Bai Chen came out of the flight attendant’s rest room.

I saw Tong Liya holding the mobile phone in ‘output’, Bai Chen sat next to Tong Liya, and saw the message in the mobile phone at a glance.

Skirt Chat: Favorite Husband (_-)

Tong Liya: Dear sisters, I would like to report to you that someone has just entered the flight attendant’s rest room.

Reba: Shocked face!

Big Honey: ???

Qin Zhuo: Enter the flight attendant’s rest room?!

Da Mimi: No wonder you want to buy an airplane… Are those two flight attendants pretty?

Tong Liya: It’s not bad, black silk with a flight attendant uniform, men probably like it…

Reba: Humph, scumbag!

Liya: I hear someone asking the flight attendant for contact information right now.

Da Mimi: Now please kick someone out.

Reba: Kick him out, will he build a dress with those two flight attendants? Poor JPG.

Qin Zhuo: …

Bai Chen couldn’t help but smile when he saw Reba’s words.

Tong Liya couldn’t help but smile and glance at him coquettishly.

Bai Chen took the banner of the chat.

Bai Chen: Someone thinks the flight attendant uniform looks good, do you want to try it on?

Reba: Hmph, I refuse!

Da Mimi: Never bow down like the ‘evil forces’ 810!

Tong Liya: What’s so good about a flight attendant’s uniform?!

Qin Zhuo: It’s just that it doesn’t look as good as my own professional dress!

These messages were sent out for a while.

Bai Chen’s WeChat message came three private messages in a row.

Reba: “Husband, I can be a flight attendant uniform!” ”

Da Mimi: “Husband, is the flight attendant black dress?” I’ll buy it online right away! ”

Qin Zhuo: “Husband, which airline uniform do you like, my company has it!” ”

Tong Liya couldn’t help but glance at Bai Chen’s news, and was immediately stunned.

In the skirt, one by one, the ‘iron bones’ never bowed their heads, and the private chats all became obedient little sheep…

True, sisters!

Tong Liya was speechless.

Bai Chen looked at Tong Liya on the side, and couldn’t help but smile slightly: “Flight attendant uniform, huh?” ”

Tong Liya said with a backbone: “I don’t wear it”

Bai Chen smiled faintly: “Really don’t wear it?” ”

Tong Liyaqiao’s face was slightly red, she bit the red embroidery lightly, and whispered: “Unless you buy it for me…”

Bai Chen smiled proudly.

Tong Liya couldn’t help covering her face, she was still the same as Da Mimi, she had become a little sheep…

Bai Chen also made a joke, but he didn’t expect his wife to react so warmly.

However, think of Reba, Da Mimi, Tong Li, and the four girls all wearing flight attendant uniforms, isn’t that picture a bubble of beauty?

This can’t help but remind Bai Chen of this year’s National Day captain movie.

Zhang Tianxiao, the flight attendant uniform they wore was also pleasing to the eye.

This movie is not bad, a very movie.

It’s just that the National Day file was occupied by “Rejuvenation”, and the box office was as high as the middle.

For this reason, Zhang Tianxiao also asked Bai Chen to invite her to dinner!

It’s just that Bai Chen was busy taking care of his wife Mengwa at that time, and where he could take care of inviting her to dinner, he just said that he would invite her next time.

Zhang Tianxiao also sent Bai Chen a photo of her flight attendant’s uniform at that time.

Because Zhang Tianxiao exercises regularly, his figure is getting better and better, and his body curve is getting more and more beautiful…

Bai Chen was holding his mobile phone and was about to reply to Da Mimi.

At this time, Xiao Xixi’s cry sounded!

The little one is awake!

Bai Chen got up and walked to the crib.

At this time, two flight attendants also came out of the rest room to help take care of the little one.

However, with Tong Liya here, they are not needed.

After the little one drank the milk, he quickly quieted down…

After more than three hours.

The plane successfully arrived at the airport in Yining.

Bai Chen and Tong Liya took Xiao Xixi and drove from the airport to Tong Liya’s house in a prearranged nanny car.

Tong Liya comes from a family of music rhythms.

Her father was a secondary music teacher and her mother was an associate professor in the university’s vocal department.

Bai Chen and Tong Liya returned to their house.

At this time (bibb), her father is still at school, her mother is at home on holiday today, and when she learns that her daughter is going to bring her son-in-law and granddaughter back, she is also nervous as a mother, of course, more expectation!

When Tong’s mother saw Tong Liya holding Xiaoxi back home, her mood was indescribable.

Looking at the cute little Xixi carved in pink jade, Mother Tong couldn’t help but smile kindly.

“Mom, where’s Dad?” Tong Liya asked.

“He’s still in school.” Tong’s mother wears glasses, and although she has wrinkles, she can still see from her facial features that she should be beautiful when she was young.

When Mother Tong answered, her eyes stopped on Bai Chen.

This future son-in-law, Bai Chen!

I arched my own cabbage, and cooked raw rice into cooked rice.

Although, when Tong Liya was pregnant, she told them that she was with Bai Chen.

But I hadn’t met before.

This time, it was the first time we met, and curiosity was natural.

“Mom, this is Bai Chen…” Tong Liya introduced to Tong’s mother with a little blush.

“Mom, hello, I’m sorry to come to see you so late.” Bai Chen put himself directly in the position of son-in-law at this time, skipping the link of calling an aunt.

After all, ‘abducting’ a daughter who has been raised by others for more than 20 years, this attitude towards the elders is naturally respectful.

“It’s okay, I also know that you are busy, I watched the movie you made with Yaya, it’s quite good.” Mother Tong replied knowingly.

Mother Tong’s attitude was obviously satisfied with Bai Chen.

After all, the granddaughter has it, and besides, Bai Chen and Tong Liya are quite compatible in every aspect!

As an associate professor of vocal music at university, Tong’s mother still knows a lot of entertainment news.

Bai Chen’s status in the entertainment industry now is extraordinary.

“Yaya, Bai Chen, what do you want to eat, I’ll prepare it.” Mother Tong looked at the little two and asked.

“Mom, whatever.” Tong Liya smiled back.

Tong Liya was originally worried about her mother’s attitude towards Bai Chen, but now it seems that she is worried about herself.

Especially when it comes to cooking in the evening.

Bai Chen went to the kitchen to help, and Xiao Lu gave a hand, but he surprised Tong’s mother.

This mother-in-law’s favorability for her son-in-law skyrocketed instantly.

Men who can cook, here for women, too many pluses!

Mother Tong’s senses for Bai Chen are standard mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more pleasing it is!

And Tong Liya’s father is also a real person, in addition to asking about the situation in Bai Chen’s family at the beginning, he also told the little two to get along well and tolerate each other.

In general, the friendliness of Tong’s father and mother was more than Bai Chen and Tong Liya expected.

The little two hugged each other in the room.

Tong Liya whispered: “Husband~ I feel that my parents have long been looking forward to marrying me off…”

Bai Chen smiled and said, “Is it? ”

Tong Liya turned her face at Bai Chen and looked at him dissatisfied: “My parents are not difficult for you at all, and you have passed this level too easily, right?” ”

Bai Chen: “…”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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