
Chapter 148: yellow spring

Fa Kong's eyes suddenly became deep and unpredictable, like a bottomless ancient well, and You Sensen wanted to devour her.

She was heartbroken.

"The acupuncture point is sealed." Fa Kong said.

Lin Feiyang kicked her shoulder and sealed her acupuncture point again.

Fa Kong looked at her for a moment, his eyes recovered, and suddenly became empty again, staring blankly at the old woman.

The old woman was heartbroken by his strange behavior.

Chu Xiang, who was on the side, vaguely knew that these were probably two kinds of magical powers.

The so-called one-passenger, this Master Fakong not only has one kind of supernatural power, but may possess five kinds of supernatural powers of Buddhism.

Fakong shook his head gently, his eyes returned to normal, and sighed: "Since you don't say it, then I will help you."

The old woman sneered and sneered in her eyes.

"You don't want to go to Shenjing to spread your plague, which is called Huang Quan's three-day drunkenness, right?"

The old woman's face changed slightly.

Even though her acupoints were sealed and her face muscles were stiff and unable to move, the slight change in her eyes made people see the change in her complexion.

Fakong continued: "The previous five people were your disciples of Huangquangu, and they were dead men."

"Alas..." Fakong sighed: "What a Huangquan Valley, who is proud of death and regards death as a secret realm, the distortion of concepts is really appalling."

The old woman's eyes showed a sneer and disdain, as if she was looking at a fool.

Fa Kong shook his head and said, "The disciples of Huangquan Valley changed their physiques through secret methods, reproduced the Huangquan secret medicine that cooperated with you, and stimulated Huangquan's three-day drunkenness."

He sighed: "Huangquan's three-day drunkenness is a secret technique that is extremely yin and poisonous in the world, and it hurts the harmony of the sky. You dare not use it in Dayong, but King Chun gave you a secret order at the cost of a forbidden land. , let you all come to Daqian Shenjing to display."

The sneer in the old woman's eyes was thicker, hiding her shock.

Fa Kong said: "It's a pity, you are too greedy! ... You not only want to kill people, you want to kill more people, but also want to shake the people's hearts and destroy those victims first, thus shaking the world and chilling the heart. The cruelty of Dagan has caused the separation of virtue, and at the same time, through the deaths of these victims, the power of Huang Quan's three-day drunkenness has been increased dozens of times, thus destroying Dagan Shenjing in one fell swoop, killing two birds with one stone!"

Huang Quan's three-day drunkenness is like a virus in his previous life. After various infections, the virus will evolve into a super virus, which can even be dozens of times stronger, infect faster, and kill faster.

Huang Quan's three-day drunkenness originally took three days, but later it only took three quarters of an hour or even a few minutes. There was no medicine to cure, and there was no doubt of death.

The old woman could no longer hide her shock and stared at Fa Kong.

Fakong sighed: "Yellow Spring Valley..., such a vicious place, it really shouldn't exist in the world!"

"Morning! Heart! Sick! Crazy!" Chu Xiang gritted his teeth.

He never imagined that there was such an inside story.

He glared at the old woman.

Fa Kong said: "What a good Prince Chun, this trick is really poisonous. Could it be that he issued a martial arts order to cover you?"

He frowned and pondered, looking up at the roof of the tent.

Chu Xiang's face was as gloomy as iron, and he said slowly, "Master, do you think that Dayong Wulin has forced its way into the Daxue Mountain and entered the Dagan territory for another purpose?"

"It's impossible to just try the defense of Daxueshan, and then consume the power of Dayong Wulin." Fa Kong said.

Chu Xiang frowned: "We know too little about Da Yong now, and the green-clothed foreign secretary is too inept and incompetent!"

Pharaoh did not agree.

Ning Zhenzhen is still in the Green Clothes Foreign Division, and should have been reused by now. After all, it caused such a big mess, and the credit cannot be taken away.

