, Zhao Ya took a step out of the small courtyard and walked towards the back house.

After he left, three people were quite surprised on a big tree in the distance.

"It's strange that this guy has only been in seclusion for a few days, but he feels as if he has been completely transformed." The young scribe said with a solemn expression.

"Did he notice our gaze just now?" the woman said with a frown.

"You should have noticed something. After all, in terms of breathing skills, you two are still a little behind." The honest man said.

Neither of them refuted.

Because what the honest man said is the truth.

"Hiss, even if Junior Sister Gu and I are not as good as Senior Brother Wang in our breath gathering skills, it would be a bit exaggerated for this guy to be able to detect it when he is only in the Fourth Realm."

"It's not the fourth realm anymore." The honest man shook his head.


The young scribe and the woman were both startled.

"You mean to say that after just a few days of seclusion, this guy broke through?" This time it was the woman's turn to be in disbelief.

"Not yet, but it's probably coming soon. It won't be long before he can eliminate the poison from his blood. By then, he will at least be at the peak of the Four Realms." The honest man said calmly.

The young scribe and the woman were silent.

They didn't doubt the honest man's vision at all.

Because among the three of them, he has the highest cultivation level and the strongest talent.

After all, he is known as the most outstanding disciple of the Golden Sword Academy in the past twenty years, and he is also the most promising genius to successfully open his pulse before the age of forty. The two of them are naturally convinced by what he said.

But this is a bit too shocking.

Back in the mountains and forests, all three of them could see that Zhao Ya was just a newcomer to the Fourth Realm who had just successfully polished his skin.

As a result, within a few days, the four realms reached their peak.

How can this be justified?

Especially the two of them were conceited that they were from famous families in the capital and did not look down upon the warriors from Yunxiao County at all.

But now he was slapped in the face by Zhao Ya.

You must know that it took them a year or two to cultivate from the Four Realms to the Peak of the Four Realms, even with the help of their masters.

Just when the two of them were doubting their lives, the honest man suddenly said: "Let's go, he's coming!"

Only then did the young scribe and the woman notice a clue, their expressions changed, and then the three of them quietly disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

After a few snaps of his fingers, Zhao Ya appeared silently on the treetops like a ghost.

But at this time, there was no one above the tree crown.

Zhao Ya hid his sharp blade and stood silently for a moment.

Just now when he was in the courtyard, he felt the vague peeping eyes again.

But this time, with the help of the unlocked kidney talent, Zhao Ya finally successfully locked the Qi machine and found the direction where the peep came from.

At that time, Zhao Ya remained silent and pretended to leave without knowing anything. After leaving the prying range, he immediately turned back and sneaked back quietly.

Unexpectedly, it came to nothing.

The other party is obviously more powerful than he thought, and...

Zhao Ya took a deep breath and felt the faint scent of rouge in the air.

This smell is very light, that is, Zhao Ya's senses have been enhanced, and ordinary people will never be able to detect it.

There was actually more than one person, and there was a woman among them, and she was a woman of high status.

The reason why Zhao Ya made this decision was because the aroma of this rouge was extremely light and elegant, and was by no means an ordinary commodity.

Zhao Ya had only smelled a similar smell on Shang Luoluo, and later learned that this kind of rouge was extremely expensive.

And being able to afford such rouge shows that this woman's status is definitely extraordinary.

In the past two days, some book friends have pointed out the error here. It was indeed my negligence, so I added an explanation. Because the digestive ability of the stomach is extremely important for the protagonist who has just started practicing, I changed the order of the internal organs. The lungs were changed to one of the six internal organs, and the stomach was listed as one of the five internal organs. I'm really sorry, I was negligent, but some book friends were too extreme. They yelled at me and labeled me, saying that I deliberately mislead people and was a traitor with ulterior motives... I'm sorry for being so unfriendly. I deleted the comment directly because I couldn’t afford it!

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