
Chapter 105: annihilate

"Hurry up and eat, after eating, evacuate at night!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

They started eating and drinking.

For a while, there was only the sound of chewing and drinking in the hall.





Fa Kong uttered eighteen fixed characters in one breath.

Divine Foot Power is activated.

The next moment, he appeared in the hall, holding the Thunder Sword.

The palms have turned golden, like the palms of the Buddha statues in the monastery.

Gently slapped the middle-aged man on the forehead with his palm, the Ben Lei Divine Sword pierced into the eyebrow, and the tip of the sword protruded from the back of his head.

He twisted his wrist, 180 degrees clockwise, and 360 degrees counterclockwise, forming a circular hole between his eyebrows, and then drew out his long sword.

The long sword turned into a azure blue horse, and in an instant, it slid across the necks of seventeen people.

They didn't move, the light in their eyes quickly faded like a tide, and finally went out.

Fakong took out a snowpa from his sleeve, wiped the blade with force, took out a pot of wine and rinsed the blade again, and then returned the sword to his sleeve.

Towards the females, they put their palms together in a salute: "Amitabha!"

All the women just noticed the difference: the arms around them loosened, they were bored, or the big hands that were twisting and groping for themselves stopped.

Immediately, he saw Fa Kong appear.

The gray monk's robe flutters, the long sword is blue, and the sword is gently swung in a circle, and the movement is chic and elegant.

They didn't react, they just stared at him blankly.

Fakong He Shi said: "The poor monk Daxueshan Patriarch Fakong, ladies and gentlemen, don't panic, don't make a sound."

He gave the girls a gentle smile to soothe their emotions, and then disappeared in a flash.

Ben Lei Shenjian took him, like a bolt of lightning across the cottage.

Wherever they passed, the people in the village only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and they were swallowed by the darkness, and they didn't know anything.

He killed all the people in the village in one go, and killed all twenty horses at the same time.

He appeared beside Xu Zhijian and Lin Feiyang.

He wiped the sword with a snow-white handkerchief again, rinsed it with spirits, and put the sword back into his sleeve.

At this time, in the hall.






Heads rolled from their necks and rolled far on the ground, and then the blood was like a fountain.

Seventeen blood-red fountains instantly dyed the hall red, and the blood actually soaked the insteps of the women.

They stared blankly, never knowing that one person can shed so much blood.

The brain slowly recovers from a blank slate.

Then there was an involuntary scream.


The screams were shrill and sharp, like eighteen sharp swords, piercing the roof of the hall.

Even Lin Feiyang and Xu Zhijian standing at the foot of the mountain could hear it.

"Let me take a look?" Lin Feiyang looked at Fa Kong.

Fa Kong said: "Bring them out."

"Okay." Lin Feiyang disappeared in a flash.

Xu Zhijian looked at Fa Kong.

Fakong smiled: "All solved, not one left."

"The merit is immeasurable, and it has avenged countless people." Xu Zhijian was awestruck.

Fakong shook his head.

No merit was felt.

It seems that the virtues that I think are wrong, and the virtues cannot be obtained by eliminating evil and evil!

This time, I came to take care of the horse bandits to verify my research on merit.

Now, let's continue to study.

Xu Zhijian said, "The peak of the Divine Origin Realm was also killed?"

"The one in the head, right?" Fa Kong nodded: "My King Kong Indestructible Magic can be restrained just fine."

When the mind is watching, the strength of these people can be judged by the light.

The strongest is the middle-aged Fang-faced, who is also their leader.

It should be that he seriously injured Xu Zhijian, so as soon as he shot, he did not hesitate to urge King Kong's indestructible magic.

The King Kong Indestructible Magic can now swallow up even the power of the first rank, let alone the second rank.

The palm force broke his body protection qi through a hole.

Under the immobilization spell, his body protection qi could not flow, and it was too late to repair a hole, and the Thunder God Sword had already taken advantage of the gap.

The remaining seventeen people's body protection qi couldn't stop the Lei Shenjian, and under the immobilization curse, killing them was like slaughtering a chicken.

Xu Zhijian smiled.

Lin Feiyang had a fluttering figure, holding a woman in his left hand and a woman in his right hand. After putting it down, it flashed and disappeared.

Take eighteen women out in one go.

Lin Feiyang glanced at the women who were hugging and crying together, and shook his head: "It's a pity that all the horses were killed, otherwise they could still carry them on their backs, and it would be troublesome now."

As he spoke, he glanced at Fa Kong.

Fakong pretended not to see it and looked at the setting sun with only one red line left: "It's getting late, stay here for one night, and talk about it tomorrow."

Lin Feiyang looked around and smiled: "There must be a lot of game, I'll go get some."

He glanced at the women and said angrily: "Hey, girls, it's time to work, do you want to eat for nothing?"

The girls stopped crying and looked at him with tears in their eyes.

Lin Feiyang said, "Will you gather firewood? Let's make a fire? I'll go get two pots and cook later. You move, you won't have food if you cry!"

Xu Zhijian smiled helplessly.

This Lin Feiyang really didn't know what to say, these poor women even helped to cook.

Fakong waved his hand.

Lin Feiyang disappeared in a flash.

Fa Kong said, "Brother Xu, I'll go in and have a look. You can take care of this side."

"Okay!" Xu Zhijian nodded.

Fkong glanced at the girls who had stopped crying and started to gather together and slowly walked towards the woods, and nodded.

It looks like they're fine for now.

Let them see these people give their heads, not to scare them, but to sweep away the shadows in their hearts.

It's just that even if the shadows in their hearts are swept away, their future lives will be shrouded in shadows, and I'm afraid it will be a lifetime of misfortune.

So we need to help them find a way out.

