Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 197 Martial arts training, one step at a time

When Lu Dingtai said this, he was half proud and half sighing.

I am proud that I have taught a truly talented disciple.

He lamented that he actually didn't teach him much. Apart from a set of King Kong Fist and occasional guidance, Zhao Ya walked most of the way by himself.

And this also increasingly shows the terrifying nature of Zhao Ya's talent.

Thinking of this, Lu Dingtai's inner thoughts became more determined.

He waved his hand and signaled Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng and Xu De who came over after hearing the sound from a distance.

At this time Meng Shiwen also came.

After everyone arrived, Lu Dingtai announced something.

"You have also seen that I had a fight with your junior brother just now, and I was only slightly better. I believe that if we really have to fight, even I dare not say that I can definitely win against Xiaoya."

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed.

They all heard a loud noise like an earthquake, and then hurried over.

When they looked at it, they saw that Zhao Ya's residence was in a mess, and even the wall had collapsed.

They didn't know what happened at that time, and they didn't know until Lu Dingtai said it.

It turned out that the master and the apprentice stayed up most of the night and actually played with each other in the courtyard.

But can such horrific scenes really be created by humans?

Especially when they heard Lu Dingtai admit from his own mouth that he was only slightly better than Zhao Ya, and that if he really had to fight to the death, he wouldn't dare to say that he would definitely win, they were even more shocked.

Doesn't this mean that junior brother Zhao Ya's strength has already caught up with his master?

Zhao Ya naturally did not dare to admit it and said quickly: "Master, this is just a fluke..."

"Hey, people who practice martial arts should be neat and tidy. They are great if they are powerful. There is nothing to be humble about." Lu Dingtai interrupted Zhao Ya and then said.

"With your current strength, you are enough to join the army."

Zhao Ya and everyone present were all shocked.


Before Zhao Ya could finish speaking, Lu Dingtai waved his hand.

"Listen to me, with your talent and strength, I have nothing to teach you now, and if I can't teach you, then no one in the entire Yunxiao County can teach you, so if you continue to stay in the county, , it’s just a waste of time.”

"Don't think that you can afford to waste it when you are young. You must know that in martial arts training, one step leads to another world. After the New Year, you will be twenty years old. At this age, you have the strength of half a step of the five realms. It sounds very powerful, but let me tell you , this is not enough!"

At the end, Lu Dingtai's voice became very stern.

"Because for those who are really great outsiders, they can only be considered true warriors after entering the fifth realm, and the rest are not counted, so no one will look at how old you are when you are halfway to the fifth realm. They will only look at what you are." It’s time to advance to the five realms!”

"If you advance to the fifth realm before the age of thirty, you can be said to be a talent that can be made. You have the opportunity to prove the Tao and open the meridians. Once you pass the threshold of thirty, the value will plummet. If you are over thirty-five, even if you advance to the fifth realm Jing is just an ordinary warrior and has little value in the eyes of those great sects."

"So you have to understand the urgency of cultivation. If you can advance to the fifth realm before the age of thirty or even twenty-five, then master, I will arrange a future for you even if I don't show my old face."

Lu Dingtai's words are inspiring.

Not only Zhao Ya, but also Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng and others present were silent.


Martial arts training, one step at a time, this world is so cruel, there is no reason at all.

As Zhao Ya is the most promising future star of Dingtai Martial Arts School and even the entire Yunxiao County, one can imagine the high hopes Lu Dingtai has placed on him.

"Master, I understand that I must do my best to practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough." Zhao Ya said in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dingtai shook his head, "What a big mistake. What you should do now is not to practice hard, but to leave here."

"leave here?"

Now even Shen Dao and the others were a little confused.

"That's right!"

Lu Dingtai looked at Zhao Ya with bright eyes, "Your talent is the only one I have ever seen in my life. If you just waste your time in this corner of the county, even if you are promoted to the fifth realm, it will be a waste. You should have a better future." ."

Lu Dingtai looked into the distance and said softly: "But do you still remember what I told you about the broken mirror?"

Zhao Ya nodded.

Not only did he remember it, he simply didn't dare to forget it for a moment.

"During the last beast wave, the two beads you got from the mandrill and the Japanese doll were exactly the Broken Mirror Beads, and they were of a very high grade. But if you want to use them, you must know how to refine them."


"Well, that means finding a way to extract the power contained in it. However, except for the large sects with long heritages, only some people who specialize in this method know this method."

Speaking of this, Lu Dingtai smiled slightly and said, "It just so happens that I knew your master back then!"

"This man's name is Mo Qi. He is a master of medicine. I saved him once by chance. He owes me a favor. Now it's time to repay him."

Said Lu Dingtai took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Zhao Ya.

"This is the address he left for me when we parted ways."

Zhao Ya opened it and saw that there was only a single line of small characters on it.

Yuzhu Hutong, Changpingfang, Dayan Capital City.

