Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 202 Si Hai Gang He Zhen, Hundred Poison Palm

He Zhen smiled coldly, as if he had expected Yun Yuan's words.

"Forget it, I still prefer benefits that can be obtained immediately. The most annoying thing is when others draw the pie for me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and easily knocked Yun Yuan to the ground, who was trying to resist, and then ordered: "Tie him up, don't hurt his life first."

Some men came forward and tied up Yunyuan rope very neatly.

Yunyuan's face was slumped, and his heart was filled with regret.

It's not that his grandfather didn't ask him to stay when he was leaving, but he refused.

Now it seems that he should not have left Linhai County in the first place.

If you stay there, rely on the help of your grandpa's family, figure it out slowly, and then return to the capital after making sufficient preparations, you may have a chance to make a comeback.

But it's too late to say anything now. He has become a prisoner and his life is in danger at any time.

So he could only accept his fate.

At this moment, someone reported to Hezhen.

"Gang leader, there is a convoy not far behind, what should we do?"

He Zhen had actually noticed Zhao Ya and the others a long time ago, but he was busy dealing with Yunyuan and his men, so he didn't pay attention to them.

Now that Yun Yuan's men had been wiped out, and even Young Master Yun had been captured by him, He Zhen naturally became interested.

"What kind of goods does this convoy carry?" He Zhen asked.

He first started his career by robbing homes and houses.

Although he is now the deputy leader of the Sihai Gang, now that he is out, it would be good to make another deal.

"I can't see what kind of goods it contains, but according to the people sent out to follow it, there seems to be women's family members inside."

He Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, "Female family members?"


"Hehe, it just so happens that I have been lying in wait in this quiet place for the past two days, and I have already become very upset. It would be good to have a few girls to vent my anger."

He Zhen is extremely lustful and can't live without women every day. He is a well-known lustful ghost in the capital.

So when he heard that there was a female family member, he couldn't help but salivate.

But out of caution, he still asked patiently: "How strong is the protection of this caravan?"

"The strength of the guards can only be said to be average. According to the observation of the secret sentry, the highest level is only the third level, not even the fourth level." This subordinate reported back.

Yun Yuan, who was lying on the ground, could hear it clearly. He was originally desperate, but a glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in his heart.

Because he knew very well that the caravan behind was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. At least as far as he knew, there was a fifth-level master hidden in it.

If He Zhen really dared to go there and look for trouble, he might still have a chance to survive.

Of course he wouldn't say these words, and he didn't even dare to show any abnormality at all. He just listened with concentration.

as expected.

He Zhen suddenly became happy when he heard this.

"A bodyguard composed of warriors from the three realms? Then what are you waiting for? Hurry over, I can't hold it in anymore."

In He Zhen's eyes, warriors below the Fourth Realm were not even qualified to be looked at by him.

Only after reaching the Fourth Realm can you be qualified to be taken seriously by him, but that's all.

If he really wanted to take action, the warriors from the four realms would be as vulnerable as a chicken or a dog.

"The looted property belongs to you. I will enjoy it first, and I will reward you after playing with it." He Zhen said carelessly.

The group of people under him naturally agreed with a loud voice, and then rushed towards Zhao Ya and the others to kill them.

He Zhen followed slowly, not thinking that this was anything special.

at the same time.

Zhao Ya, who was observing the battle situation from a high place, immediately noticed something strange.

Because after this group of people defeated Yunyuan's men and captured him, they didn't leave immediately. Instead, they stood there and started gesticulating.

This gave Zhao Ya a premonition that something was not going well, so when these strong men in green swarmed towards us, he reacted immediately.

"Be prepared to defend yourself against the enemy, this group of strong men are coming!" Zhao Ya shouted loudly.

The guards were all shocked when they heard this.

They thought that according to Zhao Ya's inference, these people would leave after robbing the convoy in front of them. Why did they turn around and rush towards them again?

But the battle waits for no one, and they immediately made preparations.

The only few archers raised their arrows and aimed towards the opposite side.

He Zhen's men were extremely fast, and the distance of three to four miles could be reached in the blink of an eye for them.

So he soon appeared in everyone's sight.

After realizing that most of these people were warriors of the third realm, and the leading ones were all warriors of the fourth realm, these guards couldn't help but become slightly commotion, and many of them had looks of fear and despair on their faces.

There is no other reason.

The gap in strength is really too big.

A fourth-level warrior can at least deal with four or five three-level warriors at the same time. How can we fight this battle?

But at this moment, Zhao Ya said in a deep voice: "Fire the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh!

With the sound of breaking through the air, these arrows went straight towards the warriors who were rushing forward.

However, these warriors are very experienced in actual combat. They did not panic at all when facing the incoming arrows. They easily avoided the attack with a dodge and quickly closed the distance with the convoy.

Many of the guards' faces turned pale.

But at this moment, I heard Zhao Ya say in a deep voice: "You guys stay here and don't go anywhere. Use the carriage as a barrier to prevent thieves from sneaking in."

At the same time as he spoke, Zhao Ya had already pulled out the Meteor Iron Sword, and then he jumped and flew over everyone's heads.

"Master Zhao!"

The guards couldn't help but scream in surprise.

Because Zhao Ya obviously planned to face the strong men on the opposite side alone.

Although everyone knows that Zhao Ya is powerful, it is difficult for him to defeat four people with two fists. With so many people facing him, can Zhao Ya do it alone?

This question is like a huge stone, pressing on everyone's chest, making people breathless.

