
Li Yuan came to this place again.

He still remembered that there was a Yuanci Mountain here.

In the past, he was not strong enough and did not have so much free time.

Now that he has transformed into tens of millions, one of them is left here to refine Yuanci Mountain.

If this Yuanci Mountain could be refined, any god-like corpse demon could be smashed into meat cakes.

Just looking back and forth several times, Li Yuan was confused.

Where is the mountain?

Where did I go when I was so big?

The Yuanci Mountain, which is three thousand meters high, cannot be carried away even if the Avatar comes.

As a martial arts monk, he can only carry a thousand-meter mountain at most. Even if he uses great supernatural powers to transform into an ordinary spirit, he can’t do much the same.

Li Yuan searched all over Fuzhou, but was surprised to find no trace of Yuanci Mountain.

Is it possible that this Yuanci Mountain can become a spirit and run away?

Where Yuanci Mountain originally stood, there seemed to be only a huge basin left.

Li Yuan was a little silent and simply opened up a medicinal field here.

You’ve come here, you can’t go in vain.

After Yuanci Mountain disappeared, a lot of spiritual energy accumulated here, which could not be wasted.

Fuzhou is located on the edge of the eastern world, bordering the endless desert.

Li Yuan felt a little depressed when he thought that he and Donkey Changsheng had spent so much effort crossing the endless desert, but now he was the only one left.

That kid Li Hua must have lost his temper. No one in the Li family remembers him anymore.

The world is so vast and there are so many living beings, it seems like I am the only one who has to slowly fight to survive.

It is said that immortals live forever, so it seems that I have stepped up my efforts and strive to go to the fairy world as soon as possible to capture some fairies to keep me company.

Soon after, Li Yuan went deep into the endless desert and shot down a passing golden eagle.

The golden eagle looked pitifully at the young man in front of him with fear.

Li Yuan set up the fire and said with a smile: “Don’t look at me like that. Back then, there was a golden eagle similar to you that almost ate me. Today I will beat your teeth as a sacrifice. It’s not too much!”

The golden eagle quickly sent a telepathic message: “Senior, have mercy on me, that’s definitely not me.”

“If it’s not you, it’s also your ancestors!”

“Woo! The endless desert is so big, it must have been done by other golden eagles. I am the only eagle in my lineage that has cultivated to Yuanying for thousands of years, and I never provoke Yuanying level monks.”


“Yes Yes!”

“Then I can’t let you go, because you just blocked my sunshine!”


When the golden eagle heard this, he felt like crying without tears.

Even if it takes a walk around, it will encounter the old monster who transforms into gods.

Doesn’t it mean that there are no gods in the Tianhuang Realm?

The bonfire rises and the aroma of meat fills the air.

The flesh and blood of Nascent Soul-level monsters is delicious.

Li Yuan decided in his heart that from now on he would hunt game and savor the fireworks of the world.

But he didn’t really intend to kill the golden eagle.

It’s too big, keep it and eat it later.

The golden eagle became numb and was forced to shrink to only two or three meters in size.

Li Yuan asked: “Xiao Jin, do you have any valuable treasures in this endless desert? For example, some ten thousand-year-old elixir, gods’ monuments, etc.”

When he became friends with the world, he seemed to have missed this endless desert. This was a big mistake.

Golden Eagle did not dare to hide it, and said quickly: “Elixirs that are ten thousand years old are rare. The Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum in the south has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. There are many elixirs that are more than five thousand years old. As for those that are ten thousand years old, I don’t know.

There are three places where the ancient ruins of the Transformation of Gods exist, but they have been excavated long ago and there is nothing worth remembering.

By the way, Tianshun Mausoleum seems to have been a monument to the transformation of gods. ”

“Then let’s go to that day’s Tomb of Heaven first!”


Although the golden eagle has shrunk in size, its speed is still not slow.

Two days later, Li Yuan came to a sunken desert basin.

There are many strange rocks and countless caves in the basin. Just looking at it is terrifying.

All around the basin are Zerg, all kinds of strange insects.

“Let’s go down and have a look!”

“Senior, there are countless mechanisms in this Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum, and there may even be a Heavenly Centipede from the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul!”

