
Chapter 182: reward

I originally thought that if the wishes of more than 20,000 people were fulfilled, they would obtain huge merits. Even if there were only 10,000 believers, after all, it was more than 200 times compared to the wishes of more than 50 people.

More than 200 times the size of two fingers, at least it should be all over the body, right?

But the reality is that the power of merit gushed out, and the golden light just circulated in his palms, making the white jade seem to be coated with a layer of golden light.

After a while, the golden light flashed fiercely, and then it converged into the palms, and the palms returned to white as jade, the same as before.

He looked at his palms in disappointment.

Even though he now has two palms that can break the sky and the world is unstoppable, he still can't hide his disappointment.

That's it?

He cast the Cloud Rain Mantra to satisfy the wishes of more than 10,000 believers, and the power of merit only reshaped the palms, not even the arms.

The fourth level of this King Kong Indestructible Magic is too difficult, isn't it?

What's more, this ratio is seriously inconsistent.

According to the ratio of 50 people to more than 10,000 people, it is impossible to just reshape the palms. What is going on?

It's really awkward not to figure this out.

In his mind, he kept comparing the difference between Cheng Jia and the others, who embroidered the building in the bright moon, and the more than 20,000 disaster victims.

Is it because of different levels of belief?

Or because of different wishes?

The victims' belief in themselves is far from being on a par with Cheng Jia and the others. Although there is only a small gap in the power of belief, the actual gap is huge.

In addition, Cheng Jia and the others have fulfilled their wishes very thoroughly, while the wishes of the victims are not completely complete.

Their most fundamental wish is to rain, but it is not raining in Shenjing, but in their hometown, and the rain will hit their fields.

So I haven't completely satisfied their wishes, so I don't have enough merit?

Is it one of the reasons, or both?

He shook his head and had to look at the halo behind Medicine Buddha's head to comfort himself.

The power of belief of more than 40,000 is the harvest just now.

The original power of belief was almost consumed when casting the Cloud and Rain Spell, leaving only ten points of self-defense.

The power of belief of more than 40,000 people is mostly provided by the disaster victims.

The people of Shenjing had very little to offer.

They are all well-informed, and although such a scene shocked them, there is no way to directly generate the power of faith.

After all, after the casting of this cloud and rain spell, in addition to fame, the only harvest is the palm of merit and the power of more than 40,000 beliefs.

Of course, the seeds of faith were also planted in the hearts of the people of Shenjing City, and they need to be slowly watered in the future to make them grow and become more likely to become their own believers.

Lin Feiyang appeared in a flash, and said excitedly: "It's enjoyable, really enjoyable!"

He raised his head to look at the dark cloudy sky, let go of the protective body qi, let the rain hit him, hehe smiled and said, "Monk, this time you are famous in the capital and the world, the pilgrims in our outer courtyard don't have to worry about it! "

Fa Kong said: "It's just lively for a while."

He has a very good understanding of the human heart and the world, and knows that people are most concerned about themselves, and the concern for others is only a short moment.

The current self is like the internet celebrity in the previous life. He has a fever for a while, just a little bit of heat, and it cools down very quickly.

People are the most forgetful.

Soon they will forget the shock of the scene in front of them, immerse themselves in their own worlds to live their own lives, and gradually lose their awe of their own master.

"How is it possible!" Lin Feiyang said excitedly, "They will never forget it for the rest of their lives."

He felt that there was no way he could forget this scene, it was too shocking, how could a human being be able to walk through clouds and rain like a god?

Fakong smiled.

It is difficult to maintain a person's emotions. Buddhists say that dreams are bubbles and impermanence, not only in human life, but also in human emotions.

This kind of shock is very strong now, and it will still be strong tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, it will weaken a little bit, and it will be weaker after ten days. After a month, I am afraid that I will not be able to recall this kind of shock.

"Monk, there will be more pilgrims tomorrow. Do you want to give them a rejuvenation spell or something?" Lin Feiyang said, "Strike while the iron is hot, so that they will be completely convinced, and they will never go to other places to offer incense."

Fa Kong pondered.

Shall I strike while the iron is hot? Water the seeds planted in their hearts?

He finally shook his head.

This kind of strike while the iron is hot is only a temporary frenzy, and it is easy to cool down, and it is not stable enough.

So don't be in a hurry now, be steady.

"How is it?" Lin Feiyang asked eagerly.

Fakong shook his head.

"Alas!" Lin Feiyang sighed.

It's a pity that such a good opportunity was not seized and let it slip away in vain. I really don't understand what Fakong thinks!

He opened his mouth, closed it again, and snorted, "Okay, ... but you're not as famous now as you used to be!"

He was depressed one second, and excited the next: "Who in Shenjing City doesn't know the name of Master Fkong?"

Fa Kong waved his hand calmly, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

It's a great feeling to be watched and admired by everyone.

Lin Feiyang turned his head to look in the direction of the gate, frowned and said, "Why haven't you come back yet, should you come back? I'll go take a look!"

He disappeared in a flash.

Fa Kong has opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the East City Gate.

The mind has reached three kilometers unconsciously, and the Void Fetal Breath Sutra has been progressing unknowingly.

The scope can cover the direction of the East City Gate, and can also cover a part of the disaster victims' camp.

He hasn't paid much attention to the range of the mind's eye, but it does increase all the time, a little bit every day.

Before you know it, you have accumulated three kilometers.

Standing here, although I can't see the other end of Suzaku Avenue, I can already see Guanyun Tower and Wangjiang Tower.

