
Chapter 1309: stranded

[[Chapter 1309 Detention (one more)

The three fell silent for a moment.

After a while, Xu Jingxian said: "Uncle Zhang, who is the top master of Xuanyang Sect?"

"I don't know the name." Zhang Wuyuan shook his head: "This person is unknown to the world, I know it from my concubine, and outsiders don't know it."

"There are still such masters?" Zhu Jiong said unconvinced: "Such a powerful martial arts, but unknown?"

"That's why you have little knowledge." Zhang Wuyuan snorted, "Do you think our Wuchang Sword Sect doesn't have such a character?"

"We have too?"


"Which one is it?"

"Uncle Ji." Zhang Wuyuan said indifferently: "Do you know that Uncle Ji's martial arts are so profound that he can be regarded as the top master in the world?"

"Uncle Ji..."

"You are going to call Master Ji."

"Could it be Master Ji who is in charge of cleaning the backyard?" Zhu Jiong was startled, and hurriedly said, "Didn't Master Ji practice kung fu when he was young, and became obsessed with it and completely abolished martial arts?"

Zhang Wuyuan shook his head.

"I didn't expect..." All three of them were shocked.

Because Ji Shizu dangled in front of their eyes all day long, but he never felt that he knew martial arts.

He has never demonstrated martial arts.

Everyone was polite to him because of his seniority and kindness, he smiled very kindly all day long.

Zhang Wuyuan continued to reprimand: "For such a big matter, you don't even want to go back and report to the suzerain, let the suzerain decide, and act recklessly by yourself, it's really arrogant!"

The three lowered their heads, speechless.

Fakong retracted his gaze, cast his gaze into the distance, and landed on the mountain where Xuanyangzong was located.

Are there any top masters in Xuanyang Sect?

Could it be that this master is so powerful that he can't hide it from his own eyes?

He glanced over and over again, and finally shook his head.

There is no such top master as Zhang Wuyuan said, the current top master of Xuanyang Sect is the suzerain, and there is no more powerful master who hides deep.

There are three possibilities.

One is fake, and there is no such a top master.

The other is that this master is not in the Xuanyang Sect, or is nearby, or wandering around in the distance.

His eyes widened, and he scanned Xuanyangzong's radius of a hundred miles, but there were no top experts.

Another possibility is that this master can hide from his own eyes.

He thought about it.

Could this person really be able to hide from his eyes?

I can't be too arrogant, feel that the world is invincible, feel that everything is omniscient, and the mind and the eye of the sky are not invincible.

He opened his eyes and looked at Xu Qingluo and Chu Ling.

The two women were watching him quietly, not surprised by his ecstasy and strangeness, and knew that he was displaying magical powers.

Xu Qingluo saw him looking at the two of them, and said with a smile: "What did Master find out?"

Fakong shook his head.

Chu Ling said: "Zhu Jiong's temper is not good, even if there are elders to stop him, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop him."

Xu Qingluo nodded lightly.

Chu Lingdao: "However, I really don't understand why this elder stopped him. Is it because he has something to do with Xuanyang Sect, or because he has enmity with Zhu Jiong. Even so, shouldn't he stop Zhu Jiong from taking revenge?"

Xu Qingluo pondered.

Farcon smiled at them.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Ling knew that the two of them were going to be tested again. He shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep thought, "It should be a good intention, right? Is there any powerful person in Xuanyang Sect?"

She then shook her head: "At least let's kill those two guys."

Fakong said: "According to the elder, the Xuanyang Sect has a top master who can protect the existence of the Xuanyang Sect."

Xu Qingluo frowned and said, "Could it be a top expert who can't be stopped by Wuchang Sword Sect? Impossible?"

If this was the case, the Xuanyang Sect would have been known to the whole world for a long time, and they would not be willing to remain unknown if they took the opportunity to strengthen themselves.

Fakong spoke, his eyes suddenly became deep, and his eyes fell on Zhu Jiong through layers of obstacles.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze with a dazed expression.

Xu Qingluo said: "Master, but is there such a top expert?"

Fakong nodded slowly.

"Really?" Chu Ling asked in amazement: "Then why has Xuanyang Sect been kept secret? Isn't it too weird?"

Xu Qingluo's thoughts turned sharply, and she said in a deep thought: "There must be a reason for keeping it secret, or maybe this top master is not from his sect."

Fa Kong said: "This person is indeed not a disciple of Xuanyang Sect, but owes a favor to the ancestors of Xuanyang Sect, and made a move when Xuanyang Sect is alive or dead."

"Which sect's disciple?" Chu Ling hurriedly asked.

Fakong said slowly: "Impermanence Sword Sect."

Xu Qingluo and Chu Ling stared at him in surprise.

Fakong said: "It is indeed a latent cultivator of the Wuchang Sword Sect."

Chu Lingling said, "This is too coincidental."

Xu Qingluo frowned and said, "This elder of Wuchang Sword Sect really made a move?"

Fakong said slowly: "When Wuchang Jianzong decided to destroy Xuanyangzong, he spoke to stop it."

Xu Qingluo asked: "If I am the suzerain of the Wuchang Sword Sect, taking him down directly is not considered a broken oath."

He did make a move, but he couldn't blame him if he couldn't stop it. He could only blame Xuan Yangzong for offending people too much.

Fakong nodded lightly: "That's what the suzerain of Wuchang Sword Sect did."

No wonder I saw the Xuanyang Sect being destroyed in the future, and there was no top expert to stop it, so I didn't know the existence of this top expert before.

