Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 164: You need to be calm in the face of big events

Zhao Ya nodded, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to assassinate Wei Hongbin alone."

There was one sentence that Zhao Ya didn't say later, that is, even if he wanted to assassinate Wei Hongbin, he couldn't do it on his home court, but he had to find a way to lure him out first.

Upon hearing this, Shang Luoluo smiled lightly and spread his hands.

"To be honest, I am only bringing you this message because of my father's instructions. In fact, I am not worried about you at all. After all, judging from what you have done, you will never put yourself in unsolvable danger. This is much more stable than ordinary warriors."

Zhao Ya was a little dumbfounded, but did not refute.

Because what Shang Luoluo said was indeed the truth.

Even when the beasts were attacking the city, Zhao Ya was still confident enough to escape unscathed.

For this reason, he even entrusted Zui'er to Shang Luoluo in advance in order to solve his worries.

It's the same now. Even though Wei Hongbin is coming fiercely, Zhao Ya has never regarded him as such a powerful enemy.

The worst case scenario is to take Zui'er, Master and the others out of the city first, and then choose the opportunity to act.

Although Wei Hongbin was said to be heavily guarded, Zhao Ya didn't believe that he would hide in the government office forever.

And as long as he relaxes for a moment, Zhao Ya will be confident to kill him.

After all, in addition to practicing hard during this period, Zhao Ya also gained some experience in the poison path and was planning to find an opportunity to test it out.

While chatting, Zhu Chengwan, the eldest son of the Zhu family, came.

He was led into the courtyard by Gu Mingdong, and then he saw Shang Luoluo talking to Zhao Ya at a glance, and he couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"Miss Luo... Shang, why are you here?"

Of course he knows Shang Luoluo.

When the Zhu family was at its peak, he, Zhu Chengwan, was truly the top wealthy young man in the county, so he naturally attended the Shang Mansion reception.

Not only that, Zhu Chengwan had been pursuing Shang Luoluo for a while, but he gave up after realizing that his level was simply not up to the level of this extremely smart girl.

"Oh, I came here to tell Young Master Zhao a few things, but Young Master Zhu, why are you here too?"

Zhu Chengwan hesitated.

Shang Luoluo was so smart, he smiled slightly when he saw this, then stood up and said.

"Mr. Zhao, now that I have finished my business, I won't bother you anymore. If nothing happens in the future, I will ask Zui'er to come and play with me."

After that, he said goodbye and left.

After she left, Zhao Ya looked at Zhu Chengwan.

"Master Zhu, what do you want from me?"

"If you don't dare to take it, you can just call me Cheng Wan or Xiao Zhu, Young Master Zhao. Now that my Zhu family is completely impoverished, I really don't dare to take the title of young master."

With that said, Zhu Chengwan took out the stack of gold tickets from his arms and handed them to Zhao Ya with great care.

"What is this?" Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

Zhu Chengwan looked around and made sure no one was there before he lowered his voice.

"My father heard that, Young Master Zhao, you killed an evil cavalryman on the street today, and he was very happy. He knew that you would be going to war with Wei Hongbin soon, so he sent me here to give you some gold. For funding purposes.”

Zhao Ya instantly understood what the Zhu family meant.

This was because Wei Hongbin had bullied him so much that he decided to make a desperate move and bet on himself.

But don’t tell me, the Zhu family has quite good vision and courage.

First of all, you can see the situation, and secondly, you dare to bet on yourself before the horoscope is even written.

However, Zhao Ya did not pick up the golden tickets immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhu Chengwan with a half-smile.

Zhu Chengwan's scalp was numb at the sight, but he could only smile.

"I remember Brother Zhu, you just said that your family is completely destitute, so what happened to the money?"

Hearing Zhao Ya call him, Zhu Chengwan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled.

"The centipede insect is dead but not stiff. Although my family is indeed in decline now, we still have this foundation."

Zhao Ya nodded and took the stack of gold tickets without any politeness.

"Okay, I, Zhao, will remember your Zhu family's support."

Zhu Chengwan was overjoyed when he heard this.

When he came, his father Zhu Zihao specially gave him instructions, including the words he just said, which his father taught him word by word.

Zhu Zihao made it clear at that time, don't expect to hear any promises, and even if you hear them, don't take them seriously.

Because the situation is currently unclear, any promises given are invalid.

All they wanted was Zhao Ya's attitude. If he could express his gratitude, that would be great.

Now that Zhu Chengwan heard what he wanted from Zhao Ya, he said goodbye with great satisfaction.