He saw that there was a rush of people over the East City Gate, Faning and the others were being squeezed into the crowd, walking with difficulty.

He smiled.

This is the price of watching the fun.

green coat


The pattering light rain has been falling, wetting the green bricks on the ground, making the color of the green bricks darker and clearer.

The thin bamboos under the corners of the wall were washed clean, and the greenery was full of greenness. When gently swaying, it exudes vitality.

The small courtyard in the rain became more and more peaceful.

Ning Zhenzhen flipped through the dossier in the hall.

Dressed in white clothes like snow, her beautiful face is clear and cold, only Yuandai-like eyebrows are slightly raised.

She was still looking at the case of the rich businessman in Tianhe Alley.

It has been found that behind the wealthy businessman is Gu Chengqian, a head of the Ministry of Personnel.

Zheng Liupin doesn't sound high, but the Ministry of Personnel is a department with real power, and it has great power.

Moreover, the officials are connected to each other with bones and tendons, and a small chief may be standing behind the servants and even the ministers, so we cannot underestimate it.

There is no way for the green-clothed foreign division to arrest people directly. Even if there is a confession, it will still be considered a subversion, and instead, it will be included in the previous book.

She has been looking for information about this wealthy businessman, his business changes over the years, and his whereabouts.

She believes that everything she has done will always leave traces, and there must be traces on the water and stone, and it cannot be seamless.


Zhao Zhihua flew into the small courtyard, and shouted loudly in the courtyard, instantly breaking the tranquility of the small courtyard.

Zhao Zhihua shook the water droplets on his body in the yard, shaking them all out, returning to dryness, and when he entered the hall, he clasped his fists and smiled: "Sicheng, I finally caught that guy's legs!"

Ning Zhenzhen put down the dossier and said lightly, "What kind of trick?"

"One of his guards." Zhao Zhihua said excitedly: "One of his guards was drunk by our people. He drank too much and said that every thirteenth of every month, that guy would go to Xiyuan Temple to offer incense."

"What's wrong with that?"

"And every time I go to Xiyuan Temple, I will stay for half an hour to talk to a monk named Shanyun in Xiyuan Temple."

"Xiyuan Temple..." Ning Zhenzhen frowned.

As a disciple of the Daxueshan Sect, she is of course very sensitive to monasteries.

Nishigaki-ji is not a temple of Daisetsuzan sect.

There are at least twenty temples in the Shenjing, of which the Daxueshan Sect only occupies nine.

There are more than a dozen monasteries, each with its own believers and eminent monks.

These eminent monks also have masters of the second and third grades, but they are rare. After all, they are not as deep-rooted as the Daxueshan Sect.

Xiyuan Temple is only one of them, it is inconspicuous and has little reputation.

Zhao Zhihua said earnestly: "Sicheng, do you want to arrest this monk Shanyun and have a good trial?"

The wealthy businessman Jing Xiaoliang has a backstage, but this monk Shanyun from Xiyuan Temple has no success. He is caught and tried for the first trial. If he can't come out, it's an important breakthrough.

"No." Ning Zhenzhen shook his head slowly.

"Sicheng?" Zhao Zhihua was puzzled: "Does this monk Shanyun also have a backstage?"

Ning Zhenzhen said slowly: "I'll go to Xiyuan Temple first and see this monk Shanyun."

"Yes." Zhao Zhihua replied.

"Sicheng." A lazy voice sounded in the small courtyard.

As soon as Ning Zhenzhen heard this voice, she felt uncomfortable and said lightly, "Wang Qingshan, what's the matter?"

With a cynical smile on his face, Wang Qingshan clasped his fists and came in: "I've seen Si Cheng, have you heard of it?"

Ning Zhenzhen looked at him lightly.

Wang Qingshan smiled and said: "Sicheng has never heard of such a big event? Master Fakong is begging for rain outside the East City Gate, and this rain is what Master Fakong did."

He pointed his finger to the sky.

Zhao Zhihua was surprised: "Is this rain requested by Master Fakong?"

"It is said that this is the case." Wang Qingshan said with a lazy smile, "It's really amazing, with great magical powers."

"Then what?" Ning Zhenzhen said lightly.

Of course she knew about it.

Of course, she was very attentive about the matter of Fa Kong, but she didn't go to see it.

Moreover, she was very confident in Fakong, knowing that he would not do anything he was not sure about, and once he did, he would be completely sure.

Wang Qingshan smiled lazily: "Master Fakong is so powerful, let him do a little favor, won't our case be solved?"

He chuckled and said, "The rain can come down from the sky, so people on the ground are not a piece of cake for him?"

Ning Zhen was really annoyed~www.readwn.com~ but his face became more and more dull: "How about, Wang Qingshan, would you go and ask him for help?"

"I—?" Wang Qingshan shook his head and laughed: "I'm not a beauty, how could I ask Master Fakong to agree."

"Then you mean to ask me to beg him?"

"This is easy for Si Cheng, and I believe that Master Fakong will not refuse, right?" Wang Qingshan laughed.

Ning Zhenzhen said indifferently, "You deserve to be beaten again, get out."

"Sicheng, am I wrong?" Wang Qingshan smiled lazily and looked at her cynically: "Instead of exhausting the brothers, why don't you say a word in front of Master Fakong, just a word? ."

Zhao Zhihua's really bright eyes gradually brightened, and he felt that it was not good, so he hurriedly settled the situation: "Brother Wang, let's say a few words less, walk around, let's go have a drink."

He said to push Wang Qingshan.

However, Wang Qingshan lightly nudged him on the shoulder and almost hit him with a somersault.

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