Lu Dingtai had long been aware of the prying eyes of Wang Tiancheng and the others, but he was busy dealing with the Shi brothers and others, so he ignored them.

Now that the matter has been dealt with, he naturally wants to go over and take a look.

It would be okay if these three people didn't have any malicious intentions. If they did, Lu Dingtai wouldn't mind killing a few more.

Thanks to the extremely profound accumulation of skills, after being promoted to the fifth realm, Lu Dingtai's strength was not simply doubled, but reached the peak of this realm in one leap.

That's why he could kill the Shi brothers so easily.

And his super strength also gave him extremely strong self-confidence. Even though the three people spying on him were probably from the capital, Lu Dingtai still had no fear and was even eager to try again, planning to fight again.

Looking at the excited master, Zhao Ya felt dumbfounded.

Originally, Lu Dingtai's temper was not very good before, and he would often take action directly if he disagreed with someone.

Now that he has been promoted to the fifth realm, his temper has become even simpler and rougher.

However, Zhao Ya didn't say anything. He knew that Wang Tiancheng and the other three people were peeping from a distance without any ill intentions.

And he did not leave after the incident was over, apparently waiting for his master and apprentice to pass by.

After a few leaps, Lu Dingtai and Zhao Ya appeared in front of Wang Tiancheng and the others.

Seeing him appear, Wang Tiancheng, Xu Nianran and Gu Chaoyue all saluted him at the same time.

"I've met Master Lu!"

Lu Dingtai's eyes turned around the three of them, and then he sneered.

"Golden Sword Academy, Wu Nian Academy and Mirror Moon Sect. The three sects are actually gathered together. It's really lively."

After hearing Lu Dingtai's words that revealed the relationship between the three of them, both Wang Tiancheng and Xu Nianran had a look of surprise on their faces.

"Senior, do you know our sect?"

"Of course I know. Before I came to Yunxiao County, I spent some time in the capital city of Dayan. Three sects, two courtyards and one villa... It's really a big name!" Lu Dingtai said coldly.

The three of them didn't dare to say a word.

They didn't feel much when they were standing here watching the battle. It wasn't until they got closer that they felt the pressure coming from Lu Dingtai.

They had only experienced this feeling from the elders of their sect before.

It can be seen that Lu Dingtai's strength is not inferior to that of the elders of the capital sect.

In martial arts, strength is respected.

So all three of them behaved very humbly.

"Tell me, what are the intentions of the three of you in coming to Yunxiao County? You were also secretly watching during the beast tide, right?"

When he was encircling and suppressing the Japanese doll in the mountains and forests, Lu Dingtai also felt the prying eyes from afar.

It's just that he hadn't broken through the barrier at that time, and his strength was far less than it is now. In addition, he was busy dealing with the beast tide, so he didn't pay attention to it.

"Don't get me wrong, Master Lu, the reason why the three of us are here is because we heard about the beast tide and wanted to come over to see if there is any money to be made." Wang Tiancheng said very frankly.

"Later, when I saw the warriors repelling the beast tide with their own strength, I was impressed, so I wanted to stay for a few more days. Unexpectedly, I met Wei Hongbin, and that's why I have been delayed so far."

"You are far away in the capital, how could you hear about the beast tide in Yunxiao County?" Lu Dingtai immediately grasped the key to the problem.

Wang Tiancheng was well prepared for this and immediately said: "That's because this beast wave was caused by the Beast Taming Sect, and I don't know who leaked the news. Most of the top officials in the capital know about it."

"The Beast Taming Sect? That old demon sect?" Lu Dingtai frowned.


"No wonder there is something fishy about this beast wave. It turns out that these guys did it secretly. When I catch them, I will cut them into pieces." Lu Dingtai said coldly, with murderous intent in his words.

Then he looked at Wang Tiancheng and others.

"You guys are staying here just to tell me the news, right?"

"This is just one of the reasons. There is something else I want to ask Master Lu in person."

"Okay, for the sake of this news, I can answer a question for you."

"May I ask if Master Lu is from Canglong Temple?" Wang Tiancheng asked very seriously.

Lu Dingtai did not hesitate and nodded directly: "Yes!"

After hearing this, all three of them looked shocked.

Because they had heard the name of Canglong Temple a lot, and there were many scattered inheritances among the people, but this was the first time for them to meet the true disciples.

Wang Tiancheng continued: "I see that the Great Vajra Fist performed by Master Lu is very different from the inheritance scattered outside, but is it the true inheritance of Canglong Temple?"

As early as the beast tide, Wang Tiancheng had recognized that Lu Dingtai was using the Great Vajra Fist.

But boxing is different from boxing.

As a large sect with a long tradition, many of Canglong Temple's martial arts are spread among the people.

Most of these rumors come from the outer disciples who had no hope of promotion to the inner sect and were dismissed by Canglong Temple. Therefore, the inheritance is incomplete and the power can only be said to be average.

So Wang Tiancheng and Xu Nianran didn't pay much attention at that time.

But after Lu Dingtai regained consciousness and successfully advanced to the fifth realm, the Great Vajra Fist he used finally showed its terrifying power.

With just one punch, Shi Donglai, who was also in the fifth realm, was seriously injured.

This shows that the Great Vajra Fist used by Lu Dingtai did not come from those scattered inheritances, but obtained the true inheritance.

That's why the three of them were so shocked.

When faced with Wang Tiancheng's question, Lu Dingtai didn't hide anything. He nodded directly and said: "Yes, I use the true boxing method of Canglong Temple."