After he left, Meng Shiwen walked out of the house and looked at the stack of gold tickets in Zhao Ya's hand in surprise.

She heard the conversation between Zhu Chengwan and Zhao Ya just now in the house.

So she was very surprised at this moment.

"I really didn't expect that the Zhu family, who were once stingy and mean, would become so generous now."

"Are you generous? This is just an investment. What you are buying is the future of the Zhu family, so this amount of money is really not that much."

Zhao Ya explained, and immediately found the disciples in charge of purchasing things in the martial arts hall and the accountant, and handed them the gold tickets in their hands.

"The situation in the city is tense now. While you can still buy things now, hurry up and stock up on supplies, especially various healing medicines and dried meat. You need as much as you can, no matter how expensive the price is."


Nowadays, Zhao Ya has a very high prestige in the minds of the martial arts disciples, so they naturally obey his orders.

"The other thing is to ask if there is armor for sale on the market, cloth armor is also acceptable. If you can find it, buy it."

Cloth armor had played a great role in dealing with the beast tide before.

Although this thing is like a joke when warriors are fighting against each other, it can play a big role on the battlefield.

It's a pity that the Zhu family's cloth armor has long been gone. As for the 500 pieces of cloth armor donated originally, it is not much compared to Guangrui, Renyong, Zhenshan Boxing Gym and other martial arts gyms.

That's why Zhao Ya was thinking about whether he could buy some from the market.

The disciple in charge of purchasing and the accountant took the order and left.

At this time, Shen Dao and the others, who had gone out to contact the martial arts school, also came back.

No need to ask, just looking at their expressions, Zhao Ya knew that the trip went smoothly.

This is actually not surprising.

After all, the martial arts schools that did not appear on that list were all hardcore villains. With the same goals and interests, forming an alliance was simply a matter of course.

For the next two days, the county town was unexpectedly calm.

Including those cavalrymen who usually did evil things disappeared, as if they were really frightened by Zhao Ya's words.

For this, ordinary people were naturally overjoyed, and even more grateful to Zhao Ya.

But anyone with a little knowledge can smell the smell of uneasiness.

While people in the outside world are panicking, there is peace in Dingtai Martial Arts Hall.

Zhao Ya even returned to his previous state of hard training, honing his martial arts every day so that his strength could be improved as much as possible.

Under his leadership, all the disciples also settled down to practice their exercises.

This scene also amazed Jiao Yousong who came to visit.

"As expected, it is indeed the number one martial arts gym in the county. Even in such a chaotic time, it is still able to calm down and practice martial arts. This determination alone is enough to be admired."

Nie Jingnian, who came with him, said nothing.

After the city gate was lost last time, Nie Jingnian became more and more taciturn.

Shen Dao, who was in charge of reception, couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw this.

He has known Nie Jingnian for the longest time, so he naturally knows that Nie Jingnian has a straightforward personality and cannot hide things in his heart.

It was precisely because of this that he was deceived by Yu Guizhi when the beasts attacked the city.

At this time, Zhao Ya also came after hearing the news.

After seeing him, Jiao Yousong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then he cupped his hands and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that, Junior Brother Zhao, your kung fu has improved again."

Zhao Ya had just finished practicing his exercises, and his blood was boiling all over his body. Anyone with a discerning eye could naturally see that his strength had improved again.

Zhao Ya just smiled at this and said, "Senior Brother Jiao, you are too polite. Why do you two have time to come over today?"

"Hey, what else could it be? To be honest, my old man got out of quarantine yesterday." Jiao Yousong said with a beaming eyebrow.

"Oh? Your master's injury has recovered?" Zhao Ya was also happy when he heard this.

This is good news.

After all, high-end combat power like Jin Zhenming can often change the situation of the battle at critical moments.

"Well, my master's injuries are no longer harmful, and not only my master, but also Master Shang."

At this time, Nie Jingnian finally spoke, "Yes, my master also recovered from his injury two days ago."

Zhao Ya and Shen Dao were very happy.

"This is great. Even if there is a fight, the help of the two uncles can increase the chance of winning a lot." Shen Dao said.

Jiao Yousong chuckled, "This is exactly the purpose of our coming here. My master and uncle Shang have said that they are ready and can take action at any time."

Zhao Ya nodded upon hearing this, "Okay, we are almost ready. We are just waiting for an opportunity to launch a counterattack."

Zhao Ya understood that both sides were waiting at this time.

Wait for the other party to show a flaw first.

So the more you get to this time, the more you need to stay calm.

This means that you need to be calm in the face of big events.

