
Chapter 867: Protect

The imperial court issued an order to perform martial arts and acted according to the order, and the harvest was extremely amazing.

With this kind of extermination order, every time a disciple of Jiuyuan Sect is killed, there will be a reward. The more you kill, the heavier the reward.

It's not a simple addition. Killing one disciple of Jiuyuan Shengjiao will get one reward, killing two disciples of Jiuyuan Shengjiao will get three rewards, three disciples will get five rewards, four disciples will get eight rewards, five. Twelve points, six and eighteen.

So the more you kill, the more amazing the harvest, which is the reward that makes all martial arts sects and masters jealous.

The reward for each martial arts order is different. Some rewards are one hundred taels of silver, sometimes two hundred taels, or three hundred taels, or even one thousand taels.

These rewards can be exchanged with the imperial court for various martial arts resources, such as panacea and even martial arts secrets.

In short, it is definitely a huge temptation. As long as you work hard and don’t worry about making a fortune, someone can even rely on this for a lifetime of worry and lay the foundation for the glory of the next life.

When the Dayong court issued a martial arts order, why did so many martial arts masters flock to Daxue Mountain?

The Daxue Mountain is so dangerous, they all rush in without hesitation, regardless of their own lives, it can be seen that there is a huge temptation.

People die for wealth and birds die for food, and martial arts masters cannot resist the secrets of martial arts.

But now, such a good opportunity has to be cut off, and the Jade Butterfly Sect disciples can't participate in it.

Only the top sects like the six major sects can resist the temptation of martial arts, and the Jade Butterfly Sect is not qualified to refuse.

They were very distressed and reacted violently.

Meng Jie waited for them to quarrel for a while, and then said: "I know everyone wants to take the opportunity to make a fortune, but you must know that the Nine Yuan Sacred Sect can stand firm and exist so far, how can it be simple?"

"Sect Master, no matter how strong the Jiuyuan Sect is, it can't stop the various martial arts groups from attacking. This is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"I'd rather not have this opportunity." Meng Jie said: "We have to prevent others from touching our fish in troubled waters!"

"Sect Master, are you worried about the Jiuyuan Holy Sect's revenge?" A young girl smiled tenderly: "Let's do a martial arts order, how can they care about us!"

"It's too long-winded, I've made up my mind!" Meng Jie said solemnly, "Anyone who dares to violate this order will abolish martial arts and be expelled from the sect!"

As soon as she said those words, everyone shut up.

Such a strict order, although everyone is not convinced, although they complain, they dare not violate it.

"Have you ever understood?"

"Yes-!" Everyone agreed reluctantly.

Meng Jie waved his hand: "Go, just stay in the courtyard and don't go out."

"Sect Master, can't we go shopping?"


"How about going out to eat?"

"Just eat in the courtyard!"

"...What if someone looks for it?"

"Then you are not allowed to be discharged from the hospital." Meng Jie's eyes were shining brightly: "I repeat, there are no exceptions!"

The girls walked out of the hall in despair.

Only Ning Zhenzhen and the four elders were left in the hall.

Meng Jie looked at Ning Zhenzhen: "Junior sister, I'm sitting here, you can go back to the sect, so as not to be copied by others."

Ning Zhenzhen said: "Sect Master, I will stay by your side."

"It's fine if I have Uncle Zhou and the others." Meng Jie smiled and said, "The last time I was caught off guard, if I had been prepared, I would never have been killed."

Ning Zhen really didn't speak.

Meng Jie frowned.

A beautiful woman smiled and said, "Nephew Ning, is it possible that Jiuyuan Sheng Church will assassinate the Sect Master again?"

"Yes." Ning Zhenzhen nodded.

Another beautiful woman smiled and said, "How is this possible? They should know that we are on guard, and it is impossible to succeed."

Ning Zhenzhen said: "I believe they will come again... Master Zhou, if you return to the sect, I will stay with the sect master."

"Forget it, then Junior Sister, you stay by my side." Meng Jie said: "Zongnei shouldn't have to worry about it, it's not that easy to get involved."

Ning Zhenzhen nodded.

From what Tianyantong could see, the Jiuyuan Sect did not attack the sect of the Jade Butterfly Sect, but the disciples of the Jade Butterfly Sect in Tianjing.

The disciples in other places are too scattered, and it is very difficult to find them. Even if they can be found, the shock caused by killing Jade Butterfly Sect disciples in other places will not be passed on.

Ning Zhenzhen said: "Sect Master, I am going to mobilize some people."

"Huh—?" Meng Jie frowned and said, "Dealing with the masters of the Nine Yuan Sect? Junior Sister..."

"Not to deal with them, but to defend." Ning Zhenzhen shook his head gently: "I think some disciples' families are too thin and need to strengthen their defenses."

Meng Jie thought thoughtfully: "Those married disciples?"

Ning Zhenzhen nodded slowly.

"Are they in danger?"

"There are a lot of people in our other courtyard. Even if a master of Jiuyuan Holy Sect breaks in, they are not afraid, but they are different. Once Jiuyuan Holy Sect targets, they will be doomed."

"...It's true." Meng Jie lowered his face and nodded slowly: "I was negligent, but they are too scattered... Otherwise, let them return to another courtyard, and go back when the Nine Yuan Sacred Sect is destroyed..."

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and she felt unreliable.

The disciples who got married all have family burdens, and they all have a lot of things to do, so they can't leave suddenly.

They may not be willing to come back, and they will feel that they are still very safe in their own mansion, with guards.