Even Shang Jingchuan's expression changed slightly.

He was not afraid of death, but afraid that Luo Luo would fall into the hands of thieves again.

That was a torture even more terrifying than death.

If anyone were to say who was the calmest among the whole audience, it would be Shang Luoluo and Zui'er.

Zui'er's trust in Zhao Ya was almost blind.

In her opinion, as long as Brother Xiaoya takes action, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Shang Luoluo did it because of his understanding of Zhao Ya.

She knew very well how cautious Zhao Ya was. If he was not sure, he would never take action. Instead, he would take her and others to escape first.

And as long as he takes action, it means that he has a plan.

So she watched with interest, wanting to see how Zhao Ya dealt with this group of strong men.

Zhao Ya's movement was extremely fast, and he had already rushed in front of these people in one leap.

The one who rushed to the front was a bald man with a strong body, who was obviously from Henglian.

When he saw a "little pretty boy" rushing toward him desperately, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Go to hell!"

As he spoke, he picked up the sledgehammer and hit Zhao Ya on the head.

The force of this hammer is a thousand pounds, and its power is quite impressive.

But Zhao Ya didn't even dodge, he just hit the iron sword with a wave of his hand.


Before the bald man could react, his hand was severed at the elbow, and the sledgehammer flew into the sky.

He didn't feel the pain until the blood gushed out.

But this aroused his ferocity, so he roared in pain and punched Zhao Ya in the chest.

Zhao Ya kicked out.


There was an explosion.

This kick hit the bald man's stomach, instantly breaking his chain and exploding his stomach.

Blood mixed with organ fragments rushed out from the back, turning the people behind them red.

Without waiting for these people to react, Zhao Ya solved their troubles with the knife in his hand and sent them directly to the west.

In just one meeting, at least four or five gangsters died in Zhao Ya's hands.

Especially the explosion of the bald man shocked many people.

They, who were originally arrogant, couldn't help but feel suffocated.

Zhao Ya was not polite.

His principle is that if others do not offend me, I will not offend others.

I didn't want to wade into this muddy water at first, but since these guys thought they were weak and could be bullied, Zhao Ya didn't mind teaching them how to behave.

However, they will have to wait until the next life to understand Zhao Ya's good intentions.

The light of the sword was like wind and clouds, wildly harvesting the lives of these people.

Often with just a light touch, these people's heads will fall gently like ripe ears of rice.

Just as Zhao Ya was killing with all his heart, he suddenly noticed a hint of murderous intention.

Although it was very slight, warning signs suddenly arose in my heart.

So Zhao Ya turned sideways in the blink of an eye, and a blackened palm silently slapped the spot where Zhao Ya had just been standing.

Then he heard a soft cry, seemingly surprised that Zhao Ya could dodge his attack.

But Zhao Ya just sneered, and the Meteor Iron Sword was already chasing the owner of this arm.


After a crisp sound, the two were on the verge of breaking out.

Then He Zhen was seen looking at Zhao Ya who was standing not far away with an unkind look on his face, his eyes flickering and he spoke in a deep voice.

"It's really rare to be in the Half-Step Five Realm at such a young age!"

Zhao Ya's face was indifferent, the tip of the knife pointed at the ground, and the blood drops on it slowly slid down, and then he said.

"You hid in the dark and observed for a long time before you dared to take action. You really don't take your men seriously."

Ke He Zhen was not moved at all, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I think there should be some misunderstanding between us. We just want to pass by, but why are you shouting at us?"

Zhao Ya smiled.

He knew that He Zhen was deliberately showing weakness to him so that he could relax his vigilance.

Combined with the fact just now that he would rather sit back and watch his men being killed by him than wait for the opportunity to attack secretly.

It can be seen that this strong man with tattoos all over his body has a calm and vicious mind.

"What you said makes some sense, but I was planning to pass by here just now. Your men blocked my way and took the initiative to attack me. Why?" Zhao Ya said lightly.

He Zhen was choked by what he said, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He actually wanted to test this young man's background just now, but judging from his words, behavior and the tricks he used, he should have nothing to do with the big sects in the capital.

This made He Zhen feel relieved.

Now that the feud has been settled, what we need to do now is to eradicate the root cause.

Otherwise, with such a young Banbu Wujing as his enemy, he might not even be able to sleep well in the future.

He winked at the men.

Immediately, a group of people rushed towards the convoy, and another group surrounded Zhao Ya from a distance, staring at him eagerly.

"Hey, since you are so crazy, grandpa He, I will teach you how to behave!"

He Zhen roared loudly and rushed towards Zhao Ya.

When a person is in the air, the wind from his palm arrives first.

The smelly palm wind carries an ominous meaning.

But Zhao Ya looked calm and not afraid at all.

This battle must be fought quickly.

Otherwise, the guards won't last long.

So when faced with this palm attack, Zhao Ya abandoned all fancy tricks, used only fists, and used the King Kong Demon Subduing Style to directly attack it.

Seeing that Zhao Ya did not dodge or dodge, but instead raised his fist to meet him, He Zhen's eyes couldn't help but flash with joy.

What he cultivated was the Hundred Poison Palm. During the cultivation process, various extremely poisonous substances were continuously incorporated into a pair of fleshy palms. Now, it has become a master, which can be said to be extremely poisonous.

It was also by relying on this palm technique that he was able to become the deputy leader of the Sihai Gang and gain a well-known name in the underground world of the capital.

Now this young man was trying to fight with his fists without any thought of life or death, and he was simply sending himself to death.

Million words

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