Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 181: Encountered by chance on the road, Young Master Gao is always willing to compete with m

The carriage drove leisurely on the official road.

This is the third day since they came out. Now they have already left the jurisdiction of the county and entered the wilderness.

Yes, it’s the wilderness.

After arriving here, there are no tea stalls or inns on the roadside anymore. Except for the abandoned farmland and the mostly collapsed deserted village, which proves that this place was once a densely populated place, all traces of civilization are quickly disappearing.

The tigers, leopards and jackals regained the upper hand and were no longer afraid of people. They dared to spy on the caravans on the official road in the distant mountains and forests in broad daylight.

If they see a lone person, they will rush forward without hesitation and enjoy a delicious meal.

With the situation collapsing to this point, Zhao Ya knew that Dayan, which had enjoyed the country for hundreds of years, had been completely corrupted and was completely hopeless.

It is only a matter of time before it is completely destroyed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but sigh slightly.

In troubled times, human life is like nothing. In this chaos, we don’t know how many people will die.


There was a roar from the nearby forest, and then a colorful tiger jumped out and headed straight for the carriage.

The two horses pulling the cart were shaking in a ball, their legs were weak and they were unable to run at all.

But at this moment, the tiger that was charging at him suddenly seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and turned around and ran away.

But it was too late, a hand that looked like it was carved from sapphire suddenly appeared and grabbed its tail.

The tiger let out a horrified cry and struggled like a frightened kitten.

But everything was in vain. With a slight exertion of his hand, the tiger, which was as big as a calf, was forcefully pulled back.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Ya stretched out his hand and tapped lightly on the tiger's back.

There was a crisp click, and the tiger instantly collapsed to the ground. After two weak screams, it died.

The whole process only took a few seconds, and then Zhao Ya bent down to observe with interest.

"Well, the tiger skin this time is good, no damage at all."

Zhao Ya was very satisfied.

Meng Shiwen was a little helpless.

Along the way, Zhao Ya deliberately concealed his aura, luring these forest beasts to attack, and then suddenly hunted them down.

This has been done a dozen times.

There must have been twenty or thirty tigers, leopards, and black bears that died in Zhao Ya's hands.

The key point is that Zhao Ya is still enjoying it, which makes Meng Shiwen quite helpless.

"What do you want so many tiger skins for?" Meng Shiwen asked.

"Sell it for money. A complete tiger skin can be sold for a lot of money." Zhao Ya said with a smile.

At the same time, his hands kept moving, peeling off the tiger skin very neatly.

After peeling off the tiger skin, Zhao Ya carefully inspected the body and then frowned. Sure enough, it is another polluted beast.

Of course, Zhao Ya was not idle and he went on a killing spree just for a few pieces of skin.

The reason why he did this was because he found that these beasts were much larger than before.

In the past, when Zhao Ya was in Wuxiang City, he often went hunting in the mountains and forests, and it was not like he had never encountered these beasts.

But even the completely transformed beasts don't have such a large size.

That's why Zhao Ya killed a few of them and then studied them carefully.

Then he discovered that although these beasts had not transformed into alien beasts, their flesh and blood contained a strange toxin, as if they had been contaminated.

This should be the reason why their size has increased and their aggressiveness has also greatly increased.

Regarding this new phenomenon, Zhao Ya felt awe-struck and felt that it was not a good sign.

But at this moment, Zhao Ya had no clues, so he could only keep this phenomenon in his mind.

This kind of contaminated flesh and blood is naturally inedible, and in order to prevent it from being eaten by other beasts and spreading.

Zhao Ya poured some kerosene on the tiger corpse and lit it with a fire.

As for the tiger skin, Zhao Ya hung it behind the carriage to dry.

While they were busy, a caravan slowly passed by them.

When they saw the huge tiger skin, many people in the caravan looked surprised.

One of them, a man in his forties who looked like a guard commander, gave Zhao Ya a fist.

"Friend, did you hunt this giant tiger?"

Zhao Ya nodded.

A flash of surprise flashed in the man's eyes.

He, who has often done business in Yunxiao County in recent years, naturally knows how powerful this new giant tiger is.

Three or five ordinary warriors cannot get close to him, and they may even be harmed by it if they are not careful.

Only warriors from the third realm have the ability to hunt this thing.

If you put it this way, this young man is at least a third-level warrior.

Thinking of this, the man's attitude became more humble.

"Excellent skills, in Shimodian Heng, he is the guard commander of the Gao Family Trading Company in Yiyang City."

Although Yunxiao County is not a large county in Dayan, its area is actually not small, and the cities under its control are also dotted, but most of them are small cities like Wuxiang City.

Yiyang City is one of them.

Zhao Ya nodded slightly, "Juncheng, Zhao Ya."

Although it is well-known in the county and city, the time is still short after all, and the transportation in this world is inconvenient, so the news has not spread yet.

Therefore, Tian Heng had never heard of Zhao Ya's name, and he just cupped his fists when he heard it.

"It turns out it's Shao Xia Zhao. May I ask where Shao Xia Zhao is going this time?"

"Dancing Elephant City!"

