
Chapter 874: pregnant

Ning Zhen shook his head with emotion.

If it weren't for the presence of senior brothers, who predicted the future, and deduced the masters, knowing the details, the Jade Butterfly Sect would definitely not be able to survive this hurdle.

Comprehend a profound lesson, the survival of the sect cannot depend on the outside world, but must be self-improvement. The Jade Butterfly Sect is the best example.

The Jade Butterfly Sect disciples marry very well, and the backstage is so hard and so much, but in the end it is the Jade Butterfly Sect who decides the survival of the Jade Butterfly Sect.

At critical moments, you can't count on others.

If there is no oneself, no senior brother, the Jade Butterfly Sect has been severely damaged last night, the suzerain is killed, the out-married disciples are killed, the next step may be the attack on the main altar of the Jade Butterfly Sect, and the Jiuyuan Sect can't stop the counterattack.

Fakong and Ning Zhenzhen had lunch together.

No matter when he was talking to Ning Zhenzhen or when he was watching the Damiaolian Temple besieging and killing the masters of Jiuyuan Sect, he had been running the Vajra Indestructible Magic, pure and pure Qi, and improved his cultivation.

Now that he has no bottleneck, he only needs pure Astral Qi.

After lunch, the two drank water lazily, chatting and talking about some anecdotes, Ning Zhenzhen smiled from time to time.

Fakong is also chatting and laughing.

The two spoke in a tacit understanding, with one eye and one conversation, and they knew what each other was going to say.

So it was very pleasant to speak.

Fakong suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "Junior sister, you are busy, I will go to Yongkong Temple."

Ning Zhenzhen's eyes showed curiosity.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Monk Yuande has arrived."

"Okay, senior brother, let's go, I'm going to prepare." Ning Zhenzhen said.

Outside Yongkong Temple, Monk Yuande, dressed in a bright yellow robe, stood quietly at the gate with a solemn expression.

Fa Kong's voice came: "Master, please come in."

Monk Yuande pushed the door into the courtyard, turned around the screen, and came to the front of the Daxiong Palace.

Fakong was holding the incense and bowed his hands to the Buddha statue in the Mahavira Hall, and then inserted three sandalwood incense sticks into the incense burner, and the three scents rose into the sky.

Monk Yuande came to Fakong, saluted the golden Buddha statue in the hall, and said, "Master, I'm going to retreat for a while."

Fa Kong frowned.

Monk Yuande said, "I'm going to retreat to the Repentance Hall for a year to repent of my sins."

Fa Kong raised his brows: "Does the master feel that he is guilty because he killed too many people?"

"More than 100 people died unexpectedly." Monk Yuande said slowly.

Fa Kong said: "These people were not killed by the master, what's more, how many innocent blood were on their hands? Killing them is the way of heaven, it is beneficial to all living beings, and it is virtuous to heaven and earth."

The monk Yuande sighed: "Although I didn't kill it, it is no different from the one I killed. Although these people have sinned deeply, they are alive after all."

"Some lives should not appear in this world, but only turn the world into hell." Fa Kong said lightly: "If you don't kill them, you should repent!"

Monk Yuande was silent.

Fa Kong said: "Master should ask his own heart whether he should kill them or not."

"They deserve to be killed, but to kill so many people, the poor monk is really..." Monk Yuande shook his head.

Fkong suddenly smiled.

Monk Yuande frowned at him.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Master, did you hide it or not?"

Monk Yuande was silent.

Fakong said with a smile: "What the master really wants to repent is not killing too many people, is it?"

Monk Yuande raised his head to look at the Buddha statue in the Mahavira Hall, made a tiara, and remained silent.

Fa Kong laughed and said, "Did the master suddenly realize that he doesn't know himself well?"

Monk Yuande put his palms together, closed his eyes, muttered in his mouth, and started chanting.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Master doesn't actually have to do this. Even if the killing excites you, it's not a bad thing."

Monk Yuande's chanting stopped abruptly, opened his eyes and looked at him.

Fa Kong smiled and said: "It's just the instinct of the body. There are two kinds of human nature, one is a wolf and the other is a sheep."

Monk Yuande sighed.

Fa Kong said: "It seems that your nature is a wolf, Master, so you are not afraid and timid when you see the killing, but you are excited and excited."

The monk Yuande proclaimed the Buddha's name.

Fa Kong said: "Master, people are human because they have reason, not instinct. Wolf nature does not mean wolf behavior. Buddhism is boundless, isn't it the cultivation of nature."

Monk Yuande pondered, his eyes gradually brightened, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Thank you, Master, for clarifying your doubts."

Fa Kong smiled and said: "Master Buddhism is profound, and in fact, he can understand this truth, but the authorities are delusional, and the time is not enough... Don't compete with your own nature, accept it, control it, and refine it, it is the opportunity to cultivate. The shortcut to the advancement of the Dharma is Bodhi.”

"Amitabha!" Monk Yuande proclaimed the Buddha's name again.

Fa Kong's remarks made him feel empowered, and all his guilt and troubles were instantly swept away.

Accepting it, controlling it, refining it, is the treasure raft to the other side.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "I still have to congratulate Master, this time the Great Miao Lian Temple has gained a lot."

Monk Yuande nodded.

The martial arts decree is issued by the imperial court, and its reward is naturally issued by the imperial court, and any sect can receive the reward.

Of course, Daimiaolian Temple is also included.

