
Chapter 526: stone wall

Chu Ling could not accept this fact.

Xu Qingluo now closes her eyes, which is even more powerful than opening her eyes, as if she can predict which move she will make.

In her opinion, this is simply outrageous.

How could it be even more powerful than keeping your eyes open with your eyes closed?

But Xu Qingluo did it.

No matter how unacceptable Chu Ling was, the truth was the truth. She was so angry that she kept letting Chu Ling close her eyes to discuss with herself, and she had to beat her.

It's a pity that after Xu Qingluo closed her eyes, she saw more in her heart, and she could even vaguely feel the flow of Chu Ling's breath, so she could vaguely guess her moves.

Zhou Yang, Zhou Yu and even Faning were amazed.

The next night, when Fakong came to Li Ying's courtyard, Li Ying bathed in the moonlight and recited the Great Compassion Mantra lightly.

She has now recited it with sincerity and sincerity, and has won the samadhi, which can calm the vague killing intent and restlessness in her heart.

She handed a jade pendant to Fakong: "This is her belongings."

Fa Kong took it, held it in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, and felt it carefully.

After a dozen breaths, he opened his eyes and shook his head.

Li Ying frowned.

Fa Kong said: "No, I can't find her."

"Huh?" Li Ying frowned.

Fakon sighed: "There are two possibilities."

"Could it be...?"

Fakong nodded: "Yes, a possible owner of this thing has died."

Li Ying's face changed slightly.

Her bright eyes flickered in the moonlight, like waves on the surface of a lake.

Fa Kong felt her murderous aura, shook his head and said, "Your killing intent is too strong, just the Great Compassion Mantra is not enough."

He took out a string of beads from his arms: "Put this on, maybe it will be useful."

Li Ying took it, absent-mindedly holding it in the palm of her hand, Miao Mu stared at him: "Is there another possibility?"

"There is another possibility, that their place is mysterious, which isolates the induction of qi and heaven." Fa Kong said.

"It's very possible." Li Ying hurriedly said: "She said that she could not spread the news through ordinary methods, and she was isolated from the world."

"If that's the case, it's really not easy to find." Fa Kong said: "It's useless to have this."

He handed back the jade pendant.

Li Ying reached out and took it into her arms, her bright eyes flashing: "It seems that I can't find that place."

"It's okay." Fa Kong smiled and said, "You'd better wear this bead all the time to suppress the boiling killing intent in your heart. Of course, it must be worn under your clothes."

He glanced at Li Ying's towering chest.

"Of course I know." Li Ying gave him a glance.

Fakong's eyes made her feel strange, and she hurriedly said, "You don't want to see this cave?"

"There is always a way." Fa Kong said: "How can there be no seamless clothes? It's really impossible, just catch two elders of the Tianhai Sword Sect and ask."

Li Ying suddenly became silent.

Her face gradually became gloomy, and she frowned: "In the past few days, she no longer has news, I judge that the blockade is more strict, she will not have the opportunity, but..."

Because when she heard about the first possibility just now, she felt a whim, blood surged, and a faint sense of ominousness.

Hearing the second possibility of Fakong, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But looking back on it now, it still doesn't feel right.

After the cultivation base was deep, her intuition became more and more sensitive, even a spiritual sense beyond intuition, which made her extremely confident.

Fa Kong's eyes suddenly became as deep as the sea.

Li Ying looked at him calmly.

After a while, Fakong's eyes returned to normal, and he nodded: "Your secret spy has indeed had an accident, ... is it your playmate since childhood?"

"She has...?" Li Ying's face changed greatly.

Fa Kong said: "It was indeed discovered by the Tianhai Sword Sect...but it should not be executed yet, there is still a chance."

Li Ying suddenly reached out and grabbed his hands.

Her hands were like suet white jade taken out of clear water, both delicate and soft, but also refreshingly cool.

Her jade hands were trembling slightly.

Holding Fa Kong's right hand, Li Ying stared at him.

Fa Kong said slowly: "I'll try my best, but the chance is not big, you have to be prepared."

"...she can't die," Li Ying said softly, "she shouldn't die."

Seeing her heartbroken appearance in the future, Fakong patted the back of her palm soothingly, and said warmly, "Then give it a try."

Li Ying held his big hand tightly, trying to find some kind of support and guarantee, but her heart was empty and helpless, giving birth to inexplicable helplessness and panic.

In front of fate, in front of such a long distance, even though her swordsmanship is peerless, she is still helpless and powerless.

Fa Kong pondered for a while: "I want to enter meditation, don't let people come to disturb me, ... give me the jade pendant. If she has other belongings, take it with her."

Li Ying hurriedly let go of his hand, took out the jade pendant with warmth and fragrance from her arms and handed it to him.

Fakong held it with his left hand, closed his eyes and did not move.

Li Ying felt that his soul was suddenly separated from the body, as if he flew into the sky in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Her heartstrings were tense, she looked at Fa Kong, frowned and thought for a while, then got into the room and started rummaging.

After a while, she found two dolls.

These two ragdolls are holding hands and linked together, they were originally together.

These two puppets looked like two little swordsmen, both with swords at their waists, with curved eyebrows and eyes, and one of them vaguely resembled Li Ying.