But it was suppressed in the Wuchang Sword Sect, and there was no disturbance, so I didn't see it.

Chu Ling said excitedly: "Then Xuanyang Sect was finally destroyed, right?"

Fakong nodded slowly.

"God has finally opened his eyes!" Chu Ling looked up at the sky and said with emotion: "However, such an evil sect has existed for so long..."

She felt that the sky was indeed closed, and it really shouldn't be.

Fortunately, after all, the law of heaven is clear, otherwise the world will disappoint too many people.

Her eyes fell on Fakong.

If it wasn't for Fakong, I am afraid that Xuanyangzong will continue to exist. I don't know how long it will exist and how many people it will harm.

Xu Qingluo said with emotion: "It's still gone after all."

She is recalling the previous process.

Everything seemed to be full of coincidences, and it seemed to be a coincidence that the two of them were in it. Coincidences and coincidences superimposed, which eventually led to the demise of Xuanyangzong.

How did Master do this?

Even if you have Celestial Eyes, it is not easy to do this. Could it be that Xuanyangzong's fate is exhausted?

Fakong said: "The two of you have also contributed a lot. Congratulations."

Chu Ling smiled triumphantly.

Xu Qingluo shook her head.

The roles played by the two of them are not that important. Even without myself, the ability of the master is enough to easily kill Xuanyangzong with the sword of Wuchang Jianzong.

"Master, let's go back then." Xu Qingluo said, "Go back to Shenjing."

Fakong smiled.

Xu Qingluo was surprised: "Could it be changed?"

Fakong said: "Young Master Li's deputy commander's forehand order has been stopped, and you will not be able to go back for the time being."

Chu Ling said in amazement: "Didn't Young Master Li make it clear that nothing would go wrong? She is the deputy secretary, and she is already the most vocal in the Green Clothes Division, and her status is different with the father. Who has this courage?"

She immediately said: "The next deputy secretary? Is it not possible?...Could it be that she has a grudge against her?"

If you can't go back to Shenjing, you will be pushed to Yunjing, which will be too troublesome, not only troublesome but also dangerous.

In case someone accidentally reveals his identity, even if his cultivation is as high as the sky, he will not be able to escape from Yunjing.

His heart can be punished!

Thinking of this, she glared at Fakong bitterly: "Who is it?"

Fakong said: "Your Majesty."

"Father?!" Chu Ling was dumbfounded.

Xu Qingluo's bright eyes flickered: "The emperor wants us to stay here?"

Fakong nodded: "Since you want to practice, naturally you can achieve your goal in the most dangerous place."

"Isn't this too dangerous?" Xu Qingluo frowned and said, "Generally, the disciples of the Division of Green Clothes are fine here. Even if they are exposed, at most they will be caught and exchanged with each other, but..."

Chu Ling's identity is different.

Once caught, no one knows if it will be leaked.

"Royal father thinks I'm an eyesore in front of him!" Chu Ling scowled, stomping her feet angrily: "I really want to go back and pull his beard!"

Fakong smiled.

In the whole campaign, Chu Ling was the only one who dared to pull Chuxiong's beard.

Chu Xiong dotes on her very much, and feels that this opportunity is too rare, so he took the opportunity to use this opportunity to sharpen her and not let her go back easily.

Xu Qingluo asked: "Master, how long will we stay in Yunjing?"

Fakong shook his head and said: "It's hard to say now, I don't want to go back within a month, let's settle down and take things slowly."

"...That's the only way to go." Xu Qingluo sighed.

"Don't let us go back, we don't want to go back!" Chu Ling snorted, and said with a smile: "Actually, this place is also very good. Except for the bad food, there are quite a lot of interesting things left, which are very interesting."

Xu Qingluo said: "The food is indeed unpalatable."

"There are also Shenjing delicacies here." Fakong said: "You can look for it slowly."

Yunjing is extremely prosperous, even better than Shenjing, and there are all kinds of delicacies from all over the world.

Different customs and cultures lead to different tastes. The local food in Yunjing is indeed not to the taste of Dagan people.

But Yunjing also has authentic Dagan delicacies, which many Yunjing people like very much.

"If you want to stay in Yunjing, then the relationship between Zhu Jiong and Huang Yongliang and Xu Jingxian cannot be abandoned." Xu Qingluo said: "They are still valuable."

As a disciple of the Ziqi Sect, it is a good thing for the Ziqi Sect to have friendship with the disciples of the Four Great Sects.

And beside them, there will be no doubts, and no one would think that the two of them are big bosses.

Chu Ling said: "Zhu Jiong is quite fun."

Xu Jingxian is not so fun, with a scheming look, who knows if he will catch his flaws.

Zhu Jiong will definitely not find out.

Such a reckless and impatient person is the easiest to get along with.

"Master, let's go then." Xu Qingluo said, "We can't delay for too long."

Since he wanted to stay in Yunjing, he had to pay more attention to every detail, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Fakong nodded: "The Green Clothes Division will issue orders~www.readwn.com~ You can just follow the orders, and now you are the official Green Clothes Division disciples."

"Yes." The two agreed.

"That Zhu Can...?"

"I will keep him in the temple for a while." Fakong said, "Study his strength."

"You won't accept him as a disciple?" Xu Qingluo said.

Fakong laughed.

Chu Ling said: "Is his aptitude excellent?"

Fakong shook his head and said, "His aptitude is indeed ordinary, and he is not suitable for practicing kung fu."


"But he has a certain characteristic, so he can practice this kind of extraordinary skill." Fa Kong said: "It's too early to say, let's see.">Remember the website website, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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