Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 200 The Yun family in the capital city, the worried Shang Jingchuan

The man sighed and said, "I understand, I'm just complaining!"

As he spoke, he looked up and looked outside the tent.

At this moment, the wind outside showed no sign of stopping, but instead became stronger and stronger.

"With this damn weather, I don't know if we can leave tomorrow. Old Ding, how many days do we expect to reach the capital?"

"After passing Fengwei County, we will reach Yingtai County. After passing through Yingtai County, we will enter the capital city after a short walk." Lao Ding said.

"Hey, I really don't know if I can pass through Yingtai County smoothly. If the second son really wants to stop me, he will definitely choose Yingtai County." The man sighed.

"I will fight to the death to protect the young master." Old Ding shouted.

The guards looked at each other and then bowed their heads to express their stance.

The man also handed over his hand very sincerely, "Then I'll help you all. I will definitely give you a heavy reward when I return to the capital."

"Thank you, Master!"

Old Ding left with the guards.

The man was the only one left in the tent, sitting alone in front of the candle with a trace of sadness on his face.

Just as Shang Luoluo guessed, he was a child of an aristocratic family in the capital, and not just an ordinary aristocratic family.

His name is Yunyuan.

The family is the Yun family, which has produced three prime ministers, two imperial masters, and countless other ministers, and is known as a family of nobles.

The Yun family was very prominent back then. Now, although its power has shrunk a lot with the decline of the Yan imperial power, it is still considered the top family in the capital.

And this Yunyuan is still a direct descendant of the Yun family. His father is the fifth son of the old head of the Yun family, and he is the eldest, with a younger brother and younger sister.

His mother came from the Lu family in Linhai County. Although she has passed away, the power of her grandfather's family is huge.

With the strong alliance, one can imagine how prominent his background is.

This time he left the capital, originally to visit relatives at his grandfather's house in Linhai County, but not long after he arrived there, he received news that his father was seriously ill and dying, and he was asked to rush back immediately.

Hearing the news, Yunyuan was naturally horrified and immediately set off for the capital without any delay.

The reason why he is so anxious is because his father is seriously ill and he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

But more importantly, he was worried that if his father died while he was not in the capital, the variables would be huge.

Although it is said that his grandfather, the old head of the Yun family, is in charge, this old man Yun has always turned a blind eye to the struggle for power in the houses below.

As long as human life is not involved, he will not interfere.

Because in his opinion, they are all his descendants who are fighting over and over again. Taking sides would appear to be biased. It would be better to stay out of the matter and not interfere.

Although his younger brother Yun Hao was born in Xu Xian, he was also a serious member of the Yun family, and he and his mother's influence were all in the capital, so they had the right time and place.

So if his father died before he returned home, Yun Hao would most likely gain control of this house, and then he would be in vain.

For this reason, he rushed to the capital city all night long.

Although the journey was relatively safe, Yun Yuan knew very well that if Yun Hao really planned to seize power, he would definitely stop him on the road.

The damage would not be serious, but as long as he could hold himself back and wait until his father died, the end would be over, then he would be completely defeated.

But for the present, he had no good solution. He could only place his hope on the guards given to him by his grandfather.

Except for Lao Ding and some ordinary servants who were brought by Yun Yuan from the Yun family, those Four Realm warriors were all given to him by his grandfather before he left.

This has become Yunyuan's biggest reliance at the moment, otherwise he probably wouldn't even think of rushing back to fight for power.

This also shows how important it is to have a strong matrilineal family.

As for what I just said about waiting to make Zhao Ya look good after returning to the capital, it was just a show of rhetoric to save face in front of the guards given by my grandfather.

It is true that the Yun family worships masters, many of whom are in the fifth realm, but how can they be commanded by him?

Unless he can successfully seize power and become the leader of the fifth house, otherwise, he will gradually become a marginalized figure like other idle children from aristocratic families. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun all day long, he will be like a waste.

Yunyuan naturally doesn't want to live that kind of life.

He looked at the flickering candlelight and silently thought about what would happen after returning to Beijing.

At the same time, above the post building, most of the bottle of wine had gone into Shang Luoluo's stomach.

Because the alcohol content was quite high, Shang Luoluo's face still turned red even though it was just a bottle of wine.

"It's time to go back!" Zhao Ya said upon seeing this.

"Let's chat for a while, I'm not sleepy at all now." Shang Luoluo insisted and refused to leave, and yawned after finishing speaking.

Zhao Ya couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this, "What else is there to talk about? And you are not afraid that your father will find out that you are not sleeping in the house, but come here to drink with me?"

"Don't be afraid. No matter what I do, he will only mutter a few words to me. Anyway, I'm used to it over the years and don't care at all." Shang Luoluo said carelessly.

Zhao Ya was a little silent.

During his interactions with Shang Luoluo, he had never heard her mention his mother.

Zhao Ya has always tacitly agreed not to talk about this.

But from Shang Luoluo's words now, he could still hear a trace of sadness.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about you." Shang Luoluo took a deep breath and then said with a smile.

"Tell me about me? What do I have to say?" Zhao Ya said in surprise.

"There are so many things I can talk about, such as what you experienced in Wuxiang City back then, and how you and Zui'er met and got together. I really want to know these." Shang Luoluo looked at Zhao with bright eyes. Cliff.

Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well, since you want to know so much, let me tell you briefly."

So Zhao Ya started to talk about every detail of that year. Shang Luoluo listened attentively and asked questions from time to time.

When it comes to happy things, Shang Luoluo covers his mouth and smiles, but when he hears sad things, his expression becomes sad and he lowers his head in silence.

"Just like that, after I had a fight with Zhan Feng, I took Zui'er to the county town..."

Zhao Ya's voice gradually became softer because he heard a slight snore.

Looking back, he saw Shang Luoluo leaning against the wall, having fallen asleep at some point.

Her sleeping posture was very unladylike, with her hair scattered on her forehead and her long eyelashes trembling slightly, which made people feel pitiful.

Zhao Ya's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated a beat, and then he quickly controlled himself and looked away from Shang Luoluo's face.

"Really, I won't let you drink, but you have to drink. You must have drunk too much now!"

Zhao Ya muttered softly, then walked closer and gently hugged Shang Luoluo.

To Zhao Ya, Shang Luoluo's weight of less than a hundred kilograms was insignificant.

But somehow, after being held in his arms, Zhao Ya still felt that the muscles all over his body were a little stiff, and he almost fell down when he fell down.

At the same time, Zhao Ya had to avoid the night guards, otherwise if they saw him coming back with Shang Luo Luo in his arms, there would definitely be various misunderstandings.

It was not easy.

Zhao Ya brought the sleeping Shang Luoluo back to the house, placed him next to Zui'er who was still sleeping soundly, and covered them both with quilts. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and felt that his whole body was sweating.

But when he left the house through the back window with relief, before his feet even touched the ground, Shang Jingchuan's voice came from beside him.

"Is she drunk?"

Zhao Ya was almost startled. When he looked back, he saw Shang Jingchuan, who was supposed to be sleeping in the next room, looking at him with the window open.

Although he had done nothing, Zhao Ya still felt guilty at this moment.

After all, staying up in the middle of the night and taking his daughter out to drink is something no father can bear.

He nodded bravely, "Well, I was a little drunk."

"Alas." Shang Jingchuan sighed quietly, and then looked at Zhao Ya with bright eyes.

"Nothing happened, right?"

"Uh...no, no!"

Zhao Ya was stunned at first, then understood what Shang Jingchuan meant, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands to indicate that nothing happened.

"Actually, even if it happens, it's nothing." Shang Jingchuan said calmly.

Zhao Ya was completely numb.

Why do the father and daughter talk in this way?

"I know this girl's character very well. Since she is willing to go out drinking with you alone, it proves that she is completely devoted to you."

Speaking of this, Shang Jingchuan's face showed a look of loneliness.

"This girl has lost her mother since she was a child. I raised her up. Although I tried hard to make up for it, I still owe her a lot, so I hope you can be kind to her in the future and don't bully her."

Zhao Ya was a little at a loss.

what is this?

The father-in-law’s earnest teachings to his future son-in-law?

"Uh... Okay, I remember." Zhao Ya nodded.

You can't say that nothing happened between me and your daughter at this time, so don't say this either.

"Very good. Don't go out so late in the future. Although she belongs to you and won't reject you, you still have to consider her. No matter how anxious you are, you have to wait until you get married. Do you understand?"

Zhao Ya: "..."

After a few perfunctory words, Zhao Ya fled in despair.

Looking at Zhao Ya's leaving figure, Shang Jingchuan sighed again.

He is actually very satisfied with this future "son-in-law".

He looks good, has good martial arts skills, and his key character is very good.

The only drawback is that there are no parents at home, but there is no need to suffer after Luoluo passes.

It seems that I have to find a way to prepare the dowry. I only have a daughter, so I can't be too shabby.

Shang Jingchuan stayed up all night, thinking about how much dowry he could prepare for his daughter with his little salary and savings, so much so that he had dark circles under his eyes when he woke up in the morning.

Shang Luoluo didn't know anything about this.

When she woke up in the morning, she found herself lying on the bed, her clothes were not messed up at all, she was still covered with a quilt, and there was nothing strange about her body. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

If Zhao Ya had really done something last night, wouldn't he be embarrassed to death now?

When she thought about what she said when she was drunk, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

So when she saw Zhao Ya, her expression was still a little unnatural.

Zui'er was completely unaware of all this. She slept very soundly last night. Not to mention Shang Luoluo sneaking out, even thunder might not be heard.

She just felt that Sister Luoluo was a little weird today, but she didn't think much about it.

At this moment, after raging all night, the wind finally died down.

The sky is as blue as washed, cloudless, and the sun is shining all over the world.

Such good weather is naturally the most suitable for traveling.

So Zhao Ya immediately asked people to pull out the pot and set off.

While they were busy here, Yunyuan was also cleaning up the camp.

Although there was a distance, Yunyuan could still see the situation inside the station.

When he saw the innocent Zui'er and the exquisite Shang Luo, even he who thought he had seen the world couldn't help but be stunned.

But soon he looked away abruptly.

It is a taboo to look at other women's family members when they are away from home. If the young man from the Fifth Realm notices this, it will cause another turmoil.

Besides, I am so busy with everything right now that I am not in the mood to think about this.

"Set off immediately and stay as far away from this caravan as possible." Yunyuan ordered.

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