
Chapter 788: exchange

Fa Kong raised his brows: "Injuring the body, but it can prolong life?"

"Yes." Monk Yuande said, "You won't die if you're injured, but you can live with all five tuberculosis and seven injuries."

Fa Kong said: "The old man Jiuyuan is in this state of being injured and not dying?"

Monk Yuande's eyes narrowed and he looked at him.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Master doesn't think I don't know that the old man of Jiuyuan is still alive, right? Over seven hundred years old, it's really a good person who doesn't live long, a disaster for a thousand years!"

Monk Yuande looked solemn, and he saluted: "Master's magical powers, admire!"

Fakong smiled at him.

Monk Yuande's face is still very thick, and he has no guilt at all, as if the most important news is insignificant.

Monk Yuande said solemnly: "Old Jiuyuan is indeed alive, but he is about to die."


"He has been injured but not dead, but the injuries over the years have continued to stack up, and after all, he can't hold it anymore. According to the news we got, he has entered a state of five declines, and his life is not long."

"How long can he last?"

"..." Monk Yuande thought for a while, then said slowly, "He definitely won't last a year!"

"Even if it is the state of heaven and man," Fakong shook his head and said, "it still doesn't delay him from killing, right?"

"...Yes." Monk Yuande nodded slowly.

Fa Kong said: "My current cultivation base can't deal with him, is it?"

"...Yes." Monk Yuande nodded helplessly.

Asking these few questions made him seem too despicable and shameless, as if he was deliberately inciting Fa Kong to die.

Fakong shook his head and smiled: "Master knows that I can't deal with him, but he didn't plan to tell me that he was alive. Did he want to kill me with his hand?"

"There is no reason for this." Monk Yuande said solemnly: "The poor monk knows that the master has magical powers, and he can't kill the master."

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Divine power is just a small way, not martial arts. What really sees life and death is martial arts."

"Master has magical powers and can escape in time." Monk Yuande said.

Fa Kong said: "As the saying goes, if a monk can escape, he can't escape from the temple. The King Kong Temple is in Daxue Mountain. What if he goes to King Kong Temple?"

"This..." Monk Yuande hesitated and said, "It's not impossible to stop him based on the background and strength of the Great Snow Mountain Sect."

"Master really thinks that our Great Snow Mountain Sect can stop him?"

"According to the understanding of the poor monk, the Daxueshan sect contains peerless masters, which can be worthy of a battle with the old man Jiuyuan." Monk Yuande said slowly.

Pharaoh stared at him.

Monk Yuande looked at each other calmly.

"There is such a master in Daxueshan?" Fa Kong said thoughtfully: "I don't know."

"The background of the Daxueshan sect is very deep." Monk Yuande said with a smile: "The three major sects are not only based on fiefs, but also on martial arts masters. In the final analysis, they must be attributed to martial arts and masters."

Fa Kong nodded: "It seems that the master suggested that after I kill Zhu Yuquan, I should escape back to Daxueshan and let Daxueshan resist the old man Jiuyuan."

"This is a safe plan." Monk Yuande said.

Fa Kong said: "Why doesn't the master dare to kill Zhu Yuquan? I think the master also has the intention to kill Zhu Yuquan."

Monk Yuande shook his head.

Fa Kong said: "Scared about the old man Jiuyuan? The national teacher should be able to stop him, right?"

The monk Yuande sighed, "I can't say it for the poor monk."

Fa Kong smiled and said, "It's because the national teacher doesn't want to waste the energy he has saved on the old man of Jiuyuan, right?"

Monk Yuande's complexion slowly changed.

Fa Kong said: "It seems that Master Yuande already knows that the national teacher is also dying soon, similar to the old man Jiuyuan, right?"

"Amitabha!" Monk Yuande announced the Buddha's name.

He lowered his eyes slightly.

Suppressed the shock in his heart.

Master's biggest secret was also known by Fa Kong!

This news must not be spread outside, otherwise, it will affect the peace of Dayong, and even affect the general trend of the whole world.

Fa Kong said: "I will not spread this news, Master can rest assured."

"Good." The monk Yuande gave a tithing ceremony.

Fa Kong smiled and said: "Hasn't the master thought about extending the life of the national teacher?"

Monk Yuande raised his head sharply.

His eyes shot out like a real essence, captivating, staring at Fa Kong.

Fa Kong nodded lightly: "The national teacher is physically aging, and his cultivation is profound. It is reasonable to say that there is no way to prolong his life, but well, how do you know if you haven't tried it?"

"Does the master have a magic trick?"

Fa Kong said: "If the national teacher has a secret injury, the rejuvenation spell can still prolong his life."

"Rejuvenation spell..." Monk Yuande looked disappointed.

He also thought about asking Fakong to help cast the rejuvenation mantra, and prolong the life of the national teacher through the rejuvenation mantra.

This is also one of the reasons why he has always shown good to Fa Kong.

But because of the scruples about this secret, he has not opened his mouth, hesitating, after all, it is not yet the critical time.

He has also spoken to the national teacher.

The national teacher once said that the rejuvenation spell is of no use to him. His physical condition remains at its peak, but it cannot stop the power of time. It is just aging and unable to return to the sky.

"The national teacher thinks that the rejuvenation spell can't save him?" Fa Kong said.

Monk Yuande nodded slowly.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "The national teacher's judgment may not be accurate. The national teacher has not personally experienced the rejuvenation spell."

"...That's true." Monk Yuande nodded.

Fa Kong said, "Master, don't you want to give it a try?"

"...What are the conditions for the master?" Monk Yuande asked.

Fakong smiled.

The monk Yuande said: "I know the behavior of the master, there will be gains and losses.