Wang Tiancheng let out a breath, then clasped his fists and raised his hands with a solemn expression, "Then Master Lu is the inner disciple of Canglong Temple?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Dingtai shook his head, "No."

"Huh?" Wang Tiancheng was a little confused.

Canglong Temple or all the sects of the Thirteen Sects outside the Huawai are the same. Only after entering the inner sect can you obtain the true inheritance.

That's why Wang Tiancheng subconsciously thought that Lu Dingtai was an inner disciple of Canglong Temple.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dingtai denied it.

"No need to guess, I am indeed not an inner disciple of Canglong Temple. As for why I know the inner disciple, the reasons are very complicated and I can't explain it to you."

"I see, then the three of us won't bother you."

Since Lu Dingtai didn't want to say anything, Wang Tiancheng naturally didn't dare to ask further.

And regardless of whether he was an inner disciple or not, Lu Dingtai's strength was there, and they couldn't help but be in awe of him.

He turned to look at Zhao Ya and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhao, the agreement I made with you is still valid. Of course, I am not asking you to join my apprenticeship. I just think that if you want to have greater development, you still need to go out more and see the world. ."

"So if Brother Zhao comes to the capital in the future, please come to the Golden Blade Courtyard to find me. You and I will have a good discussion for a few days."

Faced with Wang Tiancheng's sincere invitation, Zhao Ya was naturally very grateful.

"Okay, if I go, I will definitely be disturbed."

Wang Tiancheng clasped his fists at Lu Dingtai and Zhao Ya, and then the three of them jumped up and quickly disappeared into the misty morning light.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Zhao Ya let out a breath.

"Its daybreak!"

"Yes, it's dawn."

In this night of fierce fighting, the arrogant Wei Hongbin, who originally controlled the entire city, died, and his men were also killed. Even the cavalry camp outside the city was empty.

Many people woke up only to find that things had changed.

The cavalry masters who had been riding on top of them were all driven away by the warriors in the city, so they were naturally overjoyed.

For a time, there was joy inside and outside the county town. Some people even set off firecrackers, making a continuous crackling sound, adding to the festive atmosphere.

And the warriors who were the absolute protagonists of this war were treated like heroes.

As long as you wear warrior clothes and walk on the road, the shops along the way will force their products into your hands.

It can be as small as fruits, rice and noodles, or as large as gold and silver jewelry. You can't do it if you don't want it.

Pedestrians gathered around you, and some brave girls even asked you directly if you had a wife.

All in all, the entire county fell into an almost crazy carnival.

Zhao Ya did not stop this.

Because he knew that after such a long period of oppression, he finally won, and it was normal to be a little excited.

It's just that these warriors will inevitably have some worries about happiness.

In fact, not only these warriors, but also Zhao Ya himself was chased to the sky with nowhere to go.

As the planner and initiator of this war, his contribution can be said to be the greatest.

Although the real final word was made, it was his master Lu Dingtai who made the comeback at the critical moment.

But facing a fifth-level warrior with a bad temper, anyone with any brains would not dare to provoke him.

In comparison, Zhao Ya is much better.

The key is that he is still very young, and I heard that except for an orphan girl, he has no wife, children or children around him.

The combination of all these made Zhao Ya suddenly become the target of everyone, especially many girls.

After being chased and intercepted several times, Zhao Ya finally realized that being too popular is sometimes not a good thing.

In order to avoid these troubles, he could only choose to disguise himself and travel secretly.

I was almost recognized a few times.


Seeing Zhao Ya sitting listlessly across the coffee table, Shang Luoluo chuckled.

"Why do I feel that you are unhappy?"

"It's really a bit unhappy."

"Why, the whole city is talking about your name now. I don't know how many women in the boudoir are favoring you and want to commit themselves to you. This is a good thing that many men dream of. Why are you unhappy? ?" Shang Luoluo said with a smile.

Zhao Ya sighed helplessly, "Okay, stop making sarcastic remarks and try to feel like there are people crazy around you all twelve hours a day, and even when you go to the latrine, there are people following you."

"It does sound a little awkward."

"So, you know how annoyed I am."

"So you're hiding here to drink tea?" Shang Luoluo said with a sweet smile.

"Otherwise? We can't stay in the martial arts hall anymore. For the first time, I discovered that those little girls who usually never leave the door can actually run away like this. Even the guards of the martial arts hall can't see them. They slipped in."

"Haha, why did I hear that the guards at your martial arts school are so lenient in accepting red envelopes these days?" Shang Luoluo said with a smile.

Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that there was no oversight at all. In fact, it was all business, and he couldn't help but gritted his teeth with sadness and anger on his face.

"Gu Mingdong, you were waiting for me to go back!"

"Okay, do me a favor."

As he said this, Shang Luoluo took out a stack of white paper fans.

"What is this for?" Zhao Ya was stunned.

"Well, my close friends heard somewhere that I have a good relationship with you and asked me to bring them something of yours. After thinking about it, I think it would be better for you to write a few words."

"All right!"

Eat people with soft mouths.

I have gone to someone else's place to hide myself, so it is not too much to write a few words.

Although he hasn't practiced calligraphy much, because of his strong control over his own muscles, Zhao Ya's handwriting is not ugly, and even looks a bit leering.

After finishing a few swish strokes.

After looking at it with great satisfaction, Shang Luoluo carefully put away the paper fans, and then said with a smile: "The paper fans written by Zhao Shaoxia, who has been in the limelight recently, can be sold for a few hundred taels each. It's not too much. "

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