Otherwise, if you go back like this, your life will be miserable.

He thought of Mingyuean.

But Mingyue'an's disciples require too high qualifications, and it is impossible for these women to worship Mingyue'an.

He floated down the hall.

The pungent blood thickened the air, and the blood wrapped around his nose and mouth, making him nauseous.

He rejected this feeling, the left palm was imprinted, the right palm stood up, and white light was shining towards the middle-aged man with square face.

The middle-aged man has a huge hole between his eyebrows.

Standing in front of him, Fakong could see through the hole and see the word "forbearance" hanging on the wall behind him.

When Fakon saw this word, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Are they gang of horse bandits still called forbearance?

What is intolerance?

The middle-aged man quickly raised his soul, and Fa Kong quickly removed the Great Bright Curse, allowing his soul to return to his body.

He also cast a spell on another middle-aged man with a great light, and he was the second-highest among the eighteen people.

Fakong left quickly and appeared beside Xu Zhijian.

Xu Zhijian was helping, picking up firewood with eighteen beautiful women, and at this moment he picked up a pile of firewood.

Fakong silently stood in the twilight and meditated.

His mind was immersed in the memories of the two middle-aged men.

The man with the strongest martial arts is Song Qiwen.

Among the sixteen cavalry of Dayun, a chariot general led by Kamikaze was in charge of 1,200 iron cavalry.

Dayun's iron cavalry is unparalleled in the world, but he couldn't open the gate of Dagan. In the end, the general found a different way and sent people to mix in Dagan to win from the inside.

One is to collect information about Dagan, or to undermine Dagan's stability. It is best to infiltrate Dagan's top management and influence Dagan's strategic direction towards Dayun.

Twenty-four riders entered Dagan with difficulty with the help of the spies of the entire Dayun.

These twenty-four knights are all elite kamikaze knights, and they are invincible.

These days, relying on the news of looting and torturing passers-by, they have a great understanding of the surrounding situation.

In the next step, the twenty-four riders can change their identity, enter the city and start to establish a gang, and then grow step by step.

With the martial arts of these people, the small gangs and small factions are not opponents at all. They recruit soldiers and horses to become a medium martial art, and then they reach higher levels and enter the Shenjing step by step.

It sounds difficult, but Song Qiwen believes that with the amazing martial arts of these brothers, it is not that difficult or slow.

In fact, he was very reluctant to do this task, because he was forced to help.

When I first came in, the general's order was only one, to collect at least thirty kinds of martial arts.

After completing the mission, I thought I could return.

But the generals finally sent a long-term task to completely disconnect them from Dayun.

Work hard and climb little by little, until one day, the general sent someone to contact him.

Unfortunately, this grand plan has not yet been carried out, and he has already been killed.

When Fa Kong walked out of Song Qiwen's memory, he was still full of anger and unwillingness.

Then came the second memory.

This person's name is Jiang Feng.

He was under the secret order of the general to monitor Song Qiwen, and if Song Qiwen had any dissent, he would replace him.

Fakong shook his head.

This Jiang Feng's life is more legendary than Song Qiwen.

Song Qiwen was born in a family of soldiers. After taking care of the door, he was sent to the Jingyun Sect, the top sect of Dayun, since he was a child.

The extremely high martial arts talent made him go all the way, and after leaving the sect to join the army, he also quickly rose, which can be said to be smooth sailing.

But this Jiang Feng is of mediocre aptitude. He has not been able to join the top sect since he was a child, and is just an ordinary third-rate sect disciple.

But he was very lucky and had many adventures.

In the end, he grew into a master of the Divine Origin Realm who was only inferior to Song Qiwen.

He just looks old, but he is actually ten years younger than Song Qiwen, and a master of the Divine Origin Realm in his thirties is already a remarkable achievement.

He is proficient in strategy and command, and is better than Song Qiwen in marching and fighting.

It was only because of his poor background and inferior cultivation that he became Song Qiwen's deputy and assisted Song Qiwen.

Jiang Feng looked down on Song Qiwen from the bottom of his heart.

Just because the family background is not good and the qualifications are not good, it leads to the advantage everywhere.

Obviously it is his own credit, but the biggest part of the credit is divided by Song Qiwen, causing him to be subordinated to Song Qiwen forever.

He has always harbored a vicious thought, preparing to get rid of Song Qiwen secretly.

But it takes a moment.

It's a pity that I couldn't wait for this opportunity, and I was killed with regret.

Unwillingness and regret floated endlessly in Fakong's heart.

Fa Kong stood in the night wind, under the moonlight, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

The emotions of the two people have been entangled and churning.

When he calmed down, the moon rose high and was as cool as water.

The meal is ready, and the aroma is fragrant.

When Fakong regained his composure, Lin Feiyang couldn't wait: "Monk, let's eat!"

Fakong looked at Xu Zhijian: "Brother Xu, shall we start?"

"Let's get started~www.readwn.com~ Xu Zhijian nodded.

The crowd formed a circle around three large pots, one pot of porridge, one pot of vegetables, and one pot of rice, and whoever finished eating would serve it himself.

The bowls and chopsticks are all taken out from the stockade.

Even the eighteen women have changed their clothes, washed the blood on their feet, put on new shoes, and there are burdens around them.

Obviously, they were taken over by Lin Feiyang again and took their own things separately.

Lin Feiyang said, "Monk, do you want to destroy that stockade?"


"Leave it to me!" Lin Feiyang put down the bowl and chopsticks excitedly, and disappeared in a flash.

After a while, thick smoke rose from the sky, and the red light reflected for a long time.

PS: After the update, I am exhausted. I need a strong monthly ticket to stimulate it. Let the monthly ticket come more violently, and make me feel restless and fight.

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