The person who came was very fast, and he rushed forward almost as soon as he finished speaking.


Even as calm as Zhao Ya, he couldn't help but scream in surprise at this time.

As for Jin Zhenming, Shang Tiefeng and a group of warriors, there was even more commotion.

"It's Lao Lu!"

"Master Lu is awake!"

The person who came was none other than Lu Dingtai.

At this time, his face was rosy and his eyes were shining. He looked like a patient who had been comatose for many days.

Especially Zhao Ya, who was close, felt something vaguely. After observing carefully, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and cupped his hands at Lu Dingtai.

"Congratulations, Master, for finally breaking through the barrier and being promoted to the fifth realm."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Many people looked at Lu Dingtai with shock on their faces.

You must know that many people have concluded that even if Lu Dingtai is lucky enough to wake up this time, his strength will be greatly reduced, and he will never regain his former glory as the number one master in the county.

It's even possible that you won't wake up at all.

But he never expected that Lu Dingtai not only woke up, but also successfully broke through the bone marrow barrier, successfully exchanged blood, and was promoted to a fifth-level warrior.

Jin Zhenming couldn't believe it, so he couldn't help but quietly asked: "Lao Shang, do you think Xiao Lu has really made a breakthrough this time?"

Shang Tiefeng looked at Lu Dingtai on the arrow tower in the distance, pondered for a long time, and then nodded.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Although you and I can't see clearly because we are far apart, Xiaoya can't be wrong."

When Jin Zhenming heard this, a look of yearning appeared on his face.

"That's great. Before, Xiao Lu was firmly positioned as the number one master in the county. This time he was injured, and many people thought he would perish. Unexpectedly, after so many twists and turns, this position still belongs to him."

Shang Tiefeng couldn't help but sigh, "I really want to see what kind of scene it will be after taking that step!"

Then both of them fell silent, but a glimmer of hope ignited in their eyes.

Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming have been stuck in the Half-step Five Realm for a long time. They have been unable to make any progress and even planned to give up.

But now Lu Dingtai's sudden breakthrough has given them a glimmer of confidence. After all, they are about the same age. If Lu Dingtai can break through, maybe he can too.

As for the warriors, everyone was naturally excited and happy.

But the morale on Wei Hongbin's side suddenly dropped a lot.

Looking at the powerful Lu Dingtai in the distance, Wei Hongbin had a look of fear in his eyes, and his previous determination that the Shi brothers would win began to waver.

What if...if they two lose, what should I do?

Not to mention the people with different ideas, let’s just talk about the two Shi brothers.

When Lu Dingtai stood in front of them, a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

Because the aura on Lu Dingtai clearly showed that he was indeed a fifth-level warrior.

Coupled with this extremely difficult boy, today's battle may not be as simple as imagined.

But the two soon calmed down.

So what if it’s the Five Realms?

You know that your two brothers have been immersed in the Five Realms for fifteen years. How can they be matched by a warrior who has just recently made a breakthrough?

So the two of them winked at each other, then spread out their formation, vaguely surrounding Lu Dingtai.

Lu Dingtai ignored their little actions and turned his head to chat and laugh with Zhao Ya.

"Not bad, he was able to break through two levels in a row during the period when I was unconscious and reached the fifth level. You are indeed worthy of being my disciple." Lu Dingtai said with great satisfaction.

Zhao Ya smiled, "That's not as powerful as Master. You can actually use this injury to cleanse the bone marrow and expel the turbid and evil air, thereby achieving the five realms. This operation is simply amazing."

"Hahahaha!" Lu Dingtai looked up to the sky and laughed. His laughter was filled with the joy of a breakthrough after years of accumulation.

"What a good boy, you can actually guess how the teacher achieved the breakthrough. You have some insight." After laughing, Lu Dingtai praised.

Zhao Ya smiled and said nothing.

In fact, Zhao Ya thought of this possibility from the moment he saw Lu Dingtai.

The reason why Lu Dingtai had been stuck at the final bone marrow barrier and was unable to break through was because after years of practice, his bone marrow had been basically finalized and was difficult to be disturbed by external forces.

This is also the reason why promotion to the fifth realm should be completed as early as possible, preferably before the age of thirty.

Because once a person reaches the age of thirty, the bone marrow in the body will enter a stable period. At this time, you can imagine how difficult it is to cleanse the acquired turbid and evil energy.

But this injury became a rare opportunity.

