
Chapter 380: fame

Fa Kong said: "It's not from the three major sects, nor is it from the six sects of the Demon Sect."

Xu Qingluo asked curiously, "It's neither the three major sects nor the six demon sects. What other sects are there that the Southern Supervisory Division is afraid of?"

Fakong smiled.

Xu Qingluo said puzzled: "Master, apart from the three major sects and the six demon sects, are there more powerful sects?"

"There are so many sects in the world, it can be said that there are countless sects. It is said that there are dragons and snakes in the Great Lakes. How can some sects with strong strength and average reputation not exist?" Fa Kong said: "There are many sects who do not seek fame and bury their fortunes. , If you think that there are only these two top sects in the world, you will be too underestimated by the heroes of the world."

"Then the sects of these two guys are very strong?" Xu Qingluo said: "Is it stronger than any of the six paths of the Demon Sect?"

"The number of people may not be enough, and the strength is not as good, but how difficult it is..." Fa Kong shook his head and said, "If these two die, many Nan Siwei will be unlucky."

"Monk, do you want to remind them?" Chu Ling asked.

Fkong smiled and said, "Your Highness, do you think they can hear us when we say this? ... Let's go our way."

"Senior brother..." Faning looked worried.

He felt that he should still be notified.

As for whether they will listen after the reminder, and whether they can listen in, it depends on their own fortunes.

But if you don't remind him, you will always have a grudge in your heart.

Fa Kong said: "Junior brother, if you want to tell them, then go."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Faning hurriedly saluted and fluttered away. His burly and sturdy body was like a feather drifting away with the wind. It seemed to be slow, but in fact he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Qingluo said softly, "Master thinks it's useless?"

"Yeah." Fa Kong nodded.

"...It should have some effect, right?" Xu Qingluo whispered.

Master has almost no last resort, but it is impossible to see every little thing accurately and not go wrong at all.

If you remind them that there is something wrong with the sect of these two people, wouldn't they take it to heart and be careless?

Any normal person would be more careful, right?

Fa Kong shook his head: "The Southern Supervisory Division is now in a period of expansion. The green-clothed inner division and the green-clothed foreign division merge. They will think that they have won, and then there will be no opponents, and there will be arrogant momentum."

"...Yes." Xu Qingluo nodded lightly.

Fa Kong said: "In this case, let alone the unknown sects, even the Six Paths of the Demon Sect are not in their eyes, and they will even be eager to move. I wish that the sects of these two people were a little more powerful. Let them show their skills and show their prestige."

"Is that so?" Xu Qingluo frowned and pondered.

Fa Kong looked at Chu Ling.

Chu Lingdao: "It's their business whether they listen or not, it's our business whether we say it or not, and if they don't listen, then it's their own death, and they can't blame us."

"Exactly." Zhou Yu nodded lightly.

She agrees with this point of view, but she wants to be worthy of my heart.

Fakong smiled.

Everyone has their own opinions and ideas, and he will not force it.

Just a passerby.

Looking at the world with a cold eye, watching the situation with a smile.

Faning's burly and sturdy body fluttered after him.

Xu Qingluo hurriedly smiled and said, "Uncle Shi, have they heard it?"

Faning scratched his head, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid..."

Xu Qingluo said, "Do you think Shishu is making a fuss?"

Fanin nodded slowly.

After hearing their warning, they smiled strangely and looked playful, as if they had heard something funny.

Faning is just honest and kind, not stupid. Seeing them like this, he knows that his kindness is contempt for them, that they look down on them.

"Forget it, let's go." Fa Kong said.

Fanning sighed and nodded.

The moonlight was like water, and they galloped in the moonlight, the wind gradually became cold, and the frost began to fall.

"Master, do we have to keep going?" Xu Qingluo said in a puzzled way, "Don't worry?"

"It's up to you." Fa Kong said: "If you want to hurry, hurry, if you want to rest, then rest."

"Then let's find a place to rest for the night, and it's not too late to travel tomorrow."

"Exactly." Chu Ling responded positively.

"Hey, there's a temple over there." Zhou Yu pointed to the distance, and they saw a cluster of firelights in the distance, reflecting the firelight of a temple in the mountains.

Everyone accelerated, came to this mountain temple, and saw a roaring bonfire inside.

This mountain temple has been dilapidated, and the door to the main hall is gone. You can directly see that the mountain **** statue in the temple has been broken in half, and only half of the mud tires are left.

There was still some paint left on the body of the body, and the offering table was nowhere to be seen, and a bonfire was burning in the open space in front of the mud body.

There were six men sitting by the bonfire.

The six men were dressed in two groups, one group was wearing yellow shirts and the other group was wearing green shirts, sitting on the left and right sides, facing the bonfire together.

In the crackling sound, the bonfire was burning fiercely, driving away the chill of the night, and the jumping firelight illuminated faces.

When Fa Kong and his party came outside the hall, the two groups turned to look at them at the same time.

When they saw Xu Qingluo, the three children, and the four adults, Fakong, they just turned their eyes to explore, but their expressions didn't change, they were still solemn and solemn.

Fakon and the others didn't look threatening, their temples were neither bulging, nor their eyes sparkling, they didn't look like masters.

Xu Qingluo stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Several seniors, we are tired from the journey and want to come in and take a rest. I wonder if it can be convenient?"

