
Chapter 1676: want to enter

Ning Zhenzhen pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Brother, let's ask Miss Dugu, you can't make decisions on your own."

Women's minds are different from men's.

Although senior brother has great supernatural powers, he is not a holy Buddha, he is still a man, and he seldom uses supernatural powers with those around him, and he will not secretly spy on each other's thoughts.

So she might not really understand Dugu Xiaqing's thoughts.

Fakong said with a smile: "She is also very quiet and wants to move. If she stays alone all the time, her mind will be quiet and lonely. She needs to make more friends to make her mood more lively and energetic."

Dugu Xiaqing's realm is also stuck, this is the most common situation.

The change of mood needs the stimulation of external objects. If you keep in your own circle and cannot break through, your mood will be relaxed and quiet, and it is difficult to make waves.

Fresh stimulation is important.

Both Ning Zhenzhen and Dugu Xia Qing need enough stimulation, and it would be better to communicate with friends more.

"Then I'll leave tomorrow." Ning Zhenzhen said softly, "Tell the Zongli about it, and let the senior sister take charge of the Zong's affairs."

The Jade Butterfly Sect is now on the right track, and Shenjianfeng has calmed down, so there is no need to be vigilant all the time, and there is no need for him to stay in the sect, he needs to come out for a while.

Fakong said with a smile: "This time, let's put aside all ordinary things, let them go, and have a good time."

Ning Zhenzhen smiled without saying a word.

She hoped so, but she also knew how difficult it was to ignore ordinary things.

The world is in turmoil, and it is difficult for people to be independent in it.

What if Qingluolin Feiyang and the others are in danger?

If the disciples of the King Kong Temple are in danger, how can the senior brother stand still?

If there is a fetter in the heart, there is no way to be completely at ease, but if there is no fetter in the heart, living alone in the world will be boring and boring.

In the early morning, while eating, Xu Qingluo talked about Xingnanfeng and the gang again, and mentioned that they fought again, and once again they fought in a scuffle, and it was difficult to distinguish each other.

In the previous match, they still had different camps. The Tianhai Sword Sect mostly targeted the Demon Sect and the Shenwu Mansion, but did not deal with the disciples of the Guangming Sacred Cult and the Daxueshan disciples.

But at the beginning of this battle, they had no distinction between camps, they fought chaotically with each other, whoever they met would fight, and they would not spare anyone except the same sect. After this fight, almost everyone was injured.

Because they knew the magical effects of the Rejuvenation Mantra and the Purification Mantra, they all had no scruples. When they were injured, they would recite the Rejuvenation Mantra directly, and even recite the Rejuvenation Mantra in advance before fighting.

During the fight, on the one hand, the Rejuvenation Curse was healing the wounds, and on the other hand, the Pure Heart Curse was blessing them, allowing them to unleash their potential and form a strength far beyond their usual strength.

After a fight, it was full of joy.

Then another eleven stepped into the grand master.

"If this goes on, they will all become great masters soon?" Zhou Yang said.

Xu Qingluo shook her head: "How can it be so fast? It's because of the accumulated accumulation that it looks so amazing. After this round, those who failed to step into the Grand Master may not be able to step in in a short time."

Those who stepped into the Grand Master often missed the door, and they stepped in under strong stimulation.

It's not that it's just a few feet away, and it's not so fast, and it needs enough accumulation.

Zhou Yang said: "That's a pity, uncle, can they all become grand masters in the end?"

Fakong nodded.

"how long?"

"A few days fast, a month slow is enough." Fakong said.

Zhou Yang said: "Uncle Master, we should let more people come to King Kong Temple."

Fakong shook his head: "It's enough."

Among the Daxueshan disciples who came this time, there was only one disciple from the Vajra Temple, which was rare. The disciples from Daxueshan this time were all selected from the best, and there were no random ones.

A few days ago, there was a big competition in Daxue Mountain, all disciples could participate, and finally ranked down, and then those who entered Xingnan Peak were selected according to their rankings, and if they stepped into the Grand Master, they were selected according to their rankings, which is the most fair .

But from Xu Qingluo's point of view, Xingnan Peak belongs to Fakong after all, not King Kong Temple or Daxue Mountain. Whoever wants to come is Fakong's freedom, and there is no need to pay attention to other people.

There is a limit on the number of people in Daxueshan, but there is no need for King Kong Temple.

Zhou Yudao: "The disciples of the King Kong Temple really don't need too many."

Chu Ling glanced sideways at Zhou Yang: "Which of the disciples of the King Kong Temple is worried about the great master? As long as the cultivation level is enough, Fakong will let them get stuck? There is no need to come to Xingnan Peak!"

Zhou Yang was not convinced: "But practicing at Xingnan Peak, with so many people competing, the speed of practice will be greatly increased, saving too much effort."

In his opinion, the key is not to get stuck in front of the great masters, but to greatly increase the speed of practice. The experience of fighting with the great masters is a great stimulus and benefit.

This kind of experience will continue to help practice in the future, and without this kind of experience, there will be a lack of foundation.

Xu Qingluo said: "However, if there are too many disciples from the Vajra Temple, it will be lost to everyone, and everyone's gratitude will turn into dissatisfaction."

"...That's true." Zhou Yang said: "People's hearts..."

People are selfish and greedy. If you give him ten taels of silver, he will still want twenty taels. After giving twenty taels, he will still want a hundred taels. His appetite will only increase, but it will be difficult to appreciate it. with contentment.

They all came to Xingnan Peak. If it was fair and just, everyone would be grateful. If it was not fair and just, they would definitely feel resentment.

It's better not to do it~www.readwn.com~Xu Qingluo said: "Master, if we continue to increase the number of great masters, what will be the consequences?"

Everyone looked over.

They were sitting in a secluded restaurant, the downstairs was rather quiet, not close to the avenue.

There are also few diners around.

"What do you say?" Fakong asked casually.

Zhou Yangdao: "After Dagan's strength increases greatly, he will be able to compete with Dayun, and even be on an equal footing!"

Dayun is so tyrannical, isn't it because there are more martial arts masters, and among martial arts masters, the great master is the most important, the most influential force, and the more great masters, the stronger the strength.

Dagan now has more great masters than Dayun. Doesn't that mean that Dagan is number one in the world?

Zhou Yu said: "It's not that easy."

The power of Dayun is not only the master of martial arts, not only the great master Ruyun, but also others.

Chu Ling tilted his head and said, "If they can establish friendship through sparring and avoid killing each other, then our strength will be greatly improved, and Dayun must be more honest."

Xu Qingluo looked at Fakong.

Fakong was noncommittal.

What he saw was not what they said, Dayun's strength was not standing still as they imagined, and it was also skyrocketing, and Zhenlongyuan was also a holy place for practice.

After Dayun heard the news about Xingnan Peak, he opened Zhenlongyuan and summoned more sect masters to practice.

The so-called moving with every move means that the whole body is moved by pulling one hair.

In the end, it was Dayong who fell behind.

Xu Qingluo said: "Master, two special people came to Xingnan Peak today, the elders of Shenjian Peak and Qingluya, they asked their disciples to enter Xingnan Peak to practice."

The other three looked at Fakong.

Fakong said: "Just promise them."

Zhou Yang hurriedly said: "Master, do you really want to agree?"

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