
Chapter 797: gift

For people who don't know the court and the royal family, they may still wonder what the jade book is when they see the golden coupons.

It's extremely rare after all.

As the queen, I know the jade book gold coupons.

This means that Lingkong Temple has been here for generations, and it is so close to the palace.

This means that this is a place outside the law. No matter how much crime Master Fakong commits, as long as he hides in Lingkong Temple, the court will not help him, and the same goes for other people who hide in.

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As soon as you hide in Lingkong Temple, it is equivalent to leaving Dagan, and Dagan can't control it.

There is no king in the world, and there is no king and ministers on the shore of the land. As an emperor, this is the most unbearable.

The fact that he was given such an extra-legal land that will last for generations shows that the emperor places great importance on Master Fakong.

With Lingkong Temple, the status of Master Fakong is completely different.

At least the ministers of the imperial court have to keep their mouths shut. The officials can no longer manage the affairs of Lingshou Temple and can no longer arbitrarily peck them.

For a long time, although Master Fakong has great magical powers and purifies all living beings, there have always been ministers in the imperial court who have impeached them, saying that empty invitations buy people's hearts, and they have ulterior motives and should be killed.

They were afraid that Master Fakong would enter the imperial palace with supernatural powers, make the emperor believe in Buddhism and build a large Buddhist temple, thus causing the world to shake.

"Monk, talk about it, why did the royal father give you this jade book gold coupon?" Chu Ling asked curiously.

Fa Kong smiled without saying a word.

Chu Ling's eyes widened in dissatisfaction.

The queen said softly: "Linger, you don't know your father, you never do business at a loss."

"Hee hee." Chu Ling smiled tenderly.

Fakong said: "No one is more wise than the emperor. Lingkong Temple is both my dojo and my bondage."

"So it is." The Queen nodded lightly.

Obviously, with this Lingkong Temple, Master Fakong can't be at ease, can't be detached from things, can't watch the world with a cold eye, and the world is turbulent.

The emperor used this Lingkong Temple as a cable to completely tie Master Fakong to Dagan. It was indeed a great and wise move.

I have always suggested this at the beginning, but unfortunately the emperor has always been sceptical about the master and does not want to approach.

Finally got to this point.

Fakong put the golden box in his sleeve and left with a smile.

Chu Ling followed.

Fakong stopped outside the Jingshe and shook his head at her: "Don't waste your time, it's impossible."

"It didn't work before, but it's different now," Chu Ling said hurriedly: "You have Lingkong Temple, and the royal father has nothing to do with you."

Fa Kong said: "The emperor can't control me, but he can control others. You go to Yuxia Pass, and the top and bottom of Yuxia Pass will be very nervous... More importantly, the secret spy of Dayun knows the news, you tell them about them. How will it be?"

Chu Lingdao: "I have been practicing martial arts hard, and I have entered the world well."

Fa Kong shook his head, raised his index finger and **** with his left hand, pinched it into a sword tactic, and stabbed her between the eyebrows lightly.

She was busy trying to dodge, but found that her eyebrows had been touched by her fingertips.

"You..." Chu Ling was surprised.

Fkong's fingertips felt warm and greasy like white jade, retracted his fingers, and shook his head: "You're still a long way off."

Chu Ling's slender eyebrows knitted tightly, thinking back to the scene just now, she felt inexplicable, why didn't she avoid it?

Fa Kong waved his hand and walked away slowly.

Chu Ling stood on the spot, her bright eyes flickered, her red lips pursed tightly, and an unwilling expression appeared.

I don't believe that I am so weak, that I can't even catch Fa Kong's move, and it's a move that Fa Kong underestimated.

She gritted her teeth, stomped her feet fiercely, and turned back to the Jingshe.

To practice hard, one snow today's shame!

Fakong circled around the city of Tianjing.

When he took a leisurely pace back to Yongkong Temple, Monk Yuande was already waiting outside the gate of Yongkong Temple, carrying a red sandalwood box, the size of a palm, exquisite and simple and elegant.

