
Chapter 1041: go to war

Fa Kong said: "I wonder what Zhong Shan has become?"

"Yes." Yang Shuangting said: "The Buddha mantra blesses the entire Zhongshan? Does it cost a lot?"

No matter how strong the Buddhist mantra is, it has a range, and it cannot have a large area. No matter how small Zhongshan Mountain is, it is still a mountain.

It is not easy to spread Buddhist mantras all over Zhongshan.

However, the ability to think about Kong is relieved. It is not easy for others, but it may not be so difficult for him.

Fa Kong smiled: "Even if the consumption is large, it is worth it, after all, this is my dojo."

"It really belongs to my own dojo." Yang Shuangting nodded thoughtfully.

She could faintly feel the feeling of the law.

Completely belong to your own territory, and you can toss as much as you want. It is neither the outer courtyard of Jingang Temple nor the Yongkong Temple in Tianjin.

Although Yongkong Temple gave it to him, after all, in Tianjing, there are countless people staring at him, how could he let go of his hands and feet?

But here it is different.

The mountain is high and the emperor is far away, and he is still in the mountains. It is still his own mountain. Of course, he can do whatever he wants.

Fa Kong said: "It will be good for you to send those rebellious over here and sharpen their temperament."

"You didn't expect that the most important thing is that this will reveal my identity." Yang Shuangting said.

I must not implicate my parents, family and friends, so my identity must not be revealed or even suspected.

Fa Kong said: "I will ask Master Yuande to come over, you should send someone to assassinate Master Yuande."

Of course he has thought about this problem, and there is a solution to it, a way to hide it.

"...It's too dangerous." Yang Shuangting felt that it wasn't safe enough.

She has always ensured that the Jade Sect maintains a sufficient distance from herself, especially the distance in space, at least one city apart.

In the past, the disciples of the Jinghui Sect would not appear in Changling Mansion City.

Just for fear of any connection and attracting attention.

Fa Kong said: "Based on your ability, they won't recognize you, and they won't have any doubts."

"Everything is just in case." Yang Shuangting shook his head.

Fakong stared at her.

I didn't expect her to be so cautious, it seems that she doesn't believe in her own eyesight, which is indeed true.

Yang Shuangting was not to be outdone and confronted him.

The two seemed to be fighting each other, their eyes collided in the air, not giving in to each other.

"That's all." Fkong finally retracted his gaze, shook his head and said, "It's not reluctant, it's just a pity."

"What a pity?" Yang Shuangting hummed.

She really didn't want to ask this question, for fear that Fa Kong would convince herself.

Fa Kong said: "It was possible to clean up those thorns and let them know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and that you are a powerful sect master, and the nether sect will be completely smooth."

"You don't need them to be easy." Yang Shuangting said.

Fa Kong said: "If you don't go with the flow, you will follow the yang and yin. If you give the order of the yin, they will also be eager to try it out."

Yang Shuangting's jade face darkened.

This is what she has always worried about most, for fear that they will mess up, she has already ordered her to lie down, but she has to obey her orders.

Once this happens, his oath is broken, and it is very likely that he will lead to Fakron's revenge, which will be terrifying.

If Fakong turns his face and cooperates with the Great Miaolian Temple, the Pure Evil Sect will surely die, unless Fakong is killed first.

But there is no certainty to kill Fa Kong.

If it fails once, there is no chance again.

If you are not sure, you can't take this risk.

More importantly, Fa Kong has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and has the ability to treat the terminally ill, people living in this world, who can be free from disease and disaster?

Even if you have a deep cultivation base and a clear and pure body, you will not be invaded by cold and heat, and will not be affected by all kinds of diseases, but what about your relatives and friends?

If they are terminally ill or seriously injured, they will have to watch them go.

How painful is this?

Therefore, one must not offend Fakong, let alone kill Fakong.

If you don't want to take this step, you must abide by the promise.

Whoever dares to destroy it is his own enemy!

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Do you think those thorns will be honest?"

"...Should be." Yang Shuangting said abruptly.

She originally had the idea of ​​luck, but under the pressure of Fakong, she gradually lost her luck and recognized the reality.

These guys will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

Fakong smiled and said nothing.

"...Let me consider one or two." Yang Shuangting said solemnly.

Fa Kong nodded.

"Master." Fa Kong appeared in the quiet courtyard of the old monk Huinan and saluted the old monk Huinan.

Hui Nan is practicing boxing in the yard, wearing a white linen shirt, neat and neat, and is slowly leisurely like Tai Chi in his previous life.

There is a surging power in his movements.

The green bamboos and flowers along the wall rise and fall, like a dancer.

After Fakong Heshi bowed, the monk Huinan continued to practice boxing, and stopped until a set of boxing techniques were performed.

Pharaoh offered a towel.

Hui Nan took it over and wiped his sweat, then glanced at him lightly.

Fa Kong said: "The master and ancestor are summoned, what's the matter?"

"A disciple of our King Kong Temple was attacked." Monk Huinan said, "Did you know?"

Fa Kong nodded.

Monk Huinan frowned.

Fa Kong said: "It's okay, Brother Fa Neng is just injured, and he has no worries about his life."

This kind of thing will not interfere with yourself, so as not to cause more serious injuries.

Being injured without dying is a great tempering, and it is extremely beneficial to oneself.

This is also the creation of Senior Brother Fa Neng.

"It's not a little injury." Monk Hui Nan glared at him: "I almost died."

Fakong nodded without refuting.

The monk Huinan said solemnly, "Is it really someone from the Tianhai Sword Sect who did it?"

Fakong still nodded.

Monk Hui Nan said angrily, "Since you already know, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"After all, there's no danger, it's just a little bit of injury. We, the disciples of King Kong Temple, can't be a little bit injured, right?" Fa Kong shook his head: "It's impossible not to endure a little bit of wind and rain."

"Humph." Monk Huinan sneered, "Could it be that our King Kong Temple is so easy to be bullied, and they are actually bullying us here!"

Fa Kong was silent.

Monk Huinan said coldly, "Don't tell me you're indifferent?"

"Master, this matter is not urgent."

"Why don't you say it in advance, then set up an ambush and give the Tianhai Sword Sect a ruthless one? Let them dare not touch my disciples of King Kong Temple again!"

Fakong shook his head.

"What the **** are you thinking, tell me!" Monk Hui Nan said angrily, "Don't act like a stuffy gourd!"

Fa Kong said: "Master, it's not that I didn't think about setting an ambush for them and cleaning up, but..."

"but what?"

"But if you do, the consequences are too serious."

"How serious?"

"The Tianhai Sword Sect will go to war with Daxueshan." Fa Kong said.

"Huh—?" Monk Hui Nan was startled.

Then he sneered: "Are they crazy?"

Fa Kong nodded: "They are indeed in a state of madness now~www.readwn.com~ It's better not to provoke them."

After the Tianhai Sword Sect got the Sword Art, it really swelled a lot, but I never expected it to swell so much.

How dare you go to war with Daxueshan.

Monk Hui Nan frowned in thought, his face gloomy.

He also did not expect that the Tianhai Sword Sect would dare to fight Daxueshan.

This exceeded his imagination.


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