Li Yuan did not deny Shi Hongbo’s speculation.

However, even if Shi Hongbo guessed Li Yuan’s identity, he did not act rashly.

Because there have long been rumors that Martial Saint Li Yuan’s strength is unfathomable, and he can easily suppress the peak of Yuan Ying when he first enters Yuan Fei.

Naturally, Li Yuan would not take action, after all, he was just an incarnation.

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

The elder was as quiet as a puppet.

The mortals around were coming and going, seemingly unaware of the existence of the three people.

After a long time, Shi Hongbo took the lead in breaking the silence.

He said solemnly: “I haven’t seen you for many years, but my fellow Taoist is still as handsome as before.”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “It’s not bad, but I didn’t expect that Fellow Taoist Shi is already very old and has only a few years left to live.”

When Shi Hongbo heard this, he was immediately heartbroken.

After successfully seizing the body, Shouyuan still followed his own calculations.

He snorted coldly: “Fellow Taoist should be about the same age as me. I’m afraid he won’t live much longer.”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Maybe, but I should be able to give you a ride.”

Shi Hongbo’s face twitched, are you here to attack me?

He sighed, with a bitter look on his face, and said, “It’s a pity that it was too late for fellow Taoist to be promoted to Yuan Fei.”

If Li Yuan had been promoted to Yuantai earlier and spread the martial arts in the future, he would not have taken away Shilong.

When Li Yuan was teaching martial arts, he just finished seizing the stone dragon and was busy stabilizing his body.

Over the years, he traveled far and wide in search of opportunities, not daring to delay a step for fear that he would not be able to reach the perfection of Nascent Soul.

Unfortunately, because of the seizure of his body, although he was lucky enough to achieve Nascent Soul Dzogchen, he failed to transform into a god twice in a row.

Even if it is Tianlinggen who takes over the body, it seems that this sequelae cannot be avoided.

All I can say is that it’s really the fate of the people.

Li Yuan looked calm and did not intend to mention Shi Long’s matter.

He shook his head and said: “Human life is destined by God. Fellow Taoist sent people to sneak into my Ziyangmen Sutra Pavilion. I don’t know why. Maybe I can tell you directly!”

When Shi Hongbo heard this, he immediately became energetic.

He took a deep look at Li Yuan and said in a deep voice: “Whether it is Taoist friend or senior Wang Li, their strength is unfathomable. I wonder if there is a way to cultivate the soul?”

He is a body-snatcher and his soul is impure. If he can obtain this method, he may be able to forcibly transform into a god.

When Li Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. How dare you think about it.

This kind of method, even if it exists, is extremely precious.

He shook his head and said: “The Ziyang Clan does not have a method for cultivating the soul. As for whether Wang Li knows it, I don’t know.”

However, Shi Hongbo obviously didn’t believe it and said: “If my fellow Taoist teaches me this method, I would like to swear that if I become a god in the future, I can protect the Ziyang Sect for thousands of years.”

Li Yuan still shook his head and said calmly: “If there was such a method, there wouldn’t be so many disciples of Ziyang Sect who failed to have babies.”

Of course, there is still something. Although Life Sacrifice Tongxuan Technique is not a method of spiritual power cultivation, it can indeed greatly increase the spiritual power of the practitioner.

However, it was useless to tell Shi Hongbo this method because he couldn’t practice it.

And although he would not prevent this person from being promoted to a god, he would not help him either.

Shi Hongbo’s heart sank and he said, “Is it true?”

“No, Wang Li had another chance. I just realized that the magical power is relatively powerful!”

Supernatural power!

When Shi Hongbo heard this, he was immediately envious.

Over the years, many martial arts monks have become martial arts Yuantai.

Some people understand the magic of heaven and earth. Once they are used, they are almost invincible within the same level.

There are also people who understand the magical power that is so close to the end of the world and use it with all their strength. With one step, they are thousands of miles away.