At that time, Lu Dingtai had exhausted all his energy and blood, and his bone marrow was shaken as a result. Although the price was that he had to move his basic energy and blood, which made Lu Dingtai extremely weak at the time.

But the good thing is that after this operation, the originally rigid bone marrow became much more active.

Lu Dingtai seized this rare opportunity, breathed evenly, and slowly sorted out the bone marrow in his body, and finally completed his promotion.

Of course, this process sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult.

And if you are not careful, you will end up being disabled for life or even dead.

That is to say, Lu Dingtai is a very brave person, but others would really not dare to do this.

But no matter what, Lu Dingtai succeeded in the end.

At this time, he felt extremely comfortable and said with a smile.

"After I woke up at that time, I found that your senior sister Shiwen and Xu De were the only ones left in the martial arts gym. When I asked, I found out that you all had gone to the government office to eradicate these gangsters, so I ate a few After taking a blood-replenishing pill, I rushed over immediately."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the Shi brothers across from him. The smiles on his faces gradually faded, replaced by cold murderous intent.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise my precious apprentice would have been injured by you two bastards?"

Shi Donglai snorted coldly, "Ignorant madman, do you really think that you will be invincible if you break through the five realms? Today, my two brothers will send you, master and disciple, back to the west together."

As he said that, the two of them, one on the left and one on the right, attacked Lu Dingtai at the same time.

Just when Zhao Ya was about to take action, Lu Dingtai said calmly: "You don't need to end up, just watch from the sidelines."

In desperation, Zhao Ya had no choice but to stop, but he still secretly prepared himself so that if his master showed signs of weakness, he could immediately step in to provide support.

The reason why he was so nervous was because Zhao Ya couldn't figure out how strong Lu Dingtai was now.

After all, being in bed for such a long time must have greatly affected his physical strength, and he was one against two, so it was normal for Zhao Ya to be worried.

But soon, Lu Dingtai proved with practical actions that Zhao Ya's worries were unnecessary.

Faced with the flanking attack from Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqu, Lu Dingtai looked indifferent, slowly raised his fist, and violently attacked left and right.

Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but exclaimed.

You must know that the Shi brothers are both armed with weapons. Lu Dingtai was already at a disadvantage with his bare hands, but now he was facing two people at the same time with a pair of physical fists. The danger can be imagined.

Shi Donglai and Shi Xiqi's eyes lit up, as if they had seen Lu Dingtai's fists being disabled by them.

But at this moment, the pipe gun in their hands suddenly felt an extremely flexible resistance.

It was as if it had been inserted into glue and could not be used at all.

They were both shocked.

At the same time, two bangs were heard, and the pipes and guns in their hands were broken at the waist.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force struck, knocking the two of them away from the arrow tower.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the Shi brothers.

This kind of huge power, coupled with this kind of terrifying defense that ignores sharp blades.

What is the origin of this guy nestled in a small county town, and how can he have such strength as soon as he breaks through?

However, the two of them saw the opportunity very quickly. After being knocked into the air, they turned around together, then turned back and prepared to fight again.

But at this moment, Lu Dingtai moved.

When he was not moving, he was as steady as a mountain, but when he moved, it was like the Milky Way pouring out. No one even saw clearly how he moved, and he rushed to Shi Donglai in mid-air, and then raised his hand and punched him.

This punch was like a diamond coming to the world, so majestic and majestic that no one could match it.

It is the starting pose of the Great Vajra Boxing, Vajra Salute to the Buddha.

After feeling the terrifying power of this punch, a deep look of fear appeared on Shi Donglai's face.


But it was too late, the punch hit him directly in the chest.

Even though Shi Donglai tried hard to inhale at the last moment and move the important organs in his body, the power of this punch still shattered his internal organs, and he rushed out from behind with a devastating force.


After a muffled sound, a big hole appeared in Shi Donglai's back, and pieces of internal organs mixed with blood spurted out far away.

Wang Tiancheng and the three people who were watching the battle in the distance took a breath when they saw this scene.

"It's the Great Vajra Fist!" Xu Nianran's face was extremely solemn.

Wu Nian Academy has the most extensive knowledge and knowledge of martial arts in the world. As his disciple, Xu Nianran naturally recognized this unique skill at a glance.