The people they marry are either rich or noble, and their guards are not weak.

What's more, after they get married, their judgment and knowledge have been greatly degraded, and the peaceful days have passed, and their sense of danger is also slow.

Ning Zhenzhen said: "I want to send some disciples over to guard them secretly."

"But with so many out-married disciples, how do you know where to send them?"

"It can only come by feeling." Ning Zhenzhen said: "Our manpower is limited, and it is impossible for every disciple to take care of it."

"...Junior sister, do you really want to do this?" Meng Jie pondered.

This is a very sinful thing.

Also a disciple of Jade Butterfly Sect, why did he send someone to protect her instead of himself? There is no such thing as thick and thin.

They will inevitably vent their dissatisfaction and anger on the person who sent them.

Ning Zhenzhen said: "I will decide this matter!"

"I'll still come." Meng Jie said.

She decided to do the scolded thing by herself, so that Ning Zhenzhen would not suffer this crime.

Ning Zhenzhen shook his head and said, "Senior sister, you are the suzerain, and you can't do this. It's up to me to come, I don't care."

"Junior sister..." Meng Jie's heart was full of emotion.

Others are desperately trying to shirk this kind of thing, but Junior Sister Mo is desperately holding on to her. It's no wonder that she has high prestige.

It's too stupid to do this. Once a mistake is made, all previous efforts will be lost, and no matter how high the prestige will be.

"Sect Master, I'm not that good either," Ning Zhenzhen said with a smile: "I can ask God Monk Fakong for help. He has a vision and should be able to help me."

Even if they don't say it themselves, they can guess.

All the disciples know that they have a good relationship with their senior brothers, and if they can ask their senior brothers for help, it is better to tell them openly.

Being able to ask a senior for help is a manifestation of ability in itself.

Senior brother is not helping everyone.

Meng Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

A beautiful woman said, "Sangha Fakong's celestial eyes are amazing, but after all, it's just a vague future. It's impossible to see clearly. There will always be differences. A slight error may cost a human life."

Ning Zhenzhen said softly, "I believe that the monk Fakong will not go wrong."

Meng Jie frowned and pondered, and said slowly: "I can't force them to come back, and I can't spread the disciples away."

It would be best if each out-married disciple could be guarded by several disciples, but unfortunately this is too scattered, and it is almost the same as having no guards.

The elders of Jiuyuan Shengjiao have personally experienced how powerful they are, and other Jiuyuan Shengjiao masters are not necessarily worse than that guy.

Ning Zhenzhen said: "Sect Master, you will also be assassinated, so be careful."

"They still want to kill me?"

"Have to guard against."

"...Yes, the Jiuyuan Sect is indeed a bunch of lunatics." Meng Jie snorted.



Li Feiyan, as the second-rank officer of Dayong and the wife of the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel, already has an appointment.

She already has three children, two sons and a daughter, but she still looks like she is twenty years old.

She stood with her daughter, even younger and more beautiful than her daughter.

Her daughter was going to be engaged in a few days. She was so busy that the entire Zhao residence was very lively, and the attendants came and went without stopping.

In the front yard, she was cleaning and arranging the yard by the conductors. When she heard the attendant's report that someone outside asked to see her, she invited someone to come over.

Six graceful girls came in abundance.

When they approached, they clasped their fists and saluted, "I have seen Master Li."

"You..." Li Feiyan saw their appearance and felt their aura, and knew that they were disciples of the Jade Butterfly Sect, her own junior sister.

She looked at them in surprise.

The girl at the head was gallant and valiant. It was Ding Xingqing who reported the news to the court at the beginning. She folded her fists and smiled and said, "We have been ordered by the vice sect master to serve as the guard of the uncle for a while."

"Vice Sect Master? Junior Nephew Mo?"


"Why do you want to come to me to guard?" Li Feiyan is slender and graceful, and her eyes are long and charming: "Just come to me, or are all the disciples outside?"

As soon as she thought about it, she knew that it was impossible for every disciple who married out in Tianjin to be guarded.

Ding Xingqing said, "There are nine teams in total."

"Why did you choose me?" Li Feiyan asked.

Ding Xingqing shook her head and said, "These nine teams are all assigned by the vice sect master to protect one of the same sect."

"That means I'm in danger?" Li Feiyan asked.

Ding Xingqing nodded.

"How did Shi-nephew Mo know?"

"Disciple doesn't know."

"...Okay, then you'll have to work hard." Li Feiyan smiled and said, "It's the same in the manor as in the sect."

"Yes." Ding Xingqing agreed.

Li Feiyan didn't think she would be in danger.

Although the husband is a second-rank officer, he rarely shows himself in public, and few people know his roots.

In the whole of Tianjing, very few people know that they are disciples of Jade Butterfly Sect, so even if there is danger, it is impossible for them to be in danger.

It is very likely that Senior Nephew Mo made a mistake~www.readwn.com~ But after all, it was a kind intention of Senior Nephew Mo, so be prepared.

In the middle of the night on the third day, she was sleeping soundly when she suddenly heard an angry roar, which came from the backyard.

She sat up abruptly and was ignorant for a moment, then she was startled, said "don't move" to her husband who was dazedly opening his eyes, then pulled out the long sword on the bedside and put it by the window to listen.

Ding Xingqing's voice came from outside: "Uncle Li, it has been resolved."

Li Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief, returned the sword to its sheath, and smiled at Xu Jinhua, the left servant who sat up: "Master, it doesn't matter."


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