
Chapter 850: Broken Sword

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Fa Kong smiled and said: "The emperor must be surprised, why they can resist the temptation and stop the war."


"Actually, it's because of Zhenlongyuan."

Hu Lieyuan's face sank.

Zhenlongyuan is a secret, even if there are very few people in the palace who know Zhenlongyuan.

Fa Kong said: "Zhenlongyuan will fly a dragon in the future, ravaging the world, and no one can match it."

"Impossible!" Hu Lieyuan shook his head flatly.

Fakong smiled at him.

Hu Lieyuan said solemnly: "There is indeed a dragon in Zhenlongyuan. It seems that your magical powers are not in vain."

Fa Kong said: "Dayun's master has been suppressing it, right?"

"There is a formation in Zhenlongyuan." Hu Lieyuan said slowly: "Through the formation, the strength of everyone will be condensed together to suppress it."

Since Fa Kong already knows about it, and he has magical powers, I'm afraid he won't be able to hide it, so he just said it directly.

More importantly, Fa Kong's words caused a wave of mood swings in him. .

Dayun seems to be powerful, but in fact he is strong from outside.

Dayun and Dagan Dayong have a slightly different view of martial arts. It is not that they do not want to control martial arts and suppress martial arts, but it is a last resort.

If martial arts are not allowed to flourish and a hundred flowers bloom, where will the masters like clouds come from, and where will the power to suppress Jiaolong come from?

Fa Kong said: "Zhenlongyuan can enter or exit. Once people are withdrawn, it will be the beginning of the disaster. In the future, the emperor, you will withdraw people."

Hu Lieyuan fell silent.

He did have this plan all along.

The death of the prince made him furious and could not bear it, so he prepared to withdraw some of the top masters to clean up Dagan and Dayong.

Fa Kong said: "This step led to the birth of Jiaolong, ... The emperor doesn't know how big this catastrophe is."

"How big is it?"

"Emperor Dagan can't stop Jiaolong's move, he smashes it with a flick of his tail, and no one in the world can stop it." Fa Kong said slowly: "Shenjing was destroyed by its dragon roar, and at the same time , Yunjing and Tianjing failed to escape the calamity of destruction, and all the royal families of the three dynasties were annihilated."

Hu Lieyuan frowned and looked at him suspiciously.

Emperor Dagan is the number one master of Dagan, there is no doubt about it, he can't stop it, there are very few people who can stop it in the world, and no one can even stop it.

Fa Kong said: "What the emperor has to do now is to continue to strengthen the masters, let alone withdraw the manpower, even if the manpower is not increased, this dragon cannot be suppressed, it is getting stronger and stronger."

Hu Lieyuan's face was solemn.

I really don't know this situation, the news from Zhen Longyuan has been kept secret, and no news will come out unless it is at a critical juncture.

Hu Lieyuan said: "The emperor may be thinking that since he knows the news in advance, he can secretly leave Yunjing and sneak into other places, or let the prince hide, so as to win the opportunity, even if the three capitals are destroyed and Dayun has the prince to take over, Still one step ahead.”

Hu Lieyuan smiled.

Fakong spoke his mind.

Just now, such a thought really came to my mind.

If the dragon came out of the abyss, it is indeed a catastrophe, it is not a disaster, but may be an opportunity for the big cloud.

Of course, now that this thought was broken by Fa Kong, I knew it was impossible.

Fkong shook his head and said, "If the emperor thinks this way, then he underestimates this Flood Dragon. It is specifically aimed at the royal family. It is as fast as electricity. It is impossible to escape, not even one."

Hu Lieyuan's face was solemn.

"As long as it comes out of the abyss, not one of the royal family of the three dynasties can escape and live." Fa Kong said calmly.

Hu Lieyuan's face became gloomy: "Is it chasing the royal family?"

Fa Kong nodded slowly: "According to what I see in the future, it specializes in chasing and killing the royal family, and will never let go of the royal family... No matter who it is chasing, as long as it is born, I am afraid that everyone in the whole world will be gone. Existence, this world will become a no-man's land, become its world."

Hu Lieyuan frowned.

Fa Kong said: "If the emperor doesn't believe it, the poor monk can't do anything. He can only watch the heaven and the earth die. ... The world is impermanent, and if there is life, there will be death. That's it."

Hu Lieyuan did not say a word with a gloomy face.

His thoughts flickered.

There are Jiaolongs in Zhenlongyuan. This is the news that only I know, and none of the masters who went in to suppress Jiaolong have come out.

Those who didn't go in but knew the existence of Zhenlongyuan didn't know the existence of Jiaolong, and thought that Zhenlongyuan was a sacred place for martial arts.

I thought that those top masters did not come out after entering, because they were attracted by the martial arts inside and forgot to come out.

What they know is true, Zhenlongyuan is indeed a holy place of martial arts.

The spiritual energy is rich, and the speed of cultivation is faster. One year is worth the effort of several years outside. The name of the martial arts holy place is well-deserved.

And there is magic in it.

Enough for those top masters to be immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

Those top masters do not come out, half of them are responsible, and the other half are really greedy for their strong spiritual energy and attractive skills.

Except for them, no one outside knows the existence of Jiaolong. This is a secret within a secret, even more secret than the existence of Zhenlongyuan.

Fa Kong possessed supernatural powers, and Tianyantong should have seen the birth of the Jiaolong. According to his own understanding, the birth of the Jiaolong was indeed a catastrophe.

According to what Fa Kong said, the birth of this Flood Dragon was more terrifying than he imagined.