Monk Yuande, dressed in a bright yellow robe, stood like a jade tree in the wind.

Seeing him appear, the monk Yuande gave a tithing ceremony.

Fakong Heshi smiled and said, "Master came so early?"

"There is something in my heart, so I'm restless, so I just came over early." Monk Yuande said calmly, handing over the red sandalwood box.

Fakong took the red sandalwood box and opened the door.

The two entered the Daxiong Hall, and after offering incense, they came to his Abbot's House.

Sitting at the stone table, Fakon opened the red sandalwood box, but there was a packet of tea inside, which was gray and tasteless.

Boil water and make tea.

Even under boiling water, it still has no taste.

After entering the mouth, the clear air immediately penetrates the viscera, the whole body is full of emptiness, and the turbid air is completely eliminated, just like the power of cutting hair and washing the marrow.

Fakong couldn't help but admire: "Good tea!"

The monk Yuande smiled: "This is the top grade of tribute tea, and the tea is named Yuxu."

"It lives up to its name." Fa Kong sighed with emotion: "Relying on the virtual is indeed like taking advantage of the air to walk in the air, clear and transparent."

Monk Yuande said: "There are not many in the temple, only these."

"Thank you, Master." Fa Kong smiled and said, "It is not advisable to drink too much of such a wonderful product, otherwise, all teas will be tasteless."

Monk Yuande smiled and nodded.

This is the truth, beauty is beautiful, but you can't be greedy for too much, otherwise, you will overwhelm the guest and lose the balance.

"I have already reported the matter of the old man Jiuyuan to the master." Monk Yuande restrained his smile and said solemnly: "Master said that this is something that the old man Jiuyuan can do. He is indeed a ruthless, selfish and unsympathetic person. "

He couldn't help thinking of what the master said.

Old Man Jiuyuan was completely able to do this to his apprentice.

But the old man Jiuyuan has an important means to be good at deceiving people. I am afraid that Zhu Yuquan may not believe their reminders and waste his words.

The old man Jiuyuan is kind, kind, and gentle, which makes people feel warm and can't help but want to get close.

After all, Zhu Yuquan is still young, so he may not be able to see the true face of the old man Jiuyuan, and even believes in the old man Jiuyuan.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to convince Zhu Yuquan.

The best way is to hide Zhu Yuquan, or send it to Dayun or Dagan.

But he has already had contact with Zhu Yuquan. If Zhu Yuquan disappears, the old man Jiuyuan will definitely ask someone from Damiaolian Temple.

It is impossible to say that he will have a fight with the old man Jiuyuan.

But the current Jiuyuan old man is like a gambler who has lost the red eye. The disappearance of Zhu Yuquan will cause him to enter a state of madness. If he fights with him at this time, I am afraid that he will die together.

So it's better to let Fakong stand up and attract the attention of Jiuyuan old man, so as to prevent Jiuyuan old man from going to Damiaolian Temple.

Thinking of this, Monk Yuande suddenly decided to tell the truth frankly, not to fight with Fa Kong: "Master said, Master, you have to come forward in this matter, Master doesn't want to fight with the old man Jiuyuan, it's not worth it."

Fa Kong laughed: "The national teacher wants me to block the arrow, I'm afraid that I can't bear the madness of the old man Jiuyuan, and the big event is delayed."

"When the time comes, Master will not sit back and watch."

"I'm taking the lead, and the national teacher is helping?"


Fa Kong smiled and looked at monk Yuande.

Monk Yuande showed an apologetic look and gave a tithing ceremony.

However, Fa Kong slowly smiled and nodded: "It seems that this is the only way to listen to the national teacher."

"Thank you, Master." Monk Yuande said again.

He was three-pointed in guilt, and doing so was really letting the law block the sword. It was very inauthentic, and it was not like the style of everyone in the National Teacher and the Great Miaolian Temple.