"Monk, she can't do it anymore." Lin Feiyang suddenly said.

Fakong looked at the old woman and shook his head: "She has already poisoned herself, and there is no cure."

The old woman's face turned blue at this time, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Her eyes bulged out, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets at any time, and there was a look of hesitation on her face.

Chu Xiang said: "Master, listen to what she has to say?"

Fakong shook his head and said, "She will shout another sentence when she is dying, and the people in half the camp can hear it."

Chu Xiang's face changed slightly: "So vicious?"

The old woman stared at Fa Kong, unbelievable.

Fakong said warmly: "Poor monk Fakong, the abbot of the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple, if you want to take revenge under the Yellow Spring, you may as well come to me."

Blood slowly oozes from the corner of the old woman's left mouth.

It was followed by blood oozing from the corner of the right eye, then the left ear, and then the two nostrils, bleeding out in turn.

His face became hideous and terrifying, and he died.

Huang Quan's secret method, no one can stop him if he wants to die, and he dies very quickly, and of course, he can also be resurrected.

Fa Kong shook his head: "The poor monk will help you."

His left hand was sealed, and his right palm was raised, radiating light that enveloped the old woman.

Chu Xiang was incomprehensible.

Fa Kong said indifferently: "What they pay attention to is to enter the secret realm of Huangquan after death, and from then on, they will never die. The poor monk wants to lift her up to heaven and not enter the secret realm of Huangquan. Such a vicious person is not worthy of what he wants!... Amitabha, The poor monk lost his temper."

"Master did the right thing!" Chu Xiang said solemnly.

He very much agrees with this sentence, such a vicious person is not worthy of his wishes, and if he wants to enter the secret realm of Huangquan after his death, it is not as good as her wish!

In the light, the soul floated up and turned into a little man of light, and immediately began to struggle, trying to escape the shroud of the Great Light Curse.

Unfortunately, under the light, she involuntarily turned into a white light that penetrated the sky and disappeared.

Fa Kong estimated that the Yellow Spring Secret Technique she practiced would affect her soul.

"Amitabha!" Fa Kong smiled.

She got the old woman's memory.

Ji Hongying.

I was born in Huangquan Valley since I was a child, so I accepted the unique concept of Huangquangu, death is eternal, and life is just a short dream, don't worry too much.

The eternal paradise of Huangquangu disciples is the secret realm of Huangquan, which will be reached after death. From then on, there will be no death, only happiness.

After death, you enter the Huangquan Secret Realm, but the Huangquan Secret Realm is also divided into high and low status.

There are nine levels of Huangquan Soul Cleansing Art, one level higher, and one level higher in Huangquan Secret Realm.

For Huangquangu disciples, living is to practice this Huangquan Soul Cleansing Art, in order to live more comfortably in the eternal and immortal Huangquan secret realm, and work hard for a short period of a hundred years in exchange for eternal status.

Practicing the Huangquan Soul Cleansing Art will kill people.

The moment a person dies, the qi of Huangquan breeds, and for more than half an hour, the qi of Huangquan dissipates.

Devouring the Qi of Huangquan is the fundamental method of cultivation of Huangquan Soul Cleansing Art.

Ji Hongying is already one hundred and three years old, and has already stepped into the seventh floor. If she succeeds this time, she will be able to train to the eighth floor, and even hope to reach the ninth floor.

If you enter the secret realm of Huangquan in the realm of perfection, you will directly enter the highest level, and the day will be very comfortable.

Fa Kong shook his head and sighed, a look of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes.

After experiencing Ji Hongying's life, he was exhausted. If it weren't for the existence of the Medicine Buddha statue, he would have gone mad now.

Ji Hongying killed too many people in her life.

The elderly, children, young adults, and women are all-encompassing and killing everything.

According to the concept of Huangquangu, people killed by Huangquan's secret technique will also enter the Huangquan Secret Realm after death and become ordinary people in the Huangquan Secret Realm.

