
Chapter 1037: mysterious

She pursed her lips and chuckled, looking at Fa Kong.

Fakong also smiled.

He has become accustomed to these now, and understands that what they fear is not himself, but his own supernatural powers and life and death.

Don't you have the same fear before life and death?

So he can understand them and will not be arrogant because of it.

"It seems that the people of Changling City welcome you very much." Yang Shuangting smiled.

Fakong smiled: "It's an honor."

Yang Shuangting stared at him, trying to see what he was thinking.

Fa Kong said: "It is the responsibility of a Buddhist disciple to benefit all sentient beings and promote the Dharma."

Yang Shuangting said, "Just like this?"

She felt that Fakong's actions were not that simple, and the reason for building a branch temple here was probably not so simple.

There must be no intention.

What is the mystery of Zhongshan?

Zhongshan's dense trees are far from comparable to other mountains. Is there anything strange?

Fakron saw through what she was thinking, smiled and didn't explain much.

Yang Shuangting's idea is also correct.

Zhongshan is indeed an unusual mountain range.

Under the observation of the mind, it is found that the terrain here is mysterious, and it is a naturally formed spiritual vein.

What he saw in his heart was the white fog in Zhongshan, both like the mist in the morning and like the drizzle.

This rich aura does not come from the earth, but from the void.

It seems that the rain is really falling.

The last time he came here, he hadn't discovered this mystery, because the rain was not falling continuously, but like rain.

Occasionally fall, usually not.

He had always thought that it was from the aura of the leylines, because the aura of the leylines was indeed extremely abundant, better than other mountain ranges.

Zangkong Temple is located on this mountain, and he wanted to see the mystery of it.

Zangkong Temple has built the Xiaoxitian Paradise of Paradise, a world in which he is free, and within this world, he knows everything.

Through the perception of Xiaoxitian Paradise, he knew that the aura descended from the void was different from the surrounding aura.

The purity of the aura is higher, and if you cultivate in such aura, the entry will be faster, and the power of the qi will be stronger.

Therefore, this is a holy place for practicing martial arts. It can be described as a unique resource. If you can figure out the secret of the descending of spiritual energy, you may be able to increase its effect several times or even dozens of times.

Xiaoxitian Paradise is the key to cracking the mystery.

The dishes for the two of them were quickly delivered, and Fa Kong and her were gossiping while eating.

"I want to go over and offer a stick of incense later."


The setting sun still stubbornly does not fall, and the afterglow still shines on Zhongshan.

Zhongshan became extremely lively.

There is both the noise of birds returning to their nests and the liveliness of pedestrians.

On the white stone steps, dozens of people were going up and down, but it was the people who heard the news.

The news of the completion of the Tibetan Kong Temple has not spread widely, and has already spread among some people.

They all have to come over in front of others to offer a stick of incense, and see the monk Fakong, so as to give themselves a guarantee.

When it comes to life, no one is left behind.

Seeing that it was so lively, Yang Shuangting shook his head in admiration. The fame of the monk Fakong was bigger and more attractive than he thought.

With the execution of the Ksitigarbha dakini mantra several times and the ceremony of returning to the sun, the name of the monk Fakong became more and more famous.

No one knows about Tianjing City, and it is constantly spreading around Tianjing City.

Changling Mansion was not too far from Tianjing City, so it was passed on.

"It's really lively." Yang Shuangting looked at the people around him: "There are so many people, won't you disturb your cleaning?"

Fakong smiled and shook his head: "I won't be here all the time, come here occasionally."

Yang Shuangting said with emotion: "This Zhongshan Mountain is actually a good place to practice. There were originally several monasteries, but unfortunately they all fell down one by one, and now there is not a single monastery left."

Fa Kong raised his brows: "How many monasteries were there originally?"

Yang Shuangting said: "There are nine in front and back, but none of them have been passed down for more than a hundred years, and the inheritance has been broken within a hundred years."

Fa Kong was thoughtful.

Yang Shuangting said: "I have investigated carefully, and there is no external force, that is, the disciples of the monastery are powerless, the generations are worse, and the people are getting thinner and thinner, resulting in the decline of the monastery, no one cares, and eventually it is destroyed."

"Nine temples are like this, isn't it weird?" Fa Kong said.

Yang Shuangting said: "In fact, this is normal. Except for those top sects, the decline of small sects is the norm, ups and downs, life and death."

Fakong nodded slowly.

Yang Shuangting was right.

The smaller the sect, the weaker the ability to resist risks. Just like the enterprises in the previous life, those small and micro enterprises are most likely to fail. Large enterprises have stronger ability to resist risks and survive longer.

Yang Shuangting said with a smile: "If Da Miao Lian Temple were to build a branch here, it would be difficult for it to fail, so I can't complain that this place is not good, but the temple is too small to withstand the pressure of Da Miao Lian Temple."

Most of the reason for the decline of these small monasteries is that the existence of the Great Miaolian Temple has squeezed their living space.

People put incense in Damiaolian Temple, and they are stingy with other temples.

Fa Kong said: "So it is."

Yang Shuangting said, "If you want the Tibetan Kong Temple to fail, you have to resist the pressure of the Great Miao Lotus Temple."

Fa Kong smiled and looked at her.

Yang Shuangting hummed, "You think I'm trying to sow discord?"

Fa Kong smiled and said, "I don't have any at all, right?"

"You'll know how powerful it is in the future." Yang Shuangting hummed.

The two walked halfway up the mountain~www.readwn.com~ and turned to the right, which was a white stone path leading to the woods.

In the dense woods on both sides, every tree is tall and sturdy, with ancient meanings, looking up, the canopy has the tendency to block the sky and the sun.

Some of the trees were charred black, apparently struck by lightning, and some were struck to death. Even if half of the trees were withered, the remaining half still grew green branches.

After walking more than fifty meters away, there is a simple and solemn temple in front of you.

The yellow walls and black tiles, and the yellow glazed tiles on the roof shone softly under the setting sun, solemn and solemn.

There is a plaque hanging above the temple gate, with three golden characters of "Zangkong Temple", which is magnificent and vigorous.

There are nine steps at the entrance of the temple, and below the steps is an open space, about 30 meters long and square.

At this time, dozens of pilgrims were standing in the open space, lined up in a row, leading to the gate of the monastery.

Fakong and Yang Shuangting came to the gate of Zangkong Temple floating, and entered the temple under the surprised eyes of people.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, Yang Shuangting's eyes flashed.

She felt sharp and felt the difference at once, as if she had come out of the water and breathed the free air.

The whole body became light and fluttering.

She looked at Fa Kong in amazement.

Fakong smiled: "This temple has been transformed and has become my dojo, how about it?"

Yang Shuangting closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Fakong didn't say any more, and looked at the two monks in front of the Daxiong Palace, one was passing incense, the other was lighting incense.

Pilgrims only need to take the lit sandalwood incense, bow to the golden Buddha statue in the Mahavira Hall, and then insert the sandalwood into the incense burner.

Some stood and saluted, while others knelt down and kowtowed.

Yang Shuangting slowly opened his bright eyes, looking around, his eyes were radiant and amazingly beautiful.

Fakong smiled.

Yang Shuangting felt the difference, but it was impossible to figure it out.

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