Li Ying stood in front of Fakong with a puppet.

Fakong's soul has returned to his place, and he stretched out his right hand.

Li Ying tacitly handed over the doll, and Fakong held the doll in his right hand and did not move.

Li Ying stared at him closely.

After more than 20 breaths, Fa Kong suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes glowing with golden light, as if they were real.

His eyes seemed to emit two golden rays of light and hit the doll.

Li Ying was attracted by the difference in his eyes.

She felt that the golden light in Fakong's eyes was not like an empty light, but more like a long sword made of gold, sticking out of his eyes and stabbing into the doll's body.

Dharma Kong has merits emerging every day, and as time goes by, more and more merits are emerging every day.

Now it has been quite impressive, enough to have one-third of the harvest of the blessing ceremony.

Of course, this month, there will be a blessing ceremony again, and the merits gained must not be comparable to the previous one.

These merits were originally used to advance the level, but this time they all poured into the eyes.

Jin Jing has always been nourished by the light of merit and virtue, but this time, he pushed it hard and pushed it abruptly to another level.

Now the golden eyes, the ability of the hole is even stronger.

Under the golden eyes, if he had something to gain, after seeing the double doll, he looked at Li Ying again.

Li Ying felt that her clothes were all ripped off, and he looked clean.

Annoyed and ashamed, she glared at him fiercely.

However, the golden light in Fa Kong's eyes had already turned to the distance, projected onto the southern sky, and then his figure disappeared without a trace.

Li Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

This is Fa Kong's magical powers, which means that Zhou Xiang is saved.

Fakong appeared on top of a cliff.

At this time, a round of bright moon took the lead, no different from the round of bright moon in Li Ying's yard.

The same bright and flawless, the same cool as water.

Fa Kong had already opened his eyes, and he saw a woman in the cave.

She has been abolished, sitting in front of the stone cave with a haggard face, looking at the vast sea under the moonlight, her eyes are hazy.

This cave is about 100 meters high, and below it is the raging wave, the water splashes, and the sound of rushing is endless.

And his position is on the top of the cliff directly above the cave.

He flashed, appeared silently in a pine forest on the top of the mountain, and continued to observe the surroundings.

The cliff faces the sea on one side and lush greenery on the other, covered with pine forests, and the sea breeze roars past.

Obviously, there is an island in front of you.

He was not in a hurry to see Zhou Xiang, his figure flickered, and he explored the entire island silently.

This island is a circle with a radius of about fifty miles, surrounded by sea, and the fog is not far away.

He could feel a strange force around him, but it was a strong magnetic field.

This strong magnetic field will affect the operation of one's own internal force, and even the operation of the spirit, and it is easy to produce hallucinations.

There is a pool in the center of the island, the diameter of the round pool is about 100 meters.

Around the water pool, there were masters of the Tianhai Sword Sect, twenty-four swordsmen, all standing by their swords, always maintaining a state of vigilance.

Although there were no outsiders on the island except for the disciples of the Tianhai Sword Sect, they still maintained their vigilance.

Not all Tianhai Sword Sect disciples were allowed to approach the water pool.

Fakong continued to watch, and saw that they were already diving into the water at the bottom of the pool, slashing and stabbing a stone wall with their swords.

Others pound with their fists and slap with their palms.

And hit with a hammer.

Even in deep water, the muffled sound of "bang bang" is still in the ears.

The stone wall, nearly ten meters long and three meters high, remained unchanged under their mad attack.

The Tianhai Sword Sect masters who are attacking are all incompetent, and they are all great masters.

All of them are magic weapons.

But the weapon of the gods can't leave a trace on the stone wall, but the fist and palm can leave a trace.

But in the end, all traces slowly disappeared, and the stone wall returned to normal.

Fa Kong frowned slightly.

Could it be that they have been grinding for five years without progress?

This is a bit too much.

He watched for a while ~www.readwn.com~ and felt bored, as did those who were madly attacking.

Their cultivation base is deep, and even if they are underwater, they will not hold their breath.

After watching for a while, he watched Zhou Xiang.

Zhou Xiang's martial arts were all useless, and she was sent to the cave, without water or food, to starve her to death.

This is obviously one of the slowest ways to die.

That's how to punish her.

If she is really strong and desperate, she can jump down and commit suicide.

If she is not willing to die, she will suffer hunger and thirst and slowly die day by day.

She suffered both mental and physical torture, and finally died of torture.

This is their punishment for traitors.

Zhou Xiang was obviously starving for a few days, his martial arts was disabled, and in a weak state, not eating or drinking for a few days was enough for her, and she was already groggy and confused.

Seeing Fa Kong appear, she didn't react.

Fa Kong performed a rejuvenation mantra, followed by a heart-clearing mantra, and took out a box of snacks and a jar of water from his sleeve.

Zhou Xiang woke up, his whole body recovered quickly, and Xingyan looked at him with wide eyes.

Fa Kong's voice sounded directly in her mind: "Don't speak, someone is watching you outside, I came here at the request of Li Yingxiang, Miss Zhou eats something and drinks some water, and then continues to pretend to be the same."

Zhou Xiangxing's eyes flashed, and he nodded lightly.

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