
Chapter 771: Dragon Sound

Lin Feiyang patted her shoulder: "Don't regret it since you did it, I will check this deputy guard, I really can't ask the abbot to check it out, even if he is really a good official, he can't stay, and he will be overthrown. Say it again."

Juni nodded slightly.

The world is so helpless.

Originally, I thought that it was not a good thing to condone my son to do such evil things.

But when I entered Yuxia Pass, I found that he was actually a good official.

"Miss Zhou can read people's hearts, don't you see anything?"

"He has a treasure on his body, which blocks the wisdom of the heart."

"A small deputy guard, and such a treasure?" Lin Feiyang hummed: "It's not easy."

"Maybe it's his son's filial piety. These horse bandits have looted countless times." Zhu Ni said.

"That's it." Lin Feiyang said: "Although he didn't kill, but his son killed, he got the benefits of killing."

Zhu Ni was silent for a moment, then said softly: "Be careful, I don't think this deputy guard is easy."

Lin Feiyang nodded solemnly: "Well, I won't be careless."

The so-called person who is close to Mo is black and close to Zhu is red. He has been with Fa Kong for a long time, and naturally he has learned to be cautious and will never look down on anyone.

This pair of garrison actually has a treasure of defensive observation, which means that it is extraordinary and cannot be regarded by ordinary people.

The two embraced for another quarter of an hour. Lin Feiyang heard a movement and pushed her away gently: "I'll go and stare at that guy first."

"Be careful." Zhu Ni stroked the drooping hair on her temples, blushing with embarrassment.

Lin Feiyang was emotional and couldn't help but want to pull her into his arms again, but Xu Qingluo's voice had already sounded: "Uncle Lin, is that you?"

Lin Feiyang snorted, glanced at Zhu Ni reluctantly, and disappeared in a flash.

The tent was opened, and the three of Xu Qingluo came in.

Xu Qingluo glanced left and right, not letting go of any corner.

Zhu Ni blushed even more when she saw her, and hurriedly said, "Have you come back so early?"

"I've played it all over, it's boring." Xu Qingluo glanced around and replied casually, "Uncle Lin is also really interesting."

Jun Ni glared at her.

Xu Qingluo retracted her gaze and giggled: "What is he running for? When he came, he saw you alone, Sister Zhu, and didn't want to see us at all, so heartless and heartless!"

"Hugh, stop talking nonsense." Zhu Ni said with a blushing face.

Zhou Yuxiao pulled Xu Qingluo's sleeves.

Going on, Zhu Ni is going to be so embarrassed.

Xu Qingluo restrained her smile and said sternly: "Sister Zhu, we went to inquire about it. This deputy guard really has an excellent official voice.

Zhu Ni frowned: "Well, that's it for now."

Xu Qingluo's bright eyes turned on her face, thoughtfully.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Ni felt inexplicably guilty, and her face flushed red again, like a drunken beauty.

Zhou Yudao: "Uncle Lin wants to stare at him?"

Zhu Ni nodded lightly.

Zhou Yang said with a smile: "Fortunately, Uncle Lin is here. With his help to watch, there must be a flaw."

If you can't ask your uncle for help, the uncle won't help, and it's great to have Uncle Lin to help.

"If there is any flaw, he will be brought down." Xu Qingluo hummed: "The son does not teach, the fault of the father, who made him have such a son who deserves death!"

All three nodded.

They agree with this view.

This world, this concept is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If the son made a mistake, as an old man, he must be responsible, especially for such a vicious thing.

Ning Zhenzhen and Xie Yunhao quickly caught up with the fourteen black-robed old men.

Fourteen people were divided into three rows, four to six, like fourteen skeletons wrapped in black robes, and the shape of the jagged bones was clearly visible on the black robes.

Ning Zhenzhen was hanging far away, about 300 meters away, without getting close.

When they got close, they had to use secret techniques to escape. About 300 meters was just right. It was dangerous when they were close, but it was unnecessary when they were far away.

The fourteen black-robed old man finally stopped in a green bamboo forest, turned his head to glance at the two of them, and ignored them.

"Miss Mo, you said that they are old, and they are still great masters. They should be greedy for life and fear death. How dare they come here?"

"Maybe Dayun's reward is rich enough."

"What kind of reward is there to allow fourteen of their great masters to die?"

"It is estimated that it will be of great benefit to Xuanmeng Sect." Ning Zhenzhen shook his head gently: "General benefits will not allow them to die calmly."

It is indeed a good deal to use fourteen old men who are dying in exchange for the rise of the sect.

"So, they are for Xuanmeng Sect?"

"It should be so."

"...I admire it a bit." Xie Yunhao couldn't help thinking of himself.

If his death was exchanged for the rise of his daughter, would he agree?

I'm afraid to think about it.

Unless it is at the juncture of life and death, you must choose one between your daughter and yourself to die for her, otherwise, it will not give up her life just for her future.

Ning Zhenzhen said: "Old Xie, no matter what they are for, whether they are good or bad, they are the ones who want to kill us."

"Ah..., yes." Xie Yunhao sighed.

Ning Zhenzhen glanced at him.

The two were standing on the top of a bamboo forest, the bamboo forest undulating with the wind like blue waves, a gust of wind blew, and the rustling sound was everywhere.

They rise and fall with the green bamboo.

Ning Zhenzhen was wearing a green shirt, and her graceful and graceful figure rose and fell with the green bamboo, and the green shirt fluttered, which was pleasing to the eye.

Xie Yunhao turned a blind eye to this and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm just like this, sentimental, out of place sentimental."

Ning Zhenzhen said: "This shows that you have a pure and pure nature, Lao Xie."

