
Chapter 492: solve

Xu Qingluo didn't even look at the four men in green robes, as if they didn't exist and didn't appear, she turned her head to look at Chu Ling with a smile: "Sister Chu, you're so bold, have you really driven the secret guard of the forbidden palace away? "

"They're following along, it's a disappointment." Chu Ling nodded: "We came out to play, not to do anything dangerous, and we were only outside the city. With our light work, we ran back in the blink of an eye. "

There are infantry yamen in Shenjing City, as well as Nanju Division, and Shenwu Mansion.

"But now it's troublesome." Xu Qingluo smiled: "Uncle Lin doesn't seem to be able to handle it, and these guys come out again."

"Good job!" Chu Ling was eager to try, his eyes lit up.

Now she has become successful in her cultivation of fish and dragons. She has amazing divine power, and her cultivation base is advancing rapidly. She can't wait to show it off.

It's a pity that I usually fight with Xu Qingluo indistinguishably, and I'm making rapid progress, while Xu Qingluo is even faster and even better than me.

Zhou Yu and Zhou Yang are also two monsters, and their diligence is also rapid, and they are not weaker than themselves. If they are not changing, they cannot keep up with them.

It is said that their diligence is so fierce, one is because of their good aptitude, and more importantly, when they built the foundation, they combined the strengths of the three families, including the Guangming Art of the Guangming Holy Sect, the Taiyin Small Refinement Shape, and the Small Arhat Boxing.

When the three families met, they formed a wonderful reaction, which made their foundation solid and deep, just like building a building. The foundation was stable, deep and large.

Looking at the four men in green robes who rushed over, her eyes glowed with cold light, and her eyes also glowed, even brighter than theirs.

Compared with the killing intent of the four, she was excited and eager to move.

Fighting with the secret guards of the forbidden palace beside him all the time, and sparring with Xu Qingluo, Zhou Yu and Zhou Yang, was really not exciting enough, but now I can finally stimulate it.

Zhu Ni watched them approaching coldly, and lifted Jasper Xiao to her red lips.

The green jade flute and the red lips like flames mirrored each other, exuding a fatal attraction invisibly, making people's eyes cast involuntarily.

She pursed her red lips, forming a seductive mouth shape, and blew her cheeks gently.

Her current sound killing technique is extremely advanced, and she can roughly control the area of ​​sound and the general range of damage.

Behind her, Chu Ling, Xu Qingluo, Zhou Yu and Zhou Yang didn't notice the difference, but the four men in green robes on the opposite side were stagnant.

Xu Qingluo drank lightly: "It's now!"

She flew out like a spirit swallow, light and graceful, sliding out a graceful arc and flying towards the four men in green shirts.

The three of Chu Ling reacted immediately, and they rushed out with all their might, but unfortunately Xu Qingluo's light power was so excellent that they couldn't catch up.

Xu Qingluo patted one person's back, and the other three were one step later, so they each patted one person's chest and sealed the acupoint.

Xu Qingluo pulled off the green robe man's face towel, revealing a young face, making Xu Qingluo pouted.

I thought he was a top expert, but he was just a green-headed boy.

No sense of achievement at all!

The other three have learned something, and also pulled the man's face towel in front of him, revealing three young faces.

Chu Ling sighed and said, "No wonder they are so bold, they are all reckless and impulsive guys."

Attacking their own princess, they really lived a long life. Under normal circumstances, knowing that they are a princess, they can run as far as they should.

But these guys are good. They go all the way to the black, knowing that they are princesses, and they dare to rush out to find death.

"They are going to kill us to silence us." Xu Qingluo said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you are a princess or not, kill it and then throw it in the mouth of the beast, who knows they killed it?"

Chu Ling looked at her.

Xu Qingluo giggled and said: "Okay, there are secret techniques that can catch the murderer, but if they do, I'm afraid they've already run away, and they're not even in the big fight, so what can I do? ?"

She knew that the Tianhai Sword Sect had various islands overseas. How would the court pursue them if someone digs into those islands?

Even if you go to chase, I am afraid there will be a lot of obstructions, you may not really be able to chase, and in the end you even break yourself in.

This is the reason why the Tianhai Sword Sect is unscrupulous.

Chu Ling frowned: "Are they really so bold?"

"I'm going to kill you, Sister Chu, you still think people don't have that much courage, wake up!" Xu Qingluo said with a smile: "They have such courage, they dare to kill your princess!"

"It's you they're going to kill, hum!" Chu Ling gave her a white look.

Xu Qingluo said: "Okay, we're going to kill us all."

Zhu Ni sighed lightly, put down the jasper flute and said, "Actually, you want to kill me."

The four looked at her.

Zhu Ni said: "Killing me will distract Brother Lin."

Lin Feiyang said: "Sister, how is it over there?"

"Uncle Lin, it's not very good, you should run first!" Xu Qingluo shouted.

Zhu Ni was startled and looked at her puzzled.

Xu Qingluo smiled and shook her index finger, signaling her not to make too much noise.

Juni nodded.

In the woods, Lin Feiyang was being besieged by six people wielding swords, but it was Lin Feiyang who had the upper hand, and the six people were overwhelmed by him.

The sword light was continuous and fierce, but it was on the defensive, defending with the sword instead of attacking wildly.

When Lin Feiyang heard Xu Qingluo's words, he was sure in his heart, but his face became gloomy, his eyes were about to breathe fire, and his moves became messy and manic: "Damn you—damn—!"

