The setting sun shed its last afterglow.

Dark night came quietly.

All the monks on Qingxiu Mountain were excited.

They were terrified. The powerful man above the nine heavens said that when the sun sets, the Shi family will be exterminated.

Especially the Shi family members were completely in despair at this time.

Li Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the historian below.

“Time is up!”

The sound sounded like a death knell for everyone in the Shi family.

“No, I don’t want to die!”

Some people were frightened and kept kneeling down to beg for mercy.

“We will die together!”

Some people went crazy and raised their butcher knives to kill other monks around them.

Before Li Yuan took action, the situation suddenly lost control.

He looked at the various forms of living beings below and gently stimulated the blood-colored patterns in his hands.

The patterns shook slightly, becoming more coquettish, and mysterious power rippled out. The bodies of many historian monks were shaken, and their hearts hurt violently.

They felt as if their hearts had been struck by lightning and torn apart.

The expressions of everyone in the Shi family changed and they quickly suppressed this power.

But those mortals without cultivation exploded on the spot and turned into a bloody mist.

Although the immortal cultivator was not dead, he was still terrified at this time.

What kind of power was that just now?

Li Yuan looked calm and urged the blood pattern in his hand again.

This time, within a radius of thousands of miles, the hearts of all the immortal cultivators in the Shi family were shocked, and then exploded with a bang, turning into blood mist.

However, there were some body-refining monks who suppressed the danger of their hearts exploding and survived by luck.

“I…I survived?”

Some people expressed the joy of surviving the disaster, but the next moment, an even more terrifying and strange force emerged.

Li Yuan activated the bloody pattern for the third time.

The blood-colored patterns at this time were already so alluring that it made people suffocate.


Even the foundation-building monks were frightened this time.

That mysterious power became stronger and they could no longer suppress it.


As the first foundation-building monk exploded, explosions followed one after another.


“You devil!”

“This is not going to end well for you!”

In the Shi family land, survivors continued to scream.

They watched helplessly as their people perished, but they couldn’t do anything to help.

Even Shi Miaoyan, who had always been lifeless, finally couldn’t bear it anymore. Li Yuan wanted her to watch the Shi family he created completely become extinct.

Watching one of her clan members die before her eyes, Shi Miaoyan’s heart suddenly felt like a knife.

She gasped: “Li Yuan, do you have to kill me quickly?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “The death of these people is far behind what you did back then.”

In the Li family back then, not only the family in the world of immortality was wiped out, but even the secular dynasties did not escape the disaster and were destroyed one after another.

At that time, more than tens of millions of living beings perished?

“That was eight hundred years ago. People cannot be resurrected. When will the injustice be repaid? Why do you have to press hard against each other?”

“Eight hundred years later, today’s events will be nothing more than past events to me.”

“You are so cruel!”

“Not as cruel as you!”

“Hahahaha! I didn’t expect that my plan for thousands of years would be in vain in the end!”

Shi Miaoyan also looked like she was crazy and her mentality collapsed.

Li Yuan did not stop moving and once again urged the pattern in his hand.

This time, even the Shi family’s core-forming master couldn’t suppress the heart-exploding power.

Bang bang bang!

As the voices rang out, all the pill formations, including the head of the Shi family, fell, and no one survived.

With a radius of thousands of miles, among the huge historians, only the young Sixth Patriarch and Shi Miaoyan are left.

The young man looked blankly at the bleeding historian, with a hint of trance in his eyes.

Dead, all dead!

Not a single one of the thousand-year-old clan is left dead.

When the other monks saw the tragic situation of the Shi family, they also remained silent.

In less than a few breaths, the largest human force in Nanshan was finished.

That ancestor of the Shi family was a monk of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

What kind of existence did this provoke?

What happened eight hundred years ago?

Except for those Yuanying monks, few people know about the Li family eight hundred years ago.

Yesterday’s cause, today’s effect.

The historian rose because of Shi Miaoyan, and also fell because of Shi Miaoyan.

Li Yuan pressed the pattern in his hand for the last time, and the Sixth Patriarch of the Shi family also laughed miserably and exploded.

Under the explosion of strange power, even his Nascent Soul was not immune.

As for the culprit Shi Miaoyan, although she wanted to resist, she couldn’t resist.

Almost at the same moment, the last two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Shi family were unable to resist and fell on the spot.

This situation, letCountless monks were shocked.

Sure enough, not even the Yuanying monks of the Shi family had the power to resist.

No wonder the Sixth Patriarch of the Shi family gave up the struggle after just a few words.

In the face of such an existence, all struggles seem to be in vain.

“Let this be the cemetery of my Li family!”

Li Yuanyuanshen communicates with the power of heaven and earth, and the winds and clouds change in a radius of thousands of miles, and the mountains reverse.

Those incarnations were also taken back by him, and the blocking barrier disappeared.

“Let’s go!”

“It will be too late if we don’t leave.”

Some people were surprised to find that the blocking barrier had disappeared.

There are also strong people who have discovered that the mountains here are being pulled and special transformations will occur.

It was not until a month later that all the monks fled Qingxiu Mountain.

The golden eagle was also released by Li Yuan to hunt down the remnants of the Shi family thousands of miles away.

It holds the mysterious pattern condensed by Li Yuan, which can be sensed thousands of miles away.

The terrain of the Qingxiu Mountains was forcibly changed by Li Yuan, especially the tens of thousands of miles around the Li family’s ancestral land, which was shrouded in a special kind of cloud and mist. Even the Yuanying monks could not enter without Li Yuan’s permission.

“Yuanzu, will we live here from now on?”

Li Junzhu asked curiously. She felt that this place seemed to be the center of the Qingxiu Mountains, with spiritual energy reaching the sky.

Li Yuan nodded and said with a smile: “You can practice here in the future. Without my permission, not even the Nascent Soul monks can break in.”

“This… Yuanzu is so powerful, he is simply the best in the world!”

“That’s what it is!”

Li Junzhu and Li Luo looked excited and full of expectation.

The Shi family was exterminated, and the resources left by the Shi family were all advantageous to them.

Of course, many things are actually left behind by the Li family.

These days, they have touched millions of spirit stones just by touching corpses.

In the past, this was simply unthinkable.

If it were not for qualifications, their future achievements would be limitless.

Li Yuanzheng was planning to plant the elixir when he suddenly felt movement in his storage bag.

The storage bag is isolated from the outside world and will not move abnormally under normal circumstances.

Li Yuan turned his hand and found a mysterious jade bone in his hand.

This jade bone is exactly the one that was obtained from the Scripture Collection Pavilion of Moya Temple.

He has also studied this object over the years, but unfortunately he has not come up with anything useful.

He only knew that this thing was extraordinary and could not be destroyed even with his power.

Moreover, the mysterious lines on the jade bone gave him the feeling of seeing a heaven-level skill.

But this bone is definitely not a heaven-level skill.

He had already investigated this through his mental power.

This feeling should contain the ultimate truth of heaven and earth.

After leaving the storage bag, Jade Bones shook even more, as if it was about to fly away from Li Yuan’s control.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed, could this thing have other bonds?

He forcibly suppressed the bone to prevent it from flying away.

But soon, there was a fleeting feeling of palpitations.

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