Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 179 Revenge is naturally better as soon as possible

These people basically didn't know Zhao Ya's drinking capacity, and they thought they were taking advantage of him.

Miao Shaocheng was naturally gloating about this.

But soon he stopped laughing.

Because at this moment, Shang Luoluo came towards them.

Seeing Shang Luoluo getting closer and closer, Miao Shaocheng's muscles tensed up and the smile on his face became stiff.

Xu De was amused when he saw this, but he didn't dare to show it on the outside, so he had to pretend not to see it.

At this time, Shang Luoluo came closer and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? Are you talking so happily?"

Naturally, Miao Shaocheng could not be counted on at this time, so Xu De had no choice but to say: "I didn't say anything, I was just talking about Junior Brother Zhao's drinking capacity."

"Oh?" Shang Luoluo raised his eyebrows slightly, "I just came here just to say, is it really okay for him to drink like this?"

Xu De smiled bitterly and said, "You don't understand Junior Brother Zhao's ability to drink. Instead of worrying about him, it would be better to worry about the people who are toasting him. I'm afraid they will get drunk to death again."

"So powerful?" Shang Luoluo was a little surprised.

Xu De nodded, "That's why."

Shang Luoluo came to the wedding today, firstly for Shen Dao and Meng Shiwen.

After all, they have a good relationship with Shang Luoluo.

The second is for Zhao Ya.

She originally wanted to come over and see what this guy, who had completely disappeared from the public eye recently, was up to.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he saw Zhao Ya having a drink with a group of people, and it was a fight for three drinks while others had one drink.

Several of his senior brothers stood in the distance, watching as if they were laughing, and then stepped forward to ask.

as expected.

More than an hour later, with the collapse of the last toaster, all those who wanted to drink Zhao Ya's wine were lying on the ground, drunk and unconscious.

On the other hand, Zhao Ya didn't even blush, and his eyes were as clear as water, as if what he just drank was water instead of wine.

This level of drinking also amazed Shang Luoluo.

She finally understood that what Xu De said just now was not an exaggeration.

At this time, the wedding banquet was finally coming to an end.

Many guests said their goodbyes and left. As for those who had fallen drunk, they were carried away by people from various martial arts schools.

Shang Luoluo wanted to chat with Zhao Ya again, but seeing that he was busy seeing off the guests for his master and senior brother, he didn't bother him. He just smiled and waved his hand from a distance, and then left.

Seeing this scene, Miao Shaocheng's expression dimmed a little, but he quickly cheered up and helped prepare the remaining tables.

By the time everything was settled, it was already late at night.

After a busy day, everyone was tired, so they went back to their houses to rest.

Zhao Ya is still living in the martial arts hall for the time being.

When he returned to the small courtyard, he found that Zui'er was not asleep yet, but was sitting in the courtyard in a daze.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Zhao Ya asked in surprise.

Zui'er shook his head, "I'm not sleepy."

Zhao Ya immediately realized that this little girl was worried, but he didn't say anything. He just sat next to her and held her gently in his arms.

Zui'er leaned on his shoulder obediently, and a stream of warm liquid gradually soaked into her clothes.

Zhao Ya felt extremely distressed instantly.

This little girl never cries when she is sad, but just sheds tears silently.

"What's wrong? Are you envious of the second senior brother's wedding today?" Zhao Ya thought of a possibility.

In fact, he has always felt that he lacked this girl for a wedding, so he asked softly.

"No!" Zui'er said in a low voice.

"Then what happened?"

"I...I just suddenly missed my grandma! She worked hard to raise me, but she has been dead for several years, but I haven't even burned a piece of paper for her. I always feel sad."

At the end of the sentence, Zui'er choked with sobs.

Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, and then infinite tenderness filled his heart.


It has been at least two or three years since Zui'er's grandmother died. During these two or three years, Zui'er has been wandering around with him, not to mention burning a piece of paper money, and has not even visited the grave a few times.

He knew that this must be the scene where Shen Dao and Shi Qingqing knelt down to worship their master at the wedding today, which touched the little girl and reminded her of her dead grandma.

So Zhao Ya hugged her tightly, gently rested his chin on her head, and then whispered: "Don't worry, I will take you back to Wuxiang City in a while."

"Really?" Zui'er asked, raising his head in surprise.

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Zui'er's big eyes instantly turned into crescent moons. Although there were still tears on his face, he was smiling like a flower.

"But you can't be in a hurry, because I still have some things to do. After I finish it, we will set off back to Wuxiang City."

"Yeah!" Zui'er nodded vigorously, extremely happy.

After she skipped back to the house, Zhao Ya sat on the stone bench and looked up at the late autumn night sky. His eyes were filled with stars, and there was no sadness or joy on his face.

In fact, Zui'er didn't need to tell him that he also planned to return to Wuxiang City after a while when the situation in the county was completely stabilized.

There is no other reason than the word revenge.

Zhao Ya has not forgotten all the scenes in which Qingzhuling and the Hong family set up a trap to harm the Changlong Escort Bureau.

At first, I was not strong enough, so I had no choice but to take Zui'er away.