This time, killing so many disciples of Jiuyuan Sect in one breath, if you follow the rules of the martial arts order, the harvest is indeed huge.

The reward of the imperial court is a huge temptation for any sect, including the Great Miaolian Temple, and it is extremely rare.

Fa Kong said: "So, Master, you got cheap and sold well, you shouldn't appear in front of me."

The monk Yuande smiled and shook his head: "In terms of benefits, you still get more from the master."

Master Fkong killed the old man of Jiuyuan, and I don’t know how many good things he got. Asking it is also in vain.

Compared with the rewards that the temple can get from the martial arts order, I am afraid it is two better.

"It's just a little bit." Fakong smiled while pinching the tip of his little finger in his left hand.

Monk Yuande laughed twice, and Heshi said goodbye, but Fakong did not hold back, and sent him to the gate of the temple.

A bright moon hangs high.

Bright like a jade plate, it exudes a soft and clear light.

In Fa Kong's abbot's courtyard, Yuehua Qinghui was dispelled by the light of daytime lanterns and could not get close.

The crowd gathered around the large sandalwood round table to eat.

Fa Kong is slow and elegant, and everyone else, including Zhou Yang, eats in the same unhurried manner.

Chu Ling was still in the mix. She was greedy for the liveliness here and refused to go back to the palace to eat. She was deserted and uninteresting.

Fa Kong said, "You should go back and accompany the Empress."

"My mother doesn't need me." Chu Ling snorted.

Fa Kong raised his brows and looked at her.

Chu Ling snorted: "Look at what, don't you know that the mother is pregnant again?"

Everyone who was eating stopped abruptly and looked up at her.

Chu Lingdao: "This news has been blocked for a while, so please don't spread it out!"

"How old is the Empress?" Lin Feiyang asked.

Chu Ling gave him a white look.

Of course this cannot be said.

Lin Feiyang said with a smile: "Are you in your forties? Can you still give birth to a baby? As expected of the empress!"

Chu Ling looked at Fa Kong.

Fakong continued to eat without squinting.

Lin Feiyang said bluntly: "Your Highness, you have been watching the abbot, is it because of the abbot?"

"Bang!" Lin Feiyang trembled slightly.

But it was Juni who kicked him under the table.

Zhu Ni's face didn't change, as if she didn't do anything.

Lin Feiyang hurriedly said: "I mean, is it the Queen Mother who drank the divine water? Are you rejuvenated?"

Chu Ling snorted: "It's not like that!"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "If this news spreads, I am afraid the price of Shenshui will be even more amazing."

Xu Qingluo smiled sweetly: "This is a happy event. Sister Chu, are you unhappy? There is a younger brother or younger sister playing."

Chu Lingbai glanced at her and said, "Do you think your younger siblings are funny?"

Xu Qingluo shook her head: "It's annoying."

Chu Ling snorted.

Xu Qingluo looked at Fa Kong: "Master..."

Fakong ate his meal without saying a word.

Xu Qingluo said, "Master, is it because of Shenshui?"

"Maybe." Fa Kong was noncommittal.

Xu Qingluo said: "The news is about to spread, and the dignitaries in Shenjing will go crazy."

Which dignitaries don't want to be full of children and grandchildren?

But the more precious it is, the more frail people tend to be. There are many such people in Shenjing. Once they know that Shenshui can help give birth to children, wouldn't they be even crazier?

Now it's just the noble ladies who are taking care of their beauty. They are already extremely nervous. They squeeze their heads every day to buy Shenshui.

Once it is known that Shenshui is involved in childbirth, the daily scramble will be more intense, and it may be bloody.

Chu Lingdao: "So the mother kept pressing the news."

"Does the emperor know?" Xu Qingluo asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Chu Ling hummed.

Xu Qingluo giggled and said, "It would be interesting if even the emperor concealed it."

"Youjing can think nonsense." Chu Ling said: "My father also knows, and now I run to my mother's side every day, so I don't want to blame."

After the father found out that the mother was pregnant, the two returned to the state of mixing oil with honey, as if Leng Feiqiong no longer existed.

Xu Qingluo said, "What about Concubine Leng?"

"No news." Chu Ling shook his head and looked at Fa Kong again.

Fa Kong said: "There will be no news from Leng Feiqiong's side in a short time."

"The emperor must be very disappointed," Chu Ling said.

Fakong smiled.

Chu Lingdao: "But is it really because of the divine water? Or is it a Buddha mantra?"

"Both." Fa Kong said: "Using the Buddha mantra and drinking the divine water will restore her youthful state."

"Master, is it a prince or a princess?"


"That's boring." Xu Qingluo shook her head: "It would be fun if it was a princess, let's play with it."

Chu Ling nodded.

She is also planning this.

Zhou Yang said: "Why can't the prince play?"

"Like you, is it interesting?" Xu Qingluo giggled.

Zhou Yang was very unconvinced.

Fa Kong said, "How's it going with Young Master Li?"

Xu Qingluo showed a helpless look.

Zhou Yudao: "Li Shaozhu has a plan, I am afraid there is a way to deal with it, we don't have to worry about it."

"Master, you must know~www.readwn.com~ Xu Qingluo hummed.

Fa Kong said: "You can personally see her methods and see what is the real method of doing things."

Xu Qingluo was dubious: "Master, you really don't know?"

Fakong shook his head.

Xu Qingluo frowned and shook her head.

The several of them discussed several times, but none of them could think of how Li Ying would break the game.

PS: The update is complete.


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