
Chapter 1291: sword

Chapter 1298 The Sword (One More)

Chu Xiong stood there, thought for a while, then shook his head and continued walking: "Let me think about it."

Fakong escorted him to the gate of the temple.

Under the sun, Chu Xiong turned around again and gave him a deep look: "You are Sizheng of the Northern Supervision Department, so you don't mean to show your skills at all?"

Fakong shook his head.

Chu Xiong said: "It's a pity that your wisdom and supernatural powers have been ruined!"

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Do what you can and do not do it. Fang is superior. If the emperor is not forced by the situation, would you like to work like this?"

"...I like it very much." Chu Xiong hesitated for a while, then hummed, "I enjoy it."

"Then congratulations to the emperor." Fa Kong smiled: "I am lazy and can't do this."

"Forget it!" Chu Xiong waved his hand, turned around and strode away.

Fa Kong watched his back getting smaller and smaller, and the guards of the Forbidden Palace quickly approached him from all directions, surrounding him and disappearing at the end of his field of vision.

Fa Kong glanced at the south thoughtfully.

That is the original direction of Qianmingzong, the source of the jade pendant.

He turned around and entered the temple, carefully picked up the tea cup that Chu Xiong had used before, and looked at it with a smile.

This tea cup is stained with Chu Xiong's breath, which has a great effect on him seeing through Chu Xiong, which can reduce the shielding of Chu Xiong's treasures.

Chu Xiong has been constantly collecting treasures, trying to block his own prying eyes. Even if he can vaguely see him now, he may not be able to see him in the future.

As an emperor, to collect treasures from the world is something that cannot be underestimated. More and more treasures enter the palace.

The jade pendant is just one of them.

Now there are other treasures on Chu Xiong's body, which have made him blurry and can't see through.

Fortunately, with this tea cup, through the breath of his body, he can ignore the blockage, directly see through his body, and see his future.

Fa Kong put the tea cup in the Kalachakra Pagoda to make sure nothing went wrong, then disappeared in a flash, and appeared under a mountain the next moment.

This mountain is located two hundred miles from Shenjing.

For ordinary people, this place is far away from Shenjing, but it is a short distance for martial arts masters.

Qianmingzong was originally located at the half waist of this mountain.

It was really convenient for the disciples of Qianmingzong to go to Shenjing to play, but the accident caused the accident, which led to the destruction of Qianmingzong.

Standing at the foot of this mountain, he could feel the invisible power permeating, and it was cold and bone-chilling, like a cold wind.

But now it's obviously warm spring.

Pharaoh sighed.

This is resentment and suffocation, which condenses between heaven and earth and does not disperse, and even becomes more and more prosperous, making people feel embarrassed.

He opened his eyes, looked at the faint shadows in the mountain peaks, and secretly felt pity and helplessness.

The figure slowly floated up, and an invisible altar was formed under his feet. The altar was formed layer by layer, supporting him to rise higher and higher until it was flush with the mountain peak, and finally even surpassed the mountain peak.

He made seals with his hands and closed his eyes.

A beam of light fell from the sky.

The beam of light is ten meters in diameter, like a pillar of white jade, one end penetrates into the clouds and the other into the mountain peak.

Black air gushed out from the mountain peaks, and suddenly got into the beam of light, and then a hazy figure appeared in the beam of light.

Their faces faintly appeared, and they quickly turned from hideous to peaceful. They looked into the distance calmly, and were lifted up in the beam of light by an invisible force, heading towards the sky.

Fa Kong closed his eyes slightly and murmured on his lips.

A quarter of an hour later, no human figures appeared in the beam of light, and black shadows no longer ooze out of the mountain peaks. The chill around them dissipated and the warmth returned.

The warm sunshine of spring shines on him and warms his heart.

These evil spirits stay here, will continue to accumulate, become stronger and stronger, and will eventually affect reality.

It is also a merit to completely overcome these evil spirits and grievances, so that they can be freed and sent to the Western Paradise or Reincarnation.

As for whether to send it to the Western Paradise of Bliss or super-return, I don't know yet, and the cultivation base is not enough.

Under the warm sunlight, the originally cold and solemn atmosphere completely changed, and there were birds approaching in the distance.

Unlike before, the birds are far apart, and the senses of these animals are more sensitive than those of people.

He stood in place, watching the surrounding environment slowly change, nodded with satisfaction, and appeared halfway up the mountain with a flash of figure.

Halfway up the mountain is a piece of ruins, with broken walls and broken walls, badly eroded by wind, rain, sun and moon.

Fakong walked among the ruins, and as far as his eyes could see, he could see the lively scenes of the past.

Suddenly, there is a sense of vicissitudes.

The years change, people come and go like flowing water, and the rise and fall are unpredictable.

He saw the situation of the annihilation at that time, the doomsday and misery of Qianmingzong, and the anger and struggle of the disciples of Qianmingzong.

The disciples of the sect, men, women and children, women and children, were all beheaded and killed one by one, and no one survived.

These people who started, all are cold-hearted and have no pity, killing people like killing chickens.

Fakong shook his head.