Therefore, when Huangquan Valley disciples kill people, they don't feel that they are killing people at all. They just feel that they are sending them into the Huangquan Secret Realm, recruiting people for the Huangquan Secret Realm, and expanding the Huangquan Secret Realm.

Instead of feeling cruel, they feel like they are doing a good deed.

Fakong experienced Ji Hongying's long and short life.

The long is that Ji Hongying lived to be one hundred and three years old.

In the short period of time, Ji Hongying had almost no other experiences in her life, only practicing and killing people. It was as boring as a day for more than a hundred years.

Because I only regard life as a short-lived dream, and I don't need to pay any emotion, I just need to practice well.

And the best way to practice is to kill.

Killing so many people didn't feel guilty or uneasy at all, but was content and proud.

This distorted notion chilled him.

"Master?" Chu Xiang interrupted his thoughts.

Fa Kong sighed: "My lord, her corpse is highly poisonous, and ordinary people can't touch it, it can't be burned, and it can't be buried."

"How to deal with it?"

"Bubble with water."


"Lin Feiyang, go buy some herbs." He beckoned.

Lin Feiyang came closer.

Fa Kong once again made a sword tactic with his index finger and middle finger, and gently raised his eyebrows to Lin Fei.

Lin Feiyang was in a trance.

Fakong withdrew his fingers: "Go and go back quickly."

"Don't worry, soon!" Lin Feiyang disappeared without a trace.

Chu Xiang said: "Master, if this corpse is buried directly, what will happen?"

"The corpse will turn into poisonous gas, and it will quickly penetrate down, and a mountain will become a dead mountain, and those birds and beasts that escape will carry the poison and spread, and the consequences will be unpredictable."

More importantly, she can be resurrected within three days.

"It's so scary?"

"Huangquangu..." Fakong shook his head: "It's a hundred times more terrifying than you imagined, Your Highness."

"How could such a sect exist?"

"Before this, I didn't know that there was such a sect in the world." Fa Kong shook his head: "I am afraid that the three major sects do not know its existence."

"It's scary." Chu Xiang shook his head with emotion.

Such a guy is really hard to guard against, he can't think of these tricks, he will definitely be hit.

Say nothing else.

If you don't know the details and bury this old woman in this mountain, then the big camp that is halfway up the mountain will probably be more fortunate than fortunate.

"Master." Chu Xiang said: "You are right not to go to the palace."

Fa Kong smiled: "My lord, I understand. In fact, the emperor also has scruples. If you think about it, you know that no one wants to have a person with magical powers around him, especially the emperor."

If it is an ordinary person, or a weak person, I wish that my friend was supernatural, but the emperor's view is different from that of ordinary people.

Suspicion is the emperor's instinct.

And today's emperor is wise, wise, and decisive, and will never allow others to see through him.

Therefore, I am afraid that I am not so fond of this eminent monk with supernatural powers, and even very jealous.

Best not to meet.

Chu Xiang said: "Master's magical powers should be kept outside the palace, and it can benefit the world even more."

Fa Kong shook his head and smiled: "My lord~www.readwn.com~ The poor monk just wants to be at ease, but he doesn't want to benefit the world."

"That's right." Chu Xiang smiled.

Even if you are a prince, you can't force Master Fakong, let alone force it.

Lin Feiyang appeared again and brought a dozen packs of medicine.

"My lord, prepare a large pot and boil these." Fa Kong pointed to sixteen packets of medicine.

Chu Xiang greeted Yue Minghui and ordered to set up a pot.

The raging flames quickly boiled a pot of water and poured medicine into it.

When the potion became warm, put it in a large wooden barrel and put Na Ji Hongying's body in it.

As a result, people saw that Ji Hongying's corpse suddenly became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Fakong breathed a sigh of relief.

This Ji Hongying finally disappeared, and there was no future trouble.

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