Now that he has been promoted to the fifth level, he is invincible at the same level. Even ordinary fifth level warriors cannot even think of taking advantage of Zhao Ya.

The time was ripe for revenge, so Zhao Ya naturally wanted to go back.

Zhao Ya never believed in the saying that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. In his opinion, the sooner the better, it is best to take revenge on the spot.

Because only in this way can the other party know what fear is.

If you wait until your enemy is old enough to take action, even if you kill him, it will be meaningless.

But before going back, there are some things that need to be taken care of.

The night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, Shi Qingqing, who had some difficulty in moving, poured a cup of tea for Lu Dingtai with a shy expression.

This is considered as officially passing through the family and becoming a member of the Shen family.

Because Shen Dao is the largest disciple in Dingtai Martial Arts Hall besides Meng Shiwen.

Therefore, the junior brothers would not let him go easily, and they all gathered around him. Those who wanted wedding candy asked for wedding candy, and some even joked. Some even took a bowl of ink mixed with lard and tried to smear Shen Dao's face.

Shen Dao could only hold up his hands and beg for mercy with a smile on his face.

Because this is the custom, he can't be upset today and can only say good things.

Zhao Ya, Miao Shaocheng and Xu De did not come forward, not because of their "deep brotherhood", but because Shen Dao had already promised a fine banquet at Feixianju.

Under this "bribery", the three of them were naturally embarrassed to take action again.

But that didn't stop them from laughing and watching the fun.

While they were having fun, Gu Mingdong hurried to Zhao Ya.

"Little...little uncle, Sun Yingkui is looking for you."

Gu Mingdong spoke a little hesitantly and did not even dare to look directly at Zhao Ya.

After all, as the gatekeeper of Dingtai Martial Arts School before, he had received red envelopes from famous ladies and made many "accidental" mistakes in letting these women in.

Although Zhao Ya found out later and didn't say anything, Gu Mingdong always felt a little guilty.

"Sun Yingkui? Why did he come to me?"

Zhao Ya frowned, but did not delay, and walked out of the martial arts hall. When he came to the door, he saw that it was Sun Yingkui.

At this time, he was dressed in a warrior's attire. He was a little thinner, but his complexion was obviously much better than when he was a captain.

After seeing Zhao Ya, Sun Yingkui took a few steps forward, cupped his fists and said, "Young Master Zhao!"

"You don't have to be so polite. What do you want from me?"

Sun Yingkui smiled bitterly, "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the surrendered cavalry have been imprisoned in prison for a while. What do you think we will do with these people?"

Zhao Ya glanced at Sun Yingkui.

Sun Yingkui hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look directly.

Now he has joined the warrior camp and became a disciple of Guangrui Martial Arts School.

If it really came down to seniority, he would have to call Zhao Ya his uncle.

At the beginning, Zhao Ya gave him the task of screening the surrendering cavalry, which Sun Yingkui always kept in mind.

Especially seeing that the situation in the city has stabilized now, Zhao Ya still hasn't expressed his opinion on how to deal with these people, as if he has forgotten this group of people.

Sun Yingkui could only bite the bullet and come to Zhao Ya to ask.

"What do you think should be done?" Zhao Ya asked.

"I don't dare to say such things."

"Tell me, since you came to me, you must have your own ideas." Zhao Ya said.

"Then I will boldly say that I have carefully screened these cavalrymen and they have no bad deeds. Now they all know and regret it, so I think they should be released?"

Speaking of this, Sun Yingkui glanced at Zhao Ya secretly and saw that his face was calm, so he continued tentatively.

"Of course, if you are afraid that these people will do evil or harm the village after they come out, you can organize them into a team, which can be regarded as a supplement to the security of the county. After all, these people have received professional training, so they can be released like this It would be a big waste for them to go back." Sun Yingkui said cautiously.

Zhao Ya suddenly laughed.

"You want to take all these people for your own use?"

The cold sweat on Sun Yingkui's forehead fell instantly, "Don't dare, I'm just making a suggestion. As for how to deal with this team and who will lead it, I dare not comment."

"Okay, it's not a big deal to have this idea." Zhao Ya interrupted him.

"But you have to think clearly. You have the mark of being Wei Hongbin's subordinate. After taking charge of this team, if you do something slightly wrong, the consequences can be imagined."

Sun Yingkui's heart trembled, and he immediately nodded and said, "I understand."

"Okay, I will have these cavalry released in the next two days, and I will leave the rest to you, but there are two conditions."

"Please speak!" Sun Yingkui said respectfully.

"I will leave the training and organization of this team to you, but you will not be responsible for the deployment. I will send a warrior to join the team to partner with you, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Sun Yingkui nodded and responded, not surprised.

If Zhao Ya really gave him all the power, he would feel unreliable.

"This is one, and the other is that you have to think clearly. What you do is equivalent to taking on a huge responsibility. Whenever these people do evil, you are the first person responsible."

"I have already thought about this, and I am willing to accept this responsibility." Sun Yingkui said seriously.

"Okay, then let's go to the prison tomorrow to arrest someone."

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