"Sure enough, it is the inheritance of Canglong Temple, and it is not an ordinary outer sect inheritance. After all, he can obtain the inner sect's unique skills like the Great Vajra Fist. This person obviously has a deep relationship with Canglong Temple." Wang Tiancheng murmured, and then smiled bitterly. stand up.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his previous wooing of Zhao Ya was a joke.

It is true that the Golden Sword Academy can be regarded as the top sect in the capital or Dayan.

But compared with Canglong Temple, which is listed among the thirteen sects outside China, it is still far behind.

Putting aside everything else, the entire Golden Sword Academy, including the principal and the elders, all combined are only at three or four pulse opening levels.

But in Canglong Temple, it is said that among the true disciples of the inner sect, there are those in the Pulse Opening Realm.

What a huge gap.

And there is such a master who has a deep connection with Canglong Temple, coupled with Zhao Ya's own talent.

It is conceivable that as long as he can advance to the fifth realm before the age of thirty, it is not an exaggeration to join Canglong Temple, and it is not impossible to even become the true disciple of the inner sect.

Gu Chaoyue's mood was also extremely complicated.

She had previously taken pleasure in Zhao Ya's rejection of Wang Tiancheng's recruitment.

She felt that people like Zhao Ya were pedantic and destined to have no great achievements.

But what happened now was like a slap in the face, mocking her previous ignorance and superficiality.

At the same time, when Shi Xi went to see his brother being beaten like this by Lu Dingtai, he couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"elder brother!"

While shouting, Shi Xiqu rushed towards this side.

But not long after he rushed out, Shi Donglai used his last remaining strength and shouted: "Run!"

Shi Xiqu was stunned.

"He has the heritage of Canglong Temple. You can't afford to offend him. Run away!"

Shi Donglai has been in the world for many years, so he naturally recognized the inheritance of Lu Dingtai's punch, so he shouted in fear.

As soon as he heard the three words Canglong Temple, Shi Xiqu turned around and ran away without hesitation.


Not to mention the two brothers, even the three sects, two courtyards and one villa in the capital would probably not be able to offend Canglong Temple.

So he calmed down instantly and didn't intend to take revenge. He just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

But how could Lu Dingtai let him go?

He kicked Shi Donglai over and said to Zhao Ya, "Watch him!"

Then he tiptoed and rushed out in an instant.

At this time, Shi Xiqu had already rushed out of the government office and was running towards Nancheng.

They came from the South City Gate when they came, and they were familiar with the roads there. If they could escape into the mountains and forests, they would still have a chance of survival.

But although the idea is good, the reality is extremely cruel.

Just after he rushed out of a block, Lu Dingtai's voice came from behind him.


"Ahhhhh!" Shi Xiqu suddenly roared hysterically. The blood and energy in his body was instantly stimulated to the extreme, and the originally extremely fast speed surged by 30% again.

Lu Dingtai just smiled at this, then raised his hand and punched lightly.


This punch hit Shi Xilui's back.

The power was so strong that a line of blood instantly shot out from Shi Xiqu's mouth, nose and ears.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Xiqu fell directly from the air like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily to the ground.

There happened to be a person standing in front of him, holding two swords and a look of astonishment on his face. It was Nie Jinnian.

The reason why he came now was because in order to ensure the safety of the south city gate, he made careful arrangements to ensure that there were no mistakes, and then he came to the government office with two swords.

Although he also knew that with his own strength, it would be in vain.

Especially the two old men who came from behind were incredibly strong.

But Nie Jingnian came without hesitation.

But before he could reach the government office, he suddenly saw two people chasing each other not far ahead.

After getting a little closer, Nie Jingnian was extremely shocked to find that the person running away in front was actually one of the two old men.

How is this going?

Who is so capable that he could chase this master of the Five Realms so embarrassingly?

He was wondering in his heart, and then he saw Lu Dingtai rushing behind Shi Xiqu and punching him out of the air.

At this moment, Shi Xiqu was lying at his feet, blood flowing under him as if he was free of money.

Nie Jingnian looked confused.

At this moment, Lu Dingtai fell down and said calmly.

"It's Jingnian!"

Nie Jinnian took a deep breath, hurriedly cupped his fists and saluted, "Lu...Uncle Lu!"

Lu Dingtai smiled and reached out to pick up Shi Xi, who was lying on the ground vomiting blood.

"Let's go to the government office!"

As he spoke, he straightened up, carried Shi Xi and left.

Nie Jinnian stood there stunned for a moment, then woke up and hurriedly followed.

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