
Chapter 512: wasted effort

This is also impossible.

There is nothing perfect in the world. It is extremely fast, stable and safe. There is no such mental method in the world.

Fa Kong said: "Do you want to recover now?"

"Don't worry." Li Ying shook her head: "Even if they don't recover, it's enough to kill them!"

Fa Kong frowned.

He heard Sen Ran's killing intent from these words, and a smiling voice sounded in Li Ying's heart: "Are you going to start killing?"

"If you don't kill it, you can't do it." Li Ying said lightly: "If you don't kill them, you think I'm soft-hearted, and I keep making concessions and compromises for the unification of the six realms of the Demon Sect."

Fa Kong nodded: "Once they think so, they will have to take every inch and constantly test your bottom line."

People are like this.

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard, you have to make an inch.

It's human nature, and everyone does it consciously or not.

Li Ying said: "Exactly."

Fa Kong said: "Then kill it, but don't you want to unify the six realms now?"

"The time is not ripe now." Li Ying said.

"When is the time to ripen?"

"When Liu Dao encounters a crisis, the external pressure increases, and the time when the Liu Dao needs to be twisted into a rope is the time for real unification."

"External pressure..."

"I'm going to start with the Tianhai Sword Sect."

"...you Can Tiandao are by no means an opponent of the Tianhai Sword Sect."

"Because it's not an opponent, that's why I started."

"When the Tianhai Sword Sect is in need of a prestige, if you send it to the door, it must be a big kill, and even kill you."

"Even if we are not opponents, we will never be destroyed, let alone whether we are opponents or not, it is unknown."

"Once we start, it is very likely that our Daxueshan and Guangming Sect will also start." Fa Kong said in her heart: "You still have to think twice."

"Then Master, let me see."

"...Okay, tonight." Fakong finally agreed.

The two looked at each other and showed a cold smile, seemingly sneering at each other, then turned around and went their separate ways.

Fakon thought it was interesting to play with her like this.

There were indeed people staring around, but not from the Tianhai Sword Sect.

He turned around and strolled slowly, occasionally stopping in front of the shops on both sides of the avenue to ask questions, and buying one thing from time to time.

After buying it, he put it in his sleeve, bought the second one and put it in his sleeve, and put the third one in his sleeve. On the way, he bought more than a dozen things and put them in his sleeve.

Although he has wide sleeves, no matter how big the sleeves are, they can't hold so many things. The two who stared at him from a distance frowned, puzzled.

I didn't see him putting things in other places, that is, in his sleeves. Could it be that his sleeves are really like the Buddhist saying that Xumi is hidden in mustard seeds?

Fa Kong watched with his eyes, and then used his mind to see their hearts directly and discovered their identities.

It turned out to be a disciple of the Demon Sect.

Fa Kong secretly shook his head.

It seems that the infighting of the Six Paths of the Demon Sect has begun to rage, especially the opposition to Li Ying has reached its peak.

Dare to follow Li Ying.

Even more daring, he even dared to follow himself.

Do you really think that you are muddy and have no temper?

No wonder these two Demon Sect disciples were so daring, but they were Ye Yu Dao disciples who were good at tracking and hiding. If they were other people, they might not have been able to find them.

"What the **** is this monk doing?"

"Have fun."

"Why are you so relaxed?"

"It makes me want to be a monk."

"Do you think all monks are as free as he is? No need to do morning and evening classes, no discipline, and even get close to beautiful women?"


Fakong frowned.

The dog couldn't spit out the ivory, and it looked like he needed a beating.

As soon as the thought moved, a voice sounded directly in the ear of Fu Qinghe in the outer courtyard of the King Kong Temple.

"Fu Qinghe, come here."

Fu Qinghe was watching the turtles by the release pond, and felt that they became more spiritual.

The water in the release pond is divine water, and the rejuvenation mantra and the heart-clearing mantra are blessed, so the spirituality of the six turtles has greatly increased, and the spirituality is still increasing.

Fu Qinghe felt that the movements of the six turtles had an inexplicable rhythm.

Hearing Fa Kong's voice, Fu Qinghe woke up from his intoxication, and his body flashed like a wisp of smoke, leaving the outer courtyard.

He doesn't have to sense carefully to sense where Fa Kong is.

Fakong's voice sounded in his heart: "Abolish the two tails behind me."

Fu Qinghe turned around, came to the opposite side of Fakong, walked along the other side of the street and crossed with Fakong.

Then I saw two young men.

These two youths were plain looking, walking slowly in the crowd, as if they were mediocre people who were idle in Shenjing.

As soon as they see such a temperament, people will think of their origins.

Their parents should be natives of Shenjing, their income is not high, but they have no worries about food and clothing, and they dote on them very much. In the end, they developed them into idle prodigal sons.

There are too many young people like this to be noticed.

People look away at one glance, too lazy to look.

Fu Qinghe fell behind them, and when they came to the corner of an alley, he suddenly accelerated, knocking the two into the alley.

Immediately lift the two, as if carrying two chicks deeper into the alley, throw them under the wall, turn around and leave.

In the process, their cultivation base has been abolished.

The two of them were lying softly under the wall, without a trace of strength, like two pools of mud.

