
Chapter 912: tame

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xu Zhijian was stunned.

After a while, he turned his head to look at Fa Kong and found that Fa Kong was smiling.

He said helplessly: "How do you do this?"

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Brother Xu, what do you think?"

"I can't do it." Xu Zhijian said helplessly: "I can't even touch it, how can I use the dragon control technique?"

He shook his head: "Sure enough, it is indeed a dragon seed, and its wisdom is extraordinary. This move is indeed ruthless."

Using the glacier as armor, completely sealed himself, and isolated the display of dragon control, like two worlds.

Unless you can smash this glacier.

But the last experience has told myself that this glacier looks no different from ordinary glaciers, but it is actually completely different.

This glacier contains tyrannical power and poisonousness. Once touched, it will be fatal or injured, and it is difficult to resist.

This was the case last time, and this giant Jiaojiao's progress was extremely fast, far surpassing his own entry.

This period of time has passed, and now it is probably stronger, this glacier is even more powerful, and I can't help it.

"Fa Kong, do you have an idea?"

"I'll do it." Fa Kong smiled and said, "I'm going to use the Rejuvenation Spell to break this glacier. Brother Xu, you should seize the opportunity to cast it."

"The Rejuvenation Charm...?" Xu Zhijian was dubious: "Can the Rejuvenation Charm melt this glacier? I'm afraid not."

Fa Kong said: "Let's use the power of grass and trees."

"That's even more impossible."

"You underestimate the power of these plants and trees." Fakong laughed.

As he spoke, his hands were sealed, and the nectar that the rejuvenation spell turned into sprinkled on the glacier.

These nectars ignored the obstacles of ice cubes, and sprinkled silently and evenly on the dead grass and trees.

As soon as the nectar fell, the grass and trees began to change color, the original withered yellow quickly faded, and it became green in the ice.

After the greenery is full, they begin to exert force and grow little by little.

Xu Zhijian's eyes flickered, staring at the changes of this glacier. Through the crystal clear ice layer, he saw the changes of plants and trees.

He said in surprise: "They should have withered completely, and they can still be rescued."

Fakong shook his head: "The vitality of grass and trees is extremely tenacious. Don't forget that they are hidden in the earth and draw vitality from the earth."

"What if we come a few days late?" Xu Zhijian said, "Will they die completely?"

Fakong nodded slowly.

Xu Zhijian sighed: "Seeing them is inexplicably exciting."

In the face of such predicaments, they still have the spirit of uplifting, indomitable and stubborn growth.

While talking to him, Fakong shed a spell of rejuvenation, giving the entire mountains and rivers plenty of vitality.


A crisp sound came from under the ice.

As time passed, the crackling sound became more and more intense, at first like water dripping from the eaves, then like fried beans, and then like a storm hitting banana leaves.

Amidst the dense crackling, cracks began to appear in the glacier, spreading out like a spider web.

The dense cracks increased rapidly and multiplied, turning the entire glacier into countless lattices.



The glacier collapsed, and all the ice fragments fell down and piled to the ground, revealing the true face of the cliff.

As if taking off his clothes, he finally revealed his body.

Xu Zhijian didn't care about the admiration, so he swayed up, jumped straight into the sky, and then floated down to the cliff when he reached a high place.

Looking down, I saw a huge icicle standing above the cold pool in the deep valley, about 30 meters in diameter and as high as the cliff.

Originally, it was covered with ice from the surface of the deep pool to the top of the cliff, but as the grass and trees grew vigorously, the ice blocks attached to the mountain were shattered by the grass and trees, and the grass could not touch the ice that was not attached to the mountain. piece.

This forms a circular icicle.

The icicles are crystal clear and glittering in the sun, looking extremely magnificent and moving.

Xu Zhijian stood on the edge of the cliff, his legs suddenly bent slightly, and then he punched out.

The big light fist turned into a white light, and the white light formed a fist shadow in the air and hit the icicle.

"Bang!" The icicle made a muffled sound.

Xu Zhijian frowned and punched again.

"Crack!" This sound was quite clear, obviously using a different force.





Fakong smiled.

Xu Zhijian's seemingly futile attack, and it was a strong attack, contained extremely subtle techniques.

A punch fell, but the icicle was not damaged, and the punch was like tickling it.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Boom!" The unremarkable icicle collapsed suddenly, and the flying ice cubes smashed into the deep pool.

A column of water rose into the sky.

Xu Zhijian and Fa Kong floated back.

"Bang!" Their location was hit by the water column, and the boulder that was standing before instantly turned cyan and cracked.

The cold air made it hard for them to breathe.

"What a powerful technique of controlling water." Fa Kong sighed and smiled at Xu Zhijian: "Brother Xu, you can't get him."

"...Use the body-fixing spell." Xu Zhijian gritted his teeth.

In the end, I still have to help.

This giant dragon is now so powerful that it cannot be resisted. If it cannot be controlled, will it burrow out of the valley and wreak havoc on the world?

If you can't handle it yourself, how many people in the world can handle it?

So, be sure to tame it anyway.

Fa Kong nodded: "Then there will be a fixed body spell, we will cooperate, and if things go wrong, run for your life immediately."

