
Chapter 1471: Brilliant move

[[Chapter 1471 Brilliant move (one more)

Luo Minghai nodded slowly, his eyes sparkled brightly, and he smiled slightly: "Miss Xu is indeed extremely smart."

Xu Qingluo said: "You know me?"

Luo Minghai smiled: "Disciple of Fakong Divine Monk, how can I not know?"

Xu Qingluo said: "It seems Master Luo Shaofeng is very concerned about the teacher, he knows it so clearly."

There are many people in the world who know the master, but not many know themselves, especially Dayong and Dayun, there are very few.

Luo Minghai said: "Spiritual Monk Fakong really makes people curious. I have spent a little time inquiring about it. Famous teachers produce outstanding disciples, and Ms. Xu is also admirable."

"I'm ashamed." Xu Qingluo laughed.

Zhou Yang was impatient. Looking at Luo Minghai like this, he found it an eyesore. He coughed lightly: "Why did Jixiang Peak collude with Changchun Valley? Is it just to deal with Damiaolian Temple, or is it some other target?"

Luo Minghai looked at Zhou Yang with a smile, shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhou is ridiculous. Ji Xiangfeng never colluded with Changchun Valley. On the contrary, we still have a deep hatred with Changchun Valley."

"Then why do you work with the disciples of Changchun Valley?" Zhou Yang said: "What you say is different from what you do."

"A disciple of Changchun Valley?" Luo Minghai frowned.

Zhou Yangdao: "The disciples of Changchun Valley are making trouble, and you are making trouble too, aren't they together?"

"This is definitely a misunderstanding." Luo Minghai's face darkened: "We don't have any disciples in Jixiang Peak making trouble."

Zhou Yang glanced at the four people in the front row.

Among the more than 30 people, there are four who have the same aura as Luo Minghai, and they should all come from Jixiang Peak.

Luo Minghai said in a deep voice: "They are just my guards. We are here to listen to the Dharma, not to cause trouble. Mr. Zhou, we have no grudges in the past and we have no grudges in the present, so don't harm us!"

Zhou Yang smiled and said no more.

"Amitabha." Monk Yuande said slowly, "This place is the closest and most suitable for listening to Buddhism. How about asking Lord Luo to stay here?"

"Okay." Luo Minghai said with a smile, "I wish I could."

"Excellent." Monk Yuande agreed.

Xu Qingluo smiled at Luo Minghai, looked away, looked at the people in the distance, and continued to sense the emotions around her.

The crowd who came to listen to the Dharma was extremely complicated, not simply advocating the Dharma, but also some with malicious intentions.

Under the eyes of the mind, they can clearly see their respective emotions.

The light emitted by each person represents their mood.

Green represents full of hope, gray represents despair, purple represents their gloom, gold represents a clear heart, black represents jealousy, red represents anger, various moods, and various lights.

In addition to the light of everyone, plants and animals are also shining, and the world seen by the mind's eyes is extremely magnificent.

She seldom uses her heart and eyes, and once in a while, she immediately restrains herself, so as not to cause too strong a contrast, and feel that the world is dull and affect her mood.

Being able to see everyone's emotions will only feel boring, so it's better not to show your mind.

She shook her head secretly and sighed.

Emotion does not mean action, so in terms of predicting actions, it is still not as clear as wisdom.

She looked at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu shook his head lightly.

Monk Yuande saw their small movements and knew that Zhou Yu had identified the troublemakers in the crowd.

Looking at it now, her cultivation base of wisdom and clarity is superior to Da Yuan Jing's wisdom of her masters, it is really astonishing.

Having such profound wisdom and enlightenment cultivation at such an age proves that she is born with the roots of wisdom, which is unparalleled. Mingyuean's luck is really good.

After cleaning up, Monk Yuande heaved a sigh of relief.




Suddenly three copper bells sounded from Damiaolian Temple, echoing long and endlessly.