The six were in high spirits.

None of them are great masters, but they are all good at assassination. If they were really great masters, they wouldn't be able to plot assassinations.

The swordsmanship is sinister and vicious, and the moves are all in pursuit of one-shot fatality, accurate and ruthless, with astonishing power, and they are often reckless.

With this kind of move, if there are one or two people, it is easy for Lin Feiyang to seize the flaw and kill them with one blow.

But after the six joined forces, they were immediately different.

They cover each other and have a tacit understanding with each other. They form a sword formation with amazing power.

The power of this sword formation is far from the sum of the six people, it is almost the power of multiplication.

Between the sword and the sword, there is no gap, forming a circular mask, no matter how fast Lin Feiyang's movement is, there is no gap to drill.

What's more, it's daytime.

The sky is bright and the sun is shining brightly, and the power of his Yuying Zhenjing is greatly reduced.

If it was at night, as soon as Yuying Zhenjing and Shadow Escape Technique were used, they would have fallen before they even had time to make a move.

Lin Feiyang is now restricted, and he has encountered such a tricky sword formation again. Although he is a great master, he still failed to overwhelm them or kill them for a while.

Lin Feiyang was secretly awe-inspiring.

I thought it would be easy to kill them with my own speed, but I didn't expect their combined power to be so difficult to deal with.

There are really a few brushes in the Tianhai Sword Sect, and arrogance also has arrogant capital and confidence. In today's scene, another person came and was killed by them long ago.

None of these six people can catch him with a single move, but after joining forces, they can block him.

But he wasn't worried.

When I ran into these six guys, I couldn't kill them for a while. They formed a turtle shell and couldn't start.

Zhu Ni was different. As soon as she used her sound-killing technique, no matter how many people there were, she could be brought down at once, without any resistance.

Coupled with Xu Qingluo's ingenuity, she can definitely prevail.

Hearing Xu Qingluo's words at this time, he was even more certain.

But to be anxious, this is the secret code Xu Qingluo set with him at the beginning, in order to deceive the opponent and play tricks on the opponent.

He had previously regarded this as Xu Qingluo's whimsical nonsense, and he had never used it before, but he never thought that it would finally be used today.

"Hey!" Lin Feiyang suddenly revealed a flaw, and one of them took advantage of the gap to enter, and the long sword almost pierced his chest.

He suddenly flicked his fingers, flicked the tip of the sword, and took advantage of the situation to pull the man closer, and slapped him flying.

The momentum of the six people joining forces suddenly collapsed.

Lin Feiyang's figure suddenly accelerated and turned into a shadow.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The six people flew up, forming a petal shape in the air and flying in all directions, landing heavily on a tree.

Some hang from branches, some are embedded in the trunk, and some fall under the roots, each trying to roll over to ease the pain.

The power of Lin Feiyang's palm is astonishing, from yin to poison, but from yang to fierce, and the two different strengths are constantly changing.

They feel that they are hot and cold, and their bodies are about to collapse in this constant change, which is unbearable.



The sound of footsteps came quickly from afar, and in the blink of an eye, they had already appeared beside Chu Ling and surrounded Chu Ling.

It was Fan Chenguang who was at the head.

He came closer and clasped his fists in a salute: "Senior Sister Zhu, we are late."

Zhu Ni smiled faintly: "You guys came just in time, ... These are the assassins who assassinated Her Royal Highness the Fifteenth Princess. Take them back and lock them up. They are from the Tianhai Sword Sect."

"...Yes." Fan Chenguang hesitated for a while, then nodded without hesitation, looking at Lin Feiyang who was floating out of the woods.

Lin Feiyang said: "Fan Junhou, there are six more here. They are also the assassins who assassinated Her Royal Highness the Fifteenth Princess, and they are also masters of the Tianhai Sword Sect."

Fan Chenguang waved his hand.

Twelve Shenwu Mansion masters got into the woods, quickly brought out the six severely injured people, and then took the original four, clasped their fists again, and left.

Xu Qingluo smiled and said, "After entering Shenwu Mansion, will they be able to come out this time?"

Lin Feiyang said: "Then see if Prince Yi will beg for mercy. The two goods that were released last time after begging are here again."

Chu Ling's face sank, and he hummed, "Is the third brother begging for them?"

Lin Feiyang said: "If it wasn't for Lord Yi's intercession, they would still be in the prison of Shenwu Mansion."

Zhu Ni said softly, "Only the face of Lord Yi can make the master nod his head and let them go."

Chu Ling snorted: "I'm going to find the third brother!"

Xu Qingluo said, "Sister Chu~www.readwn.com~ What's the hurry, ski first, it's not too late to go after skiing."

"...Also." Chu Ling smiled: "Then go skiing first, and then I will have a good talk with the third brother."

No matter who these guys kill, it's not a good thing, so they can't be allowed to come out to harm the martial arts.

Just keep it closed.

She hurriedly turned her head to look around, and hummed, "Fa Kong is still hiding in the dark and can't come out? It's just a mystery."

Xu Qingluo smiled and said, "Master may really have something to do."

Chu Ling pouted and said no more, so as not to make Xu Qingluo unhappy.

At this time, Fa Kong was sitting at Yuquan Restaurant in Dayong Tianjing, opposite to King Xin Chuxiang.

PS: After the update is completed, you can ask for a monthly pass for the fourth update. Big guys, come for a monthly pass.

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