
Chapter 55: ?No words

Fa Kong got up and saluted: "I have seen the prince."

"Father." Chu Yu clasped his fists.

Chu Xiang strode into the small pavilion, glanced at him lightly, ignored him, and smiled at Fa Kong: "Master, I'm disturbed."

"Your Highness doesn't have to be so polite." Fakong smiled.

"Last night was really dangerous, if it wasn't for the master, the consequences would be unpredictable..." He smiled, his face heavy: "This Lin Feiyang is hard to guard against!"

"The lord didn't take him down?"

"His light work is astonishing, and he is thirty or forty feet in an instant.

Fakong nodded.

"It's also a strange man, but he assassinated the most important members of the court, and even assassinated Prince Nanxuan. He is really rampant and lawless." Chu Xiang said solemnly: "Such a madman, I don't know how much trouble it will cause."

He shook his head: "Relying on extraordinary achievements, treating the world's heroes as nothing, and disregarding the laws of the court, alas..., it is really self-destruction."

Fakong nodded.

There are miracles that are hidden in the shadows without a trace, coupled with the ultimate lightness, you can advance silently and retreat freely.

Don't you know that there is no such thing in the world, no matter how powerful people are, if they lose their respect, they will definitely suffer the backlash from heaven and earth.

The more he possesses extraordinary powers, the more he has to hide himself and use it to save his life at critical moments.

But this one is good, but he acts recklessly, as if he is afraid that others will not know his ability.

This is setting yourself up as a target.

The world is big, hiding dragons and crouching tigers, yin and yang interact with each other, there will always be someone who restrains his martial arts, and sooner or later it will be finished.

Thinking of this, Fa Kong shook his head.

This is a very bad example to be taken as a warning.

I have the indestructible magic power of King Kong, but I can't make it known to everyone.

However, it is difficult to hide the magic of King Kong's not bad, because it is too strange, so sword qi still needs to be practiced, and there are more killers.

"Master Fakong, Gu has collected some Buddhist treasures over the years, Master would you like to see it?"

Fkong was suddenly interested.

What can enter the eyes of this king of faith is by no means an ordinary Buddhist weapon.

"Please—!" Chu Xiang laughed.

He then looked slightly dark, and glanced at Chu Yu lightly: "You should follow."

"Yes, King Father." Chu Yu was accustomed to his indifference and didn't care, and walked out with Fa Kong.

After three turns and two turns, after passing through the neat compound of Yazhong Industry, I came to a monastery.

Red walls and green tiles.

There are nine steps at the entrance of the temple.

Stepping into the temple gate, there is a delicate incense burner in the middle of the courtyard, and the smoke curls up into the sky.

The north is the Daxiong Hall, and the left and right side halls are the Hall of Fawang, the Hall of Guanyin and the Hall of Tibetan Scriptures.

This temple is dozens of times smaller than King Kong Temple and Daleiyin Temple.

The open space in the center of the hall is only ten meters square, which is a little narrow, and the hall is much smaller than the King Kong Temple and the Daleiyin Temple.

But sparrows are small, but they have all the internal organs.

The tranquility and remoteness of the monastery did it.

At a glance, Fakron knew that this was done by a famous master, and it was definitely not something that ordinary craftsmen could do.

When I was in this monastery, I suddenly felt calm, as if I was far away from the worldly troubles and the troubles of the world.

"This is the Buddhist temple built by Madam." Chu Xiang smiled and said, "It's also the place where she comes most often."

Just last night, the eminent monks who prayed for the Buddhist scriptures were invited away, so now it is empty and no one is there.

Fakong moved towards the Mahavira Hall.

"Master, come with me." Chu Xiang led him into the Tibetan Sutra Building.

On the first floor, there is a dazzling array of Buddhist utensils.

There are buzzers, such as wooden fish, Qingqing, bells, and drums.

There are also personal equipment, golden bowl, Zen staff, Jie Dao, and whisk.

There are also some jewelry and the like.

There are also several strings of beads.

Fa Kong nodded, his eyes swept past them, and did not stop.

As soon as Chu Xiang saw it, he took him to the second floor.

The second floor is full of Buddhist scriptures.

However, these Buddhist scriptures are not like those of Daleiyin Temple and King Kong Temple, but are hidden in boxes.

Fakong opens up.

"Amitabha Sutra", "Huayan Sutra", "Lengyan Sutra", "Prajna Paramita Sutra"...

Except for the first "Amitabha Sutra", which was written by Sika Bayye, the rest are all silk and silk.

Fa Kong took them over and looked at them one by one.

When the last Buddhist scripture was opened, it turned out to be a wordless book, and the dim silk volume was also full of the vicissitudes of the years, but there was not a single word.

Fa Kong looked up at Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang said: "This is indeed a Buddhist scripture. It was put together with other Buddhist scriptures in an ancient temple. Those scriptures turned into ashes because of the time. Only this scripture is good. Unfortunately, the words on it are also Gone."

He shook his head: "Maybe the ink for writing can't withstand the power of time, it's a pity."

Fa Kong nodded thoughtfully.

This is also a common occurrence, as is the case with some Buddhist scriptures, where the paper used can withstand the time, but the ink cannot.

After all, ink is more volatile.

"These Buddhist scriptures are all passed down in ancient times, and they can be regarded as rare books." Chu Xiang said: "For those of us who do not understand Buddhism, they may only be antiques, but for Buddhist disciples, they are rare. Masters can choose some."

Fakong smiled and shook his head.

Chu Xiang said: "My wife has you to save me, and I can't repay the great kindness. If my wife didn't like these things too much, it would be fine to give them all to the master."