They looked at each other, it was a plot!

As a disciple of Ye Yudao, he is a master of sneak attack and plot, I don't know how many people sneak attack and plot, and it turned out to be plotted by others!

A young man propped himself up with difficulty, let himself lean on the wall, and gritted his teeth: "Who is it?"

After they were abolished, it would take at least two or three years for them to practice again.

In two or three years, people who were originally similar to them will probably exceed a large number, and it will be difficult to catch up.

Since then, they have always been shorter than them.

This taste is obvious when you think about it.

I don't know how many enemies will keep pressing on their heads, ridicule and even find fault.

You have to endure the humiliation and survive, forcibly endure and endure again.

If you can't surpass them, you have to endure all the time, and you don't know when you can endure it to the end.

"I know, it's Fakong bald donkey!"

"It's him?... It's not his hand, right?"

"The guy just now was Fu Qinghe, and now he's the attendant of Fakong Bald Donkey. I recognize him!"

"Fa Kong, he is so sinister!"

"Sin deserves death!"

"How to do?"

"...I'll have to wait a while to get up."

"Let's send a signal."

"do not!"


"I really want to call the past, everyone knows that we have been abolished."

"...Fakong bald donkey, I won't kill you, I swear I won't be a human being!"


"Shhhhhh! Can't I scold me?"

"Don't scold so hard, in case that Fu Qinghe comes back..."

"...I'm just scolding, but I'm not really able to do it."

Fu Qinghe suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

He put his hand on the hilt of the sword and looked down at the two of them lightly.

The bright sunlight shone on the back of his head, dragging out a long shadow, which happened to fall on the two of them and their faces.

The two trembled.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he recognized Fu Qinghe by his body shape.

They immediately understood that it was Fu Qinghe who wanted to kill the two of them.

I didn't kill them before, but only abolished the martial arts of the two of them.

now what?

Is it because he heard his curse, so he believed it and wanted to cut the weeds and eradicate the future troubles?

Your own broken mouth!

He wanted to give himself a slap in the face.

He met Fu Qinghe's gaze and felt a strange indifference, looking at himself as if he were looking at a dead person.

In a hurry, he hurriedly said: "Wait, we have news to report to Master Fakong."


"We have news about Master Fakong."

"Speak." Fu Qinghe spat out a word.

"Say, then spare our lives!" The young man hurriedly said, "I didn't really want to kill Master Fakung."

"Long-winded!" Fu Qinghe drew his sword, revealing a small section of the blade.

Leng Sensen cold air burst out through a section of the sword, causing the two young people to fall into the ice cellar. This is the sword intent.

"I said, I said...Say!" The young man stammered.

Fu Qinghe pressed the sword back again.

Sen Leng's sword intent stopped abruptly and disappeared.

The two young men were already in a cold sweat.

Fu Qinghe looked at him lightly.

Another young man said solemnly: "We are monitoring Fakong... Master and Li Ying, the young master of the Dao of Cannibalism."

"Well." Fu Qinghe nodded and motioned to continue.

"We are not only under the orders of the Taoist master, there are other Taos." The previous youth said first: "It is the union of the three Taos!"

"Which three?" Fu Qinghe said lightly.

"In addition to our Yeyu Road, there are Diaoyue Road and Chenghai Road."

Fu Qinghe turned around and left.

The two young men let out a long sigh of relief.

They looked at each other with a look of luck.

I didn't expect that Fu Qinghe would be so easy to pass up, and he would let him go after only giving such a small news.

If Fu Qinghe continued to ask, he would continue to say how San Dao planned, and how, through Fa Kong's collusion with Li Ying, he charged Li Ying'an with an infatuation charge and pulled her down from the position of the young master.

And then forced Can Tiandao to abolish her martial arts, and even got rid of her through secret methods.

They know a lot.

Some were heard normally, and some were inquired through unique means. After all, Ye Yudao disciples, eavesdropping and spying are instinctive.

These were all clearly seen by Fa Kong's use of his Xintong, and he shook his head unceasingly.

"Yu-!" The two of them slumped under the wall, no longer insisting on sitting, and just fell to the ground and remained motionless.

"I was almost killed by your stinky mouth!"

"Yes, I'm stinky!"

"Alas - it's so comfortable to lie down!"

The two felt the joy and happiness of not dying, and felt that life was so beautiful.

"Hey." Suddenly a sneer sounded.

The two looked up, but they were two young men in sapphire blue gowns and long swords around their waists, looking at them with a smile.

The faces of the two changed slightly, and they felt bad.

"You are... Tianhai Sword Sect?!"

"Good eyesight!" The two young men in sapphire blue gowns nodded ~www.readwn.com~ They talked without hiding the two Ye Yudao disciples.

"How to kill?"

"Hey, whatever, it will be recorded on Fa Kong anyway."

"Fa Kong's swordsmanship is good."

"I don't think swords are needed to deal with these two wastes, right?"

"It's easy to leave breath without a sword, so use a sword."


"Then let me come." A Tianhai Sword Sect disciple said, "How about I throw my sword from a distance?"

"This way is good!"

"I'm coming!" The young man jumped, floated a hundred meters away, reached the end of the alley, and drew his sword out of its sheath.

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