Hearing the name Wuxiang City, Tian Heng's expression suddenly changed, and then he glanced at Zhao Ya and the carriage in the distance.

"I would like to ask again, did Zhao Shaoxia join the caravan when he went to Dancing Elephant City this time?"

"No, just me."

"Then I advise you not to go."

"Oh? Why?" Zhao Ya became interested.

It seems that this Tian Heng should know something.

Tian Heng looked around, then lowered his voice and said: "To be honest, one of my guys passed by Wuxiang City some time ago. When he came back, he told me that the situation there was very bad. Not only were the strongmen from Qingzhuling wreaking havoc, And there seems to be a plague.”

"Plague?" Zhao Ya was surprised.

"Yes, although we haven't entered the city, according to my buddy, almost all the people around Wuxiang City are dead, and the wild beasts in the mountains and forests are like crazy. They dare to openly attack people in groups during the day. , now all the trading houses have avoided Dancing Elephant City, and have classified it as a dangerous place, and cannot go there unless necessary."

Zhao Ya's heart sank when he heard this.

It sounds like the situation in Dancing Elephant City is indeed not good.

But will the Hong family and the Yang family just let this happen?

Although in the eyes of these people, the lives and lives of ordinary people are not important at all.

But if you want a place to prosper and have money to exploit, the number of people is a major prerequisite.

Without enough population, everything is just a castle in the air.

Therefore, no matter how crazy a person is, he cannot just watch the people under his rule suffer from the ravages of wild beasts and plagues and remain indifferent.

But from what Tian Heng meant, he didn't know what was going on in the city.

Despite this, Zhao Ya was still quite grateful.

Because Tian Heng has no obligation or responsibility to tell himself this.

Especially in this troubled world, any information is precious.

Now that he can tell himself for free, it shows that he has a good character.

Therefore, Zhao Ya clasped his fists solemnly and said, "Thank you, Commander Tian, ​​for telling me."

"You're welcome. The world is so difficult. If we don't help each other when things happen, life will be even more difficult." Tian Heng said with emotion, then left.

Zhao Ya looked at his retreating figure and felt more and more that this person was quite good.

He turned back to the carriage.

"Xiao Ya, what's wrong?" Meng Shiwen's voice came from the carriage.

She heard the sound of horse hooves just now, raised the corner of the car curtain and took a look, and found that it was a caravan, and Zhao Ya was talking to a guard.

As a woman, Meng Shiwen did not get out of the car in order to avoid causing trouble.

It wasn't until Zhao Ya came back that she asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just met a caravan that happened to be passing by, so we had a few words."

Zhao Ya didn't mention anything about Wuxiang City, because if he did, it would only increase their worries.

He sat on the shaft of the carriage, waved his whip, and continued to move forward.

At the same time, Na Tian Heng returned to the caravan and came to the carriage in the middle.

"Master!" He shouted respectfully.

Then the car window opened, revealing the face of a man.

This man was about thirty years old, and he was decent-looking, but his eyes shone with brilliance, making him look a little thoughtful.

"what happened?"

"That's right, I just met..."

Tian Heng roughly told what happened.

The man frowned slightly after hearing this.

"A three-level warrior around twenty years old? Lao Tian, ​​are you sure you read that correctly?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. After all, that giant tiger is not something that ordinary people can hunt."

"Then he must have used some trickery. Is he himself?" the man asked.

"There was also a carriage driving, but no one got off. I guess there must be women in it."

"Haha, it's quite courageous to travel alone with a female family." The man sneered, and then looked at Tian Heng.

"Old Tian, ​​I'm not talking about you, you are just too warm-hearted and willing to help anyone you meet. Why do you tell him about Wuxiang City? He can go if he likes. It doesn't matter to us if he dies."

Tian Heng lowered his head after being scolded and whispered: "I just feel that when I go out, I can help anyone I meet. Besides, it doesn't take much trouble."

"You have so much time to take care of yourself these days, how can you have so much energy to help others?" the man said very dissatisfied.

"Besides, you can't help. What if you say this and he becomes timid and relies on our caravan? Are you going to give him a free ride?"

"Yes, Master, I understand!" Tian Heng said in a low voice.

"Stay away from this kind of thing in the future. Although this information is not valuable, you can't tell others in vain."

"Also, tell everyone to speed up and get rid of this guy, so that he won't follow behind and eat for free."

Tian Heng said nothing, clasped his fists, and then left sadly.

Gao Cong sneered slightly when he saw this, and then closed the car window.

As the second young master of the Gao family, he has been learning business from his father since he was a child, and now he is able to stand alone.

And his childhood upbringing also made him develop a character that is always worth every penny, and he is not willing to spend even a penny more.

Therefore, he looked down upon the behavior of people like Tian Heng.

In his opinion, this is simply abusing a good person.

Everything has a price, and Gao Cong will never help anyone without giving him enough money.

This has always been his purpose.

So under his order, the caravan sped up, quickly surpassed Zhao Ya's carriage, and then left quickly.

Looking at the caravan going away, Zhao Ya was slightly startled, and then he understood the meaning and couldn't help but smile.


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