Of course, there are also some who are more unlucky, such as someone who has realized how to fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

This magical power is of no use. The alchemy cultivator can fly through the air and escape from the ground easily by using some means.

I don’t know what kind of magical power Li Yuan has comprehended.

As soon as he stepped into the realm of Yuan Fei, he could suppress the peak of Yuan Ying, which was probably not weaker than that of Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth.

Looking at Li Yuan, Shi Hongbo sighed helplessly: “Thousands of years of hard work and hard work, but in the end it’s all in vain.”

Without talking to Li Yuanduo again, Shi Hongbo sighed and left the wine shop.

He wants to return to Dengtian Temple to transform into a god for the last time.

Li Yuan watched Shi Hongbo go away, knowing that this man had at most three years left to live.

The rotten aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

But the chances of successfully transforming into a god within three years are slim.

“You should go back too!”

The voice fell and exploded in the elder’s ears.

The Ziyangmen elder who had his mind taken away was in a daze for a while and finally came to his senses.

The previous experience was like a nightmare.

Fortunately, the Supreme Elder discovered it and allowed himself to escape.

He was about to say thank you, but there was no trace of Li Yuan anywhere., long gone.

Li Yuan did not return directly to Ziyang Mountain, but came to Hongchen Chamber of Commerce, one of the top ten chambers of commerce.

“Senior Martial Saint, I wonder what you need?”

When a monk in the alchemy stage saw this, his heart was shocked and he quickly spoke respectfully.

“Buy something, do you have the Heshen Pill?”

Li Yuan asked, and Shi Hongbo’s failure to transform into a god made him feel something in his heart.

Donkey Changsheng, that guy, must be fast.

As a companion along the way, he didn’t want to see Donkey Changsheng fail to transform into a god.

Some things are better to be prepared in advance.

When the monk heard this, he quickly thought of the use of the Heshen Pill, and his face suddenly froze.

“Senior, the Heshen Pill is a necessary elixir for transforming into a god. It is expensive and the materials are rare. It can only be found at the mortal auction held once every hundred years.”

“Is that so? Are there any materials for refining the Heshen Dan or other elixirs that assist in transforming into gods?”

“This… please wait a moment, this junior will go check it out right now.”

Li Yuan nodded and was not in a hurry.

Donkey Changsheng cultivated the Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra and could live for at least five hundred years.

Moreover, he still had the fruit of rebirth given by Wang Li in his hand.

Not long after, the monk came back and said respectfully: “Senior, our Hongchen Chamber of Commerce has a ten thousand year old heart-withered vine, which is the main material for refining the Tianxin Pill. Do you need it?”

There are three types of auxiliary elixirs needed to break through the transformation of gods, namely Heshen Dan, Tianxin Dan, and Longxue Dan.

Although these three elixirs are all fifth-grade, the Heshen elixir is more precious than the latter two combined, and it is rare to find.

“How many spirit stones?”

“Two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones.”

It has to be said that the elixir materials that assist in transforming into gods are indeed expensive.

Li Yuan muttered: “I didn’t bring the spirit stone with me when I came out. How about you just send someone to follow me to Ziyang Mountain to get it?”

If it were anyone else, the Hongchen Chamber of Commerce would naturally not agree.

However, Li Yuan had a special status. The monk asked the higher-ups for instructions, and a Nascent Soul monk arrived and followed Li Yuan back to Ziyang Mountain.

In the following days, Li Yuan went to other chambers of commerce to search for materials for refining the magic elixir.

Unfortunately, only two materials for refining Long Yuan Dan were collected.

As a powerful force in the transformation of gods, the Ziyang Sect naturally has alchemists, one of whom is a Nascent Soul who has been promoted in the past hundred years.

This person’s name is Shu Honglian. He was accidentally diagnosed with dual spiritual roots when he was ninety years old and embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

Although he only entered the Ziyang Sect to practice at the age of ninety, his cultivation speed is not slow at all, and his talent for alchemy is excellent.

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