Saving Xu Miaoru made him more grateful than saving his own life.

It's just that he's not good at expressing gratitude.

Not to mention using these Buddha treasures to send each other, even if the entire palace gave it to Fakong, he did not hesitate.

Fa Kong smiled and shook his head, stretched out his hand and took out the wordless scripture: "Then I will take this Buddhist scripture."


"Saving the princess' life, the reward has been paid, the prince will not say more."

"...Okay." Chu Xiang nodded helplessly.

Of course, he also knew what Chu Yu had done at the beginning, because Xu Miaoru was seriously ill, so he didn't care about it at all.

And this is not a hope, and there may be unexpected gains in one more way.

Didn't expect it to be such a big gain.

Treetops on the moon.

Fa Kong sent the three brothers Chu Yu away, walked out of the small pavilion where the smell of alcohol was still lingering, came to the center of the courtyard, bathed in the sun, and took out the wordless Buddhist scriptures.

The moon is like water, and this Buddhist sutra faintly flashes with light.

But he looked at it for a long time, and there was nothing different.

As if the light just now was just an illusion.

Fa Kong did have a strange feeling about this wordless Buddhist scripture, a very weak feeling. If he hadn't been sensitive, he probably wouldn't have noticed this strangeness.

Unfortunately, this wordless Buddhist scripture was mediocre. After he got it back, he tried many methods to no avail.

Whether it was injecting infuriating energy, condensing into the spirit, or even dripping blood, there was no response.

Until this flash of light just now.

He had no doubts about his own eyesight, it was neither dazzling nor delusional, there was indeed a flash of white light.

Is this material different?

He looked carefully, touched it with his hand, and turned against the moonlight, but unfortunately no white light flashed again.

He shook his head, not paying much attention.

As long as there is mystery, it will be revealed sooner or later. Anyway, you have more time, so take your time.

He held a wordless Buddhist scripture in his hand, tapped his palm lightly, and recalled what he had just said to the three brothers in the moonlight.

They came to invite him to a restaurant in the city for a banquet, and they wanted to thank him.

He politely declined.

A restaurant is a busy place, so stay away from it.

One more day to go, don't fall short.

If you want to enjoy food and wine, you will have a long time in Japan. Don't be in a hurry at this time. It's not too late to enjoy yourself until you are successful in your own cultivation and self-preservation.

So the four of them were in his small courtyard, and Chu Yan asked the cook in the house to cook a table of delicious food and serve it with fine wine.

During the banquet, the three brothers were in high spirits. After all, Xu Miaoru turned the corner, which was a great happy event.

When it comes to Dharma's mantra, it's amazing, it's really miraculous.

With Dharma Kong, they are not afraid of getting sick. If they get sick again, they just need to go to Dharma.

Fakong also promised that if they were going to get sick, they could go to the King Kong Temple to find themselves, and they would definitely help them.

This makes them even happier.

But halfway through the meal, their interest slowly waned and turned into a boring drink.

They talked about the current situation of the Xinwangfu.

The situation for King Xin was not very good for a while.

There are rumors in the market that the King of Letters was fornicating with the remnants of the previous dynasty's Dayi.

This is a great crime.

The emperor neither attacked nor questioned King Xin, as if he hadn't heard the rumor at all, so people judged that it would be difficult to pass the level of King Xin.

The emperor's eyes and ears are rare in the world. How could he not know this rumor, but he didn't question King Xin. This was to prevent King Xin from defending himself.

If the emperor directly attacked, questioned or scolded, the matter would have been exposed, and it would have been intriguing.

Chu Jiong was drinking and yelling.

Anyone with any brains knows that this is a rumor.

As a great prince, the prince, how could it be possible to fornicate with the remnants of Dayi, it is simply a big joke.

But many people believe that there are noses and eyes.

Simply outrageous!

What is going on in this world, the father and the king are dedicated to serving the public and act with conscience~www.readwn.com~ Instead, they are excluded everywhere and constrained everywhere.

Chu Yan hurriedly stopped him and told him to speak carefully.

"What should I be careful about, big brother, I can't talk happily in my own home?"

"Be careful that the partition wall has ears!"

"Even in front of the emperor's grandfather, I said that, but anyone with a little brains knows that this is a rumor spread by people with ulterior motives, just to drive the father out of the position of the nine-door admiral, with ulterior motives!"

"Shut up!" Chu Yan lowered his face and stopped drinking.

Chu Jiong was already slightly drunk, and after being drank by him like this, he immediately sobered up, muttered a few words but closed his mouth.

Chu Yan's face slowed down and his voice slowed down: "Second brother, you have to believe in the wiseness of the emperor's grandfather, the father will be fine!"

"...I hope so." Chu Jiong said angrily.

He looked at his father's expression, but it didn't look like he was okay.

Fakong shook his head.

As a prince, as long as you don't rebel, you won't be killed, but fornicating with the remnants of Dayi is tantamount to rebellion.

This rumor is too poisonous.

But this is not necessarily a rumor.

Thinking of this, he looked up at the sky.

A bright moon hangs high, just like the light wheel behind the Medicine Buddha. It is bright and flawless, pure and beautiful.

As soon as he thought of the light wheel, he couldn't help but return to the gods to observe.

After Medicine Buddha, the light wheel is like a mirror.

The power of belief should be around six o'clock, and six magical powers can be used.

Tomorrow, it will be eight o'clock.

Two points must be kept, which is the trump card for escape.

The remaining six points can be wasted. I don't know if Xu Miaoru can't provide faith every day without seeing herself. After all, she has more power of faith.

It's just a pity that I will leave tomorrow, and it is a big shock that I can't harvest my faith again.

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