"Take this to him and say he is my apprentice. He will help you refine these two broken mirror guides. As long as you can advance to the fifth realm through these two broken mirror guides, then your future can be considered a real one. There is no limit to it." Lu Dingtai said with a smile.

Zhao Ya held the piece of paper and felt that it was as heavy as a thousand pieces. Then he took a deep breath and put it in his arms with great care.

He knew very well how much this seemingly light piece of paper meant to him.


Zhao Ya wanted to express his thanks, but he didn't expect that the words had already reached his lips, but Lu Dingtai waved his hand to stop him.

"Okay, you are my apprentice. If I don't think about you, who should I think about? We don't have to be so polite with each other in the future, do you understand?" Lu Dingtai said with a straight face.

"Yes!" Zhao Ya said yes with his hands raised.

"Pack your things and leave in a few days. I'm waiting for your good news!" After that, Lu Dingtai strode away.

Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng and others were left looking at each other.

They all knew that the junior brother was about to leave the county and go to the capital of Dayan.

So the atmosphere became a little sad.

In the end, Shen Dao reacted first and reached out to pat Zhao Ya on the shoulder.

"It's too late today, don't clean up here, take Zui'er to my place and spend the night together."

"Okay!" Zhao Ya nodded.

"I'll go too!" Miao Shaocheng said.

"Why are you joining in the fun?" Xu De couldn't help but said.

"I want to eat the food cooked by my sister-in-law. Besides, Xiaoya will be leaving soon. If we don't have a few drinks, it will be difficult for us to get the chance!" Miao Shaocheng said in a low voice.

Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Miao Shaocheng, who was usually the most carefree person, could be so thoughtful.

At this moment, Miao Shaocheng felt someone hugging him. When he looked up, he saw Zhao Ya smiling at him.

"Senior Brother Miao, why do you sound so awkward to me when you say this? It's as if I will never come back after I leave."

In fact, in the eyes of Miao Shaocheng and others, it is indeed difficult for Zhao Ya to come back after leaving.

After all, after he is promoted to the fifth realm, he will truly enter the sea. There is an infinite vast world waiting for him outside. How can he return to Yunxiao County, a small place like this?

"Don't worry, no matter how far I go, I will eventually come back. After all, this is my home!"

Zhao Ya's words came from the bottom of his heart.

Since coming to this world, there are only two places that have truly given him the feeling of home.

One was the Changlong Escort Agency in Wuxiang City, but it had been destroyed.

Another one is the Dingtai Martial Arts School in Yunxiao County.

Not only did his master Lu Dingtai do his best to him, but these senior brothers and sisters also didn't say anything to him.

After hearing Zhao Ya's words, the atmosphere finally became a little more lively.

Eventually they all ran to Shen Dao's home.

Shi Qingqing was worried at home and didn't know what was happening outside. After everyone arrived, she asked why and immediately went to the kitchen to cook.

With the help of Zui'er and Meng Shiwen, a sumptuous table of dishes was quickly prepared.

Although it was already early in the morning, everyone still ate happily until dawn.

Then Zhao Ya slept for a while, then took his things and went to Renyong Martial Arts Hall and met Nie Jingnian.

Nie Jinnian was a little surprised when the zerg was given to him.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "This thing belongs to you from now on."

"how about you?"

"After I advance to the fifth level, the effect of these insect eggs on me becomes smaller. In addition, I will leave soon, so it is better to leave it to you."

"Leave? Where to go?" Nie Jingnian asked in surprise.


Zhao Ya didn't say anything about Po Jingyin, he just said that his strength had reached a bottleneck, and if he wanted to be promoted, it would not be achieved overnight.

So I planned to go to Dayan Capital City to try my luck.

After listening, Nie Jinnian was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

"Then I wish you a safe journey and enter the Five Realms soon!"

"Thank you!"

After chatting for a few more words, Zhao Ya turned around and left.

Nie Jinnian looked at his back with emotion.

There was a time when they were in the same place, but now the gap cannot be measured by reason.

It seems that I have to work hard, otherwise I will never catch up with him!

Nie Jinnian secretly made up his mind.

At the same time, Zhao Ya began to pack up application things.

This trip is a long way, so be well prepared.

But there is no need for Zhao Ya to worry about this, Zui'er has taken care of these things himself.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Zhao Ya drank several drinks with several senior brothers and disciples in the martial arts hall.

In addition, Zhao Ya did not disclose to the outside world that he was leaving the county, because that would only cause unnecessary trouble.

While Zhao Ya was making intensive preparations, in the Shang Mansion, father and daughter Shang Jingchuan and Shang Luoluo had also packed their bags.

In the early morning of this day, at dawn, a motorcade had stopped in front of the Shang Mansion.

"Master, everything is ready, you can set off now."

I will continue to update the 10,000 words tomorrow, so it will be better to make up for the debt.

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