After discussing some more details, Jiao Yousong said to Zhao Ya with great admiration.

"I also found out about the time you beat up a cavalry leader in the street two days ago. It was really a relief. It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time, otherwise I would have ripped off the heads of those sons of bitches."

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will have a chance soon."

"Hahaha, that's what you said. When the time comes when we fight side by side again, we will definitely kill each other."

Jiao Yousong laughed and left.

Nie Jinnian nodded and followed suit.

After they left, Zhao Ya did not go back to practice, but came to the master's room.

Lu Dingtai was still in a coma, but his breathing was getting slower and slower, as if he was an old monk in meditation.

Meng Shiwen sat helpless on the edge of the bed, her eyes full of despair.

At first, she thought that Lu Dingtai would wake up in a few days, but she didn't expect that even now, there is still no sign of waking up.

This also made the hope in her heart become increasingly dim.

Looking at Meng Shiwen sitting blankly by the bed, Zhao Ya sighed in his heart but said nothing.

Because relying on words to comfort this kind of thing is ineffective.

He could only say: "I'll go to the back to see if the medicine for Master is ready."

After saying that, he walked out of the room, turned into the corridor next to him, and walked toward the back.

After passing through several flower gates, there is a small courtyard. You can smell the strong smell of medicine before you even get close.

This is the pharmacy of Dingtai Martial Arts School.

Almost any martial arts gym of any size has a similar institution.

Because injuries are inevitable when practicing martial arts, and many exercises require soaking in potions or taking elixirs internally, which all require the presence of a pharmacy.

The place where Lu Dingtai boiled medicine was in a side room next to the pharmacy.

For safety reasons, there is a dedicated person in charge here, and no one else is allowed to approach.

Zhao Ya certainly did not belong to the idle crowd. When he walked into the house, he saw a huge medicine jar placed on the stove, which was steaming.

A disciple was guarding in front of the fire. When Zhao Ya came in, he stood up in a hurry.

"Little uncle!"

Zhao Ya nodded, went to check the medicine first, and found that it was still a little short of heat, so he closed the lid again, and then turned to look at the disciple.

"Why haven't I seen you before? Where is Lao Liu?"

"Oh, Senior Brother Liu had diarrhea last night and hasn't gotten up yet. I'm here for him."

"Come for him?" Zhao Ya frowned.

"Who did you tell about this?"

"I have already reported to Master Xu De."

"Oh, your master is Xu De?"


"May I have your name?"

"To answer my uncle's question, my name is Shi Lin."

"Okay." Zhao Ya nodded, turned around and looked around again, making sure there was nothing unusual before leaving.

After he left, Shilin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

no way.

The sense of oppression on Zhao Ya was too strong.

Even though they only got along for a short while, it still caused him great pressure.

"Huh, my junior uncle is really powerful. I feel more pressure than Master Xu De gave me." Shilin muttered, then continued to sit down and stared at the fire with all his concentration.

At the same time, Zhao Ya, who walked out of the pharmacy, always felt that something was wrong.

It's not that there is something wrong with Shilin, but there is something fishy about this matter.

You must know that Lao Liu, who was in charge before, was also a second-level warrior after all. How could he suddenly have diarrhea and be unable to get out of bed?

But whether he was watching his words or using his aura to intimidate, Zhao Ya didn't see anything strange about Shi Lin.

Unless this person is extremely deep and can even deceive his own eyes.

But is this possible?

Zhao Ya frowned and thought for a moment, but walked away quietly without stopping.

At the same time, at the pharmacy, someone shouted outside the door with a smile: "Brother Shi, it's time to eat. Today's food is quite good. There are your favorite meatballs. I specially made a few more for you." ."

When Shilin in the room heard the shouting, his eyes lit up, then he opened the door and walked out.

I saw a young man standing outside the door. He was about sixteen or seventeen years old. He was honest and stocky, and he was holding a lunch box in his hand.

"Excuse me, Xiao Zhang!"

"Senior brother, what you said is obvious. Isn't it normal for a junior brother to bring you food? What's more, you are shouldering an important task now. Eat it while it's hot. It will get cold later." The young man said with a smile.

Shi Lin reached out and took the food box, originally thinking of going back to the house to eat, but the young man said: "Senior brother, the smell of medicine is so strong in the house, and nothing you eat will taste good, so why not just eat it here."

"But the medicine inside..." Shi Lin hesitated.

"That's easy. I'll keep an eye on it for you for a while. If you're still worried, how about I leave the door open and let you watch from outside?" The young man said with a very sincere smile.

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