"...Okay." Xu Zhijian nodded.

Fa Kong's eyes were not hindered, and he directly saw the giant Jiao dragon under the deep pool, and the body-fixing spells fell one after another.

When the body-fixing spell falls, it stagnates for a while, then stagnates again, stagnates again and again, and the movement is constantly interrupted.

With the improvement of the realm of dharma and emptiness, especially the understanding of Xiaoxitian's blissful world, the understanding of other dimensions is more in-depth, the power absorbed from the void becomes more and more pure, and the power of the Buddha's mantra is stronger.

The Fixing Mantra is no longer the same as it used to be.

As the giant flood dragon was immobilized again and again, the power to resist the dragon control technique was interrupted again and again, and the power of the dragon control technique continued to accumulate in its body.

One hour passed...two hours passed...three hours passed.

Xu Zhijian's face was as pale as paper, his eyes lost focus, as if he hadn't slept for days and nights.

Fa Kong has been casting the body-fixing mantra, and he has no time to cast the rejuvenation mantra and the heart-clearing mantra on him.

Dragon control is extremely exhausting, and without the Heart Purification Mantra, he couldn't even hold on for an hour.

There was only one thought in his mind: "It must be successful!"

The dragon control technique is performed again and again, and it is endless.

When the spirit is not enough, the cool breath comes from the beads, which restores the spirit.

When the physical strength is insufficient, the warm breath comes from the Buddha beads, which nourishes the body with vitality and quickly recovers from fatigue.

Before he knew it, he had lasted three hours.

The breath of Dragon Control Art is constantly changing, from thin to thick, from thick to pure, and changes unconsciously.

Fa Kong suddenly said, "It's done."

Xu Zhijian shook his head, stopped the dragon control technique, and turned his head to look.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Congratulations, Brother Xu, you're done!"

"...Really done?" Xu Zhijian asked slowly, his expression still a bit dull and dazed.

Fakong seals with both hands.

A pure heart mantra, a rejuvenation mantra.

As soon as the two spells fell, Xu Zhijian suddenly encountered Gan Lin again like a wilted flower, and recovered to his radiance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His eyes lit up and he smiled: "Fakong, did I really tame it?"

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Brother Xu can't sense it?"

"...I sensed it!" Xu Zhijian nodded vigorously, his eyes were burning, and his excitement was hard to contain: "I didn't expect it to happen!"

When he saw the glacier, he was already in despair, but Fa Kong was by his side to help, and this Jiaojiao had become too strong and too cunning to retreat, so he could only bite the bullet and try his best.

I didn't expect it to be successful.

At this moment, ecstasy and relaxation surged in his heart, and his body was soft, even though his body was full of vitality and energy.

After experiencing extreme tension, the heartstrings loosened, and neither the Heart Purification Mantra nor the Rejuvenation Mantra could ease the impact.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Brother Xu, I still have something to do over there. I'll leave it to you here. It has been tamed and is no longer in the way."


"Let it stay here."

"It's natural."

"Let's go." Fa Kong waved his hand and disappeared in a flash.


Leng Feiqiong put down the scroll, sat up at the stone table and saluted.

Fa Kong appeared in the courtyard of the abbot in the outer courtyard of Kongo Temple: "Have you waited for a long time?"

Leng Feiqiong was dressed in a plain-colored palace attire, her body was spotless, and she had a cold and indifferent temperament, like a fairy in Yaochi.

She shook her head gently and said, "It will be a pleasure to stay here and wait for Master after a while."

It had been two hours since she came here, but she did not feel anxious. Instead, she was quiet and peaceful, with a hint of joy.

She knew that this was because of the abbot's courtyard, which must have been influenced by Master's Dharma and had this wonderful effect.

Since the pregnancy, I have been restless and my heart is racing for no reason, but it doesn't help.

I didn't expect to sit here, but I got a long-lost peace and tranquility.

If possible, I'd love to sit here all the time.

Fakon looked at her and frowned.

"Master, is something wrong?"

"The fetal air is unstable," Fa Kong nodded. "This is overthinking, but what's the trouble?"

Leng Feiqiong shook her head gently.

"Is it because of Xie Daochun?" Fa Kong said.

Leng Feiqiong sighed.

Xu Qingluo came in lightly, served tea, and looked up at the sky with a smile.

The sun has passed its midday and shifted westward.

Leng Feiqiong has been here since morning and has been waiting until now.

"Master, do you want to have lunch?" Xu Qingluo said with a smile, "Senior Sister Leng has been waiting for no lunch, waiting for Master to come along."

"Well, let's have lunch then."


The six dishes and two soups were quickly served. Only the master and the apprentice sat down at the stone table to eat together, and the others did not come.

They only have two meals together in the morning and evening~www.readwn.com~ for lunch, one for each.

It is too easy to get tired of eating three meals a day together, and it is restricted.

Leng Feiqiong remained silent, her eyebrows knitted together, and her mind was heavy.

Fa Kong did not urge, and ate his meal leisurely.

When she was about to finish her meal, Leng Feiqiong finally said, "Master knows the details of Xie Daochun, right?"

Fkong smiled: "What's the details?"

PS: The update is complete.


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