However, the current situation of Master is not good, it is really not appropriate to waste energy on the old man of Jiuyuan, and he can only aggrieve Master Fkong.

Fa Kong said: "After all, the national teacher doesn't believe that I can extend his lifespan, right?"

Monk Yuande sighed and shook his head.

I have already persuaded him, but Master firmly believes that his lifespan has been exhausted, and there is no need to waste his energy and distract his mind.

Fa Kong shook his head: "The so-called people who are destined to Buddha, don't get on the boat no matter how they wave, what a fool!"

Monk Yuande lowered his head and pondered. After a while, he raised his head and looked at him with a serious face: "Master can really prolong the life of master?"

"It's hard to say if it's too much. Ten or eight years is no problem. ... Makes the teacher feel that he is in a peak state, his body is not exhausted, but he feels that there is not much time, right?"

"...Yes." Monk Yuande hesitated and nodded.

Fa Kong smiled lightly and said no more.

Monk Yuande tithing: "Master is merciful!"

Fakong shook his head with a smile, and took out a jade pendant from his bosom, Biyu Yingying said, "I have blessed the rejuvenation mantra on it, as long as you hold this pendant and recite the rejuvenation mantra, you can get the blessing of the rejuvenation mantra, and you can cast the rejuvenation mantra three times. ."

The monk Yuande took it in awe.

Fa Kong shook his head: "The national teacher has a firm belief, I am afraid that he may not believe it. The poor monk has tried his best, just asking for a clear conscience."

Monk Yuande tithes again.

Fa Kong smiled and said: "Master, you don't have to be so polite, Dayong and Dagan are now on the same boat, so helping is what it should be."

The two were talking, and Zhu Yuquan floated down lightly, silently and with a vigilant expression.

He landed in front of the two of them, and He Shi smiled: "Master Yuande arrived early?"

"It's just been here." Monk Yuande looked at him: "I originally thought that the young master would not come again."

Zhu Yuquan's face suddenly became gloomy.

Fa Kong said: "Young sect master didn't show any flaws?"

Zhu Yuquan had a gloomy face, and said coldly: "I am very careful and never showed any flaws."

Fa Kong said: "Elder Jiuyuan is not an ordinary person. You also know the young master very well, so you should be careful."

Zhu Yuquan said with a gloomy face: "Master, can you do anything?"

Fa Kong looked at Monk Yuande: "Is there a way for the national teacher?"

"Master said, if the owner of the body is not willing to do this, it would be very difficult to succeed.

"give up?"

"It's very likely that the young sect master was willing to give up, so that the old man Jiuyuan successfully took the house."

"Impossible!" Zhu Yuquan said solemnly.

No matter how good the master is, no matter how great the kindness he treats to him, it is not as important as his own life.

How could he give up willingly?

Monk Yuande said: "I am afraid that the one who knows the young master the most is the old man Jiuyuan. He has been preparing for this day. He knows everything about you, the young master. There must be a way to convince the young master."

Fa Kong looked at Zhu Yuquan thoughtfully.

Zhu Yuquan furrowed his brows, his handsome face was gloomy.

What Monk Yuande said is indeed true. In this world, the one who knows him best is probably the master.

I have always been cautious, and others can't see what I think.

Master is not the same~www.readwn.com~ Fa Kong said: "Everyone has weaknesses, and the old man of Jiuyuan may deliberately create weaknesses for you, the young master, so that you can easily handle it and make you sacrifice your life."

Zhu Yuquan's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Fa Kong said: "Women?"

Zhu Yuquan glared over fiercely, his eyes like electricity.

Fa Kong nodded slowly: "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by Meirenguan. If it is a woman, it is not surprising."

Zhu Yuquan said solemnly, "No."

Fa Kong and Monk Yuande looked at each other.

Apparently, it was a woman.

Fa Kong let out a sigh of relief.

If it's a woman, don't worry about wishing Yuquan not to work hard.

Chapter 797 Gift Charms (One More)

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