She spoke with a pleading look in her big eyes.

Zhou Yang secretly pouted.

Lin Feiyang originally wanted to speak, but when he heard Xu Qingluo say that, he stopped and glanced at Xu Qingluo with a smile.

"The world is all brothers, you are welcome. Come and sit down." A middle-aged man in yellow shirt said solemnly.

"Thank you, senior." Xu Qingluo suddenly smiled: "I haven't asked the senior's name, the little girl Xu Qingluo, the named disciple of the King Kong Temple in Daxueshan."

"Daxueshan King Kong Temple?" As soon as these words fell, surprised voices rang out one after another.

The originally indifferent people's expressions turned solemn, and they couldn't help sitting up straight, and their expressions and momentum suddenly changed.

Their gazes fell on Fakong and Faning, especially on the bald head.

Xu Qingluo pointed at Fakong and said with a full smile: "My master is a disciple of King Kong Temple.

Fakong He Shi, calmly said: "Poor monk Fakong."

"Poor monk Faning."

"Master Fakong, Master Faning, I am disrespectful." The two gangs saluted and stood up.

Xu Qingluo raised her slender eyebrows at Chu Ling, triumphantly.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the name of the King Kong Temple in Daxueshan is really enough, walking backward in the martial arts, relying on the reputation of the teacher can run rampant.

Chu Ling looked surprised.

She didn't expect that these martial arts tycoons would change their faces so quickly.

All the temples are high, and the eyes are shining, and at a glance, you can see that the cultivation base is not ordinary, and the momentum is extraordinary.

When Xu Qingluo first started, everyone looked like a master.

But after hearing the name on Xu Qingluo's newspaper, their arrogance and arrogance suddenly disappeared, and they immediately changed into a respectful look.

Does the name of Daisetsuzan Kongoji Temple really have such great power?

The two gangs had been secretly competing with each other before, and they were thinking about not showing signs of each other. At this time, they hurriedly got up and squeezed each other, leaving an area for Fakong and the others to sit down.

Fakong and Fakong thanked each other, and sat down without being polite.

Xu Qingluo leaned against Fa Kong to meet, while Lin Feiyang sat on the other side, just right and left with Faning.

After sitting down, amid the roaring bonfire, the atmosphere of the crowd became warm, no longer deserted as before.

The originally tense faces showed a smile.

A middle-aged man in yellow shirt said with a smile: "Daxue Mountain is mysterious and tyrannical. I'm eager to see it today. It's really good fortune to see it today! ... I don't know where the master came from?"

"Shenjing." Fa Kong smiled and said, "Where are you benefactors going?"

"It's a coincidence, we are going to Shenjing." A middle-aged man in a green shirt smiled and said, "Master came from Shenjing, do you know Nanju Division?"

Fa Kong nodded and smiled and said, "The Southern Supervisory Division? It has just been established, and it is in full swing. How can I not know it."

"We are going to the Southern Supervisory Division, wanting to be a Southern Superintendent."

"This is a good place." Fa Kong nodded.

"Master also thinks this is a good place to go?"

"A rare place to go."

"Is there a high-ranking monk in Daxueshan who joins the Southern Supervisory Division?"

"This..." Fa Kong shook his head: "Not yet."

"Why didn't Daxueshan join?"

"The poor monk is just an ordinary disciple, he only knows how to act according to orders." Fa Kong shook his head and smiled.

The person who asked the question also smiled embarrassedly, and quickly changed the subject: "Which company do you think we should join?"

Fa Kong is so old, although wearing a cassock, he should have some identity, but after all, he is too young to call the shots.

Asking him why the Daxueshan disciples did not join the Southern Supervisory Division really embarrassed him.

Fa Kong pondered: "Dongcheng should need manpower the most, right? He was just killed by the green-clothed inner division, and now he should need to replenish manpower."

"Kill...kill all?" Everyone was shocked.

Fa Kong smiled and looked at Xu Qingluo.

Xu Qingluo immediately took over the conversation: "Don't you seniors know about the conflict between the Southern Supervisory Division and the Luyi Nei Division that happened in Shenjing?"

Everyone shook their heads~www.readwn.com~Then let me tell you..."

Xu Qingluo spoke eloquently and vividly, hearing everyone's faces change, and their expressions became serious.

They originally thought that after joining the Southern Supervisory Division, they changed their bodies and became Nan Siwei, powerful and confident.

Unexpectedly, after joining the Southern Supervisory Division, it would be so dangerous, and it would be in danger of being destroyed at every turn.

Now, although the two yamen have compromised, who knows if they will stumble.

They looked at each other for a moment.

Xu Qingluo said with a smile: "But it should be fine now, the emperor is furious, the Luyi Division and the Southern Supervisory Division don't dare to mess around again, can it calm down for a while, right, Master?"

"Yeah." Fa Kong nodded.

Lin Feiyang said: "I guess it won't stop for too long, and the Southern Supervisory Division will be more and more unable to swallow this breath."

This time they are considered a serious setback, even if the green-clothed inner division is also included in the green-clothed outer division, it seems that the punishment is heavier.

But it is an indisputable fact that so many Nan Siwei was killed. This will become a shame for the Southern Supervisory Division. The stronger the Southern Supervisory Division is, the more they will not be able to bear this humiliation.


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