"Haha..." Xie Yunhao smiled.

In today's world, Chunliang is not something to be admired, strong martial arts is the foundation, and one's own martial arts is not strong enough.

If it weren't for the fact that his tracking skills were a must, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to enter the King Chung Palace as a guest minister.

Ning Zhenzhen was refreshed: "Come on."

Xie Yunhao looked at the situation and found nine yellow clouds floating in the distance.

The nine bald heads gleamed brightly in the sunlight, but they were nine monks, wearing bright yellow monk robes, fluttering like clouds.

Their movements are slow, light and elegant, and when they fly, they are elegant and out of the dust, which is different from ordinary light work.

Generally, Qinggong gives people the feeling of being fast, but their Qinggong feels elegant, as if they are floating in the wind.

People will have an inexplicable illusion when they look at them. They seem to never fall and fall, and they have been floating up and down.

The monk at the head, slender and handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, high nose bridge, red lips and jade face, is really a rare beautiful man.

The bald head didn't detract from his handsomeness at all, but the shininess on the top of his head added a little more handsomeness and aura.

It is the famous Yuande monk from Dayong.

Yuande Divine Monk glanced at Ning Zhenzhen and Xie Yunhao from a distance, saluted them, and swept their bodies towards the fourteen black-robed old men.

Fourteen black-robed old men were parked in a green forest. When they saw them appear, they stood up one after another.

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"Amitabha!" The monk Yuande proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha!" The other eight middle-aged monks announced the Buddha's name at the same time.

The Buddha name of the Yuande monk is peaceful, and the other eight Buddha names are high-pitched, condensing together, forming a strange vibration.

Xie Yunhao found that his body was shaking, and every muscle was shaking, as if he was about to break away from his bones.

His face changed greatly, and he looked at Ning Zhenzhen.

Ning Zhenzhen's expression was calm, and there was no abnormality.

She threw a jasper pendant from Luo Xiu.

When they returned to Prince Chun's mansion, they had already handed it back to Ning Zhenzhen with great reluctance.

Although they were extremely reluctant to give up and wanted to take it as their own, they had the grace to save their lives, and they couldn't be shameless to ask for it.

In the end, I saw that Lord Chun was going to leave two pieces.

Xie Yunhao was busy catching the jasper pendant.

Immediately, the cool breath penetrated into the palm of the hand, along the arm to the mind, and the trembling and detachment of the body disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately stunned, he said softly, "What kind of miracle is this?"

Ning Zhenzhen said softly, "It should be the sound of the Demon-Fulong Dragon."

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the famous Yuande monk, and it is worthy of being the Great Miaolian Temple. This dragon sound of subduing demons has a preemptive effect.

Suddenly, the other party almost collapsed.

Looking at the fourteen old men in black robes, the black robes were hunting and drumming, as if standing in the wind, with skeleton-like faces clenching their teeth.

"Amitabha!" The monk Yuande shrugged again, his voice getting lower and lower, like a low roar from ancient times.

Even though Ning Zhenzhen and Xie Yunhao were far apart, even though there was a heart-clearing mantra lingering around, they still felt the eardrums being tapped heavily, and the rumbling sounded like thunder.

"Amitabha!" The eight middle-aged monks shouted at the same time, as high as a voice from the Nine Heavens.

The two voices matched.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

Fourteen black-robed old men flew out one after another, spraying **** arrows in the air, and fell heavily into the bamboo forest.

Xie Yunhao was stunned, he didn't expect Yuande and the monks to be so fierce.

Soldiers are not bloody.

Ning Zhenzhen watched intently.

She looked solemn, not happy, because she found that the expression of Yuande was not relaxed, but more dignified.

She then looked at the fourteen black-robed old men lying in the bamboo forest.

After they spewed a **** arrow, they didn't feel weak, but their eyes were bright and bright.

Yuande monks put their palms together~www.readwn.com~ toward Ning Zhenzhen and they bowed.

Ning Zhenzhen gritted her teeth, her figure flashed three times, and Qingying had already crossed more than 300 meters and landed beside the fourteen black-robed old men, with her palms fluttering.

Flying like a jade butterfly, it lightly knocked two black-robed old men into the air, then flashed again, and knocked two more.

"Amitabha!" The monk Yuande proclaimed the Buddha's name again.

This Buddha's name became more and more deep and deep, as if the heavens and the earth were ringing.

"Amitabha!" The high-pitched and agitated Buddha's name followed, matching his Buddha's name, filling the space between heaven and earth.

Ning Zhenzhen's figure became light, psychedelic, and slow, and his palms had easily slapped six people away.

In the blink of an eye, only four black-robed old men remained.

The four black-robed old men turned around and left, but were caught up by Ning Zhenzhen.

"Amitabha!" The voices of the monk Yuande and the other eight monks sounded at the same time, causing the four black-robed old men to stagnate.

Immediately, they were knocked out by Ning Zhenzhen.

Ning Zhen really flickered and returned to Xie Yunhao.

The monk Yuande came to Ning Zhenzhen flutteringly, while the other eight monks went to clean up the black-robed old men who fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Lord Mo." Yuande monk Heshi, thanked him solemnly.

Ning Zhenzhen smiled lightly: "The little girl is just the icing on the cake, Master Yuande has worked hard."

The priest of Yuande shook his head quietly: "Without the donor Mo, I'm afraid it will take a lot of work."

The Demon-fighting Dragon Sound of Damiaolian Temple specializes in restraining this kind of spiritual magic.

But these fourteen black-robed old men are too deep to be defeated by the sound of the dragon.

Chapter 771 Longyin (Three Updates)

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