“You think I need to be afraid of them?”

“I…senior has great magical powers, so there is no need to be afraid!”

The golden eagle bit the bullet and flattered, but secretly complained in his heart, “You are not afraid of me!”

But facing Li Yuan, it really didn’t dare to shirk.

The golden eagle landed and turned into a monster with the head of a bird and the body of a human body.

However, before one person or one bird entered, they were already surrounded by huge centipedes.

They are densely packed and countless, not one hundred million, but also eighty million.

Li Yuan’s scalp was numb when he saw it. Of course it was not because he was afraid, but simply because he couldn’t see this kind of creature.


These celestial centipedes are only a few centimeters small, and the large ones are hundreds of meters long, and they look ferocious.

Some people with low intelligence have begun to attack people and birds.

The terrible poisonous fog is hereIt filled the air, making the surrounding air sound like it was being eroded.

Li Yuan looked disgusted and said to the golden eagle, “I can kill them all!”

Insects like Tiancenti are really disgusting.

Golden Eagle was a little reluctant, as this would completely offend the Tianshun clan.

However, it did not dare to disobey Li Yuan’s orders.

The next moment, the golden eagle’s eyes flashed with golden light, and he shouted sharply, his voice piercing through the gold and stone.

Bang bang bang!

A series of ferocious centipedes exploded directly, leaving flesh and blood.

Even the hundreds of meters long Centipede is no exception.


Soon a Nascent Soul-level Heavenly Centipede discovered something unusual and came out of the Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum.

Seeing the severed limbs and remains in the field, the Nascent Soul Centipede was furious.

“Eagle Demon, are you looking for death?”

“Xiao Jin, come on!”

The golden eagle is numb, why is it me again?

Although he was unwilling in his heart, his movements were not slow at all.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

Before Li Yuan finished speaking, it had already taken action, like a golden light cutting through the darkness.

The sharp golden light seems to be able to tear apart the space between heaven and earth, and is unstoppable.

Although it has not transformed into its true form, the golden eagle is not weak. It is in the late Yuanying stage, but its opponent is only in the early stage of Yuanying.

The Nascent Soul Heavenly Centipede’s expression changed, and he quickly surrounded the city, its hard shell flashing with a faint light.


Tian Centi’s defense was strong, but he was still crushed.

The gap between the two small realms, even if its defense is amazing, still cannot be made up.

Its body, which was more than a thousand meters long, was almost torn apart.

The outer area of ​​the Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum was also devastated by the aftermath of the battle between the two monsters, and countless Heavenly Centipedes died.

“Ah…seeking death!”

Tian Centi was shocked and angry, shaking his head and releasing a mouthful of smelly black mist.

At the same time, several auras rose up from the depths of Tianshun Mausoleum.

The strength of these auras is not weaker than that of Tian Centipede in front of him.

When the golden eagle saw this, his scalp immediately went numb.

It really stabbed the centipede in the sky.

Sure enough, there is the existence of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Before it could retreat, streaks of rainbow light had already emerged from the Tomb of Heavenly Centipede.

There are five figures in total, with huge bodies and overwhelming auras.

They were like small mountains, hovering around the Tomb of Heavenly Centipede, locking onto the golden eagle.

As for Li Yuan, he was simply ignored.

Because in their perception, this human being is so weak that it can’t even fit between his teeth.

“You dare to come to our Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum and act recklessly. You really don’t know how to live or die!”

“The eagle demon, why don’t you just capture it without any help?”

“Hiss! It just so happens that I want to refine a spiritual weapon.”

One by one, the sky centipedes locked onto the golden eagle.

Especially the largest centipede made its whole body tense.

This is a Nascent Soul Dzogchen monster, crushing it is like crushing the centipede before it.

The golden eagle’s scalp was numb, and he roared sharply, looking towards Li Yuan as if asking for help.

One day, Centipede followed the golden eagle’s gaze and looked at Li Yuan, and suddenly wondered, a mortal?

Before they could think about it, Li Yuan said with a look of disgust: “Are there two old guys hiding in there and not coming out?”

Too lazy to talk nonsense with these centipedes, Li Yuan’s eyes flashed with knife light, as if a sharp blade was directly killing these centipedes.

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