Watching these tragic scenes really affects one's xinxing. The more you watch it, the greater the impact on yourself. You should try to avoid it.

I can only sigh with emotion, once a person is ruthless, it is even more cruel and vicious than beasts, making people speechless and ruthless.

He resisted the discomfort, continued to look down, and finally found the suzerain of Qianmingzong.

Several masters protected the suzerain and advocated escaping from the secret path.

The suzerain is a middle-aged man.

He categorically rejected it, asking them to **** a dozen boys and girls away from the secret passage, and handing them a few keys.

Then he turned around and rushed out, attracting the experts who came, so that these experts could **** the sixteen boys and girls to escape.

Fakong looked at the sixteen boys and girls and sighed secretly.

These sixteen people must be living in hatred, always thinking of revenge, especially the sacrifice of the suzerain, which makes them hate it.

Seeing this scene, Fa Kong shook his head.

This is the true face of martial arts, the weak eat the strong, there is no justice, and the weak do not deserve a voice.

How could these sixteen boys and girls not take revenge? If anyone changed them, they would not be able to sleep peacefully without taking revenge. The meaning of life is only revenge.

A month later, the four masters of Qianmingzong appeared again, opened the cave next to them, took out some things and left.

When Fa Kong saw these treasures, there was the jade pendant.

In addition to the jade pendant, there are eight treasures.

Fa Kong's eyes swept over the eight treasures, including three jade pendants, four jade pendants, a long sword, and a treasured armor.

His gaze finally rested on the long sword.

Both the jade pendant and the jade pendant are mysterious, but this long sword is inexplicably vigilant and cold.

This shows that it is a threat to itself.

In this world, there are not many swords and sharp weapons that can threaten oneself.

The current state of King Kong's Indestructible Magic is not only invulnerable to swords and guns, but also inaccessible to weapons and weapons.

They can't hurt themselves no matter how strong they are.

However, this long sword can injure himself or even kill himself, and it can be said to be a well-deserved magic weapon.

His eyes were fixed on the image of the past, and he focused again and again, imprinting it into the depths of his mind.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked into the distance, looking for the location of the long sword.

It is a pity that the induction in the dark cannot find it.

He thought for a while, and with a flash, he appeared in a secret room.

This secret room is located within the mountain peak, a stone room in the deepest part of a cave.

This cave is very secretive.

Those who destroyed the sect searched carefully, did not miss any place, scraped the ground three feet, but could not find the cave.

It was finally opened by the survivors of Qianmingzong and took out the treasure.

The secret room he was in was in one of the caves, where the long sword was placed, and the support of the sword was still on a jade table.

This dark stand used to hold the long sword in the past.

He did not approach, but stood far away, his eyes fixed on the stand.

After a few breaths, he let go of his eyes, closed his eyes and searched for what he had seen and heard in his mind.

Through this bracket, he saw when the sword was put on, how long it had been put on, and several times in the middle of leaving, who took it away.

The last time, it was a middle-aged man who took away the long sword, but he was one of the original guardians.

After a while, Fa Kong took two steps closer to the bracket, and a golden light suddenly poured out of his body, which turned into a golden light shroud and enveloped him.

Fa Kong's face was solemn.

Sure enough.

The support is filled with the power above the void.

Moreover, it is still continuously absorbing the power above the void, unknown and endless.

So, that long sword can kill you because of the blessing of the power above the void?

After thinking for a moment, he stepped forward again and stretched out his hand.

Golden light enveloped his hands.

When the golden light collided with the dark sword stand, the golden light suddenly soared.

The Buddha beads on Fa Kong's wrist suddenly disappeared without a trace, but they arrived in the Kalachakra Pagoda.

So the golden mask disappeared, and his hand finally touched the dark sword stand, and a cold breath suddenly penetrated into the palm of his hand.

He retracted his palms, and his eyes darkened again.

His eyes passed through the mountain walls, through the layers of mountains and woods, through the layers of city walls, and finally landed in one place.

Fa Kong's eyes retracted, thoughtful.

This sword is now in a cave in Dayun.

In addition to this long sword, there are six long swords in this cave, each of which is a weapon of magic, blowing hair and breaking hair.

In addition to the long sword that made him feel threatened, there was also a sword that made him feel threatened.

But the two threats feel very different.

One is yin and cold, and the other is Chiyang, which is as strong as the sun, as if a flame can burn itself.

Fkong smiled suddenly.

Unexpectedly, there is unexpected joy. The six swords here are rare in the world, but they are together~www.readwn.com~ Obviously, these six swords are not from Qianmingzong, but Another sect, what about the disciples of Qianmingzong?

His eyes centered on the sword and spread out.

This is a big house, and the house is located in Yunjing.

Outside the house is the bustling market, and there are more than 30 men and women in the house, who are practicing on the martial arts field.

On the plaque at the outermost part of the house is written the two characters "Xuanyang".

Fakong searched in his mind.

Dayun, Xuanyang, is it the Xuanyang Sect of Dayun?

This long sword fell into Xuanyangzong's hands?

Xuanyangzong seems to be only a second-rate sect in Yunjing, and it is not too famous, but it has such a sword.

Such a profound background, people have to sigh with emotion.

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