Everyone was immediately refreshed.

Their eyes turned to the direction of the entrance of Damiaolian Temple, wanting to see the appearance of Fakong.

"Amitabha..." A Buddha's chant sounded, and Fakong sat cross-legged on the golden futon above the altar.

Wearing a purple gold cassock, the top of his head was shining brightly in the sun, but it could not hide his eyes under his sword eyebrows.

His eyes are as calm as a deep pool, but they can completely attract everyone's eyes, and they can't help but stare at him.

After Fakong got married, he said in a warm voice: "Poor monk Fakong, today I am invited by Damiaolian Temple to talk about my understanding of Buddhism."

His melodious and melodious voice spread to every corner. Even people standing at the farthest can clearly see his every move, see his face and eyes, hear every word he utters, and even hear him clearly. subtle tone.

Fakong's voice continued to linger: "If you believers have other understandings and feel that the poor monk has little talent and learning, I hope you can forgive me."

Everyone immediately smiled.

It is said that this Fakong divine monk has profound Buddhist teachings and great supernatural powers, but I don't know if it is true.

But lack of talent and learning is too modest. To be invited by Damiaolian Temple to give lectures, the Dharma is definitely profound.

In the past hundred years, there have been only a handful of eminent monks with such honors in Dayong.

Fakong's hands were sealed.

A heart-purifying mantra fell immediately.

A fine nectar floated in the air like drizzle, and fell to each person's Baihui acupoint, no matter whether they were in the front row or the back row, whether they had good intentions or malicious intentions, they all received a drop of nectar.

When the fine wine fell, everyone's spirits were lifted immediately, and their moods were instantly peaceful and tranquil.

The turbulent restlessness and intense emotions subsided all of a sudden, like a turbid sea that turned into a calm sea and a sea of ​​tranquility.

Fakong smiled and said: "The poor monk was born in the King Kong Temple in Daxue Mountain. The most studied thing is the Diamond Sutra. Today I will talk about the Diamond Sutra,... and then I will talk about the difference between the practice of Buddhism and martial arts, and how to pass the Buddha Dharma. Come to support the practice of martial arts."

The faces of the group of people in the front row suddenly became serious, and their eyes shone brightly.

They don't believe in Buddhism, and put more emphasis on martial arts, thinking that in front of martial arts, Buddhism is **** and vulnerable.

Therefore, I have no expectations for Fakong's lectures. I just want to destroy the opening of the altar this time and sweep the face of Damiaolian Temple and Fakong.

When they heard that Fakong was going to talk about the blessing of Buddhism to martial arts, they were immediately excited.

Although Fakong is hateful, he is after all the best divine monk in the world, and it is said that his cultivation level is also unfathomable.

To be able to have profound Dharma and martial arts at this age must be due to Dharma.

This time, even if he can't explain all the mysteries, just showing a few scales and half claws is enough to attract attention, and maybe it will give him a different kind of inspiration.

Monk Yuande was startled.

He didn't expect Fakong to talk about martial arts.

The relationship between Buddhism and martial arts, which involves the fundamental mysteries of King Kong Temple, how can it be easily revealed?

However, Master Fakong's actions ~www.readwn.com~ will never be reckless and impulsive, presumably there is a deep meaning, what is the deep meaning?

He made a vague guess as soon as he turned his brain.

This is probably to draw those who practice martial arts into the believers.

For a long time, people who practice martial arts often do not believe in Buddhism, they only believe in martial arts, and feel that Buddhism is useless, not only has no power, but also takes up time and energy.

If they understand the blessing and enhancement of Buddhism to martial arts, they must study Buddhism intensively. After all, martial arts will often get stuck when they reach the level of divine origin.

By this time, they will try any path that can increase the possibility of becoming a grand master.

Turning to intensive study of Buddhism is the most likely way to go.

And once you study the Dharma intensively, you are likely to become a believer in the Dharma, thus promoting the Dharma.

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