But it is also possible that Fakong deceived himself, frightened himself, and even frightened everyone, so that the three dynasties completely stopped fighting.

Can you bet yourself?

What if what Fa Kong said was true?

The most fundamental reason is that he can't suppress the dragon, if it really emerges, no one will be able to control it, and life and death will be in its hands.

Now with the help of the formation, there is still a chance to hold back.

So, don't gamble, you can only believe.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said solemnly, "So, the only way now is to increase the number of masters?"

"Exactly." Fa Kong said: "There is only one way."

"The top experts of Dayun have all entered."

"I can only ask Dagan and Da Yong to help." Fa Kong said: "But..."

I am afraid that Da Yun is unwilling.

Hu Lieyuan's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Da Gan and Dayong's top experts enter, will they obey Dayun's orders, and will they take the opportunity to cause chaos?

I was afraid that they would lead the wolf into the room, and they could hold the Jiaolong down, but when they came, they couldn't hold it back, causing the Jiaolong to come out of the abyss.

This is all too likely to happen.

Many people don't know the overall situation, they only know the immediate interests, and they are greedy, thus ruining the big things. There are too many such people.

Fa Kong said: "The emperor thinks twice, on Dayong's side, after Dagan has communicated with him, I will persuade him again, and it will be effective."

"There is Master Lao." Hu Lieyuan said: "I can go back and think about this matter, and I will ask Master for advice in a few days."

French and empty.

Naturally, this cannot be done overnight.

He could have predicted that there would be many obstacles and setbacks.

At least from the future seen from now, the future has not changed, and the dragon is still out of the abyss, ravaging the world.

All he can do is run for his life, and he cannot stop this Flood Dragon from raging. It seems that he needs to continue to strengthen his cultivation.

He pondered to himself.

Above the eight poles is the reunification.

There is also a way to become a vajra indestructible, to completely achieve the realm of a golden body of arhats, and to be immortal in all eons.

Looking at it now, both paths are difficult, and it is difficult to practice in a short period of time.

The realm of ninety-nine returns to one seems to be only one level away, but the gap of this level, like the gap between the realm of the divine essence and the realm of the great master, is a qualitative leap, like a moat, it may not be able to cross in a lifetime.

He personally sent Hu Lieyuan away, stood on the steps of the Mahavira Hall of Xuankong Temple, his eyes turned golden, and then he looked west.

The West is a vast and boundless ocean.

The ocean is boundless and boundless, and it has not been explored so far. Even for martial arts masters, it is too vast and seems to have no end.

His eyes crossed the boundless sea, and I don't know how many miles across, and finally landed on a small island.

This small island covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres, and there is a circular pit in the center of the island, which seems to lead into the depths of Jiuyou.

His eyes went down the circle pit, and then down again, after an unknown number of meters, he finally saw a hazy purple light.

The purple light formed a layer of mask, a square mask of more than 100 square meters, which cut off his continued gaze.

The golden light in Fa Kong's eyes shot suddenly.

His eyes collided with the purple mask, and he wanted to pierce the purple mask, but the purple mask showed amazing toughness and actually blocked his vision.

Fa Kong slowly retracted his gaze, and at the same time glanced around, the vast ocean, boundless, but there was nothing.

There is not even a single fish in the sea water near this small island, only water is pure, there is no aquatic plants and no swimming fish.

But there is a sword at the bottom of the sea, but it is a broken sword, only the second half, the half a foot long, is full of embroidery, and has been rotten.

Fa Kong's eyes suddenly froze, focusing on the broken sword, and then activated the fate pass, wanting to see the origin of this sword.

Scenes and scenes flashed in his mind.

An old man with white eyebrows is standing on the sea with a sword, holding a long sword that shoots cold light, the sword is flawless.

Standing with both feet on the sea water~www.readwn.com~ is like standing on the ground, staring coldly at a dragon in the sky.

The Jiaolong floated in the sky, the giant lantern-like eyes looked down at him, and suddenly opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar.

The dragon roar seemed to roll from the sky.

The sea suddenly surging, forming a huge wave like a mountain and hitting the old man.

The old man broke through the huge waves with his sword and stabbed the dragon, like a white rainbow piercing the sun, incredibly fast.

The white light hit the Jiaolong, and the long sword pierced into a lantern-like dragon's eye.

In the roar of the sky, the dragon's tail slammed violently.

The old man was very fast, he suddenly pulled out his long sword, flew into the air to avoid this shot, and stabbed another sword.

The long sword pierced into the dragon's tail, and the sword body pierced halfway.

A dragon's claw swooped and swept toward the old man.

This claw was so fast that the old man was cut into two by the dragon claw before he could react, and the long sword in his hand was also broken into two pieces.

With a dragon roar, the old man exploded into two blood mists.

The half sword fell into the sea and sank straight to the bottom of the sea.

A few drops of dragon blood fell into the sea water and slowly spread.

Since then, within a mile radius, no fish dared to approach, and no seaweed grew.

The waves surged like mountains and rivers, and in the roar of the sky, the dragon rushed into a dark hole in the island and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Fa Kong retracted his gaze.

This broken sword is so powerful that it can break the dragon scales.

He has long been accustomed to the clear appearance of Jiaolong and the shocking monstrous weather. He has seen the future pictures too many times, but he is not affected.

The Qiankun Divine Sword cannot break the dragon scales, but this sword can.

Is it because of the sharpness of the sword, or because the person holding the sword is stronger?

PS: The update is complete.

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