Fakong nodded approvingly: "Actually, I don't want much."

"What does the master want?"

"I heard that the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in the Great Miaolian Temple is rich in scriptures, so I want to enter the pavilion for a look."

"The Book Collection Pavilion..." Monk Yuande frowned and hesitated.

Fa Kong smiled and said: "Master can discuss with the national teacher. Of course, what I want to see is the cabinet of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion."

Monk Yuande gave him a deep look.

Even the two pavilions inside and outside the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion knew that this was a secret that none of the disciples of the Great Miaolian Temple knew.

As expected, he is indeed a divine monk of Fakong, with vast supernatural powers.

"Let's talk about Zhu Yuquan." Fa Kong pulled the topic back and smiled: "Zhu Yuquan should have a lot of treasures to protect his body."

He talked about this topic in order to avoid monk Yuande's mischief, and he really took the opportunity to kill himself with a knife.

It is to let the monk Yuande leak all the secrets.

Although he can use Tianyantong to repeatedly deduce and change the way of doing things, so as to find the fastest way to kill Zhu Yuquan.

You can also see some of Zhu Yuquan's coping methods through Tianyantong, and the treasures on his body can also be deduced one by one.

But there are some secrets that cannot be seen through Tianyantong.

These secrets are his goals.

"Well, he has a treasured armor." Monk Yuande said solemnly: "This treasured armor is invulnerable to fire and water."

"What if it's aimed at his throat or head?"

"As long as he has a thought, the treasure armor can trigger the strange qi to protect the body." Monk Yuande shook his head: "Attack any part is equally hindered."

"It's the first time I've heard of such a treasure armor."

"This is what the Jiuyuan old man got from an adventure when he was young. I'm afraid there are only three or four pieces in the world."

"Three or four?" Fa Kong smiled and said, "Apart from this one, who else has it?"

The monk Yuande said: "The emperor has one, and it seems that Emperor Dagan also has one, and Emperor Dayun should also have one."

"Such a treasure armor." Fa Kong praised: "It's too touching, and there is no snatch?"

"Zhu Yuquan is very difficult to deal with." Monk Yuande shook his head: "Besides, there is also the protection of the Jiuyuan Sect. If you dare to grab it, you will be an enemy of the entire Jiuyuan Sect."

Fa Kong said: "Master didn't intend to grab it?"

Monk Yuande smiled wryly.

I wanted to grab it, but unfortunately, I didn't dare to offend Zhu Yuquan too cruel. The old man Jiuyuan was a very protective calf. If he dared to do it himself, he would definitely deal with him.

So just hold back.

Fa Kong said: "I will grab it."

"It is really difficult for the master to kill him." Monk Yuande said solemnly: "In addition to this Tianyuantian Yuanbaojia, there is also the Taiyuan mirror."

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Before waiting for Fa Kong to ask, Monk Yuande said, "The Taiyuan Divine Mirror is a heart protection mirror, it is indestructible, and it can put an end to qi."

"So his heart can't be destroyed?"

"Yes." Monk Yuande said, "Whether you use fists or swords, you don't have to worry about his heart, it's useless."

"That can only be the head."

"The protection of the head, in addition to the Tianyuan Baojia, there is also a crown of the heavens, swords can't enter, palms and fists are difficult to enter."

Pharaoh laughed.

Monk Yuande said: "He has almost no flaws in his body, which is also due to his temperament."

"Sure enough." Fa Kong said: "It's like an old spirit turtle."

"Exactly!" Monk Yuande sighed, "The best way is to kill him."

If you want to deal with Zhu Yuquan, you can only consume him to death, and then consume it little by little after being trapped.

The Tianyuan Treasure Armor, the Taiyuan Divine Mirror, and the Tongtian Divine Crown, these three treasures are wonderful, but they also have power limits.

The Tianyuan Treasure Armor consumes the wearer's own strength. The Taiyuan Divine Mirror will slowly change after being hit for a long time. The Tongtian Divine Crown is the easiest. Just shake it up and let it fall off by itself. Just on the head.

Fa Kong nodded thoughtfully.

"Then I wish the master's wishes come true!" Monk Yuande said solemnly: "And his two bodyguards, who seem to be ordinary, are actually the devil who has mastered the Jiuding Zhen Yuanjue, and should not be ignored. "

Fakong nodded.

"Jiuding Zhen Yuan Jue not only evokes nine times the power, but also has the ability to restrain the breath." Monk Yuande said: "So the realm and power they show are often hidden."

Fakong nodded.

Monk Yuande pondered for a moment, feeling that he had explained everything he should have explained, and there was nothing missing.

If Fakong could kill Zhu Yuquan according to what he said, and then escape back to the Daxueshan Sect in time, the old man Jiuyuan would definitely chase after him, and he would be buried in Daxueshan.

The first thing I do is to clean up the Nine Yuan Sect!

The existence of the Jiuyuan Sect is a shame for Damiaolian Temple and a shame for the Dayong court.

Only by suppressing the Jiuyuan Sect in the Qing Dynasty can the majesty of the Damiaolian Temple be restored, and the majesty of the Dayong court can be restored.

After thinking for a while, he took out a white jade knife from his sleeve and handed it to Fa Kong.

Fa Kong stretched out his hand to catch ~www.readwn.com~ The tentacles were icy cold, the chill was extremely sharp, and he stabbed in like a sword, and half of his body went numb.

"This jade knife is urged by a unique mind, and the knife is invincible."

"Can you break the Tianyuan Treasure Armor?"

"You can give it a try." Monk Yuande said, "I borrow the master for a while."

PS: The update is complete.

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